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Fill in with will or be going to:

A: I've lost my keys.

B: I 'll help you look for them.

A: Watch out! You ______________________ knock the vase over!

B: Oh! I didn't see it.

A: This ice-cream is delicious.

B: Don't eat any more. You ____________________ be sick.

A: Here's the waiter! Would you like a drink?

B: Yes, please. I _____________________ have a glass of water.

A: I'll park the car here.

B: Be careful, you ________________________ hit the wall!

A: ______________________ you have a biscuit with your tea?

B: No, thank you. I'm on a diet.

A: Have you decided what to wear tonight?

B: Yes, I ______________________wear my black velvet dress.

A: Have you seen John today?

B: No, but I ________________________ visit him this afternoon.

Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future(will).

Will you be able (you / be able) to go skiing with us next weekend?

Pete: No, I ________________________(be) in London then.


Really? Why ____________________________(you / go) there?

Pete: There's a very important meeting, and after I _________________________(attend) that I __________
_________________(visit) a friend in Sussex.

Before you _______________________(leave), ___________________________(you / give) me a ring?

There are a few things I'd like you to buy while you __________________________(be) there.

Pete: Yes, of course. I ___________________________(ring) you on Friday.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous.

By 7pm they

will have been playing (play) computer games for eight hours.

I ________________________________(finish) painting your room by the time you get home.

By the end of next month ______________________________(live) in London for exactly three years.

Tom __________________________________(write) his third book by the end of this year.

By the time he arrives in London, John _________________________________(drive) for five hours.

This film _____________________________________________(probably / not / finish) until midnight.

How long _________________________________________(you / study) English by the end of this term?

Don't worry! You ___________________________________(forget) about it by this time next year.

By Friday I _______________________________________(work) on this project for two weeks.


Hopefully, he ______________________________________(cook) dinner by the time we get home.


I _______________________________(read) this book by tomorrow night.


He hopes he ______________________________(make) a million dollars by the time he is thirty.


By 5 o'clock I ___________________________________(do) this crossword for three hours.

Complete the dialogue using the correct future forms.



are you doing (do) tonight?


I ________________________(try) to finish my homework because I ______________________(go) to

my cousin's wedding on Saturday and I _____________________________(not / be able) to do it then.


What time _________________ the wedding ______________________(start) on Saturday?


The ceremony ________________________(begin) at 2 o'clock, then I _________________________(go)

to the party in the evening.


___________________ any of your friends ___________________(be) there?


Well, my cousin says I can bring a friend. ___________________________(you / do) anything on

Saturday night?


No, but I ___________________________(feel) shy if I don't know anyone.


Never mind. It _________________________(be) a big party and I'm sure you _____________________
(have) a great time.


OK, then. Thanks very much.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Debbie,
Since you want to know what I 'm doing (do) next week, I thought I'd write and let you know. It
_____________________(be) a very busy week. On Monday I _________________________(go) to York. I
___________________________(probably / be) there for three days, and by Wednesday I _________________
_____________________(meet) every important artist in the town. If everything goes well, I _______________
____________________(go) to Newcastle on Thursday morning. There I __________________________(meet)
the chairman of the Arts Council. Then on Friday and Saturday I ____________________________(visit)
several small towns in the area to see what their galleries are like. By Sunday I ___________________________
__________________(travel) for days and I imagine I _____________________________(be)very tired, so it
looks like I ______________________________________(not / come) to your party on Sunday night. Sorry!
I hope you ____________________________(invite) me to the next one. Give my love to Mike.

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