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yep im ontime. Thanks! Next time id love 2c u! Even if u have disease. X 19:38:33 17 02 11 thanku Craig. U r sweetheart.

Hope things go ok. X 19:27:42 17 02 11 Haxe white ties x2, call off search 13:44;50 17 02 11 do we c u 2day or not. Don't worry if u cant come. It dante matter x X 13:02:14 17 02 11 master Brigid says, 3pm 4 embaresment..Wana come? wana go 4 drive after 2morow round 6ish? U drive me in bens car 2 airport? Fun or shit? Smovessydneyblues x 18:16:54 16 02 11 coming 4 diner? 17:02:58 16 02 11 Yay! You too 13:50:54 16 02 11 Sweet, do they have a key though? Im out a here in ten minutes 13:48:47 16 02 11 hi Craig, so 2pm start this Fri and next. I've also put you in for Wed the 9th March, day and night as Raul can't do this shift. please let me know if this is ok. thanks possum x 11:42:57 16 02 11 we guna pick up stuf at la mama 2day. Thanks anyway. X 09:03:15 16 02 11 snow craig. Thas est disappointment. Smallways me and da slove birdz. X 15:36:40 15 02 11

we c Craig? 15:26:06 15 02 11 Happy valentine.x 00:26:52 14 02 11 with Brigid at home now. snot going snout gain. U r smirkin? We be always pissing each smother mother? X 20:41:46 12 02 11 hope ur ok mother. X 18:03:00 11 02 11 Come over 14:32:13 09 02 11 You are.. 13:37:11 09 02 11 You care for noone but yourself and you dont know what love is. You are just like andrew & troy,2 faced & schitzophrenic! 13:33:53 09 02 11 Just the way you like it. Im a slut remember? You tell me that all the time.. 10:12:56 09 02 11 I hope you feel proud of your accomplishments! 09:46:43 09 02 11 Meaning? 09:41:28 09 02 11 Its over. I need a real man TODAY. Not some pathetic excuse 4 a boyfriend. OVER. Time to find someone who doesnt neglect women. 09:27:48

09 02 11 Fag 00:03:15 09 02 11 Coward 11:51:58 09 02 11 Monash University Library - Dear Craig,'Death and representation...' is ready for pick up before 11/02/2011. Log in to for more details. 19:13:58 08 02 11 I'll be there 1.15 at latest 12:34:18 07 02 11 Me and ay on the way 19:47:49 06 02 11 Rapist 11:53:50 09 02 11 Only cowards behave like you. Maybe i should take photos of the bruises you gave me last week. Im sure 'everyone' will think your an angel. 11:56:21 09 02 11 How many other women have you hurt when it suited you? Its alwys their fault isn it? I deserved those bruses. 11:59:19 09 02 11 You dont even care if you make me sick. 11:53:02 09 02 11 You would never smoke a ciggarette in my house would you? Hypocrite 12:00:35 09 02 11 Leavin now honey!x

21:10:31 05 02 11 Wasted phone time. I'm just having me tea, at home, then will head to party central. 18:25:09 05 02 11 Vu are entering kindred right now 10:09:09 05 02 11 Thx Craig ... about one in the arvo would be great if that's cool , thanks sim 17:56:35 03 02 11 14:24:22 30 01 11 Yay! Can't wait to give you a big girlie kiss on the bottom! 19:13:27 29 01 11 We're at the Wesley Anne, are you gonna come up? 19:09:53 29 01 11 Hey camp, We're in Northcote now. Hope to see you xo 18:11:18 29 01 11 Hey guys, when you put your rent in this week would you also stick in 45 for the electricity bill due on monday? 14:05:06 26 01 11 Happy Australia day maaate, have a great day, m. 11:39:17 26 01 11 Going to Yah Yah's to see Ally's new group around 9 if you get desperatefor entertainment. 19:18:05 25 01 11 Ok ifteen mins or so Maybe abut more

18:09:37 25 01 11 Havin my photo taken w you 13:05:05 25 01 11 Meeting you where... 13:04:06 25 01 11 Hey bro, numbers are, louise, me @ home, take care, xx 18:05:10 10 01 11 Are you still going? Unt when? (= 17:37:52 29 01 11 Whats going on dickless? Are you in australia at the moment, we should mee,that wasn't a question. I know... Weird right? Moo... 16:26:27 24 01 11 Finish work at 7. Will come if Nth Atlantic havnt played yet. Otherwise am going to Buggy's to eat dahl. 18:33:58 23 01 11 Havin my photo taken w you 13:05:05 25 01 11 Finish work at 5, plan to go out later but, at 6, no thing. 12:20:06 25 01 11 What time North Atlantic on? 18:18:23 23 01 11 18:18:21 23 01 11 Hi skull, What time u onstage? 16:34:30

23 01 11 P.S I actually sent that a few secs before I got yr txt PPS. I'll record yr show. I have some technology 15:10:07 23 01 11 Skull ! much appreciated if you can put my name on the door. Thanks ++Ian 14:33:19 23 01 11 Hai guysB-umm hey its my birthday this friday the 28th, are y'allfree for cheap dinner somewhere (northside, details t.b.a.)? Then perhaps on to see the verlaines playat nsc? Please text back and tell me if you can do me! Xxxx 14:11:44 23 01 11 You in austria yet? 16:10:52 21 01 11 ...WOT DOIN...5-6PMMMmmmMMM... 13:02:35 25 01 11 ...TOO LATE...LOVE... 19:11:05 23 01 11 We on 5pm now 16:40:57 23 01 11 Make it 30 min 16:40:10 23 01 11 20min 16:34:48 23 01 11 Just bumped into rogers he was debonair and smashed 11:57:42 21 01 11 Food is here..

18:26:27 20 01 11 Ring ya later crusty 14:41:45 20 01 11 hey Craig, can you please start early tomozat about 3pm please. thank you schweet x 13:34:00 20 01 11 r u in m-town? 20:39:01 19 01 11 Make me come tonite.. 20:51:41 12 01 11 Where & when r u playing on Sat? X 09:56:05 14 01 11 Hey dude, when you put your rent in this week could you put in another thirty for the internet? Ian 10:53:49 17 01 11 Make me come tonite.. 20:51:41 12 01 11 Been in touch with gob squad. Have organised to meet them for a drink after their 1st show at acmi. Thu february 3. Would be great to see you there. K x 22:16:29 18 01 11 Come tn the builders arms 2nite.x 18:15:15 12 01 11 Hi sweetie pie, how's 2011 been treating u so far? All good here in liverpool, enjoyinglife/work etc. When u coming over to Blighty? Would be so fab to see u. What's happening over there? U having fun & games? XxxX 03:49:28 11 01 11

Linked: 1/2 Let me know what happens to you the morning after you open this. This is an unusual one. It actually gives you a time tomorrow. Lets see if it works. Guardian angel? Forward the message the same day you receive it. It may sound ridiculous but it is right on time. We believe that something is about to happen. Angels exist, only sometimes they haven't got wings and we call them friends. You are one of them. Something wonderful is about to you and Linked: 2/2 your friends tomorrow at 11:09am. Somebody will address you and tell you something you have been waiting yo hear. Please don't break this. Send it to at least seven of your friends....or fwd to ten people (EVEN ME) nd watch in 60sec-Who calls (just do it) 19:24:10 18 01 11 Where we meeting? 09:42:49 12 01 11 Not feelin up to the Alysia playing? 20:44:09 11 01 11 Watching alcohol addiction doco.. 20:21:12 11 01 11 7th gallery opening tonight 17:36:44 12 01 11 What u doing? Went to osteopath today so feeling a bit like an old man... 19:46:35 11 01 11 hey man where did you email it to? didn't get it... 10:18:39 10 01 11 craig how are you sir? did you send email about cleaner? also gig in late jan for Heartribe? 09:26:28 10 01 11 glorious Internet. thankyou possum. you're away all weekend, from midweek? 10:24:02

10 01 11 Wot? 13:06:24 08 01 11 naked in kindred. the essence of man 10:39:18 10 01 11 yeah do it. I'm gonna get a box of Valium. do the lot then buy a ticket 10:36:01 10 01 11 with me? Can i stand naked all day drinking water? X 18:28:43 08 01 11 Whats that? X 19:53:18 06 01 11 This place is killing me. Im moving 2 melb. 24th jan. Letz ave A Farewel sHITNEY ON 15TH! X XxX 19:43:27 06 01 11 Dude, pay rent. 10:50:09 07 01 11 Wont make tonight. Free tomorrow at 2pm. Little cafe up hill from your place? B 20:43:52 05 01 11 We'r in sorrento! C u if we get bak in time:) 18:29:45 05 01 11 You know they make trams out of old Cosairs? Anyway, I only just got here so fret not. 17:13:10 05 01 11 yo cheech bomb. as per previous punctuality, please grace us with your dear presents at 5 today 13:57:56

06 01 11 Replied email. Im about for catch up. B 12:49:29 05 01 11 World least supportive boyfriend award goes to you. 00:47:45 05 01 11 Full band set up ready to play if outlet required in the wee hours. Disco lounge will transform later. 23:23:27 31 12 10 At True Mould party next to McD's and brothel in Clifton Hill...u guys would love it here.We got here in 3min-plenty of cabs on the street. 23:11:32 31 12 10 How's the party going? 22:29:09 31 12 10 Hey peade, thanks for the invite- gonna kick it at home with some brews & music - so many bogans in st kilda already, hope its better in yr hood. Happy 2011 rebel! 20:55:07 31 12 10 96 tram.1 stop after Johnston Street intersects Nicholson St and runs along bottom of Exhibition Gardens #30... 20:44:21 31 12 10 At buggy's house...Mite go 2 warehouse later! 20:06:56 31 12 10 Yo craig, hey man can you please be at kindred by 5 today possie 12:10:17 30 12 10 Kindred @ 12.30pm mcpeade? 20:36:00 15 12 10

Pants on 19:52:42 17-12-2010 Xoxoxoxo 20:59:29 17-12-2010 At da sporting club Brunswick 22:01:21 17-12-2010 Hey mate sorry we never made contact. Things went astray. Stay in contact& if ya in Canberra town let us know. Kim 08:18:37 20-12-2010 Friday is good 22:39:48 22-12-2010 AnytimeWhenever 23:18:08 22-12-2010 Are you in melbourne? 20:40:43 29-12-2010 Will you work late? Hmmm? 21:00:12 29-12-2010 Pls line up an al green song for nye?! 21:13:36 29-12-2010 Jelly 21:25:54 29-12-2010 What? In the immortal words of the punchville "hard-ons" "speak english or die" ditto 21:44:05 29-12-2010 And really what?

21:45:27 29-12-2010 Am drinkin bombay saphire & listenin to dubstep 21:47:09 29-12-2010 Ah fuck it! I'll send you a video 21:54:23 29-12-2010 Ok. Just need one track from al green for my nye party... Could you help? 22:00:43 29-12-2010 ...An' maybe we'll have a peaceful drink pm? Mmm? 22:04:52 29-12-2010 p 22:20:52 29-12-2010 Great ... Please send proper messahe ...ate ypi A spy? 22:32:54 29-12-2010 Dubstep + gin = <> 22:34:12 29-12-2010 5.*38 ok? 22:36:00 29-12-2010 Hmtf., yours @ 5 : 39 on nye. You will hand over your magical herbacious gift. I will hand you a gift that is wet, soft and confusing. Xxo 22:45:388 29-12-2010 So aafter all this/ that i'll waltz over yours nye? Say around 5.30?!? And you'llhave al green & other stuff(i very much) xxxoi 22:56:02 29-12-2010

Ha! Whatever yougotgoin. Or could spare... Will you BBq? Shoulsthe kuds come round? You needto fee of cpurse... Ha. Ajhh 23:03:39 29-12-2010 Just wiggin yah! 23:05:14 29-12-2010 I just need dope & exsvtasy @ we br. Vool 23:06:13 29-12-2010 Well twill be hot windy. North at. sky bAnd should play . I'll have somee!! Please?! 23:11:12 29-12-2010 Can i bgr 23:14:51 29-12-2010 NASB @ skuls houze NYE? Outdpoor? 23:19:19 29-12-2010 Skyband & outdoor 23:21:01 29-12-2010 Yesaaa!!! 23:21:37 29-12-2010 Whatevetr, yoi @ me and the al green? 23:31:48 29-12-2010 Panic attack. At parents.. 19:55:32 30-12-2010 Hello. Hope you're enjoying yr nye. I am alone, ('cept for dear Harper sleeping). Currently listening to Les fuckin Baxter. Keep me posted! Or I you, more like gov. 20:56:40 31-12-2010

Lift yr gAme 23:01:02 31-12-2010 Hows your party y e amdy pricl 23:12:05 31-12-2010 Do you have pants on? 23:35:49 31-12-2010 Happy whatyoulikepoofter. Love always, Leo & family 00:11:49 01-01-2010 Happy new you, help me improve my tennis 00:25:18 01-01-2010
Picnic tomorrow? 18:56:04 02 01 11 Missed ya party. Ay sick over Ny. Hope ya had a good one. Baz 18:38:48 02 01 11 What do you reckon? Ring mullins, arvo meant to fine up maybe. 09:41:32 03 01 11 Hernandez cain't do it today 10:06:40 03 01 11 Already happened maybe next year 17:16:06 02 01 11 Lindy is unwell 17:12:26 02 01 11 Cancelled till nxt week 16:48:40 02 01 11 Meeting today? I believe craig finishes work at 6. Maxbe the east brunswick hotelat 7? 15:04:37

02 01 11 Zizek is coming over w a bottle of absinthe 20:40:21 01 01 11 Ill 20:38:41 01 01 11 real looking fwd 2 c u on 15! 19:35:52 01 01 11 BBQ today at our place from 4.. Bring something to eat and drink. 60 pilgrim st seddon. Happy new year. Rob & Cinta. 10:51:27 01 01 11 Leave a comment

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