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Course time table

March 1st 2013 10.00 16.00 10 oclock informal chat and coffee get to know everyone. 10.15 -10.45

Discuss objectives
Social gathering Support group Work party to help each other Seed saving and swapping Bulk buying of seeds/fruit bushes/etc Swapping of excess fruit/veg Individual garden projects

11.00 -12.30 11.00 Meditation 15mins

Land connection Connecting to the soul of your land

Meditation Connection through all your senses Placing you DNA into your soil and plants The ringing Cedar books Following the natural rhythm of the earths cycles through Biodynamics Planting calendar Be kind to your plants they react to loving thoughts

Permaculture 11.30 12.30 discuss how to set up system 12.30-13.30 lunch

Reusing things we already have/being creative and reinventing/ have fun thinking up new ideas/use colour make it beautiful Sourcing free stuff, other peoples rubbish Skills What skill sets do have between us that would benefit the group

Interconnection creating a mini eco system

Raised beds Waste height to allow for easy access/but not to high so that the plants can be reached easily Mobile to allow the beds to be moved around for sun or moved to another location entirely Division in middle and back of raised bed with trellis for climbers Space underneath raised bed for carrier bag planting Placing raised beds away from wall/fence to allow growth of other plants

Rainwater harvesting

Utilizing existing water butt joining to the gutter from garage roof and use old hose pipe as an irrigation system in to the raised beds. Raising water butt as high as possible to use gravity to feed water in to raised beds Utilizing the suns rays by placing old double glazed units over the top of raised beds. Magnetised water is good for you and the plants

Extending growing areas

Utilizing trellis on garage wall and fence panel for climbing foods possible fruit bushes Utilise hanging baskets pots to grow tomatoes/strawberries Herb wall utilize old plastic pockets

Ground nutrients
Worm Palace Set up a worm palace to recycle waste products in to liquid fertilizer see instructions Liquid nettles/Comfrey Soak nettles or comfrey in an old bin or bucket and drain of liquid nitrogen for feeding plants

Compost heap Set up an 18 day compost heap see instructions

Companion planting to control pests naturally see instructions Food forest guild planting Buy natural seeds (not F1 hybrids or genetically modified ) these can be harvested and reused at the end of the growing season

13.00- 14.30 Position raised beds Place compost in raised beds Place dustbins for nettle/comfrey tea Explain how to build a worm palace Explain how to build 18 day compost

15.00-16.00 Discuss what we want to grow Do we want to buy in bulk

Peta Jane Kath David Barbara Sarah Sue Liz Edward

What we discussed Ideas what we could do on our individual gardens What resources that we already have that we can utilize How we can utilize the space Building an 18 day compost Combining the seeds we already have Building a mini forest garden plant round : plum tree raspberries blackcurrants ground cover strawberries runner beans

What we learned
How to make raised beds Placement of raised beds best use of area placed away from walls to allow easy access to climbers About compost (spent mushroom) cheep Mulch wet newspaper straw/ keeps in moisture and keeps out weeds Seaweed from beach Add worm juice/nettle/comfrey tea Put compost in hole for plant only plant in toilet roll holders Rainwater harvesting how to set up an irrigation system into the raised beds Set dates to go round each garden

What will grow in the garden

Growing passion flower cuttings for every one Kiwi fruit male/female Grow pumpkins up garage wall (Japanese) Herb bags on wall Marigolds/nasturtions

What we want to grow

Onion /spring onions Garlic Leeks Cauliflower Sprouting broccoli Spinach Potatoes Courgettes Cucumbers Everlasting salad leaves Dandelion leaves Artichokes Beetroot Sprouts Tomatoes

Blackberries Redcurrants Raspberries Strawberries Rhubarb Passion flower Kiwi fruit Apples Plums

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