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A Cup of Comedy with 2 spoons of crime and a pinch of romance

Written by Athul Prabhakaran

INFORMATION AGAINST BLACK, IN YELLOW LETTERS. Date: 22nd December 2012 Day : Saturday Typewriter : The world did not end! TITLE CARD: Tony and Bingo FADE IN. EXT. OUTSIDE FLAT MORNING Its about 10:30 in the morning. We see two young fellas talking to each other. They are standing in front of a door. The one on the right is Tony Alvarez and the other one is Bingo Martin. Tony is wearing a Shirt with rolled up sleeves and 2 buttons undone. Bingo on the other hand sports a similar look, a different shirt, but with a black vest inside. Both men are wearing chinos. Its the middle of their conversation. Their dialogue is to be delivered in a slow-pace like the conversation between Jules and Vincent from the beginning of Pulp Fiction. Both Tony and Bingo hardly look at each other until Bingos second question. BINGO I am curious.. How many Abhays do you know? Tony (thinks) Just one Bingo Exactly.. So call him Abhay not Ungal Abhay Tony Thats what people call him Bingo

Bingo you know what people call you and me? Tony Yeah! I get your point.. Now lets get this over with. Bingo rings the doorbell twice. A young man in his mid teens opens the door. He rubs his left eye. A Sort of gesture indicating that he was crying/something went into his eye. The guys name is Sri and is seen to be wearing a plain TShirt with a dark jean. Sri (in doubt) Pizza Delivery?? Tony and bingo look at each other with a Blank - what the hell? expression on their faces. Clearly they arent even closely interested in pizza or its delivery. Tony So youre Sri?? Sri Nods his head: YES Tony Im Tony and this is Bingo. Sri (To Bingo, with a smirk on his face) Nice name... We see Bingo with an uninterested smile on his face. Tony gestures his hand to Bingo in a sort of after you kind of way. Bingo takes a step forward and punches Sri in the face. FREEZE FRAME CUT TO: TITLES. CUT TO:

INFORMATION AGAINST BLACK IN YELLOW LETTERS 7 minutes 34 seconds ago ~change reqd.~ FADE IN. EXT. OUTSIDE FLAT STAIRCASE - MORNING Tony and Bingo are now in front of another door, on an open staircase that first, leads to the house that they are standing in front of and then to an open terrace. Sri passes behind them. Both of them dont notice Sri too much. Bingo rings the bell. The door opens to reveal Jai a fellow, the same age as Tony and Bingo, he is very well dressed even for a Saturday morning, He looks like an Anti-TONY both in behavior and in dressing. Jai looks at the guys in a strange way waiting for them to introduce themselves. After an awkward 5 seconds of silence: Tony Im Tony and this is Bingo. Jai Bingo? Bingo. Uninterested. Acknowledges the remark by tilting his head forward a little. Bingo Bingo! Tony You called Junaidh about something? Jai (In a lower tone) Oh! Yeah... Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.

Jai half-closes the door behind him, leaving it partially open for him to peek inside. The subject matter seems to be a serious one. Jai POINTING at the terrace Can you see my sister? Tony looks for a second or shakes his head implying a NO. Jai (In a lowered voice) Good. Tony So what do you need us for? Jai Well my sister has a disease Bingo (Quickly) We are not doctors! Jai I know that. (Breathes out) Its just that I am very protective of her. Naturally like every elder brother but the fact that she has a disease makes me more protective. (Pauses.. takes a deep breath) (Continues in lower voice) So heres the thing. Tony and Bingo lean forward a little Jai I dont like this guy she hangs out with. I want you to give him a sort of warning-Tony --What disease? Jai What? two. He

Tony Your Sister.. What disease -Jai -- Cystic Fibrosis Tony nods as if he knows about all there is to know about CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Bingo on the other hand thinks for a second Bingo How come you dont have it? Isnt that genetic and shit. Tony (shocked to see Bingo respond) Yea... I dont --Tony (quickly to Bingo) --- What the Hell is cystic fibrosis? Bingo Ill tell you later Tony (to Bingo) Ok (To Jai) So whos the guy? Jai Huh?? Tony The guy we are going to warn? Jai Oh... (Pauses looking at someone behind Tony and Bingo) Sri walks past them in the background. Jai (in a lower tone) Thats him... Sri.. (To himself) Whats he doing here?

Tony All right, so I just go warn him Jai Yea. Probably give him a punch or two.. I dont really care... but not here. Tony Ok.. Lets go Bingo Jai hesitates to ask. He coughs to get their attention. Bingo followed by Tony are getting down the stairs. They TURN back exactly at the same time. Jai So how much do I pay you? Tony I dont know... Did Junaidh ask you to pay me? Jai No Tony Then dont pay me. Call him. Bingo So whats the guys name again? Jai Sri. Bingo Just Sri. Jai I think so Bingo You think so? (Pauses) You want us to go punch this guy and you think his name is Sri. Are you sure he is the guy? Jai Yes

CUT TO. EXT. STREET MORNING The frame is empty. We are staring at an empty street, ones like usual Saturday mornings. We hear a gate creak. Tony and Bingo enter the frame from the right hand side We TRACK alongside Background: A radio show is on Tony and Bingo walk. Tony has his headphones in his ear. A song has just got over. The host talks about the song and tells the listeners that if they want to call, the number is... Tonys phone is shown and we hear tony read out the number along with the host as he types it. This creates the idea that Tony knows the number and is an avid fan of the radio host. TONY types the number. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X Background: Till then stay Ungal Abhay on Ungal FM tuned with

Bingo Who are you calling? Tony removes his headphones (right). Tony Ungal Abhay... Ungal FM Bingo You think youll get the call? Tony (breathes in) Yeah. Bingo (uninterested) OK

Tony shoves his headphones back into his ear. Presses redial. The phone rings twice and asks the ringer to try again. Tony cuts the call and tries again. Both of them arrive in front of the door we saw in the first scene From a different angle than the first scene: ~ BINGO I am curious.. How many Abhays do you know? Tony (thinks) Just one Bingo Exactly. So call him Abhay not Ungal Abhay Tony Thats what people call him Bingo you know what people call you and me? Tony Yeah! I get your point.. Now lets get this over with.

INFORMATION Against Black, Title Card IN YELLOW LETTERS Tony and Bingo BACK WHERE WE LEFT FADE IN. Bingo Do we look like we are here to deliver pizzas?

Sri is on the floor and is breaking into a SHAKING/TREMBLING SPASM Sri (holding his bleeding nose) What the hell? Tony removes his headphones and looks serious Tony You are Sri right? Sri Yeah. Why? Tony Just Confirmation *~* Tony gestures his after you again to Bingo Tony Continue Bingo Bingo is seen punching Sri. While a patient Tony is waiting for the call to get connected. Tonys call gets connected! Abhay (on Radio) Hi welcome to ungal FM Tony closes the microphone and whispers to Bingo. Tony (Freaked out, overjoyed) (Whispers) I got the call Bingo is holding Sri to the ground. Sri is starting to pass out and is seen to have a Why me? expression on his face. This is the only time we see an interested BINGO! Bingo all right. Go on talk

Abhay Hello? Tony Ungal Abhay? Bingo strikes his palm on his forehead on hearing Tony say Ungal Abhay. Tony (correcting himself) Abhay... Abhay Abhay Yea... Go on Sri gets up and shouts for help. Bingo tightens his grip. Abhay Can you reduce your TVs volume? Tony (thinks to himself) TV? (Pauses) (Looks at Sri) Oh TV... He removes a gun from his places it into Sris mouth. back and

Tony Sir, I cant really believe that I got the call. I have been trying for a really long time Abhay Sir...? Call me Abhay. Well you clearly know my name whats yours? Tony introduces himself and his friend Bingo. AS USUAL. Abhay All right Tony. So since the world didnt end and all whats your plan, any resolutions or anything like that Tony Im planning to take care of a guy

Tony makes his left hand a gun and points at Sri gesturing a shot. A wimping Sri Gets his Why me? look back up. Abhay Whos the unlucky guy? Tony Oh its just a friend Abhay Hey.. Same feelings I also plan to take care of a friend. Tony smiles awkwardly along with Bingo Abhay Anyway Tony nice talking to you man. What song do you want me to play for you today? Tony thinks.. he is blank. He cant believe it. Hes always imagined himself talking to Ungal Abhay but what song? He asks bingo for help. Tony What song? Bingo puts up an I dont know expression on his face. UNINTERESTED. Tony 1 second Abhay. Hold on Abhay Ok... Tony removes the gun from Sris mouth and asks him. The guy has no other choice. He mutes the microphone Tony What song?

Sri Please let me go... Tony Tell me what song and it might be your lucky day. Sri Thee peedika from arinthum ariyaamalum? Tony switches the microphone repeats Sris words. Abhay Any dedications? Tony To my friends Bingo and (pauses) (looks at Sri) and Sri The song Theepidika from Arinthum Ariyamalum starts in the background and fades off. CUT TO: The trio are seated on a nearby couch with Sri relaxing his nose looking upwards. A relaxed Tony speaks in a lower tone Tony We are not going to kill you Sri What?? Tony We are not here to kill you. This is just a warning. Sri Warning for what? Tony Well you hang out with this girl and some people dont like it on and

Sri I hang out with lot of girls Tony Well this girl has a brother called Jai Sri Jotsana... Tony Yea, dont hang out with her. Not good for you Sri I wont Tony I am serious we might have to come again which I really dont want -Sri -- You wont have to... I broke-up with her Tony When did this happen? Sri This morning.. At her house CUT TO: INFORMATION AGAINST BLACK IN YELLOW LETTERS 8 minutes 34 seconds ago ~Change Reqd.~ FADE IN: Sri walks toward the door we met Jai at. He passes Tony and Bingo who are about to ring the bell. We TRACK alongside Sri. Sri walks ahead. uninterested face. Jotsana puts up an

Jotsana We need to talk Sri realizes the tension and puts up a serious face Sri Whats up? Jotsana I dont want to do this anymore Sri Do what? Jotsana Us... Sri Oh.. Is it something that I did? Jotsana No Sri Can you tell me why at least? Jotsana I met this guy on facebook and I kinda like him. Sri Youre breaking up with me cause you met a guy on facebook. Jotsana I think you should go Sri Ok Ill see you around? Jotsana Yea.. Probably Sri walks off passing Tony and Bingo with Jai looking at him. He is seen to be whistling. A blurred Tony and Bingo

are seen to be following him in the background. Sri has a subtle happy face. Sri calls Reds Pizza and orders a pizza Pepsi and garlic bread. He reaches his house, opens the door goes in. He switches his TV on and increases the volume. He bursts into tears. We hear the bell ring. Sri gets up. The Bell rings again. He opens to reveal Tony and Bingo from scene one. Sri (in doubt) Pizza Delivery?? CUT TO. Tony, Bingo and Sri are sitting on the couch. Sri is seated in the centre looking upwards relaxing his nose with ice. The bell rings twice. Sri That must be the pizza I ordered. Sri gets up and walks towards the door. Tony So your name is just Sri Sri No... Its actually Abhay Sri Tony looks at Bingo with a smile on his face. Tony Now I know 2 Abhays The episode ends with Sri FACEPALMING. CUT TO: CREDITS.

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