ME 271.course Calendar - Summer 2010

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271: Critical Pedagogy II (online) ME 271-OL-H: Independent Study in Critical Pedagogy II (online)

Course Calendar

A Special Note This course in particular may be stressful. It covers the basics of music teaching and music learning that you will need in elementary and secondary praxis courses and in student teaching. Dedicate time each day to work on it. You may also experience difficulties with the technology. Dont give up. Find the appropriate help you need. Contact the Rider Help Line for technology issues at the help desk. That email is: or by phone 609-219-3000. If you have issues with course assignments or content, call me on SKYPE or email me ( If you have any learning issues that require an accommodation, you must inform me of these issues no later than the second week of class (September 21). After that date, I may be unable to make the appropriate adjustments. Please know that I am not sympathetic to plagiarism. Working in an online environment with web sources sometimes mars the line between what is original and what is not. Cite everything that is not your original thought. I will follow the procedures in The Source in the unfortunate instance of plagiarism. Our Schedule (remember, it may change as we get into the course) May 17 What to do: Watch the introduction video titled Welcome to CP II online. Also watch the videos: What is Critical Pedagogy? What is Critical Pedagogy for Music Education? These are found in Sharestream Media on the Blackboard site for this course. May 19 What to do: Make a YouTube video called: Who Am I? Include information about yourself, your family whatever you wish. Remember to include who am I as a musician and who am I as a future teacher. For full credit, your video should be 10 minutes in length. Post it on YouTube no later than 5 PM Eastern Daylight time and send the link to Dr. Abrahams and each member of the class using the email function on Blackboard. In the subject line of the e-mail write your name and who am I video. For example: Abrahams Who Am I video.

2 May 19 What to watch: Watch all of the Who Am I videos. What to read: Read Wink, Chapters 3, 4 and 5. What to watch: Watch all of the Who Am I videos. What to read: All students: Read Wink, Chapters 3, 4 and 5. BHP Students: Read Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed. What to do: By 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time on May 20, post a 500 word reflection on the topic Critical Pedagogy: Where Am I Now? Post the reflection on the Discussion Board in Blackboard. Discuss where you are relative to your understanding of critical pedagogy. Make sure that you convince me that you are up-to-date with your readings. Learning Styles What to watch: Open the link and watch the PowerPoint on Learning styles and then take the Learning Type Measure (LTM). What to read: Read in McCarthy, Chapters 1, 2 and 5. What to do: Take the LTM. When you have finished scoring the test, send me your scores. BHP Students: Reflection paper on Freire due in Digital Drop Box by 5 PM. What to watch: There is nothing to watch for today. What to read: Find an article that relates to Critical Pedagogy. Look in Visions of Research in Music Education or ACT for some ideas. There is also an on-line journal devoted to Critical Pedagogy. You can look there as well. What to do: By 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time on May 24, post a 5- minute video on YouTube that talks about you and your learning style. What insights about yourself have you uncovered as a result of your reading and your test. Do NOT read to us the descriptors from the text. Talk about the descriptors as they relate to YOU! Include in your discussion how you feel about all of this. How close is the test to who you really are as a learner? How does this relate to your personality? Why is it important for a teacher to know and consider student learning styles? Send the link to your video to Dr. Abrahams and the class using the email function in Blackboard.

May 20

May 21

May 24

3 Note: We will be live (synchronous) at 10 PM on Monday night May 24 to discuss the Lesson Plan Model. Plan for a 90 minute session. We will use WEBEX classroom. You must download WEBEX from the communications section in Blackboard prior to the class. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A STRONG INTERNET CONNECTION. Nowires is not reliable. If you can plug in somewhere so that you are not wireless on campus, that will be best. Lesson Plan Model What to read: Read the rest of the McCarthy text. What to do: Article critique due by 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time May 25. Send to the digital drop box in Blackboard. Include your name in the title. For example: Abrahams Critique of OToole Article. Check twice that you have included citations for all work that is not original and that you have a reference list at the end. Relate the article to other references in your critique. Dont write a Why I liked or Why I didnt agree paper. Do not spend the entire paper summarizing what the author says and then commenting point by point. It will not pass. The article critique should be between 1000 and 1500 words. Work on your lesson plan that is due by 5 PM Monday, May 31. What to read: Finish the Wink text. What to watch: Watch the video: Best Teaching Practices in Music Education found in the Sharestream Media folder in Blackboard. What to read: Begin reading the Dewey text. What to do: By 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time on November 2, place your second lesson plan into the digital drop box. Save it as a word document. Include your name in the title of the file. For example: Abrahams lesson on Pop Icons. You must use the lesson plan format found in the course documents section of Blackboard. This assignment may not be late. Remember to hit SUBMIT and then OK in the digital drop box to ensure your paper arrives. What to watch: Watch the PowerPoint about Vygotsky and constructivism. What to read: Continue reading the Dewey text. BHP Students read Dewey: My Pedagogic Creed.

May 25

May 26 May 27

May 28

4 What to do: By 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time on May 28 post your lesson plan as a word document into the digital drop box. Include your name in the title of the file. For example: Abrahams lesson on Pop Icons. You must use the lesson plan format found in the course documents section of Blackboard. We will be live (synchronous) at 10 PM on Tuesday night June 1 to discuss the Dewey Video Project and the Teaching Philosophy. Plan for a 90-minute session. We will use WEBEX classroom. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A STRONG INTERNET CONNECTION. Nowires is not reliable. If you can plug in somewhere so that you are not wireless on campus, that will be best. What to do: By 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time on May 31, place your lesson plan into the digital drop box. Save it as a word document. Include your name in the title of the file. For example: Abrahams lesson on Pop Icons. You must use the lesson plan format found in the course documents section of Blackboard. This assignment may not be late. Remember to hit SUBMIT and then OK in the digital drop box to ensure your paper arrives. Begin working on your Dewey video and your teaching philosophy. What to do: All Students: Continue to work on your Dewey video and your teaching philosophy. BHP Students: Reflection paper on Deweys pedagogic creed due in the digital drop box by 5 PM June 1. What to do: A 10-minute YouTube Dewey Video is due by 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time on June 2. Send the YouTube link to Dr. Abrahams and to the other members of the class in an email using the email function in Blackboard. The video will be an oral presentation of your chapter in the Dewey text. Relate your presentation in some way to Critical Pedagogy. Would Dewey have been a critical pedagogue were he alive today? What if your chapter were called Dewey as Critical Pedagogue. How might that chapter be written? You will not submit this as a paper. And, you should not READ a paper on the video. The video should be representative of your best teaching. You may use props, technology and anything else your creative mind can conjure. But, you may NOT READ A PAPER. Remember that your teaching counts. There must be evidence that you have mastered the concepts of experiential learning, constructivism and connectivism as well as the tenets of Critical Pedagogy for Music Education. It must show that you understand how to write a lesson.

May 31 Note:

June 1

June 2

5 June 3 What to watch: Watch 2 Dewey videos. What to read: There are no additional readings this week. What to do: Watch 2 Dewey videos and by 5 PM Eastern Daylight time on June 3 time post a critique on the discussion board in Blackboard. Remember a critique is not Why I liked or Why I didnt like or Why I agree. The critique is an analysis of what was or what was not said, a reaction to the points made, based on references and your own thinking. Your critique should be no less than 500 words and should include a reference list. BHP Students ONLY: We will be live (synchronous) at 10 PM on Thursday night June 3 to discuss the options for the additional assignment. Plan for a 90-minute session. We will use WEBEX classroom. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A STRONG INTERNET CONNECTION. Nowires is not reliable. If you can plug in somewhere so that you are not wireless on campus, that will be best. June 4 Last day to submit a draft of your teaching philosophy for comment and review. Paper must be placed into the digital dropbox by 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Submitting a draft is optional. Course evaluation due to no later than NOON. The form is located in the Course Documents section on Blackboard. BHP Students ONLY: We will be live (synchronous) at 10 PM on Monday night June 14 to discuss the options for the additional assignment. Plan for a 90-minute session. We will use WEBEX classroom. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A STRONG INTERNET CONNECTION. Nowires is not reliable. If you can plug in somewhere so that you are not wireless on campus, that will be best. June 18 BHP Students: Additional Assignment (Option 1, 2, or 3) due by 5 PM June 18. June 25 Philosophy of Teaching is due in the digital drop box by 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time. This assignment will not be accepted late and there will be no opportunity to re-do it. The philosophy should be no less than 2000 words. It must contain a reference list and convince me that you have mastered the content of this course.

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