Week 1 Intro

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January-03-12 4:39 PM

Introduction to the study of human communication from prehistory to the digital age, emphasizing the social implications of technological change, past and present. Goal is to situate the dvelopment of communciation technologies within a historical context that explores the political, economic, scientific and socio-cutrural climate into which "new' technologies are seemingly born. Week 1 -6 closed book, multiple choice, filling in the blanks, true or false, definitions and short answers based on lectures, readings snd tutorials Fianl the same, covers week 9 -13, multiple choices and true and false One page long double spaces and a biliography of three acemic references that are not in the textbook (Feb. 28th) 5 pages, additonal list of works cited, due at the beginning of the tutorial march 20 & trunitin Office hours: Wed 1-2:30pm DAWB:2-140 Mylearningspace email preferred Quizzed on the reading during tutorials

Week 1
January-03-12 5:19 PM

What is communication? Late 14c., from Old French communciation (14c., Modern French communication), from L. communicationem (nom. Coomunication), noun of action from communicare "to share, dvide out; communicate, impart, inform; join, unite, participate in, "lit." to make common, "from communis (see common). What do we put in common through communication practices? ideas, stroeis, ecnotions, information, goods, news What means (or channels) do we use to communicate? Oral, wrtten, sign language, books, smarphones, computers THESE MEANS ARE MEDIA Variety of communication practices: Interpersonal communication Intercultural communication Organization communication Mass media communication Visual communication Digital communication

Communication studies an interdisciplinary program that draws from and combines an array of disciplinary backgrounds such as English, Film Studies, Anthropology, political Scienc, Psychology, and Sociology. In other words, the "problem" of communication can be approached from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.

Why is communication is a "problem"? Communication is a process, a complex human activity. Scholars look for questions where others see facts and truth Our communication practices have to be questioned in order to understand them better The course will "question" our contemporary technologies of information and of communication by looking at history People take communication as facts but critical analysis is needed Why hisory matter? History allows for a deeper understanding of complex phenomena History is not just a set of linear facts and chains of causality; on the contrary, history is constructed and negotiated, it is a narrative activity with a aset of assumptions about the world History is one tool among others to address the question of communication - a tool with biases and strengths. It does things other mehtods do not do For us, looking at the history of communciation allows to increase distance on new media Defining our concepts Examples of questions asked by media o Hwo do media shape our communication practices? o What are (were) the effects of media on social, political, economical and cultural Acceleration of commucnaition technology

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