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Basic Physiology of Stress In order to understand the effects of stress, we must first understand the role of the Autonomic

Nervous System, which has two branches: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. When we are in a stressful or threatening situation, our sympathetic nervous system becomes activated, meaning our brain goes into fight, flight or freeze response. This stress response initiates a series of actions, such as increased heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure and a flooding of hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol. However, our bodies are built to adapt and rebalance with the help of the parasympathetic nervous system, which decreases our heart rate and relaxes the blood vessels. While these two branches of the nervous system are built to maintain balance, many of us are living with chronic stress, meaning our sympathetic nervous system remains activated and on guard. Living in a heightened state of stress, whether its due to work, school, relationships or other circumstances, can

have detrimental and long-term effects on the bodys health and immune system.

Long-Term Effects (include but not limited to) 1. Heart problems 2. High blood-pressure 3. Weakened immune system- more susceptible to infection, slower recovery rate and exacerbation of pre-existing illnesses. 4. Skin problems 5. Pain- prolonged stress can increase muscle tension, which increases neck and back pain, headaches and more. Responding to Stress 1. Recognize stress Due to our fast-paced lives, demanding work, and multi-tasking made easy technology, we often dont realize when stress sneaks up on us. The first and most important part of responding to stress is learning to recognize when you are stressed before it gets out of control.

Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms Cognitive Symptoms


Memory problems Inability to concentrate Poor judgment Seeing only the negative

Symptoms Moodiness Irritability or short temper Agitation, inability to relax Feeling overwhelmed Sense of loneliness and isolation

Anxious or racing thoughts

Constant worrying

Depression or general unhappiness

Physical Symptoms


Aches and pains Diarrhea or constipation

Symptoms Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little

Nausea, dizziness

Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms Chest pain, rapid Isolating yourself heartbeat

from others

Loss of sex drive Frequent colds

Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax

Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing) (Symptoms may be caused by other medical & psychological concerns. Consult a physician and/or psychotherapist if problems persist). 2. Know Your Limits It is important to honor your own red flags of becoming stressed by knowing your limits. When we are in a heightened state of stress and overload our

plates, daily tasks can become a juggling act and interactions with others may become strained. Honoring your own productivity, sanity and body may consist of learning to say no, asking for help, delegating, etc. 3. Control the Controllable: Your Response I often collaborate with my clients in creating an individual stress management plan, which is comprised of tools they can use in the short and long-term to reduce their stress symptoms. Each of us has varying stressors, interests and personalities and therefore responds differently to certain methods. Below is a list of possible tools to add to your toolbox. Social support- Talk with friends, co-workers, family & community members. The power of social support is not only in sharing, venting and commiserating,

but also in laughter, which has been shown to lower

stress. Positive self- talk: The way we communicate with ourselves can help us manage in tough times. Positive self-talk helps us develop an inner dialogue that can help lower our stress level by talking ourselves down, so to speak, rather than spiraling into anxious or worrying thoughts. When we get

wrapped up in what ifs and become all doom and gloom, we perpetuate our stress and further decrease efficiency and focus. Mindfulness & Meditation- Research studies have demonstrated that mindfulness can help us reduce stress and be more productive in the workplace. Such studies also point to the efficacy of mindfulness for a number of physical and mental problems, including chronic pain, skin conditions, cancer treatment, immunity, depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar, panic disorders, personality disorders, and other stress related disorders. It is no wonder that corporations, like Google, Apple & Yahoo have begun bringing mindfulness training in the workplace. Other de-stressing activities include journaling, yoga, listening to music, going for a walk, art/drawing, exercise, or reading a book. Denizs tip: While we dont always have time to fit in a full gym workout or even a 5-10 minute meditation, try to avoid an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to your tools. Even small doses can be effective.

The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. ~Chinese proverb.

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