Grouped: Written By: Abby Thompson

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Written by: Abby Thompson

FADE IN: INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY Over black. CAROLINE (V.O) Hello World, it's November second at approximately 2:11 pm on a relatively mediocre Monday. How are you? Spinning I suppose..? I can see the sun so I guess that's a good sign. Apparently, if the sun burnt out it would take about eight minutes for the world to go completely dark. Also, if this hypothetical did happen we all freeze and die in less than a week. CAROLINE is secretly writing in her journal in class. CAROLINE appears to be a typical teenager taking notes for her class. CAROLINE is in a normal classroom, with other students awaiting the final bell of the day allowing them to leave the wretched place known as school. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) (Writing in journal) Luckily, the sun's only about half way through it's lifespan, so nobody has to be stupid and ponder that theory for a quite some time. (beat) You know what else is stupid? Sorry to go off on a tangent here, but it's not like anyone actually reads this. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Oh you wait you can't. Here I go. Teenagers. The pettiness of our problems, the gossip about someone's underwear line on their freaking leggings, and our groups our stupid isolating social groups. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) The jocks. Show a jock in class. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) The preps. Show a prep. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) The skaters. Show a skater.

2. Show CAROLINE writing. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) The nerds, druggies, sluts, and then all the people too weird to even fit a stereotype. Shot of clock at 2:14 pm. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) (Still writing in journal) If the sun burnt out and the world pulled a 2012 on us, I don't think Josephine Phillips underwear line or what group you sat with at lunch would really matter. Blackout. School bell rings. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Music fades in Beginning credits and title roll as various shots of students and places in the school are shown seeing different groups of people. INT. LOCKER BAY - DAY The LOCKER BAY is a crowded area with many students coming and going. CAROLINE, LUCY, ANNE-MARIE, and MICHELLE are in a semi-gossip circle. LUCY has more of a "hipster" style than the other girls. ANNE-MARIE is the snotty ring-leader of the group. MICHELLE is the airhead who will do anything and everything ANNE-MARIE wishes. Overall, all the girls are very preppy.

MICHELLE And then she said she was a vegetarian! CAROLINE, LUCY, ANNE-MARIE, AND MICHELLE (All laugh.) Close up on Caroline's face listening to Michelle ramble. BENJI'S hands appear in the frame and cover her face. BENJI is a charming, good-looking, and arrogant athlete.

3. BENJI is Caroline's boyfriend. BENJI Guess who? CAROLINE (Take hands away from her eyes) Hi Benji. BENJI (Wraps arms around her waist from behind.)So I've been thinking we should hang out, it's been like a year. CAROLINE I'm fairly sure we studied on Sunday. BENJI Yeah, but I'm fairly sure there's only so much fun I can have with a pencil. ANNE-MARIEE Benji, you are disgusting. BENJI I'd say what you and Josh did at Dan's party last weekend was pretty disgusting. I hadn't realized you were that flexible. ANNE-MARIE Oh my God shut up! He was super drunk. He doesn't remember right. LUCY (almost to herself) I think you were the drunk one. ANNE-MARIE Luc, don't even! BENJI At least your Joshy's getting some. This one won't even touch me. MICHELLE That's only because Caroline doesn't want to follow in the Mariano tradition. BENJI Come on Michelle, she's not that screwed up. CAROLINE is hurt.

4. BENJI appears in frame and kisses CAROLINE. A group of JOCKS pass them JOCKS (SING IN UNISON) Sweet Caroline! Bum, Bum, Bum! BENJI's phone rings. BENJI Go for Mr. Fantastic! Luke and Benji's conversation is intercut between each other. Luke is in the locker bay where it is busy and full of commotion. LUKE is a very normal looking teenager. He is not overly attractive, but he is not ugly whatsoever. LUKE does have some acne covering his face. LUKE (speaking over noise) What the hell, dude? Where are you?! Am I giving you a ride or not? BENJI Sorry yeah, can you still? Aerial shot of CAROLINE's friends and LUKE to show the amount of distance between them. LUKE Oh wait, I see you. (Goes up to Benji and girls.) Back to medium shot. BENJI Hey, yeah can you grab the car? I'll be out in like fivish? LUKE Really? Are you being serious right now? (Shocked at Benji's rudeness.) BENJI Uh, yeah? LUKE Whatever dude. Wide shot of LUKE leaving the locker bay area BENJI (Shouting over people) Oh and Luke?

5. LUKE turns around and exits. BENJI (jokes) Luke! make me a sandwich while you're at it?! LUKE rolls his eyes unamused and leaves to parking lot. ANNE-MARIE I don't think that guy has ever even heard of "Clearasil" CAROLINE Yeah, you could play connect the dots on his face. Everyone laughs. MICHELLE Who even is that? BENJI (sarcastically) My chauffer obviously. Soon I won't even have to deal with that guy, because I'll have my license!!! LUCY Benji, I heard you're party is going to be so rad! ANNE-MARIE Did you really just say rad? MICHELLE Who do you think you are a hipster or something?! LUCY feels hurt. CAROLINE sees LUCY feeling hurt. CAROLINE Lucy, we should really get going too. We'll be late otherwise. BENJI (IN BABY VOICE) You have to go? But! But! CAROLINE I don't want to be late. CAROLINE pecks BENJI'S mouth. BENJI But you're never late!

6. CAROLINE Exactly! Bye. I'll text you. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY CAROLINE and LUCY are hanging posters for the Sadie Hawkins dance. LUCY What about a Luau theme? CAROLINE (dryly) I was hoping to avoid a coconut bra. LUCY No one would make you wear that! CAROLINE Have you met Benji? LUCY about a superhero theme? CAROLINE (crinkles her nose) No, to much spandex. LUCY Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine. CAROLINE Sorry. LUCY Come on superheros could be fun. The nerds would like it, because that's all they do. The jocks would--(cut off.) CAROLINE (cuts Lucy off) Isn't it too costumey though? LUCY It's just an idea, the officers of each grade were supposed to come up with one idea and unless you have something better? CAROLINE Right, it's just an idea. (calms down with this thought.) They probably won't even pick ours right?

7. LUCY Why do you even care? CAROLINE's cell phone buzzes. She has a text from her mom that reads. Caroline, I'm here. CAROLINE Oh I have to go, sorry. CAROLINE grabs her bag which is on the floor nearby. LUCY Wait where? CAROLINE (already halfway out the door) This stupid family thing. INT. MARIANO KITCHEN - DAY CAROLINE, JEANNE MARIANO, and RICH MARIANO are seated at the kitchen table to discuss. JEANNE and RICH are very caring supporitve parents. They want the best for their daughter no matter what. JEANNE is a lawyer and RICH does something with money and finance. CAROLINE Did someone die? RICH MARIANO No, nobody died. CAROLINE Well, then can we just do this later? I have a lot of homework, and finals are next month, and I have to work on this student government stuff, and-JEANNE MARIANO Honey, this is really important. RICH MARIANO Caroline, we're concerned. Ever since you stopped seeing your therapist your anxiety has seemed to worsen. CAROLINE (defensively) My anxiety isn't even bad. Everyone gets anxious sometimes.

8. JEANNE MARIANO Yes, but you're not on a normal schedule. You haven't been sleeping more than three hours a night. CAROLINE (snottily) Actually I got five hours last night. It's not my fault though I have a lot of school work. JEANNE MARIANO Honey, we know. We're really happy you're excelling so well in your academics, but we think you need some more support. CAROLINE is getting frustrated and increasingly angry. CAROLINE I don't need support, I'm fine. I'm on medicine. It works. RICH MARIANO Honey, we signed you up for additional therapy twice a week. RICH MARIANO (to Jeanne) How long were you planning on beating around the bush? CAROLINE You did what?! Therapy doesn't even work it's stupid. Jeanne reaches for CAROLINE's shoulder JEANNE MARIANO Honey... CAROLINE (angry) Stop! RICH MARIANO They say medicine and therapy together produces the best results for people with mental illness. CAROLINE's anger continues to increase. CAROLINE I don't have a mental illness! I have anxiety and a touch of depression, I'm not crazy!

9. RICH MARIANO No one is saying you're crazy, but you do have a mental illness and it needs to be treated. The first step is to accept your illness, this will help accomplish that hurdle. CAROLINE I'm not going. I'm not going to sit in an office for an hour and waste money to talk about my feelings. All they say is "Why are you anxious about school?" "What's the worse thing that could happen?" "How likely is that to happen" That's all they do, and it doesn't even work. JEANNE MARIANO Sweetie, it's a different kind of therapy. It's with this prestigious published doctor who has a special group therapy for teens that -CAROLINE is fuming with anger. CAROLINE (cuts off) I'm not doing that! RICH MARIANO (sternly) Yes, you are. It starts tomorrow. You're going. That's final. I don't want to hear about you refusing to go while I'm out of town. CAROLINE It's tomorrow? You don't even tell me in advance?! JEANNE MARIANO We didn't want you to have a lot of time to worry about it. CAROLINE Oh well too late mom! CAROLINE storms out of the kitchen. JEANNE MARIANO I told you this would happen. RICH MARIANO She had to find out one way or the other.

10. JEANNE MARIANO What if it's not a good idea. Maybe we're just drowning her in too much therapy, Rich. I don't want her to resent us. We can't have a repeat of last year. We just can't drive her away. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - NIGHT CAROLINE is in her bed as she writes in her journal--fast. CAROLINE (V.O) What are they crazy?!? Oh wait that's me apparently. But group therapy? Just seeing other people struggle with mental illness isn't going to make me feel better. They will probably be all gothy cutters, how am I supposed to relate to that? They probably think more treatment the less likely I end up going crazy and running away. Tomorrow is going to suck. INT. MS. MILLER'S ENGLISH CLASS - DAY Dissolve to CAROLINE writing in her journal in English class. MS. MILLER This is one of my favorite works of literature. It's also Willa Cather's most famous. I would like everyone to get through chapter 19 and have the comprehension packets completed by the end of next week. CAROLINE looks content with everything on the outside, but on the inside she is loosing it. CAROLINE (V.O) Why is Jen Lamb looking at me? God look away bitch. What do you want?! Why do you hate me? Does my shirt have a stain? Stop it! Stop it! JEN LAMB looks away. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) Thank you. What is there something growing on myJEN LAMB and the rest of the class looks at CAROLINE. CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) Stop it! Stop it!

11. MS. MILLER Caroline? How do you think the Modernism era during the early 1900's will affect this story? CAROLINE (V.O CONT'D) Kill me. CAROLINE I uh, think thatBell rings. CAROLINE (To Benji) I heard this book is supposed to be really boring. BENJI Yeah probably, there's probably a movie though so who cares? What are you doing tonight? I was thinking we could have some sweet Caroline time? (sings) Bum, bum, bum! CAROLINE You know how much I hate it when people do that. BENJI Aw, I know baby I'm sorry. I just miss you. CAROLINE I know I miss you too, I just have a thing tonight. What about...tomorrow night? BENJI I can't I have hockey practice CAROLINE Okay, well another time maybe Saturday? We'll make it work some way or another. You could hang out with the guys tonight. (points to Luke) BENJI Hanging out with Luke is like sitting Miller's class...boring as hell. INT. JEANNE MARIANO'S CAR - DAY CAROLINE and JEANNE are in the car driving to the group therapy.

12. CAROLINE I don't want to go. JEANNE MARIANO It will be great, I promise. I talked with Dr. Winters on the phone. It sounds like a really nice group of kids. CAROLINE What if they're all like really messed up? JEANNE MARIANO Just give it a chance, please? Your father and I just want to see things get better for you. CAROLINE I don't want to go. INT. ELEVATOR AT DR. WINTERS'S OFFICE BUILDING - DAY CAROLINE, ROSE, and others ride elevator up silently. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE - DAY DR. KEITH WINTERS'S office is very zen like. He has a little foundation on a table. Very a natural color pallette in his office space. DR. KEITH WINTERS is a published psychologist. He is very eccentric and quirky. He is very good at his job, despite his oddness. DR. KEITH WINTERS Rose, it's nice to see you. Oh and you must be Caroline! Welcome, it's so wonderful you could join us! From what Dr. Stevenson told me, this should be a really great fit for you. We're not to big, you'll be our sixth currently. There shouldn't be too much pressure to share, since we're so small. However, if you have concerns, questions, or just need an ear to listen to I am always available after these sessions. I am just another member or your team helping you cross the finish line of living your life in a better mindset. CAROLINE Cool, thanks. CAROLINE looks around to see three girls sitting in chairs making occasional glances at her.

13. DR. KEITH WINTERS You can take a seat, it looks like we are missing our boys. We'll wait another minute or so. LUKE and DAVIS come through the door. CAROLINE sees LUKE and they make eye contact. LUKE smiles softly at her. CAROLINE's face turns pale. Her foot begins tapping and she tenses up. She is extremely nervous. DR. KEITH WINTERS Well, how about that! Everybody's here! As you may have noticed we have a new person joining us today. This is Caroline-- you're a...sophomore right? CAROLINE (nods) DR. KEITH WINTERS Great! Why doesn't everyone introduce themselves briefly...just name, age, and maybe why you're here. BELLA is a small girl that some might stereotype as "scene" or "goth" BELLA I'm Bella. I'm a sophomore. I'm here, because I have anxiety, depression, and SI. ROSE looks like much more of an athlete. She wears athletic attire for whatever sport she participates in. ROSE I'm Rose. I'm a junior. I have anxiety and then anger and rage management. JILLIAN is someone who doesn't fit a mold. She is someone who is a floater and doesn't fit a specific stereotype. JILLIAN I'm Jillian and also a junior and I have anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. DAVIS also appears very neutral to any sort of group or stereotype. DAVIS I'm Davis, I'm a senior and I'm bipolar.

14. LUKE (Avoids eye-contact with Caroline) I'm Luke, I'm a sophomore and I have depression and SI. CAROLINE nods nervously. DR. KEITH WINTERS Also before we begin I think it would be wise to go over the rules for Caroline and to remind the rest of us of them too. I'll start and we can go around the circle. (beat) Alright, so in group we have to respect what other people share as well as their opinions. BELLA Um, don't talk about group stuff outside of group. Keep what other people share private. ROSE Don't share personal information with other people like last name or what school people go to. JILLIAN Do not contact people in group outside of group. Group should be focused on you and your own health. DAVIS No war stories. DR. KEITH WINTERS Why no war stories Davis? DAVIS (Sounds rehearsed) Because some people could have a negative response to hearing a bad experience or story. War stories can trigger negative or impulsive behavior. DR. KEITH WINTERS And what's the last one Luke? LUKE Participate. Show CAROLINE's foot tapping due to her anxiety. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE - DAY Dissolve to CAROLINE's foot still tapping. Group is almost over. CAROLINE is still nervous and uncomfortable.

15. DR. KEITH WINTERS I think today was very productive and went well. I want to commend Jillian and Davis for sharing. That take courage. And on that note, that's all I have for you guys. I'll see you in two days on Thursday. Remember to use distress tolerance skills during high times of anxiety, anger, or impulsivity. Have a good night! CAROLINE bolts from her seat to the car. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY CAROLINE looks at LUKE in class. LUKE catches her staring and they both awkwardly look away. INT. LOCKER BAY - DAY CAROLINE looks at LUKE and looks away repeatedly. INT. MS. MILLER'S ENGLISH CLASS - DAY CAROLINE looks at LUKE again and looks away. Bell rings. BENJI approaches CAROLINE and hugs her. BENJI There's my genius girlfriend. I can't believe you came up with the idea for the dance. CAROLINE Actually it was Lucy's, so you should be hugging her. BENJI Well if I was hugging Lucy could I do this? (Kisses Caroline) CAROLINE Well, you could but... MS. MILLER (interrupting) Can you two have this conversation outside the classroom? Oh, actually Mr. Grey, can I see up here for a moment. BENJI gives CAROLINE a look of annoyance. LUKE approaches CAROLINE and slips her a note that reads: "Meet me in the band room in 5 minutes -Luke" CAROLINE hides

16. the note under her books. BENJI returns. BENJI God I hate that woman. She docked me for not doing a full citation on my cover art picture. (dramatically) At least now I get drain my sorrows in school lunch. CAROLINE Actually I have to talk with Mr. Lang about my math test, so I'll meet you? BENJI Do you want me to go with you? CAROLINE I got it, it's fine. CAROLINE pecks BENJI and speed walks away. INT. BAND ROOM - DAY CAROLINE double checks to make sure nobody sees her go into the band room. Beautiful cello music is filling the band area. CAROLINE enters the band room to find LUKE playing the cello. She is shocked with how talented he is. LUKE finishes and scribbles something down in his score book. CAROLINE (From the doorway) Is that for orchestra? CAROLINE approaches LUKE. LUKE (turns to see Caroline) Uh,'s original. CAROLINE So I got your note? LUKE (Sarcastically) Really you don't just hang out in the band room during lunch? CAROLINE really, but you do?

17. LUKE Sometimes it's a "coping" mechanism. (Imamates Dr. Keith Winters) Coping mechanisms are like fire extinguishers. They take away that flaming fire of you negative emotion. (stops imitation) And I have a study hall after lunch so it's better than reading Mi Antonia. CAROLINE The book is really bad. LUKE I know! But I uh...I just wanted to tell you if you were planning on quitting group because of me, don't. He's kinda eccentric, but Winters knows what he's doing, even if his weird little metaphors seem stupid well..they are..but they help sometimes. LUKE And I'm going to go tell anyone that your in group. It's something I like to keep private and I'm guessing you would like that too. CAROLINE Yeah, Thanks. LUKE Just following rule number 2. CAROLINE (points to Luke's cello) That was really good by the way. LUKE Thanks. Awkward pause between CAROLINE and LUKE. CAROLINE Okay, well..bye I guess? LUKE waves. CAROLINE exits LUKE's practice room. CAROLINE takes a deep breath and processes what just happened. INT. CAFETERIA - DAY CAROLINE enters the cafeteria. It's a loud busy place with students talking, eating, and being high schoolers. CAROLINE

18. goes toward her friends's table. MICHELLE Where were you? ANNE-MARIE Probably grade-grubbing again. CAROLINE Okay, No I wasn't! MICHELLE and ANNE-MARIE exchange a look. LUCY At least she cares where she goes to college. ANNE-MARIE (To Michelle) With her family history..yeah right. (to the group) And I do care where I go to college, but I don't have to suck up to teacher just to get them to change my grades. CAROLINE I've never done that once! MICHELLE Whatever you say! LUCY Michelle, you should really stay out of this you have a tutor. MICHELLE I have dyslexia and you don't have to be a bitch about it. BENJI and JOSH approach the girls table. JOSH is ANNE-MARIE'S boyfriend, BENJI'S good friend, and another athlete. BENJI Ladies, ladies what going on here? Little cat fight I see? (makes cat claws) Rawr!! ANNE-MARIE Benji, tell your girlfriend that she really needs to stop sucking up to teachers. Some of us actually have to work hard for our grades. CAROLINE I didn't think asking a question was committing a crime!

19. BENJI You know I think Josh and I are going to sit over there today. You guys can work this one out on your own. BENJI and JOSH go to other table. JOSH (To Benji) She kinda does ask a lot of questions. BENJI (elbows Josh in the ribs) It's called perfectionism bro. ANNE-MARIE See, your own boyfriend won't even stand up for you. CAROLINE (embarrassed) I'm going to finish my lunch in the library. I have homework anyways. LUCY Harsh much Anne-Marie? ANNE-MARIE Sorry, not sorry. INT. LIBRARY - DAY CAROLINE is in the library writing in her journal. CAROLINE (V.O) Most days I want to punch Anne-Marie square in the mouth. Maybe then she would actually shut up. She's just on bitch mode 24/7, and I'm tired of it. I wasn't even talking to a teacher! I was saving my social life with Benji's friend. It's well worth to be thought of as a grade-grubber than a psychopath though. Not saying I am one, but if anyone found out that I'm actually in multiple therapies and on medication, that would be the story. Anne-Marie and Michelle would tear me apart, while Benji would just laugh and not have a care in the world. I know what Anne-Marie said about Benji not standing up for me shouldn't bother me, but it does. She's right he's my boyfriend and in that moment, he (MORE)

20. CAROLINE (V.O) (cont'd) just wanted to cover his ass. Most days I hate my life. INT. CAROLINE'S BEDROOM - DAY Shot of clock. It is about 3 pm. CAROLINE is doing homework for her English class. She sits at her desk where her computer is opened to a blank word document. CAROLINE begins to type things relating to My Antonia. She gets flustered and deletes what she has typed. She then types a new sentence, and becomes more flustered. She then deletes that content. INT. CAROLINE'S BEDROOM - DAY Shot of the clock. It is now 3:36 pm. CAROLINE has done various planning sheets for her essay. She still stares at a blank word document with only her name typed in the corner of the page. CAROLINE looks at the clock. CAROLINE (shouting) Mom! We need to go soon! CAROLINE waits a beat. She then gets up from her desk and goes to her door frame. CAROLINE (shouting) Mom!!! JEANNE MARIANO (O.S) What honey? CAROLINE (still shouting) We need to leave in ten minutes! JEANNE MARIANO doesn't respond. CAROLINE gets more frustrated. INT. MARIANO HOUSE - DAY CAROLINE gets ready to leave by putting on her shoes on and coat. CAROLINE then waits for her mom anxiously to leave. CAROLINE (shouting) Mom!!! INT. MARIANO DEN - DAY JEANNE MARIANO is preoccupied with her email.

21. JEANNE MARIANO I'm coming! Let me finish this email! INT. MARIANO HOUSE - DAY CAROLINE's anxiety begins to rise exponentially. The anxiety is beginning to turn to anger. CAROLINE We need to go now! INT. MARIANO DEN - DAY JEANNE MARIANO is still preoccupied with her email. JEANNE MARIANO One minute! INT. MARIANO HOUSE - DAY CAROLINE's anxiety continues to rise. CAROLINE (screaming) We are going to be late! God dammit! Hurry up! JEANNE MARIANO enters to where CAROLINE is waiting. JEANNE MARIANO You do not use the lord's name in vain in this household! CAROLINE (screaming) We need to go!! I'm going to be late! JEANNE MARIANO Just because we won't be there ten minutes early, doesn't mean we are late. CAROLINE (screaming) Why the hell do you hate me so much?! (screams) JEANNE MARIANO We are not going to leave until you can calm yourself down. CAROLINE (pleading) I'm going to be late, please just get in the car. (on verge of tears)

22. JEANNE MARIANO Show me you can be in control then. CAROLINE (loudest most intense scream yet.) I'm NEVER going to get in control IF WE DON'T GO NOW!!!! CAROLINE then picks up a glass from the counter and throws it at the wall. The glass shatters into pieces. CAROLINE and JEANNE MARIANO are both silent. They are both shocked at CAROLINE's actions. JEANNE MARIANO I'm going to go grab my coat. I want you to take an Adivan and then we will go. Shot of CAROLINE's face. She has scared herself by what she just did. INT. JEANNE MARIANO'S CAR - DAY JEANNE MARIANO is pulled up to DR. KEITH WINTER's office building. JEANNE MARIANO Okay so your dad will pick you up on his way home from the airport, because of my partners dinner. I'll be out late, so I probably won't see you until tomorrow. CAROLINE (sighs) Okay whatever. CAROLINE opens up car door and leaves. EXT. DR. KEITH WINTER'S PARKING LOT - DAY Wide shot of CAROLINE walking into office building. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE - DAY The group discusses. ROSE And it's like she doesn't even care. If I do anything well, I get no recognition. But of course the one time something goes wrong, she has to tell everyone how much of a screw-up I am. That's when I loose it and can't get a hold of my emotions.

23. DR. KEITH WINTERS Thank you for sharing with us Rose. I don't think anyone here thinks you're a screw-up. Can anyone give her a little feedback on that? BELLA I don't think you're screwed up. Everyone feels like that sometimes. LUKE I think everyone is a little screwed up at this age, some people just hide it better than others. LUKE looks at CAROLINE. DAVIS Yeah, I mean everyone goes through their own crap. Just because you're on meds or whatever, doesn't mean you're any more screwed up than the next guy. DR. KEITH WINTERS You're right Davis. It is important to come to terms with your struggle, but it doesn't make you a bad person for having them. (beat) You know, I have this really great page out of a book I want to share. Why don't I go copy it for everyone, while you all discus how you have come to terms with your own struggles. DR. KEITH WINTERS exits.

ROSE Jill, we still on for Friday right? JILLIAN (flirtatiously) I was counting on it. DAVIS (sings) Rose and Jillian sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. BELLA What are you five? DAVIS (sings) First comes love, then comes civil union, then comes the adopted baby from Africa.

24. ROSE Actually, asshole we both plan on carrying our kids. JILLIAN Because we can. DAVIS Okay then jeez lighten up, but then who's the guy in the relationship? JILLIAN and ROSE looks at each other and laugh. LUKE (defensively) Dude, you don't ask that! DAVIS Sorry, I'm obviously not an expert in lesbianism. DR. KEITH WINTERS enters the room again. DR. KEITH WINTERS Sorry, about that. Alright, so this is one of my most favorite skills called radical acceptance. Fade out. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE BUILDING FOYER - DAY It is a dark sky with pouring rain outside. CAROLINE is on the phone with her mom. CAROLINE (angry and stressed) Well what am I supposed to do? It's embarrassing that on the second day I don't even have a ride. (pause) Well I don't care if O'Hare is canceling all flights. (pause) Three hours, are you serious right now?! (pause) I honestly hate you!! (pause) LUKE comes through the elevators and sees CAROLINE upset. CAROLINE (CONT'D) If anyone is it's you! I hate you! (pause) You're a terrible human being, go kill yourself!! (hangs up) CAROLINE sees LUKE and is embarrassed.

25. LUKE I don't mean to interrupt, but are you okay? CAROLINE Yeah, I'm fine. I just get to hang out around here for a few hours. LUKE (Sarcastically) Wow! Sounds like a blast! CAROLINE Doesn't it?! LUKE I can give you a ride, if you want? CAROLINE It's fine really. I couldn't ask you to do that. LUKE I'm offering. You live like a mile from me and that's not creepy, because I drove Benji to your house not myself. Well I was in the car, but...I wasn't going... CAROLINE Yeah, I get it, well if really isn't out of the way. I can always go to that coffee shop across the street or something. It's actually really not a big deal, I'll just... LUKE (cuts off) Seriously, it's not a problem. Let me pull up for you, because of the rain. LUKE leaves towards the door. LUKE (To Gordan the security guard) See ya Gordan! GORDAN (Waves) Take it easy Luke! INT. LUKE'S CAR - EVENING Cross Fade into CAROLINE and LUKE in the car. LUKE tries to initiate a conversation.

26. LUKE So are far on My Antonia yet? CAROLINE Not far enough that anything has happened yet. LUKE I just got to the part where Jim kills the snake. That was most action so far. CAROLINE It's the worst book I've ever read, and I'm not even done. LUKE That's what you get from Miller the killer though. My sister told me to go in with low expectations to each class. CAROLINE Yeah, and then Benji tries to make jokes while she's not looking. LUKE The key word there is trying. CAROLINE AND LUKE (both laugh) INT. LUKE'S CAR-EVENING LUKE pulls up to CAROLINE's house. It's pouring rain outside. LUKE Have fun with that fine literature from Willa Cather! CAROLINE Oh I will! Thanks again for the ride. LUKE You sure you don't want an umbrella? CAROLINE It's thirty feet, I'll be fine. Thanks! I guess, I'll see you around! EXT. THE FRONT OF CAROLINE'S HOUSE - EVENING CAROLINE leaves the car and sprints to the front door. She tries the door a few times, but it doesn't open.

27. LUKE sees CAROLINE having trouble so he gets out of the car with an umbrella. He shields CAROLINE from the rain with the umbrella. LUKE (calmly through the rain) Is it locked? CAROLINE (stressed, frustrated, and on the verge of tears) I don't know why it's not opening! LUKE It's probably locked. CAROLINE (ignoring him) Maybe the back door is open. LUKE Here I got it. Without giving CAROLINE a chance to stop him, LUKE hands CAROLINE the umbrella. LUKE CONT'D Go wait in the car, I'll check around back. CAROLINE listens to LUKE. She is drenched, cold, her makeup is running, and she doesn't know what to do. INT. LUKE'S CAR- EVENING CAROLINE is panicking and chattering due to the cold. She waits to see if Luke could get in. LUKE enters the car and takes a breath. He is drenched. LUKE It's really raining outside. CAROLINE No shit, sherlock. LUKE It's locked, by the way. I tried a couple of the windows too just in case, but... CAROLINE (humiliated) I am so sorry about this. This is so embarrassing. Our garage door is broken and my dad's on business so he hasn't been able to fix it and (MORE)

28. CAROLINE (cont'd) our neighbors house was broken into, so my mom got scared and took the key out from under the mat. I'm sorry, you can just go. I'll find a way in, it's really not a big deal. LUKE It's storming out and lightening and I'm not an asshole, so you can just come over and we can work on English or something. I have an extra copy of the book. CAROLINE It's really fine, I'll just go under the patio umbrella. It's not a problem. (lies) My mom will be home soon. LUKE puts the car in drive. LUKE Actually, I'm not taking no for an answer. INT. LUKE'S HOUSE LUKE's house is a busy place. His brother and sister are busy doing their own things in the house. CAROLINE has mascara is running a bit due to the rain. LUKE is soaked too. LUKE Can I get you something to drink? CAROLINE runs her finger under her eye, and sees her mascara is running. CAROLINE (eagerly) Can I use your bathroom? LUKE Down that hall first door on the left. LUKE goes into his living room where his brother Rus is watching a close basketball game. RUS is LUKE's older brother. He is a jerk and has very little class whatsoever. LUKE Rus, can you go somewhere else? I have someone over and we need place to study.

29. RUS (eyes glued to the game) Yeah I saw her she's super hot. LUKE Dude, that's Benji's girlfriend, not cool!! RUS Benji's a jerk, if you don't hit that I will. LUKE Can you just go somewhere else? RUS Not until this games over. The Lakers are up by two and Durant's shooting free throws. SCENES INTERCUT BETWEEN CAROLINE AND LUKE INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE is trying to take off her running eye makeup with soap but having trouble. CAROLINE (to herself) Shit! Shit! Shit! INT. LUKE'S HOUSE RUS And Durant makes it! Looks like I got five more minutes bro. INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE is flustered with her makeup. CAROLINE Why won't this come off? INT. LUKE'S HOUSE LUKE goes into the kitchen where his sister MARIA the vice president of student government and her friends are getting ready for Sadies. LUKE Do you guys really have to be in here? MARIA What do you think? Sadies isn't planning itself. And speaking of...did sophomore class officer (MORE)

30. MARIA (cont'd) Caroline Mariano just walk through that door with you? LUKE We're just friends, God!! She's with Benji! MARIA I wasn't really asking...but really? Benji Grey? He's such a tool, she could do way better. LUKE That doesn't even matter, can you guys just leave?! We need a place to study. MARIA Just go in your room it doesn't have to be difficult.(baby voice) But it is pretty cute to see little Luke all insecure. MARIA pinches LUKE's cheek. LUKE pushes her off him. LUKE Stop! My rooms too messy, I can't have anyone up there. MARIA Why don't you pick up your room really quick and we'll stall her for you. LUKE sighs. LUKE God, I hate you! LUKE bolts up to his room. MARIA (shouting) I love you!! And you're welcome. INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE reapplies her makeup INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM LUKE makes his bed INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE brushes her snarly hair out.

31. INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM LUKE throws a big pile of clothes in the hamper. INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE flushes the toilet. INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM LUKE changes into a clean shirt. INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE puts her makeup back in her purse and looks herself over in the mirror and sighs. INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM LUKE checks over his room and sighs. INT. LUKE'S BATHROOM CAROLINE turns the handle of the bathroom and door and leaves. INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM LUKE turns off the light in his room. INT. LUKE'S HOUSE CAROLINE wanders into the kitchen and sees MARIA. MARIA (friendly) Hey Caroline, how's it going? CAROLINE (Smiles) Pretty good, I didn't realize you were...? MARIA Luke's sister? Yes, and he should be down-LUKE enters the kitchen. LUKE (cuts off) Hey, I'm back. Sorry about that. CAROLINE Oh, hi! LUKE We can go upstairs--

32. RUS (gives a sly smile) Ehm! Luke, you didn't introduce me to your friend. LUKE (uncomfortable) Uh..okay? Caroline this is my brother Rus...Rus this is Caroline. RUS (sings) Sweet Caroline! Bum! Bum! Bum! CAROLINE (awkwardly) Yeah, it's nice to meet you too. LUKE (to Caroline) I'm sorry him about he was adopted. CAROLINE and LUKE leave the living room. LUKE shoots RUS a look. RUS mimes a blow job and grins. LUKE glares at Rus, then smiles at CAROLINE. INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM In LUKE's bedroom he has a guitar, cello, keyboard, and a set of drums. He also has a desk that has piles of score books on them. CAROLINE Wow, do you play all these? LUKE Uh, yeah I do. CAROLINE That's really cool, so what did you start taking lessons in the womb or..? LUKE My dad taught me, he's of music down at the U not really a big deal. uncomfortable) Are you CAROLINE Uhthe chairman of M. It's (gets hungry?

33. LUKE I'm starving! I'm going to go pop in a pizza, I'll be right back. There's paper in that second drawer and here's my extra copy of the book. LUKE exits quickly. CAROLINE is by herself in LUKE's room. She goes over to his desk to get the paper. She sees the score books on his desk and pages through them. CAROLINE (quietly to herself) Wow! INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM Dissolve to LUKE and CAROLINE are reading and doing homework. CAROLINE's phone buzzes. It's a text from BENJI: "Hey babe, can you pick up cups for the party tomorrow?" She texts back: "sure, no problem" CAROLINE I guess Benji needs more cups for the party tomorrow. LUKE Oh yeah, the big Benji birthday bash is tomorrow isn't it. CAROLINE You're going right? LUKE Uh, probably not. CAROLINE Why? You should come, I'm sure Benji would want you there. LUKE You don't know Benji that well do you? CAROLINE Well I mean we -LUKE (cuts off) I didn't mean you don't know him, I mean obviously you guys are... CAROLINE Yeah.

34. LUKE He... well, our moms are close and I give him rides a lot and I've known him since I was four but...We're just really different people. He's really... CAROLINE Loud? Obnoxious? LUKE Aren't you supposed to say he's sweet or funny or something? CAROLINE Probably. LUKE I guess you know him better than I gave you credit for. My B. CAROLINE laughs a bit at that comment. CAROLINE Your B? LUKE (jokingly) Yeah, isn't that what all the cool kids are saying now a days? CAROLINE (jokingly) You tell me, I wouldn't know. LUKE And I would due to my many lunches of solitude in the band room. I really get to know pop culture in there. CAROLINE smiles. CAROLINE Well, you should still come tomorrow. LUKE Maybe. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - NIGHT CAROLINE writes in her journal CAROLINE (V.O) It was weird being at Luke's. I've never said more than two words to him before in my life and then I (MORE)

35. CAROLINE (V.O) (cont'd) wind up having dinner and spending five hours with him. I don't get what Benji's deal is with him...he's not boring at all. Especially in comparison to Benji. INT. BENJI'S BIRTHDAY BASH - NIGHT Teenagers fill JOSH's house. Music plays and people are doing irresponsible things. BENJI is doing shots with a bunch of guys. CAROLINE is off to the side bored drinking a red solo cup filled with Diet Coke. BENJI (To his friends) Ah! I love this song! BENJI gets on a table and starts dancing. BENJI (To Caroline) Babe! Can you get me another drink? BENJI hands CAROLINE his cup. CAROLINE (Fake smiles) Sure, I'll be right back. CAROLINE goes up to fill BENJI's glass with beer CAROLINE sees into LUKE. CAROLINE Oh my god! You actually came! LUKE Yeah! I was looking for you actually. CAROLINE Well you found me. LUKE You having fun? I never took you for the drinking type..not that it's bad or anything...I just... CAROLINE It's Benji's actually. I don't drink. LUKE Oh right.

36. CAROLINE Yeah, it doesn't mix well with my meds. But explaining that to my friends would include telling them what I'm on...and unfortunately they are pretty good with Google. LUKE Well if I were to ask you what meds you're on, I wouldn't Google them. CAROLINE (laughs) Because you wouldn't have to. I'm on Effexor and in high anxiety situations I have Adivan. LUKE (Surprised) Oh wow, they almost never give kids Adivan. Your psychiatrist didn't think you were going to sell it? CAROLINE (jokingly) What she doesn't know won't hurt her. What are you on? LUKE Seroquel and Zoloft. CAROLINE You're lucky you are not on Effexor, if I miss one day I get a headache at fifth period like clockwork. LUKE At least you're not a zombie in the morning. I've added Mountain Dew to my list of drugs just to stay awake. I can thank the Seroquel for that. CAROLINE (sarcastically) The perks of being screwed up. LUKE Winters would say: (goes into his Dr. Keith Winters impression) Your medicine is like a wet suit. It keeps you just warm enough to take on the waves of the day, but you need to add therapy to surf. CAROLINE He needs to just write a book already.

37. LUKE I think he already did. "How to Bore a Teenage Psychopath for Dummies." Off camera something breaks. BENJI (O.S) I'll clean that up! CAROLINE I really hate these parties. LUKE I thought you wanted me to come bad, because they are so fun! CAROLINE I wanted you come so bad, because I didn't think you would get wasted and then I'd actually have someone to talk to. LUKE So I'm just here for your personal gain? Couple passionately making out next to CAROLINE and LUKE. CAROLINE Do you want to go somewhere..that's not here? INT. LUKE'S CAR - NIGHT CAROLINE Okay so take the next right up here, and then you can park in the lot on the left. LUKE (drives calmly) You know I never pegged you as mentally... CAROLINE Unstable? (pause) I guess I put up a good front then. LUKE Student government officer by day, therapy attendee by night! CAROLINE Don't forget Adivan dealer! Both laugh.

38. LUKE So what are we doing here anyways? CAROLINE Trust a fellow mentally unstable. They both get out of the car EXT. LAKE - NIGHT CAROLINE and LUKE get out of the car and start walking around the lake towards the dock. CAROLINE Holy crap! It's freezing! LUKE Wet suit isn't cutting it today? Here. LUKE takes off his sweatshirt and gives it to CAROLINE. His cuts on his wrists are exposed. CAROLINE and LUKE walk around the lake. CAROLINE You shouldn't do that you know. (references to Luke's cuts) LUKE You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Even at group I see you planning what you're going to say before you say it. CAROLINE Well, I kinda have to. I mean it seems like everyone's such good friends. LUKE Why, because of Rose and Jillian? CAROLINE Yeah, and Davis. Aren't they all like friends? LUKE Kinda, Davis is just friendly. He's homeschooled, so group is one of his main social interactions. But Rose and Jillian, I mean yeah..they're together. They're really cool though. I've hung out with them a couple times. I swear Jillian is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

39. CAROLINE Oh. LUKE Yeah, so much for rules two and three.(beat) But it's actually really sad. Rose's mom is like a major homophobe, so Rose doesn't even want to come out to Winters, because of the possibility he will "challenge" her to tell her mom. CAROLINE Gosh, that's got to so be hard. LUKE I know. I don't know how I could hide who I am from anyone, much less my family. CAROLINE Yeah, me either. LUKE But you do. CAROLINE No I don't. LUKE Yeah you do. All the time. School, group, everywhere. You're not always going to be perfect. You don't always have to have it together you know. CAROLINE (Defensive) Yeah, I do wouldn't get it. You don't even know me that well so... LUKE That's true, but it must suck to be that paranoid all the time. CAROLINE looks at LUKE deciding whether or not to open up to him. CAROLINE and LUKE are at the end of a dock. CAROLINE (shakes her head) You just wouldn't get it. LUKE Try me, I've been around a lot of kids going through some bad stuff.

40. CAROLINE and LUKE sit on the dock with their feet hanging off. CAROLINE (sighs) Okay so I've been going to group because apparently, CAROLINE puts air quotes around her next phrase. CAROLINE (CONT'D) I need to expose myself to people struggling with similar issues as me. CAROLINE stops air quotes. CAROLINE (CONT'D) So I stop feeling like I'm the only one that's... LUKE Mentally unstable...? CAROLINE (nods) And my parents want to give me as much therapy as possible, because they don't want me to end up like my God forsaken sister. She gets pregnant and runs away with a college guy to New York to join some weird cult. She runs off and leaves my parents and me to clean up her mess.(pause) She's such a bitch and I miss her and I hate that I miss her. (pause) We used to always come here, Alice and I. That's her name. When we were really little my mom used to always take us here to feed the ducks and we just always came back. Right before she got into all her drugs, partying, and all that bad stuff; She took me her to see this local guy play guitar at the band shell. After, we got those big ice cream cones that have the annoying holes in the bottom and when it melts you get all messy. See, we walked and of course my hands got all sticky and gross. Alice told me to throw my cone in the lake, because of my sticky hands.(laughs) I thought I was such a bad ass. LUKE (laughs) You are pretty bad ass.

41. CAROLINE You should of seen me at eleven. (pause) But we just walked and talked and she told me she wanted to be a surgeon. (pause) And I don't know if she went to medical school or if she got mesmerized by that stupid cult, or if she has a child. She hasn't called or emailed for a year and half. She could be dead and I wouldn't even know it. LUKE shakes his head. CAROLINE The thing was on that day here, I wanted to be just like her, and now everyone's scared I will be. And it seems like the only way to not be like her is to do everything perfectly. LUKE Your parents shouldn't put that kind of pressure on you. It's making you worse off. CAROLINE But it's not just them! My friends remind me everyday that if I make one mistake I'm on the road to dropping out. And my teachers, at the beginning of the year is always the same. "Are you Alice Mariano's sister?" And when I tell them yes, they just give me the same disapproving look. It's like I have to prove to them I'm different from her. And then Benji's the worst offender! He thinks it's so funny that my sister ran off. Sometimes he's like "I wish you more like your sister" And I'm just thinking I don't even like you that much, and you think I want to have sex with you? The thing is he doesn't even realize I know that's all he wants. I'm not a Michelle,I'm not that oblivious. God, he's just an asshole! CAROLINE's eyes widen and she covers her mouth. CAROLINE I did not just say that, okay?

42. LUKE (smiles) Say what? If it makes you feel any better, I don't like Benji that much either. CAROLINE Well that's because he's mean and takes advantage of you. LUKE He's mean and wants to take advantage of you too. CAROLINE (pauses) Well, why don't you just ditch him? I'm sure he can find other rides. LUKE Why don't you just break up with him? I'm sure he can find someone else to get his needs met. CAROLINE You really shouldn't answer questions with questions all the time. LUKE Sorry, I think I picked that up from Winters. You should break up with him though, at least that's what my sister said. She called Benji a tool and said you could do way better. CAROLINE So how come I didn't know you're sister's with the VP of student government? LUKE Because people don't associate the kid who eats lunch by himself in the band room, because he doesn't have a place to sit with the homecoming queen. Why didn't you tell me your sister dropped out of school and moved to New York? CAROLINE Okay, you really need to stop doing that. LUKE (Laughs) To much time with Winters, I guess.

43. INT. MARIANO KITCHEN CAROLINE and BENJI are sitting in the Mariano's kitchen doing homework. BENJI What'd you get for fourteen? CAROLINE Forty six, what about you? BENJI fills in forty six on his homework. BENJI Uh, same. CAROLINE and BENJI work independently on their assignments, not saying a word. BENJI I didn't see you much at the party. CAROLINE (not looking up from her assignment) Uh, yeah I wasn't feeling that well and Luke took me home. BENJI (shocked) Luke... Matthews? CAROLINE Yeah, it's not really a big deal. BENJI (slightly agitated by the occurrence) Well no, but why didn't you have someone else take you home? Like Josh or Dan or anyone else? CAROLINE Luke was the only one not drunk, so sorry if I didn't want to die on the way home. BENJI Well he's weird. CAROLINE returns to her homework. BENJI What you'd get for fifteen? CAROLINE 3 over seventeen.

44. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY CAROLINE's alarm goes off. The clock reads 5:15 AM. CAROLINE rolls over in her bed and slaps the alarm. Music fades in. INT. CAROLINE'S BATHROOM - DAY The shower is on and steam comes out of the shower. INT. CAROLINE'S BATHROOM - DAY CAROLINE is wrapped in a towel around her body and head. She wipes away fog from the mirror. CAROLINE examines herself in the mirror. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY The clock reads 5:32 AM. CAROLINE decides over two outfit options. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY CAROLINE drys her hair with her hair dryer. INT. CAROLINE'S BATHROOM - DAY CAROLINE does a detailed makeup job. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY The clock reads 6:18 AM. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY CAROLINE curls her hair. INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY The clock reads 6:37 INT. CAROLINE'S ROOM - DAY CAROLINE is looking for her necklace. CAROLINE (Yells) Mom?! Do you know where my necklace is?!

45. JEANNE MARIANO (O.S) (Yells back) I don't know honey! Check the bathroom! CAROLINE (Yells) I did! JEANNE MARIANO (O.S) Then I don't know. I have to leave, have a good day! I love you! CAROLINE rolls her eyes and is annoyed. CAROLINE looks around her room and stumbles upon Luke's sweatshirt. CAROLINE (to herself) Crap. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY Student government meeting. MARIA So on behalf of Zach our president who could not be here today, Jerry, Molly, and myself we are happy to announce the Sadies is only three weeks away. We'd like to give our sophomore officers Caroline Mariano and Lucy Kent a round of applause for coming up with a "super" theme idea. Student government claps. MARIA We also can confirm we have finalized the color scheme as well as the floor plan of the gym. However, we mainly called this meeting to distribute posters. JERRY Try to get them hung up by the end of the day. MARIA So that's really it, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. LUCY (to Caroline) There are never enough posters for these things.

46. CAROLINE (pre-occupied) Yeah, I guess. -- Hold on a sec I need to ask Maria something. CAROLINE uncomfortably approaches MARIA. CAROLINE Hey, this isn't really Sadies related, but do you know where your brother is in the mornings? MARIA Luke? (smiles) You probably want to check the band room. CAROLINE Thanks. CAROLINE turns to leave. MARIA Caroline? CAROLINE turns around. MARIA You know Luke has a seemed a lot happier ever since you guys starting hanging out. So thanks, it's nice to see him have some friends again. CAROLINE nods and smiles. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY CAROLINE and LUCY hang up posters LUCY I mean I could ask that new guy, but the whole ginger thing...I don't know. CAROLINE That's a little superficial... LUCY gives her a look. CAROLINE (correcting herself) But I'm sure you'll find the right guy to ask. Hey, could we hang one of these by the band room? LUCY Sure but why? I don't think a lot of those kind of people are really going to Sadies.

47. CAROLINE Well I just thought there wouldn't be as many there. The gym has like ten posters already. It's kind of excessive. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL STAIRCASE - DAY CAROLINE and LUCY are coming down a set of stairs. At the landing CAROLINE sees LUKE going up the stairs. LUKE is listening to music CAROLINE Luke!! LUKE keeps walking and CAROLINE and LUCY follow. CAROLINE runs ahead. LUCY (to Caroline) What are you doing? CAROLINE gets to LUKE and taps him on the shoulder at the top of the stairs. LUKE (to Caroline) Oh hey! LUKE smiles softly at LUCY. CAROLINE (quietly) I have your sweatshirt. CAROLINE digs the sweatshirt out of her bag. LUKE Oh! Thank you! BENJI from the side comes up to CAROLINE, LUKE, and LUCY. BENJI (interrupting) There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! You barely texted me yesterday, I was worried. CAROLINE (dryly) Well I'm okay. BENJI (to Luke) Do you need something, buddy?

48. CAROLINE I was just giving Luke his sweatshirt back. He lent it to me at the party. BENJI looks at both of them back and forth and nods slowly. BENJI (defensive, suspicious and protective instincts kick in.) Well it looks like her got it. (To LUKE) Run along! LUKE (waves coolly) Thanks again Caroline. CAROLINE softly smiles back to him. BENJI glares at LUKE. BENJI Come on let's find a place to finish putting up these posters. Maybe we can put them near the gym. Music fades in. MONTAGEY SEQUENCE BEGINS. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Student government plans Sadies. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE - DAY Group talks and works through problems. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY CAROLINE and LUKE walk to class together. BENJI sees from afar and glares at both of them. EXT. THE FRONT OF CARONLINE'S HOUSE - DAY LUKE pulls up in his car. EXT. DR. KEITH WINTER'S PARKING LOT - DAY CAROLINE and LUKE walk into DR. KEITH WINTERS office building. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE - DAY Group talks and works through problems.

49. DR. KEITH WINTERS says something emphatically. LUKE gives CAROLINE a look. CAROLINE is about to burst with laughter, but she holds it in. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL - DAY CAROLINE and LUCY bring things in school for Sadies. INT. MS. MILLER'S ENGLISH CLASS - DAY CAROLINE and LUKE walk into class. BENJI is in his seat and sees them. He is pissed. EXT. DR. KEITH WINTER'S PARKING LOT - DAY CAROLINE and LUKE walk into DR. KEITH WINTERS'S office building. INT. DR. KEITH WINTERS'S OFFICE - DAY Group talks and works through problems. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL - DAY More planning for Sadies. INT. LUKE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT CAROLINE and LUKE work on homework and laugh. EXT. THE FRONT OF CARONLINE'S HOUSE - NIGHT LUKE drops CAROLINE off at her house. INT. CAROLINE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Music fades out. Montage ends. CAROLINE is doing homework. CAROLINE's phone rings. BENJI is calling. CAROLINE answers her phone. Intercut between CAROLINE and BENJI. CAROLINE Hello? BENJI Wow, I'm surprised you answered. CAROLINE Why?

50. BENJI Because we barely ever talk anymore. CAROLINE Come on we talk all the time. I know I've been busy with getting Sadies ready but it's not like-BENJI (cuts off) Bull shit Caroline! I see you all the time with Luke, if you wanted to make time for me you would. CAROLINE I'm sorry! I want to spend time with you. -- I miss you. I'm sorry. BENJI Do you even like me anymore? CAROLINE What kind of question is that? BENJI Do you? CAROLINE Of course I do. I love you, did you really just call to hear me say that? BENJI Can I not call my girlfriend? Well, that's depressing. CAROLINE Depression isn't really a feeling. It's an illness. BENJI What the hell? Are you telling me what I'm feeling now too? God Caroline, what's going on with you? I'm worried. CAROLINE Why? BENJI You're acting weird and spending all this time with Luke. CAROLINE (defensively) He's your friend! I thought you would appreciate me getting to know your friends better.

51. BENJI He's so not my friend! Is that what he told you?! He's delusional! Last year all I did was try to not be associated with him. You know he's really messed up. He cuts himself all over his arms, it's all emo and weird. CAROLINE My sister used to do that. BENJI Yeah, and look how that turned out. Look, I care about you and I think it's really best you stay away from him. He's like...psychotic or something. He's been institutionalized! He was at a mental hospital locked up for two weeks. CAROLINE I can take care of myself Benji. BENJI (shouting) God, I don't even know you anymore! You hang around this weird guy that spends his free time in the band room. You're with him more than you're own boyfriend! You know you're acting almost as weird as him! A lot of people are saying things. CAROLINE (cuts off) Well what are you saying back to them? BENJI It's not like they're really wrong. (pause) You are hanging around a crazy person and it's kinda rubbing off on you. CAROLINE is shocked by Benji. CAROLINE I think I should go. It's late and I need to finish some homework. BENJI Whatever. Maybe, I'll see you tomorrow.

52. INT. CAROLINE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT CAROLINE writes in her journal. CAROLINE (V.O) I don't know what to think about Benji anymore. Eight months ago he asked me out. It seemed like a no-brainer. He's cute, funny, smart, he plays football, he's popular...but as more time past, we never got closer. We never had those long deep conversations that should remind me of why we we are together. We just going through the motions. I never actually had that wave of being in love, like I pretended to. I never thought I could see myself with this guy for the rest of my life. I just tolerate his ego and crude comments. It's getting harder. I know that if I break up with him, I get the entire football team mad at me. Of course there's Anne-Marie who will remind me that I let go of the only good thing I had going for me. And Michelle would stand by her side with her arms crossed and just nod. What am I thinking? I could never break up with Benji. My social life would fall apart. Would I even care? I'd have Luke though. I could eat lunch in the band room with him.(pause) Luke actually was in a mental hospital. If that happened to me, I know I'd be on the road to dropping out. INT. CAROLINE'S LOCKER CAROLINE is at her locker putting things away by herself. INT. EDINA HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY CAROLINE goes through the school to band room. INT. BAND ROOM - DAY CAROLINE sneaks into the band room carefully so no one sees her. LUKE is writing in his score book. CAROLINE (in doorway) How many of those have you written?

53. LUKE (smiles) Too many. CAROLINE I talked to Benji last night. LUKE Okay? CAROLINE About you. LUKE And? CAROLINE He said you were hospitalized LUKE (swallows -- caught off guard) Yeah, I was. CAROLINE Are you okay? What happened? Bell rings. LUKE (not sure how to respond) Um -- I have to go. LUKE grabs his things and bolts out of the room. INT. BAND ROOM - DAY CAROLINE leaves band room. LUCY sneaks up on her. LUCY There you are! You ditched me at lunch again. Michelle wouldn't stop running her mouth about taking Dan to the dance. I swear she just likes to piss me off. CAROLINE Probably, she can be a brat. LUCY I just don't know what to do. Sadies is on Friday, I helped get the whole thing ready, and I even don't know who to ask. CAROLINE's phone buzzes with a text from LUKE. The text says: Meet me at the band shell at 4?

54. CAROLINE What about Luke? LUCY Luke Matthews? Maria's brother? CAROLINE Yeah he's kinda friends with Benji. LUCY I don't know, I've heard things about him. CAROLINE Oh come on, you've heard things about everyone. You guys would be adorable, Lucy and Luke! It's perfect! LUCY I don't know. CAROLINE He's really nice. If you want I can talk to him before you ask, if that helps. LUCY I don't even know him, why would he even want to go with someone like me? CAROLINE Because you're a great girl and you would have fun! LUCY I don't know. CAROLINE (excited) I'm talking to him! Guitar music fades in. EXT. BAND SHELL AT LAKE - DAY LUKE plays guitar in band shell. LUKE finishes his song. CAROLINE claps for him. LUKE Takes a small bow. LUKE Thank you! Thank you, I'll be here all week

55. CAROLINE So what's up? LUKE We were interrupted. I didn't get to finish telling you about the...uh... CAROLINE Hospital? LUKE (uncomfortable) Uh, yeah. So I was in the hospital about five months ago. CAROLINE Why? What happened? LUKE I tried to kill myself. CAROLINE (eyes widen -- shocked) Oh. LUKE I know, it's really bad. It was a really hard time for me. A couple months before my dad... You know how I told you he works at the university downtown? Well my dad was cheating with his TA. So my mom found out and everything right? And she wanted to salvage the marriage and try to work things out. She wanted to do the whole marriage counseling thing. But here's the kicker, my dad didn't even want to try. He moved out of our house and into..hers. CAROLINE Luke, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of asked, I didn't know. LUKE It's fine, it's not a secret. But so my dad made me come and meet her and her two kids. Then, when I got home I swallowed ten sleeping pills and woke up with my stomach being pumped. (pause) And what sucks is you know I cut, and yeah I know I shouldn't it's dangerous blah blah blah. The doctors always say replace it with a coping skill or distract yourself with something. (MORE)

56. LUKE (cont'd) For me that was always music. I'd listen to it, write it, play it -but whenever I think about it now, all I see is my dad. He taught me piano at four and ever since everyone tells me, "Luke you're going to be a great musician, just like your dad." And it makes me sick, because he is the worst man I've ever known. I'm ashamed to even have half his DNA. CAROLINE Families suck. LUKE Aint' that the truth. CAROLINE Promise me something? LUKE Okay? CAROLINE Don't do that to yourself again. LUKE I wouldn't. I was thinking one day. I basically did the same thing my dad did. We both left for what we thought was a more attractive lifestyle. His was, because of a person and feelings. Mine was because of the lack of people and feelings. CAROLINE I'm not saying you should or anything, but are you ever been like..ashamed of having problems? LUKE I used to be. When I was in the hospital I hated myself for having this stupid illness and I hated the stigma around it. CAROLINE I know, I am constantly scared someone will find out about my..issues and everything will be over, because I will be considered "crazy".

57. LUKE Everyone thinks that a depression disorder is the same as being Norman Bates from Psycho. CAROLINE It's so embarrassing sometimes. LUKE You know what Winters told me once? And it wasn't some stupid poetry line. He said that mental illness is the same as having Excema or Asthma or even Cancer. Their are different levels of severity and it can really be just as fatal. CAROLINE I guess you're right,I'm it is just another medical condition. LUKE But mental illness has this image of padded rooms, straight jackets, and being locked up in some sort of institution. It's this warped view giving everyone the wrong idea. And then that whole idea makes people like you feel like you're some crazy person, when that's the farthest thing from the truth. You just need a little assistance on getting your emotions in check. There's no shame in that. INT. LUKE'S CAR - NIGHT Music plays. CAROLINE and LUKE drink coffee and are listening to the radio, having a nice time. CAROLINE So, are you planning on going to Sadies? LUKE (laughs) Because the girls are just lining up. I've never even been to a school dance. CAROLINE So you haven't been asked? LUKE Nope.

58. INT. MALL - DAY The girls are shopping for the Sadies dance. MICHELLE Okay, so we need two mediums and two larges? ANNE-MARIE It was almost only going to be one medium, Lucy I'm surprised you actually got a date. MICHELLE I don't know if a guy she's barely talked to counts as a date. ANNE-MARIE More of an escort? MICHELLE Did you have to pay him? ANNE-MARIE In Xanax? CAROLINE (boldly) Lucy could've gone with anyone she wanted. She asked Luke because he's super nice and not an asshole like both of your dates. ANNE-MARIE and MICHELLE exchange a look. CAROLINE Come on Lucy, lets see what over here. CAROLINE and LUCY go to the other side of the store to look for something to wear for Sadies. LUCY Thanks Caroline. CAROLINE They're just insecure and annoying. Don't listen to them. LUCY Also about setting all this up with Luke. You were right about him. He took me out for coffee, so we could get to know each other better. Did you know he plays like every instrument?

59. CAROLINE (laughs) I did! He's a really good guy. INT. CAROLINE'S BEDROOM - DAY CAROLINE writes in her journal before the dance. CAROLINE (V.O) I don't really want to go tonight. Yeah, I helped plan it and it will be nice to have all the hard work paid off. It's always the same though. Benji will be annoying and gross and probably make some attempt to get me to go home with him. I guess the only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Lucy and Luke together. It was so cute Luke asked me all these questions about Lucy yesterday on the way home from group. I think he really likes her. I guess he's never even been to a school dance, so I hope he has a good time. INT. RESTAURANT - DAY CAROLINE, BENJI, LUKE, LUCY, ANNE-MARIE, JOSH, MICHELLE, and DAN are all at dinner having impromptu conversations. BENJI stands up. BENJI I'd like to propose a toast. DAN Here we go! BENJI To an awesome time tonight at the dance and an even better time after. BENJI winks at CAROLINE. JOSH AND DAN (In unison sing) Sweet Caroline! Bum, bum, bum! JOSH (whistles) BENJI sits back down. CAROLINE (to Benji) Did you forget to tell me something?

60. BENJI Well if I could ever get a chance to talk to you, you'd know my parents are out of town this weekend and I have the house to myself...if you catch my drift. CAROLINE (tense) Yeah, I caught it. BENJI Well? What? CAROLINE Can we just talk about this later? BENJI (getting angry) No! I want to talk about this now! CAROLINE Benji, stop. Don't do this. BENJI (Anger escalates) Stop what? Having sex one time doesn't turn you into your slutty sister. CAROLINE Don't call her that. BENJI What? She was a major slut. CAROLINE I said stop it. BENJI I'm just saying you don't have to turn into a prude just because her. LUKE Benji, don't call her that. BENJI (shouting) Excuse me, she's my girlfriend, if you have forgotten. I can call her whatever I want. Anyway it's true. CAROLINE gets up to leave the table. BENJI grabs her arm. CAROLINE Let go of me!

61. CAROLINE leaves table. ANNE-MARIE What the hell Caroline? BENJI (screaming) Where do you think you're going? CAROLINE is at the door to leave the restaurant. LUKE Real nice, Benj. BENJI Seriously Luke, nobody even wants you here. You're rude, a psycho, and have now ruined what was supposed to be the best day of my life. LUKE If you really thought Caroline was anywhere near ready to do anything with you, you're crazy. BENI (sneers) I'm not the crazy one here. LUKE glares at BENJI and takes a deep breath. LUKE (to Lucy) Do you want to come with me? I'm going to go look for Caroline. LUCY nods. LUKE and LUCY stand up to leave. BENJI If you go to find her, I swear to God I'll find you and I'll beat the complete shit out of you. LUKE (slyly) Okay Benji. LUKE and LUCY leave the restaurant. BENJI I'm serious Luke! INT. LUKE'S CAR - EVENING LUKE and LUCY are in the car at band shell.

62. LUKE I think I see her. Do you want to just wait in the car? LUCY Sure. EXT. BAND SHELL AT LAKE - EVENING LUKE approaches CAROLINE sitting on the steps of the band shell. LUKE Well hey stranger. CAROLINE Hey. LUKE So are you okay? CAROLINE (shrugs) I don't know. LUKE (jokingly) Caroline Mariano doesn't know something?! Is she sick? LUKE feels her forehead for a "fever" CAROLINE smiles. LUKE Last time we were here, I made you a promise. Can you make me one? CAROLINE That's fair. LUKE Break it off with him. CAROLINE I guess I can do that. CAROLINE scans te lake. CAROLINE (CONT'D) Do you ever want to just jump in and never come back up, because you're already drowning inside? LUKE Yeah but then I remember the trusty words of Winters. (goes into Winter's impression) Our urges are (MORE)

63. LUKE (cont'd) like waves peaking a crashing. When our urges crash, they wash away. LUKE holds a serious face for a moment. CAROLINE and LUKE break the silence in laughter. INT. CAROLINE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT CAROLINE writes in her journal. CAROLINE (V.O) I never thought I'd go to group therapy and break all the rules by making a friend there. That was because of Luke. I also never thought I'd break up with my boyfriend, but that was also because of Luke. If I told him that he'd do one of his Dr. Winters impressions and say something like, he was the wind in my sailboat giving me a little push, but I was the one pulling the ropes and steering myself in the right direction. (pause)I never thought I'd bring anyone to my sister and me's spot, I guess it's not really our spot anymore. I wish it was. CAROLINE's phone rings. The phone says it's from New York. CAROLINE answers the phone. CAROLINE Hello? CAROLINE smiles, gasps, and covers her mouth. Ending music plays. Ending credits roll.

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