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MAY 2013
Dear Members and Friends,


Question: What are the seven last words of The Church? Answer: We never did it that way before! th April 12 13 pastors and lay people of the Penn North East Conference (PNEC) UCC listened to presentations by Rev. Cameron Trimble of the Center for Progressive Renewal describing why first time visitors/guests to a church do not choose to return. To illustrate behavior common in our churches Cameron showed an amusing video clip, What if Starbucks marketed itself the way the church does? A young couple encounters numerous road blocks as they try to find a Starbucks, park, choose an unlocked door, enter and buy a cup of coffee. They vow never to return. Most churches do not make welcoming guests their number one priority, Cameron told PNEC delegates. But Jesus welcomed everybody. To churches that want to continue doing things the same old way, Cameron asked the question, So how is that working out for you? Are there more and more people attending worship? Do people who come to visit your church return and become regular worshipers? Do you have lots of young people in worship? At question time it was pretty obvious that most delegates observed that doing things the same old way was not attracting new people. Luckily for Longswamp UCC a group of leaders (Dylan, Barbara, Tina, Jayne & Ellie) attended training sessions given by the Berks Reading Conference of Churches on how to make guests feel welcome. We have already started to implement some of their ideas, and more changes are coming. Also Bill and Bev Thomas attended PNEC Annual Meeting and can tell you more about the suggestions given by Rev. Trimble. At Longswamp UCC we are truly blessed to receive visitors on a regular basis. Rev. Trimble says, we must give them a reason to come back. Lets work together for a new future.

Grace & Peace

Pastor Kathy

May Worship Calendar

Date Sunday May 5 Thursday May 9 Sunday May 12 Sunday May 19 Time 10:15 am 7 pm 10:15 am Community Service at Lutheran Home Henry Auditorium Mothers Day Confirmation Field Trip to Huffs Church Ascension Day Holy Communion Blessing Prayer Shawls

10:15 am

Holy Communion Rite of Confirmation Reception of New Members Strengthen Church Mission Offering Trinity Sunday

Pentecost the Birthday of The Church FAITH WORLD Christian Education Experience for Children Memorial Sunday

Sunday May 26 June 2

10:15 am

9 am

Start of Summer Worship Time Recognition of Graduates

Note from Rev. Jeremiah Sassaman: There was a total collection (from the Community Lenten Services) of $1135.50 sent to Cambodia for wells. I will send pictures when the well(s) are complete. Can take up to a year to dedicate, but are often dug within the month. I will keep you informed. Peace.


The confirmation class thanks everyone who helped and contributed to raising funds for our annual Heifer International Project, and the Brandywine Food Pantry throughout January and February 2013. Also, to Tyler and his family for donating their Fresh Farm Eggs funds to the Heifer Project. The Confirmands filled an Ark with 1 Pig, 2 Ducks, 2 Rabbits, 2 Chicks, 2 Llamas, 2 Sheep, and Bees by raising $520.00 for Heifer. After this goal was met, the $197.35 in additional funds (including the Super Bowl Offering) was given to our local Brandywine Food Pantry. A job very well done by our Confirmands and LUCC Thank you! ALL GLOBAL GATEWAY CAMPERS: SUNDAY, MAY 5th - MANDATORY FIELD-TRIP TO HUFF'S CHURCH AGENDA: 9:00AM - 9:30AM - meet at LUCC to fill out required forms for trip to Shepherd Springs, MD 10:00AM - Arrive at Huff's Church for tour 10:30AM - Attend worship service at Huff's Church with other campers 11:30AM - 1:00PM - BRING A PACKED LUNCH Get to know other campers Review basic procedures and policies for overnight trip Learn more about Global Gateway Trip GLOBAL GATEWAY: HOAGIE SHOUT- OUT! A big THANK YOU goes to Jennifer Loch for organizing the hoagie sale as a fundraiser for the overnight trip! In addition, a huge THANK YOU goes out to those that bought and sold hoagies even though they aren't going on the trip. Many of our campers earned credit to their camp account by selling hoagies; some as much 3/4 the amount due! Way to go everyone!

The Rite of Confirmation will be celebrated once again wherein we will receive the member of this years class into the full rights and privileges of the church: She is: Allison Isamoyer We encourage all members and friends to make a special effort to attend worship in support of this important event in their lives, and remain for a time of fellowship and refreshment in their honor following the service. Along with Confirmation we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Rite of Confirmation:

Heating Oil Offering Your help is needed!

The church budget for 2013 projects heating oil expense of $23,463. Any additional financial assistance that church members could provide to help defray this large expense would be greatly appreciated. You may put your offering for heating oil in an envelope marked Heating Oil. Envelopes designated for heating oil are also provided for your convenience in the sanctuary pews. You may put the envelopes in the offering baskets on Sunday, return them by mail or drop them off at the church office at your convenience. Thank you!


Do you hear the spring peepers? They are a sign that spring has arrivedthat there is rebirth all around us. Likewise, do you see the changes in our church? Do you feel a difference when you step inside? That is a sign that spring has arrived here at our church, as wellthat there is rebirth in Longswamp United Church of Christ. The signs are all around us, and your Consistory is hard at work to move us forward. With Consistorys urging (thank you, Tina Cirafesi!), small projects are being planned around our campus to make it more inviting, and more welcoming. The bell room, or South Entrance to the Sanctuary and Christian Ed building, has just had a mini-facelift! Its amazing what a lot of spackle (thank you, Jill Weaknecht!), some paint, curtains, ingenuity and elbow grease can do!! When people come to visit us for the first time or for the first time in a long while, we want what they see to reflect WHO WE AREcaring, loving, accepting, and nurturing. Information about our pro grams and what we believe as a UCC church need to be prominently displayed. Just as in life, we BECOME what we THINK. Other ideas are already circulating about some other projects that members might like to try around the church campus to make us attractive and more inviting. Consider asking any member of Consistory about ways that you could help. A big thank you to Dennis Reppert for installing overhead lighting in the meeting room at the parsonage! Also, we wish to extend a warm thank you to Don Siegfried for the installation of a new ceiling light fixture in the Bell Room! We appreciate your time and talent, and we enjoyed our well-lit Consistory meeting in April! Please remember that ALL of us have been given unique and powerful giftsconsider using your love of painting, organizing, cleaning, maintenance, electrical knowledge, knitting etc. to give of your time and talent to any number of projects that could be done here at LUCC. Finally, as we progress with our 3 Key Areas of focus from 2012 (Children/ Youth & Families, Stewardship, & Congregational Care & Nurturing) and our mission of Supporting the Community: Physically and Spiritually, we have made church safety a priority. Tina Cirafesi has recently spearheaded an effort to get legal forms and background checks incorporated into our daily workings with children and youth. These new forms will be used for the first time with parents and chaperones of our Global Gateway experience planned for this coming September. We thank Tina for her tireless efforts and multiple form revisions, to protect our most precious resource, our children. Yes, spring is finally herelets embrace it and help to show that rebirth within our church has arrived, as well. We have new ideas, new programs, new paint, and a renewed commitment to being a welcoming, growing church. Wont you join us? In Christ, Kim Jenkins 2013 Consistory President

Seeking: The Events Committee is looking for members willing to help with or organize some
upcoming events. Please contact Tina Cirafesi, or 610-682-6629 to get involved with one of these activities or give of your expertise. Without you, some of them will not happen!! Please feel free to ask questions to gather more details or make suggestions of things that you would like to see happen. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Potluck Fellowship luncheon on May 19th Mini-makeovers of small places with big impact in our church and Christian Education Building Soup sale & soup for shut-ins Person with some carpentry skills Person with a green thumb Goofy Golf Tournament January 2014 Game night

Postcard Ministry: Postcards will be available every week in church --special displays on one or two windowsills on either side of the sanctuary. We want children, youth, newcomers, and members to know that we love them and miss them when they aren't here. We have no formal outreach to do this except that which is done by the Pastor for the sick and shut-ins on an as needed basis. Anyone in the congregation can personalize a postcard to someone that is absent that day or to a person that they see in the bulletin for illness, birthday or anniversary. Write a personal note on an appropriate postcard. Sign your name or "Your Friends at Longswamp" and include the recipients full name then place in offering plate. If you do not know the person's full name a directory will be available on the bulletin board by Pastor's office or talk to someone in the know. The postcard ministers will pick up the postcards each week after Sunday worship service to address and mail that week.


Here is the final part of the survey results collected in December, from the Congregational Survey. Please recall that the results regarding the overall campus priorities ad sanctuary were published in the February Newsletter, the Christian Education/ Fegely Hall results were included in the March Newsletter, and the Parsonage results were in last months Newsletter. Thank you, again, for your interest in the survey and for making your voice heard. Consistory and Property Committee are incorporating your vision into the decision-making process as we move forward with our Ministry & Mission of Serving the Community: Physically and Spiritually. BARN 49% of respondents chose Option B (tear down and replace structure) as their first choice 27% of respondents chose Option A (basic repairs and maintenance for secure storage) 24% of respondents chose Option C (complete renovation) Note, that although nearly half of respondents chose Option B (tear down and replace) as their first choice, the other half are in favor of maintaining or renovating, so the Consistory and Property Committee have to keep that in mind as we move forward with our Ministry & Missions vision for the next 5-10 years. always mindful of the cost to benefit ratio and the wisest use of the Walbert Building Funds. Comments regarding the barn: For repair/renovation * One-of-a-kind, Restore to former glory. * Preserve historical structures. * Always ask, What would Althea want with the use of her hard -earned money ? * It might not cost as much as you think to repair and have adequate, secure storage. * Dont discount the idea of repairs until a thorough cost analysis is made. For tear down/replace structure* What is the vision, as it relates to our Mission & Ministry, for the use of this structure if extensive repairs are made? * How will we continue to maintain all of these buildings, with continual, decreased giving? * Sell materials from the existing structure to help offset the cost of a new one. * Most cost-effective option. * Resources are needed elsewhere. * We have a pole barn on our property, and it is attractive, sturdy, and secure! Next monthyour greatest concerns for the use of the Walbert Funds.


Have You Remembered the Church In Your Estate Planning??


Ann Mabry Miller

CHOIR REHEARSALS There will be choir rehearsals on only 3 Thursdays in May. No choir rehearsals will be held on the first and last Thursdays in May. There will be no rehearsals on the loft on Thursday, May 2nd (Ann's Open House at school) and on Thursday, May 30th (1st day of Summer Vacation for the Loft Choir!). Rehearsals begin at 7:30 and continue until 8:45. Join us on the loft for our last 3 rehearsals before summer! NEXT SCHEDULED SUNDAY TO SING May 5th (Praise Music Sunday) May 12th (Mother's Day) May 19th (Faith World Sunday - early in service) May 26th (Memorial Day Sunday/Last Loft Choir Sunday) DO YOU KNOW YOUR HYMNS ? - The Contractor's Hymn - "The Church's One Foundation" THANK YOU - THANK YOU TO OUR LOFT CHOIR for faithful singing from September through May! We appreciate your time and your service to God! THANK YOU to the congregation for singing our praise music! Sing it with feeling and enthusiasm! THANK YOU to the Handbell Choir for your melodious music in April! THANK YOU to the spring peeper frogs for your daily concerts at dusk! COMING IN JUNE.......Music for summer!


(from 9-10am on Sundays) We will be examining the book titled: 'The Jesus I Never Knew' by Philip Yancey in which he offers his perspective on the life of Christ and his work- his teaching, his miracles, his death and resurrection-and ultimately, who he was and why he came. Philip Lancey challenges us to think about this man as the Bible presents him- brilliant, creative, challenging, fearless, compassionate, unpredictable, and ultimately satisfying. You will discover the Jesus you never knew.

BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS: The church mouse has been confused while roaming around the
church campus at night. Things are not looking quite the same as they have the last 10 years or so. Colors are changing, furniture is moving, and information is in new locations! He is now aware that these changes are the 'first stage' as grander plans are put in place! So if you, like the church mouse have noticed the happenings, please let someone know what you like or if there is something that you are missing. Or be politely curious and ask why it is being done that way. Many heads and ideas have gone into the decision making and there is a reason for the choices that were made. All suggestions can be taken into consideration when 'the second stage' begins. It helps with all of the decision making. Remember to take some time to experience the changes before deciding if it works or not and know that if we don't make some mistakes from time to time, it means that we aren't trying anything new, fun or innovative. And most of all, be gentle of spirit when speaking about the changes, as your church family is working hard to make positive things happen and needs your encouragement! Graduate Recognition: We ask the assistance the cooperation of members and families in getting the names of this years graduates to us in order that we do not miss anyone. Graduate Recognition will take place on Sunday, June 2nd at 9:00am. We need to receive the names of all, their schools, and phone numbers. All other information such as degrees received, future plans, and any special recognition is also helpful. Genealogical Help: Ellie Long has graciously offered to handle any genealogical inquiries. Please contact Ellie at

Scholarship Money Available: The Endowment Fund of Longswamp UCC is happy to announce that scholarship monies are available for members of Longswamp who are attending accredited college, seminary, nursing or medical school: for church related camping or leadership conferences; or other such training which enables members of this congregation to grow in Christian faith and service to Gods people. Applications may be picked up at the church office and are due no later than September 1, 2013.

Holy Communion: The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated

on Sunday, May 19th with the Rite of Confirmation. If you or a family member wish to receive private Holy Communion please notify the Pastor.

Faith World is a Christian Education experience for children aged 3 12 years. It is offered on a Sunday when Holy Communion is served, and children are dismissed to Faith World following the Childrens Sermon. Join us on May 19th for Faith World. Your 2013 Church Envelopes are available to be picked up. Please notify the church office if you wish to have your envelopes mailed to you. If you would like a home visit from the Pastor and/or Elders please let us know. LONGSWAMP UCC WEB PRESENCE: Church website: Church Facebook page: If you have a Facebook profile, search for Longswamp UCC and feel free to join the group. Contact Ellie Long at or Andrew Thomas at UPPER ROOM DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE: These books are available in the church Narthex for a $1 contribution. Large Print is also available.

The 2013 Altar Flower and Bulletin Sponsor Charts are hung up on the bulletin board on the left side when exiting the sanctuary.

Absolute Deadline for Newsletter Articles for the June issue are due in the Church Office by Tuesday, May 14th! We appreciate them being sent to us by email or in typed format. Thank you!

LOAVES & FISHES Free Fellowship & Picnic: Tuesday, May 21st from 5:30-7:30pm at Topton Park Pavilion. All are Welcome! Desserts are greatly appreciated.

ASCENSION DAY SERVICE: The area pastors and churches invite all members to attend an Ascension Day evening service on Thursday, May 9th. The service will be held at the Henry Auditorium on the campus of The Lutheran Home at Topton at 7:00pm. We will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion in this evening together.

Currently, the pantry is serving 46 area families. Thanks to your generous donations, it has been possible to meet the growing demand. Below are items that the pantry is in need of: Pancake syrup, Assorted canned meats (ham, chicken, turkey, spam), Noodles (orzo, lasagna, fusilli, rotini), Pasta sauce, Tomato paste, Stewed tomato, Progresso soups, Campbells select soups, Tomato puree, Ketchup, Mustard, Paper products, Assorted crackers, Cream corn, Asparagus, Spinach, Red beets, Beans (navy, butter, wax), Potatoes (canned, box), Pasta rotini, Beefaroni, Mini ravioli, Salad dressing, Cake mix, Applesauce, Canned cherries, Sliced pears, Canned apricots, Apple juice, Cat food, Dog food, Snacks (popcorn, cookies, pretzels). Clean plastic grocery bags are needed to pack the groceries. The pantry staff thanks you for your support. Marie (Brandywine Food Pantry Administrator) On Friday, May 10th the Spring Concert will be held for Senior Citizens and Brandywine Heights Staff, and begins at 2:30pm. Tickets are not required for this event and admission is free of charge. Refreshments will follow in the High School cafeteria. The Saturday, May 11th concert is for the general public, and begins at 3pm. All tickets are reserved seats and can be prepurchased for $3 per ticket. Tickets purchased the day of the concert are $4 per ticket. Please call 610-682-5102 x2529 for additional information.

Brandywine Heights High School Spring Concert:

Letters of Thanks
To the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you so much for the beautiful dark pink and purple prayer shawl. It has given me warmth and comfort during my recovery. I am doing 100% better. Thank you everyone for the prayers and well wishes. Bonnie Lesher Dear Friends in Christ, This note is to thank you for the beautiful prayer shawl you made that Tina Cirafesi dropped off to me. Your ministry is a wonderful thing and I am humbled by all the love from Christian friends. I am still in rehab but hope to return home in the near future. Thank you so much. In Christs love, Dody Perrin Greetings to all involved in Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer shawl. This ministry that you do is so thoughtful and such a blessing for those that receive a shawl. Our family has been in such a stressful state since our son, just a few weeks shy of his 33rd birthday, took his life. Ramona Romanik has been a very dear and special friend of mine for over 50 years. Even tho we live many miles apart, and never get to see each other, our bond of friendship holds us close in our hearts. Im enclosing something to help you buy more thread to continue making prayer shawls. May God Bless all of you. With Christian Love, Joy Lindsey. National Day of Prayer Service: May 2, 2013 at Fleetwood Park from 7-8AM. We will be praying for members of our local, state, and national governments; local fire departments and rescue squads; and our police departments. We have invited representatives of these various agencies from Blandon to Rockland Township. Please come out as we bathe our community in prayer. This event is being sponsored by churches in the Fleetwood Ministerium. So Much at Stake by Martin B. Copenhaver "How good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!" Excerpt from Psalm 133 The church, like the family, is that rare place where we get a chance to practice living with people we did not choose. And when we love the ones we are stuck with, it is a sign and a witness to the love of God, who is stuck with us all. Prayer -- O Risen Christ, help me to manifest the promise of Easter - the triumph of love against all odds - in my small, everyday interactions with those around me. Amen.

Assisting In Our Worship...

*Communion Sunday & Rite of Confirmation

May 5 Don Siegfried *May 19 Fran Zettlemoyer May 12 Tina Cirafesi May 26 Dylan Weaknecht

May 5 Don & Jayne Siegfried *May 19 Cindy Conrad & Sue McElrea May 5 Charlene Rachor & Jill Shade *May 19 Jennifer Kressley & Jennifer Loch May 5 Available *May 19 Potluck Fellowship Luncheon May 12 Helen Bower May 26 Shirley Solt May 12 Joyce Isamoyer & Volunteer May 26 Kim & Garrett Jenkins May 12 Available May 26 Available




If anyone is interested in donating food, beverages, or financial donation for fellowship on a specific Sunday, but not wanting to host it, please call the church office or talk to the Pastor. Also, anyone hosting fellowship or after church activities, please make sure that the church or Christian Ed building is locked, windows are closed, and lights turned off before leaving. Thank you.

May Amy Riovo & Jennifer Kressley

May 5 None needed *May 19 Trevor Leamer May 5 Available *May 19 Harold Dankel May 12 Allison Isamoyer May 26 Garrett Jenkins May 12 Helen Bower & Family (flowers) Available (bulletins) May 26 In Memory of Althea


Cost: Altar Flowers: $35.00 + Bulletins: $10.00 = $45.00

May 5 Kyle Koller *May 19 Judy Koller

May 12 Jonathan Weidman May 26 Dylan Weaknecht

We are still in need of fellowship hosts for May 5th, 12th, & 26th. Please contact Barbara Weaknecht by phone (610-682-2406) if youre willing to greet or host fellowship on any of the above listed dates. Your dedication to serving as greeters and/or hosting fellowship is greatly appreciated. Thank you for serving your church in this way!

Please remember to contact Dawn in the church office in advance to inform us of your change of address to help save us additional postage cost. Each time a piece of mail is returned to the church, we have to pay the corrected address and return of that mail.

[As of newsletter preparation time] Active Military Members: PFC Michael Xiques Recuperating: Charlie Lantz, Jean Althouse, Bonnie Lesher, Susan Kutz, Edwin Solt Long-term Needs: Amy Roth, Alayna Biltcliff, Olivia Radcliffe, Niki Ferrizzi, Hope Distasio, Rev. William Thomas, Mark Grim, JoAnn Jones, Kathy Hollopeter May Prayer Needs: Dominic Derr, Kevin Spatz & Family [house fire], Lorraine Schnell, Rev. Sterling Schnell [hip surgery then other health complications arose currently in rehab at Reading Hospital], JP Gannons Family [Karen Friedlys brother who died], Jean Szoke, Kennedy Stevenson, Rev. Willis Heckler Shut-ins: Mary Conrad [Kutztown Manor], Ruth Hertzog & Corinne Reppert [Lutheran Home, Topton], Jean Rhode & Ruth Romig [Lewisburg, PA], Webster Heffner [Carlisle, PA], Helen Schuler [Oakhurst, NJ], Anna Delong, Caroline Delong, Catherine Miller, Anna Reppert, & Doris Weller [at home] [Please give the Pastor a note with any special prayer needs]

Members and Friends Prayer List:

Hospital ID Number:
Our hospital identification number for Lehigh Valley Area Hospitals is #451 and for Reading Hospital use Longswamp UCC. Please use our name or number when entering the hospital. Also, make sure that a family member or friend contacts the church office to let us know when you are hospitalized.

SAVE THOSE REGISTER TAPES! (Very easy way to assist your church) If you shop at Radcliffes market, Be sure to drop off your receipts in the vestibule (papered box marked Radcliffe). If you shop at Redners, you need to obtain a Save a Tape Card from the store and use it every time you shop, then simply collect your receipts and deposit them in the designated box found in the side vestibule (papered box marked Redners).

For Your Information

Nursery Care is available if parents/grandparents think a child cannot sit through the whole of worship. Children are dismissed to Nursery Care after the Childrens Sermon. There are BUSY BOXES available for use by the young and the restless located in the bookcase in the narthex. Please replace them after the worship service. WIRELESS HEARING DEVICES are available upon request from the Greeters. Always sign PEW PADS when in attendance & ESPECIALLY when you have communed Please use OFFERING ENVELOPES OR put offering envelope number on check

May 1 - Coralie Eck May 2 - Annabelle Weller, Jean Oswald, Suzette Ward May 7 LeRoy Kunkle, Michael Romanik, Haley Hauser May 9 - Fred Dankel, Jennifer Loch May 10 - Alexander Jenkins May 11 - Caroline Delong May 13 Tyler Reed May 14 - Scott Dierolf May 15 - Raymond Conrad, Jr., Kayla Freudig May 16 - Ruth Romig May 17 - Candace Tornetta May 19 - Brian Isamoyer, Timothy Masenheimer May 20 - Denise Dorwart, Lorraine Schnell May 22 - Barbara Weller May 24 - Mary Conrad May 25 - Evan Weymouth, Zachary Rachor May 26 - Trevor Leamer May 28 - Matthew Shade May 29 - Sterling Quier, Jr. May 30 - Thomas Hemphill, Robert Dierolf, Adalynn Greiss May 31 - Jean Althouse, Timothy Long, Paige Xiques


05/01/1965 05/07/1988 05/10/2008 05/11/2002 05/12/1984 05/12/2002 05/12/2007

Jayne & Donald Siegfried Ellen & Sterling Quier, Jr Karen & Melvin McPherson Michael & Tricia Zettlemoyer Donna & Barry Seidel Christine & Joshua Allen Jennifer & Arthur George IV

05/18/1985 05/20/1995 05/25/2002 05/27/1967 05/29/1999 05/31/1980

Diane & Dean Shoemaker Coralie & Barry Eck Elizabeth & Bradley Teeters Doris & Chris Haas Jessica & Andrew Steventon Sheila & Steven Fox



The April 2013 meeting of THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY was held on April 9th at 6:30 PM in the church sanctuary. The following scripture verse about GODS DELIGHT was discussed: The Lord your God is with you, His is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17. Fifteen Prayer Shawls were delivered this month. Please ask Judy about The 2011 and 2012 Prayer Shawl Recipients Registry, and the 2013 on-going list, which is available for anyone interested in reading the names of our prayer shawl recipients. To request a Prayer Shawl - please call the church office. Dawn will add your loved ones name to our list. Requests will be honored at our monthly meeting the second Tuesday of each month. NEXT BLESSING: MAY 12th, NEXT MEETING: May 14th.


There are nineteen staff members who work for the Longswamp Learning Center. Pictured here are thirteen staff members who work with children from infants through age five years at the church facility. On Tuesday, April16th the staff at the church were treated to a meal of meatball sandwiches, pierogi bake and salad. The staff loves Radcliffes pierogi bake, so they thought they would get the recipe from Radcliffes and make it themselves. To their wonderful surprise the owner of the recipe made it for them to show her support to the caregivers who work in the community. Thank you, grandma Phyllis and mom Wendy. The food was great and parents supplied snacks and dessert. Yum!!!

Kelly Fronheiser-5 years-older infants

Jennifer Harmony-1 year- infants

Teresa Bechtel-11 years-older infants

Nancy Weymouth-27 years-older infants

Crystal McCarty-sub for Leah-toddlers

Jessica Egolf-7 years-toddlers

Christine Reppert-3 years-Preschool Up

Casey Weaknecht -8 years Preschool UP

Nancy Boyer 4 months Preschool Up

Dolly Bauer-19 years-Opens facility, KP duty and aides in all rooms

Amber Peterson-13 years-Preschool Down Sue Showalter-24 years-Presch. Down

Jana Swoyer- 1 year- all departments

12:01 PM 04/29/13 Cash Basis

Longswamp United Church of Christ

Income Report
March 2013
Mar 13 Income 300.00 INCOME 326.00 GF-Income 326.01 Plate / Cash 326.02 General Fund / Envelopes 326.03 Learning Center Fac. Usage Fee 326.06 Bulletins / Scriptures 326.07 Altar Flowers 326.08 Easter Flowers 326.11 One Great Hour of Sharing 326.16 Our Church's Wider Mission 326.21 Lent / Presurch 326.22 Upper Room Booklets 326.23 1-Other 326.24 2-Other 326.29 Sprint Lease Payment Total 326.00 GF-Income 327.00 Maintenance Fund Income 329.00 Contingency Fund Income 329.27 Interest Income (#29) Total 329.00 Contingency Fund Income 330.00 Memorial Fund Income 330.27 Interest Income (#30) 330.00 Memorial Fund Income - Other Total 330.00 Memorial Fund Income 332.00 Building Fund Income 332.27 Interest Income (#32) Total 332.00 Building Fund Income 333.00 Building Fund Checking Income 333.28 Transfer from BF account Total 333.00 Building Fund Checking Income Total 300.00 INCOME Total Income Expense Net Income 1.48 555.00 556.48 211.25 211.25 5,000.00 5,000.00 21,325.48 21,325.48 0.00 21,325.48

161.90 5,324.00 4,421.01 40.00 140.00 121.00 190.00 262.00 514.00 2.00 1,386.00 263.00 1,437.50 14,262.41 1,295.00 0.34 0.34

Page 1

11:53 AM 04/29/13 Cash Basis

Longswamp United Church of Christ

Expense Report
March 2013
Mar 13 Income Expense 400.000 EXPENSES 426.100 General Fund Expenses (#26) 426.102 Office Expense 102.01 Office Equipment Lease Payments 102.03 Petty Cash Total 426.102 Office Expense 426.103 Office Administration 103.01 Bank Charges & Fees 103.02 Advertising 103.03 Telephone Service 103.06 Worship Supplies 103.07 Office Supplies Total 426.103 Office Administration 426.104 Utilities 104.01 Electricity Service 104.02 Trash Disposal 104.03 Fuel Oil 104.05 Propane-Scout Cabin Total 426.104 Utilities 426.105 Contributions & Donations 426.106 Meetings, Conferences & WkShops 426.200 Repair & Maintenance Expense 426.201 R&M Supplies Total 426.200 Repair & Maintenance Expense 426.300 Missions 426.305 Food Bank 426.310 Missions - Misc. 426.312 Daffodils/Daffodil Sunday Total 426.300 Missions 426.400 Taxes 426.402 Real Estate Taxes Total 426.400 Taxes 426.500 Payroll Expenses 426.501 Employee NetWages (IndvClass'd) 426.502 Payroll Taxes 426.503 AD Computer Fee Total 426.500 Payroll Expenses 426.550 Ministry Expenses 426.553 Pastor's Pension 426.556 Pastor Auto Allowance 426.558 Pastor Salary 426.560 Paster's Life/Disability Total 426.550 Ministry Expenses 426.600 Insurance Expenses 426.602 Worker's Comp Insurance 426.603 Church Liab. Ins. Package Total 426.600 Insurance Expenses Total 426.100 General Fund Expenses (#26) 427.000 Maintenance Fund #27 427.200 R&M Expenses (#27) 427.203 R&M Services (#27) Total 427.200 R&M Expenses (#27) 2,982.20 1,203.37 45.00 4,230.57 1,226.30 170.92 3,818.49 131.40 5,347.11 1,393.78 3,156.00 4,549.78 21,925.94 197.35 1,641.00 200.00 2,038.35 442.61 442.61 929.95 203.14 2,133.00 232.57 3,498.66 100.00 59.48 401.33 401.33 2.00 200.04 127.48 234.09 116.24 679.85 0.00

478.20 100.00 578.20

157.75 157.75 Page 1

11:53 AM 04/29/13 Cash Basis

Longswamp United Church of Christ

Expense Report
March 2013
Mar 13 Total 427.000 Maintenance Fund #27 432.000 Building Fund Expenses 432.100 Capital Expenditures 432.700 Transfer to Building Fund Check Total 432.000 Building Fund Expenses 433.000 Building Fund Checking Expenses 433.100 Capital Expenditures Total 433.000 Building Fund Checking Expenses Total 400.000 EXPENSES Total Expense Net Income 12,699.80 5,000.00 17,699.80 2,115.00 2,115.00 41,898.49 41,898.49 -41,898.49 157.75

Page 2

11:55 AM 04/29/13 Cash Basis

Longswamp United Church of Christ

Current Bank Acct Balances

As of March 31, 2013
Mar 31, 13 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 100.00 Cash Investments 126.00 General Fund Checking 127.00 Maintenance Fund Checking 129.00 Contingency Fund Checking 130.00 Memorial Fund Checking 131.00 Memorial Fund CD 132.00 Building Fund 133.00 Building Fund Checking Total 100.00 Cash Investments Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY

2,983.10 4,137.67 1,731.28 13,390.61 9,982.10 776,177.00 3,185.83 811,587.59 811,587.59 811,587.59 811,587.59 0.00

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Church Staff and Information: Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley, Pastor Dawn Strunk, Church Secretary Ann Mabry Miller, Organist Vern Shade, Bell Choir Director Ronald Newhard, Sexton Also contact for Longswamp Union Cemetery Beverly Thomas, Director of Longswamp U.C.C. Learning Center Robert Friedly, Treasurer Church Website: Contact Person - Eloise Long 610 682-0696 E-mail Contacts: Church Pastor

2013 Consistory Members: Kimberly Jenkins, President Donald Siegfried, Vice-President Dylan Weaknecht, Secretary Francis Zettlemoyer, Deacon & Elder Barbara Weaknecht, Deacon & Elder G. Kyle Koller, Deacon Shirley Solt, Deacon Tina Cirafesi, Deacon Richard Conrad, Deacon

Longswamp United Church of Christ 200 Clay Road Mertztown, PA 19539-8902 Address Service Requested

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

Kutztown, PA Permit No. 40

Sent With A Prayer To:

May 2013 Newsletter

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