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Title of Unit: The English Colonies Title of Lesson: Review/Assessment Day Submitted By: Jessica Solomon

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This social studies lesson will be a review as well as an assessment of the English colonies for this unit. This lesson uses the 5th Grade Houghton Mifflin Social Studies Textbook United States History: Volume 1 (p. 154-221). B. Target Population: Grade Level: 5th Grade Skill Level: students at all learning levels Grouping: whole group review game, partners assessment C. Materials: Paper and pencils Unit 3 Test (Assessment Options p. 62-65) for each student- see last page of lesson plan for example. Basketball and hoop Houghton Mifflin 5th Grade Social Studies Book: United States History: Volume 1 (p. 154221) D. Objectives: o NV State Social Studies Standards o H1.5.5. Describe the social, political, and religious lives of people in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. H1.5.6. Identify individuals and groups responsible for found and settling the American colonies.

Student-Friendly Standards H1.5.5. I can describe the social, political, and religious lives of the people in the English Colonies. H1.5.6. I can identify the people who founded the American colonies.

E. Procedure: 1. Play Basketball Review Game using questions from TE 220-221. Split class into two teams. Explain the rules and procedures of the game. o o
Nevada State College

Separate teams to opposite sides of the room. One student from each side comes to the front of the room with their textbooks.
EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 1

Title of Unit: The English Colonies Title of Lesson: Review/Assessment Day Submitted By: Jessica Solomon

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Students start with books on p. 154 and listen to the question. The first student to answer the question correctly receives one point for their team. The student that answered the question correctly has the opportunity to earn an extra point for their team by shooting the basketball into the hoop from the free throw line.

2. Students will choose whether or not to work with a partner on the assessment. 3. Administer Unit 3 Test. See more instructions below. 4. Collect Unit 3 Test. 5. Closure: Discuss how students felt about the test and answer any further questions students have F. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? I will use the Unit 3 Test in order to assess students understanding of the concepts. Students will choose to either work individually or with a partner to complete the assessment. They will also be allowed to use their textbook for this assessment. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. Students will be able to describe the social, political, and religious lives of the people in the English Colonies as well as identify the people who founded the American colonies through their answers on the Unit 3 Test. G. Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? The Basketball Review Game will be the easiest to teach. 2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? The rules of the Basketball Review game will be the most challenging to teach. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? If necessary, I can extend this lesson by going on a virtual field trip through the colonies ( 4. What can you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? After the test is graded, as a whole class we will go over the correct answers.
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

Title of Unit: The English Colonies Title of Lesson: Review/Assessment Day Submitted By: Jessica Solomon

5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? I do not believe any part of this lesson needs to be changed. I think having the students work with a partner to complete the test is the best idea because this unit has so much information. I think students will learn a lot from working with partners. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? The most difficult part of this lesson plan was definitely the standard. I had such a hard time finding one standard that would meet the goals of this lesson in a comprehensive manner so I decided two would fit this lesson best.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 3

Title of Unit: The English Colonies Title of Lesson: Review/Assessment Day Submitted By: Jessica Solomon

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 4

Title of Unit: The English Colonies Title of Lesson: Review/Assessment Day Submitted By: Jessica Solomon

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 5

Title of Unit: The English Colonies Title of Lesson: Review/Assessment Day Submitted By: Jessica Solomon

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 6

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