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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Lewis and Clark Elementary Your Name or Group Name: Marne Bender Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. behavioral Policy resource/infrastructure behavioral Planning resource/infrastructure ADMINISTRATIVE behavioral Budget resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Information resource/infrastructure Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments Embraced and accepted by x teachers/students. Exists for various x devices. Exists; reviewed yearly Flexible and connects x to standards. Reviewed yearly by committee; changes could be better x disseminated to staff. Flexible; upgrades; x needs Specific budget; sometimes depends on levies/state/local x budget. x Majority is paperless. Certified staff supported, support x staff not so much. Access to a variety of devices; used regularly. Not 1:1 yet x with iPads. Access to a variety of devices which can be x used in different ways. Used for formal evaluations (often state testing driven) and not to its fullest x ability. Can take place on a variety of tools; each tool has its own special ways to evaluate, not yet x tapped into. Regular, everyday x use.

behavioral Electronic Information resource/infrastructure




Curriculular Integration


resource/infrastructure x behavioral x Teacher Use resource/infrastructure x behavioral Student Use resource/infrastructure x behavioral Stakeholder Involvemnt resource/infrastructure x behavioral x Administrative Support resource/infrastructure SUPPORT behavioral x Training resource/infrastructure x behavioral Technical/Infrastructure Support resource/infrastructure x behavioral CONNECTIVITY Local Area Networking (LAN) resource/infrastructure x x x x x x

Some subjects have online and electronic components accessible by all. Used everyday for administrative/teaching tasks. All teachers have access and can request additional technologies. Learning is often accompanied by technology Students have access to a plethora of devices. Could have more teacher/parental buy in. Parents aren't included very well in the planning. Administration is supportive and understanding Professional development opportunities provided; meeting time used to collaborate. Majority of staff is willing to participate in trainings. More professional development could occur continuously throughout the school year. Formal/informal routes of getting support well defined and available. Very supportive but spread thin IT employee. Networks accessed regularly by staff; students acccess one network. High speed internet access.

District Area Networking (WAN)

behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral x x

Internet Access resource/infrastructure

x x

behavioral Communication Systems x resource/infrastructure behavioral x New Technologies resource/infrastructure INNOVATION behavioral Comprehensive Technologies resource/infrastructure x x x x

Access for data driven needs, as well as voice/video. High speed abilities. Internet use by staff and students regularly, if not daily. All school devices have internet access. Parent and staff communication highly depedent on email access. Email is efficient and reliable. Staff has email, students do not. Majority of staff open to using new technologies. If technology isn't required to be used, some staff won't use it right away. Technology improving, has many abilities for use. 1:1 almost complete, what is available is used.

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