PDP Preliminary Review

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Student: Ryan Dobson (B2024922)

Module: Professionalism and Communication Skills

Sheffield Hallam University

BSc (Honours) Network Management and Design

Module: Professionalism and Communications Skills (Part of PDP)

Assignment Title: Preliminary Skills Review

Group: 1D

Student: Ryan Dobson

Student ID: B2024922 Submission Date: Monday 6th May 2013 at 16:00

Student: Ryan Dobson (B2024922)

Module: Professionalism and Communication Skills

Table of Contents
Preliminary Key Skills Review ................................................................................................ 3 Communication ..................................................................................................................... 3 Teamwork .............................................................................................................................. 3 Organisation and Planning .................................................................................................... 3 I.T Skills and Experience ........................................................................................................ 4

Student: Ryan Dobson (B2024922)

Module: Professionalism and Communication Skills

Preliminary Key Skills Review Communication

What experience do you have of working with customers/clients? Working in retail since 2008 has given me high exposure to customer service, mainly face-toface interaction with customer. Have dealt with many customers queries and complaints when working on the customer service desk at both Sainsburys and Marks and Spencer. State your experience of communication through: Both my past college and current university courses are high dependent on assignments that often require the use of written reports for accreditation. I have no past experience of public speaking. What are your strengths/weaknesses in both of the above? Never spoken publicly. Where do you need to improve in both communication and interpersonal skills? I takes me a while with a new group of people to figure out there strengths and weakness and how best to use these.

Previous teams I have been a member of are: Born in U.S.B for university group work, High school ruby team and been a supervisor at Sainsburys I had to manage a team on every shift.

What are you good at in teams? Organization, time management, planning and leadership are my strongest qualities when working in a team. How could you improve? My ability to allow other people to take control is something I lack. I could improve on this.

Organisation and Planning

How well organised are you? Do you have a system? Do you rush to meet deadlines? I am a very well organized person in both work and education. I dont have particular systems that would fall into a category, the way I organize most of my time is by task. As an example at university I have a word document outlining the task and there due dates that are taken from the assignment briefs, I combine all modules into one so I am aware what is due in when allowing me to prioritize that needs to be done when. Describe a project or activity you have planned and taken through to completion. How did you deal with problems? Group work for PCS is a project or activity I have planed and taken through to completion. I dealt with most problems by discussing them with the group to see what everyone want to do. Then decided based on there responses.

Student: Ryan Dobson (B2024922)

Module: Professionalism and Communication Skills

What could you do to improve your Planning and Self Organisation skills? Find a place with no distraction to do work.

I.T Skills and Experience

State your IT skills: Installation and configuration of the following software packages: Microsoft Windows operating system from 98 to Present including Server editions from 2003 to present Microsoft Office Microsoft Visio Remote Desktop Connection Adobe Master Collection Wireshark Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server Freenas FreeBSD Redhat Linux Apple OSX Solarwinds Nagios Cisco Packet Tracer Freenas. Installation and configuration of the following hardware: Hands on experience of network cable installation in a multi floor organisation Switch and switch cabinets Desktop systems building Floor plan design and implementation Network Printers Workstation Configuration Network topology design.

Describe an IT related project that you have undertaken. Which skills did you use? How did you deal with problems? Group project for Cisco CCNA 2 that involved making a plan and design of a given scenario of a school that need to be outfitted with all I.T services from scratch. The work was divided into section for each of us to complete, I was responsible for the networks floor plan and its working simulation. I used Cisco packet tracer for the working simulation as it provides a realistic scenario and we have covered all protocols and configuration to make the network function. Then for the network floor plan I used Microsoft Visio 2012 as it allows for highly accurate designs and includes all necessary equipment that needs to be represented on the design. In general, in which areas do you need to improve your IT skills? Work experience in the IT industry would be highly useful to further my education and career.

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