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Choose the best alternative. For questions number 1 to 3, choose the suitable word to complate the text bellow !

My father is working at hospital.He uses a stethoscope______(1)his patient.He is a doctor at Sardjito hospital.He goes to work from Monday to Saturday.He always_____(2)his old bicycle.He is not driving but riding to go there.The reason why he always do it ragularly because by ____(3)it.he can keep his body to be healthy.Beside that,he also likes to go by Transjogja bus.He really enjoys his task as a doctor.

1. a. Check b. checked c. To check d. Checks 2. a. Ride b. Is ride c. Riding d. Rides 3. a. Rode b. Ride c. Riding d. Rides This text is for questions 4 and 5. HOW TO CHARGER HAND PHONE BATTERY >Prepare your hand phone and Battery charger Steps Connect the charger to your hand phone,the flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged. Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand . 4. What must we do after the battery is fully charged ? a. Connect the charger to the hand phone, c. Pull out the charger from the hand phone. b. Turn the hand phone on d. Reload the voucher. 5. From the text we can conclude that............... a. If the battery gets low,we can replace with a new one c. the battery works forever. b. the battery can be recharged d. the battery can not run flat 6. RESTU : HI, Friends ! tomorrow is a holiday .What shall we do ? RATIH : How about going to Ramayana Departemen store ? RAGIL : ..................what about swimming. RESTU : Okay, so what time shall we go? RAGIL : Nine oclock. a.Thats not good idea b.. I agree with you c. Thass fine d. Youre right 7. . Ragil : You look so happy today, Restu . Restu : Yes, l feel very happy. Ragil : What make you so happy today? Restu : Today is my birthday. I will celebrate it at five stars hotel. Ragil : Wonderful, happy birthday! The underlined utterance shows us that that Ragil says............ a. Complaint b. Congratulation c. Giving opinion d. Opinion The text is for questions 8-11 A milkmaid had been in the meadow to milk her cow. Now, She was returning home with a pail of milk on her head. She thought, I will make cream and butter out of this milk. Then, after selling them, I will buy eggs. And when they hatch, I shall have a good poultry farm. She further thought, I shall sell some of my chicken and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on my body at party, all the boys will admire me. But I will turn them away. She went on daydreaming; She forgot about the pail on her head. She moved her head suddenly and the pail of mail came tumbling down. It was broken and all milk split. Dear, O dear! She cried, I have lost mine all. 8. What does the text tell us about ? a. Spilt milk. c. A hardworking girl. b. A pail of milk. d. A day dreaming milkmaid.
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9. What did the milkmaid carry on her head ? a. Some cream. c. A pail of milk. b. Some butter. d. A pail of eggs. 10. But I will turn them away. ( Paragraph 3 ) The phrase turn away means a. call. c. accept. b. refuse. d. admire. 11. What can we learn from the story ? a. Dont cry over the spilt milk. b. Dont cry before you are hurt. c. Dont dream when you sleep. d. Dont count your chicken before they are hatched. This text is for question no 12 15 It happened on Sunday morning, December 26th 2004. On that day, I went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. When I arrived there, I saw many people were enjoying the beautiful sunrise. It was such a good moment. But, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground everybody was panic. I soon realized that it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short time. After that, I saw the water became shallow. Then many kinds of fish were left behind on the sand. I saw astonished by the view until realized there was a huge wave moved very fast and came towards us. It destroyed everything in its way. I didnt realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree. On Sunday morning, December 26 th 2004, a tsunami hit the coast quickly without any warning. It traveled far inland caused serious flooding and loss of life. I would never forget that day for the entire of my life. 12. What does the text mainly discuss? a. A terrible earthquake b. The writers experience with tsunami c. Simple steps to survive from tsunami d. The description of a beach in Meulaboh 13. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? a. Many fish were left behind on the sand b. The view of the beach astonished the writer c. The writer did not realize what he wrote d. A tsunami occurred and destroyed everything 14. Why was everybody panic? A Because the sun rises in the east b. Because there was an earthquake c. Because the beach was beautiful d. Because there was an amazing view in the sea 15. I saw many people were enjoying the beautiful sunrise. It was What does the underline word means? a. Find something pleasing b. Find something unpleasing c. Have a good experience d. Have a good time 16 .Two days ago l went to east java with my family,then we stayed in a hotel, but when we went to the room l_____Open the door,so we called the operator to help us opening it. a.can b.cant c.could d.couldnt 17. If Alan and Rebecca ..........the food, Marry and connor..........the sandwiches. a.Organize , makes c. Will organizes, make b. Organizes, make d.Organize, will make 18 if he............the answer a.will helps,know b.will help ,knows c.helps ,know d.will help, know


This text is for questions 19 and 20 To :Andrew and Vita Congratulation on your wedding.You have just start a new brand steps of life. Your best friend 19. Why does the sender send the card ? a. He has just got married b. He congratulates Andrew and Vita on their marriage. c. He is Andrew and Vitas friend. d. He congratulates his friends on their succes. 20.Who is the card for ? friend. B.Relatives. c.New marriage couple. d.Siblings. 21 Arrange the sentences below into a good paragraph? 1) She sewed the cloth carefully using a sewing machine 2) Mother made a dress for Nadia last week. First, mother took the measurement of her waist. 3) Nadia looked very happy trying on her new dress. 4) Then she made a pattern of the dress. 5) After that mother cut the pattern using a pair of scissors. a. 2-1-4-5-3 b. 2-5-4-1-3 c. 2-3-4-5-1 d. 2-4-5-1-3 22. Rearrange the following jumble words into good sentence. DifficulttoisitpassivetoounderstandVoice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. 4367- 215 - 8 b. 43167258 c. 43761256 d. 43612758 The text is for questions nuber 23 and 24
Dear Tita, Congratulation on your success in the Korean Idol can be Im sure you can be the best singer.Im so proud of you. Rafa

23.The aim of the text is......................... a.To celebrates Titas success. b.To congratulates Rafas success. c.To celebrates Ritas success. d.To congratulatesTitasuccess. 24.Who followed the Korean idol selection ? a.Titas friend. b.Rafa c.The writter d.The reader 25.What does the following caution mean ?

a. b. c. d. You may walk on the floor. You must dry the floor You should walk on the floor rapidly. You have to be careful of the slippery floor.



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