Werher Von Braun Physics 1010

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Landon Watkins Professor Noon Physics 1010 May 5th, 2013 Werher von Braun For my Physics class

we were asked to do research on a concept or one of the physicists. I decided to do our project on Werher von Braun. Werher was one of the most important rocket developers and champions of space exploration during the period between the 1930s and the 1970s. I wanted to start from when he was young to his adult years so that you can have a general idea on who this man was and where he comes from. Going back, all the way to the 1910s, Werher was born. March 23, 1912 was the day that this little baby was brought into the world. He was born in Wirsitz, Germany,

where they had no idea he would grow up to be known as the father of space travel. Werher was son to Baron Magnus von Braun who was a founder of the German Savings Bank, a member of the Weimar Republic Cabinet and minister of agriculture and Emmy von Quistorp who was a musician and

amateur astronomer. Werhers mother, Emmy, was a strong influence on her son, especially after she gave him a telescope as a present. At first, While Werher was growing up, he failed at physics and mathematics in school. He started attending the Hermann Lietz School at Ettersburg Castle, and this was. where he overcame his failures in physics and mathematics and developed an intense interest in astronomy. As Werher found so much interest in the theories of space flight, he studied mathematics and physics with a renewed interest. Werher soon graduated high school and enrolled in the Charlottenburg Institute of Technology in Berlin. He was very involved in this institute and became a member of the Verein Fur Raumschiffahrt, which was a society for space travel. Werher had a huge desire to build large and capable rockets. In 1932 he went to work for the German army to develop

ballistic missiles. As he worked for the German army, he received a Ph.D. in physics. By

1934, Werher had built two rockets that rose vertically for more than 2.4 kilometers or 1.5 miles. He was expanding his knowledge so much that by 1937 he became technical director of the rocket research station at Peenemunde. Her Werher began to develop the long-range ballistic missile, the A4 and the supersonic anti-aircraft

missile Wasserfall. Werhers career with German ended when the Red Army advanced to Peenemunde Research station. Werher and his staff fled west and surrendered to the US Army. Werher was taken to the

United States where they worked on the development of nuclear missiles. In 1952, Werher became technical director of the US Armys Ballistic Missile Agency. He was also chiefly responsible for the manufacture and successful

launching of Redstone, Jupiter-C, Juno and Pershing Missiles. After the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik on 4th

October, 1957, Werher concentrated on the development of space rockets. His first launch called Explorer I, was in January, 1958. From here on out, his studies were directed towards space rockets. It was in 1960 when Werhers rocket development center transferred to the newly established NASA. Here he got the mandate to build the giant Saturn Rockets. He moved up to become director of NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle. The space agency took Werhers advice about techniques which were later used in landing on the moon. Apollo 8, the worlds first spacecraft to travel to the moon was launched under Werhers direction. Werher von Braun resigned from NASA in July 1972 to become vice president for engineering and development with Fairchild Industries of Germantown, Maryland. He

did continue to promote human space flight and help found the National Space Institution in 1975. Not to longer after, Though, Werher von Braun died of cancer. He passed away on June 16, 1977. After his death, Werher was still known for his amazing work in both Germany and the United States. In conclusion of this paper, Werher von Braun was a very successful physicist. He had a career with Germany and the United States. He created many missiles and was effective in space rockets and space travel. He had a very positive life and

accomplished a lot. He deserves to be recognized for his many accomplishments and what he did for the world of space travel for the United States.

Work Cited "Biography of Wernher Von Braun." MSFC History Office. Web. 5 May. 2013. <http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/vonbraun/bio.html>. "World Biography." Wernher Von Braun Biography. Web. 5 May. 2013. <http://www.notablebiographies.com/Tu-We/Von-Braun-Wernher.html>. "Wernher Von Braun." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Apr. 2012. Web. 5 May. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun>. "Spartacus Educational." Spartacus Educational. Web. 5 May. 2013. <http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAbraun.htm>.

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