Consumer Behaviour Influence by Social Media Promotions

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Consumer behaviour influence by social media promotions

The objective of this questionnaire is to understand the psyche of the new age Indian consumer with respect to the social media Branding and promotion exercise undertaken by the consumer brands. * Required Name Which age group do you belong to? * 15-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 35 + Gender * Male Female Which of the following social media web-sites do you subscribe to? Facebook Orkut Linkedin Bharatstudent MySpace Twitter Youtube How much time per day do you approximately spend on social media sites? * less than 1 hour 1hr to 2hours 2 hours to 3 hours more than 3 hours Do you research for product feedback in social media before purchase decision? * 1=never,2=rarely,3=sometimes,4=often,5=always

Select a value from a range of 1 to 5.

How often do you do online shopping in a week? * NA 1-2 times 3-4 times

5-6 times everyday Do you think the social media product informations are trustworthy? * Have you ever had a bad experience after buying a product after online research?

1 Absolutely trustworthy
Select a value from a range of 1,Absolutely trustworthy , to 5, Fa ke marketing gimmiks,.

5 Fake marketing gimmiks

Do you like or follow social media pages of business firms you like? * eg: Samsung electronics or Van Huesen Yes Sometimes No Do you think you should get offers and discounts at the social media fan pages? * eg:early bird discount or 1st launch discount

1 strongly positive
Select a value from a range of 1,strongly positive, to 5,s trongly negetive,.

5 strongly negetive

Have you come to know of any brand ,that you were unaware of, through social media? * Yes No Do you check back on a product, that your friend likes or follows?

1 always
Select a value from a range of 1,alway s, to 5,never,.

5 never

If you own a business would you consider social media as a promotion tool for your business? *

1 For Sure
Select a value from a range of 1,For Sure, to 5,No t at all,.

5 Not at all

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