Unit Plan #4: Economoney: Submitted By: Meghan Mcquain

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Unit Plan #4: EconoMoney

Submitted By: Meghan McQuain

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

UNIT PLANNER#4: EconoMoney

Summary of Lesson Plan MONDAY week #1 NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 1 of 2

This social studies lesson is designed for rd 3 grade students to learn about E9.3.1 Identify needs as high priority economics; more specifically, the wants, and wants as goods, services difference between needs and wants or leisure activities. by comparing magazine advertisements.

Bring at least 25 old magazines Create a blank bulletin board with a large T-chart drawn on it.

This two day, 3rd grade lesson will help students identify the difference between goods and services through reading E9.3.1 Identify needs as high priority about St. Louis in the Westward wants, and wants as goods, services, movement. Students will apply the or leisure activities. knowledge gained to explain why St. Louis would be a good place to start a business.

TUESDAY week #1

Students will need social studies notebooks


This two day, 3rd grade lesson will help students identify the difference between goods and services through reading E9.3.1 Identify needs as high priority about St. Louis in the Westward wants, and wants as goods, services, movement. Students will apply the or leisure activities. knowledge gained to explain why St. Louis would be a good place to start a business.

Bring materials fro students to create props for the play

This lesson will help students identify what makes consumers, consumers and what makes producers, producers. They will apply what theyve learned about wants, needs, goods, and services to understand the roles of consumers and producers and the prices set and pay for goods and services.

THURSDAY week #1

E9.3.2 Give examples of prices consumers have paid when buying goods and services

Make 25 copies of Vocabulary and study guide for Ch.10 Lesson 1 Plenty of Beans or fake money to provide students with 10-20 dollars

E9.3.3 Give examples of prices set by businesses for selling goods and services

Find pictures of supplies or services from online and print them up.

FRIDAY week #1

This lesson will show students what income is, and how it drives us to make decisions of purchasing goods and services (needs and wants).

Set up Computer time 25 minutes E9.3.4 Demonstrate an understanding of income and give examples 13 poster board for the students

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #4

Submitted By: Meghan McQuain

UNIT PLANNER#4: EconoMoney

Summary of Lesson Plan NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 2 of 2

MONDAY week #2

This lesson will show students that not all money looks like green and white paper bills and coins like we have here in the United States. Money can take on different looks whether its coins, paper money, shells, cows, or whale teeth.

Bring in coin collection to share

E10.3.1 Identify forms of money used by people across time and place

Bring in dollar store items (toys, accessories, stickers, school supplies) Student social studies notebook

TUESDAY week #2

This lesson will show students the different things that can be done with our income. They will learn about borrowing, saving, interest, and banks.

E10.3.2 Define banking terms, including saving, interest and borrowing.

Make sure classroom internet is up for video.

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

FRIDAY week #2

THURSDAY week #2


Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #4

Submitted By: Meghan McQuain

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