BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour CD Sem 1 2013

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Course Description:

BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour, 2012

School/Portfolio: Course Code/ID: Course Title: Teaching Location: Program(s): Author: Level: Semester: Prerequisite(s): Corequisite(s): Exclusion(s): Credit Points/ Progress Units: ASCED Code: The Business School BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour Various Various Dr Caroline Winter / Revised: Eugene Skewes 2013 Advanced Semester 1, 2013 BUMKT 1501 Introduction to Marketing Nil Nil 15

Adopted Reference Style


Semester 1, 2013- Partner institutions

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour


1.1 Handbook/s For full details of programs and school procedures, please refer to the University of Ballarat handbook (http://www.ballarat.edu.au/current-students/publications,-policies-andforms/handbook/2012) and The Business School Programs Handbooks available at http://www.ballarat.edu.au/business/handbooks Important information located in the handbooks includes: Student responsibility Special Consideration process and forms Submission of tasks and assignments Appeal process

Unsatisfactory progress - Early Intervention Grading codes

1.2 Staff The most appropriate contact is your teacher. If necessary they will contact the Course Coordinator at the University of Ballarat.
Name: Phone: Email eskewes@ballarat.edu.au Coordinator Eugene Skewes Lecturer Tutor

1.3 Consultation Hours Consultation is by appointment. Contact James by email in the first instance to arrange a time. 1.4 Prescribed Text This subject will be conducted on the presumption that students have a copy of: Babin, B., Harris, E. (2013). CB4. Mason, USA: Cengage. 1.5 Plagiarism Plagiarism is presenting someone else work as your own and is a serious offence with serious consequences. As set out in the University Regulation 6.1.1, students who are caught plagiarising will, for a first offence, be given a zero mark for that task. A second offence will result in a failing grade for the course(s) involved and any subsequent offence will be referred to the Student Discipline Committee. Student must be aware of the University Regulation 6.1.1 Student Plagiarism, available at http://www.ballarat.edu.au/legislation/6.1.1-plagiarism. The link to the library website for more information is: http://www.ballarat.edu.au/library/assignment-andresearch-help/referencing Students must: fully reference the source(s) of all material, even if you have re-expressed the ideas, facts or descriptions; acknowledge all direct quotations; and
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

not submit work that has been researched and written by another person Turnitin WILL NOT BE USED IN THIS COURSE

1.6 UBOnline UBOnline is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download lecture and tutorial notes to support class participation. Students login to the UBOnline at https://ubonline.ballarat.edu.au/login/index.php.


Knowledge To develop an understanding of the consumer and the internal and external factors that makes each consumption situation unique. To develop an understanding of consumer behaviour research in modern marketing. To develop an understanding of the dynamic and evolving nature of consumer behaviour. To understand the nature and development of a consumer behaviour strategy. Skills To develop practical research skills through a consumer strategy report. To develop analytical skills through the interpretation of data and information to solve consumer-based issues. To develop a self-paced reading and research schedule. Values Appreciate the importance of consumer-oriented strategies to organisations. Seek to learn and understand more completely the factors associated with marketing decision-making. Draw on scholarly research, as well as current business practice, to examine, analyse and evaluate consumer issues.


Topics and sub-topics may include: This course explores the importance of consumer behaviour as a foundation to a business education. It investigates the buying process at the individual and organisational level and the way in which marketers influence these processes, but also the way that consumers influence the marketing process. This course also provides a firm foundation for the application of its conceptual frameworks in the more advanced courses of Marketing Communications, Marketing Strategy and Analysis, International Marketing, Product Management and Marketing Management Research Project.

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour


Summary This course requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact. The learning tasks in this course may include classes (lectures, tutorials or seminars), required reading, the preparation of answers to set questions, exercises and problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be required to complete an assignment, test or examination. Summary of suggested time allocations for this course Classes Reading Preparation of set questions, exercises and problems Preparation of assignment Study and revision for test and end of semester examination TOTAL 3 hours per topic for 12 topics 2 hours per topic for 12 topics 4 hours per topic for 12 topics 36 hours 24 hours 48 hours 20 hours 22 hours 150 hours

Attendance and Participation It is in students interest to make every effort to attend all classes for this course and to complete all preparatory and assessment tasks. Experience shows that students who do not attend class or carry out the associated activities are more likely to do poorly or fail the course completely.

Learning Task Individual oral presentation Completion of an individual assignment Completion of an assignment involving students in groups Research and preparation Note on Assessment

Assessment Individual oral presentation Individual analysis Written paper Group project Written report Exam

Weighting 10% 20% 30%

Week due During class Week 5 Week 10


Students are strongly advised to attempt ALL assessment tasks. Students who do not submit a task(s) or fail a task(s) in the semester will be identified as a student at risk of unsatisfactory academic progress (outlined in the Business School Handbooks) and will be directed to the Schools Intervention Program. Students who encounter difficulties or who are otherwise concerned regarding their progress should consult their lecturer as early in the semester as possible so remedial action can be taken. Assessment criteria set out the details by which performance in each task will be judged. This information will give a clear and explicit understanding of the expected standards to be achieved relative to the marks awarded.

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Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Assessment 1. Individual oral presentation

Worth 10% 5 minutes Due Date: During tutorials

This assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to refine your oral presentation skills, and to help you to be able to summarise textual information. Students will be assigned a tutorial in which to present this task. Each student will be allocated one chapter from the text and will be required to present an oral summary (five minutes) during the tutorial. The summary should include: A summary of the content A statement about what you think are the most important points of the chapter. You should give a very brief example from the text Your assessment of the usefulness of the chapter to the assignment work. Explain your reasons.

If there are several students in the class, then more than one student will have to present on the same chapter. Because you are asked for your personal assessment, I expect that the presentations will be quite different. Please note: this assessment is an oral presentation only. Powerpoints are optional and no written paper is required.

Assessment 1: Individual oral presentation Criteria Comments Description of the chapter Relevance of examples

Marks /2 /3

Presentation style: Can be heard at the back of the class, Professional manner Total /10


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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Assessment 2. Individual analysis

Worth 20% 1,500 words Due Date: Week 5

You should investigate some advertisements (on media that will allow you to print a copy) for a range of non-profit organisations. These may be political, economic, sport, health, management or government organisations at local, national or international level. Select one of these and provide an analysis using theory about exposure, attention and attitudes as discussed in this course. You should present a written paper set out according to the requirements listed below. Please check your selected organisation with your lecturer who can advise you as to whether or not the organisation will provide enough depth for your analysis. 1. Introduction (500 words) (a) Provide a short summary of the organisation. (100 words) (b) Describe the advertisement and whether it involves high or low effort behaviour. (200 words) (c.) State the behaviour the advertisement is trying to encourage you to engage in. (200 words)

2. Analysis (1000 words) a) Discuss how you (or someone else) could be exposed to this advertisement. (200 words) (b) Analyse how the theory of attraction applies to the ad. (200 words) (c.) Apply the theory of cognitive based attitudes OR affective based attitudes in relation to the way in which it aims to influence its audience. (600 words)

3. List of references At least 5 different sources should be used. These should be primarily rigorous academic sources. You should include a reference to the advertisement in the List of References. 4. Appendix Provide a screen dump or scan of the advertisement.

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Presentation requirements This paper is to be presented as a paper which is structured according to the sections listed above Introduction Analysis List of references Appendix Please use double or 1 spacing and 12 point Times New Roman font. Examples of non-profit organisations Environmental groups Public hospitals and health organisations Sporting groups and clubs Consumer advocate groups

Assessment 2. Marking guide Student name: Criteria Descriptive information (section 1a, c) Discussion and application of theory (sections 1 b, and 2a, b, c) References quality of sources, appropriate citation in text and List of References Presentation writing style, spelling, grammar Total Comments Marks /6


/3 /3 /20

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Assessment 3. Group project

Worth 30% 2,500 words Due Date: Week 10

Students will participate in small groups (no more than three per group) to analyse a consumer behaviour campaign and produce a written report detailing the groups findings. For this assignment you will be required to clearly identify and research the key consumer behaviour issue(s) using an advertising campaign of your choice. Task 1: Selecting your campaign Your group will need to first select a specific advertising campaign (which may comprise several advertisements) which will form the basis of your analysis. The campaign must involve a high effort situation (so not a toothpaste commercial!) Please note that if your selected campaign is very large, you should (carefully) select only parts of it to analyse for this assignment. Please seek advice from your lecturer or tutor on this. The campaign must be one for which you can provide a paper copy (so not television or radio). You may select from a range of campaigns at local, national or international level, and for a range of goods and services. You may not use theory relating to exposure, or attitudes because this has already been covered in Assignment 2. You must also use a different campaign and advertisement than the one you used for assignment 2. There may be several theories by which you can analyse the campaign and your task is to select the most appropriate. ONCE AGAIN, YOU ARE ADVISED TO CHECK YOUR CHOSEN CAMPAIGN WITH YOUR LECTURER/TUTOR WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE DUE DATE TO MAKE SURE IT PROVIDES ENOUGH DEPTH FOR YOUR ANALYSIS, AND AT THE SAME TIME, TO ENSURE IT IS NOT TOO COMPLEX.

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Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Some examples You select a campaign that deals with holidays and then analyse one advertisement to a luxury resort using the ideas of social status and the ways the campaign seeks to attract a particular psychographic group. Your campaign deals with the purchase of an expensive piece of jewellery or clothing, and you analyse it using theory of social class, or motivation. The campaign relates to a group situation such as a family or other social group. For this you could use theory of group influence, household structure.

Your task
Select a campaign which represents a high effort decision by a group or individual. (see details above) Analyse the campaign and prepare a report of your findings according to the following sections. 1. Describe the campaign. (300 words) (a) Provide a general overall description of the campaign. In this section, you must provide a copy of at least one of the advertisements used in the campaign. (b) Describe the kind of media in which the campaign is presented and its possible reach (local, international for example). FOR SECTIONS 2, 3 AND 4, SELECT ONE ADVERTISEMENT FROM THE CAMPAIGN FOR ANALYSIS 2. Market group (500 words) Describe the main market group to whom the advertisement appears to be addressed using relevant theory. Ideally you could describe or profile the market using psychographics or socio-demographics. 3. Problem recognition (400 words) Discuss the kinds of problems that the advertisement seeks to address for its potential customers. You should state the nature of the decision that is involved, and what the potential risks may be. 4. Theory and application (800 words) Using one of the consumer behaviour theories presented in this course, discuss the theory that you consider would be most appropriate for the analysis of this advertisement. (In this section you will incorporate most of your references from a range of sources). 5. Strategy assessment and conclusion (500 words) Provide a brief assessment of how well your group thinks the advertisement will work for your main market group, AND how well it fits within the overall campaign. 6. List of references

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Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Presentation of the assignment Please use the above sections to structure your report. Also include Cover page Table of contents Executive summary (half page, 200 words) Use 1 or double spacing and 12 point font (Times New Roman) Single or double page printing is permitted

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Assessment 3. Marking Guide Student names:

Criteria Section 1 Campaign description and appropriateness for analysis Section 2 Analysis of the target group Section 3 Problem recognition Section 4 Discussion of theory and synthesis of material from a range of academic readings. Quality of sources used Section 5 Strategy assessment Presentation writing style, spelling, grammar Total


Marks /4 /5 /2


/8 /3 /30

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Assessment 4. Final examination

Worth 40%

The exam will be 2 hours duration Further information will be provided later in the semester. You can expect a range of short answer questions and case studies combining theory and application. Materials covered in all elements of this course (including in lectures, tutorials, readings, assignments and set tasks) are examinable.

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Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour


Delivery is scheduled across three hours a week for 12 weeks. As the University offers many programs in a variety of formats please contact local lecturers for further information about the schedule. Please note that the sequence and content of lectures and tutorials may need to be changed and the following information should be used as a guide.


Additional useful references: Assael, H., Pope, N., Brennan, L. & Voges, K. (2007) Consumer Behaviour: First Asia-Pacific Edition. Milton, QLD. John Wiley & Sons Arnould, E., Price, L. and Zinkhan, G. (2001). Consumers. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Course Description: BUMKT2602 Consumer Behaviour

Babin, B. J. & Harris, E. G. (2011) CB2. Mason, OH. South-Western Cengage. Blackwell, R. G., Miniard, P. W. and Engel, J. F. (2006). Consumer behaviour (10th ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt. Hoyer, W. D. and McInnis, D. J. (2001). Consumer behaviour (2nd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Lawson, R., Tidwell, P., Rainbird, P., Loudon, D. and Della Bitta, A. (1996). Consumer behaviour in Australia and New Zealand. Roseville McGraw-Hill. Neal, C., Quester, P. and Hawkins, D. (2004). Consumer behaviour: Implications for marketing strategy (4th ed.). Sydney: McGraw Hill Peter, J. P. and Olson, J. C. (2005). Consumer behaviour and marketing strategy (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Schiffman, L., Bednall, D., Cowley, E., OCass, A., Watson, J. and Kanuk, L. (2000). Consumer behaviour. Sydney: Prentice Hall. Sheth, J. N., Mittal, B. and Newman, B. I. (1999). Customer behaviour: Consumer behaviour and beyond. Fort Worth: The Dryden Press. Solomon, M., Dann, S., Dann, S. and Russell-Bennett, R. (2007). Consumer behaviour: Buying, having, being. NSW: Pearson Journals Journal of Consumer Behaviour Journal of Consumer Research Journal of Consumer Marketing

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D

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