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Title of Unit: 13 Colonies Title of Lesson: 13 Colonies: Project Submitted By: LaQuisha Johnson

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This lesson is a continuation for the students to continue their group projects. Students are to finish their project and start their models. B. Target Population: Grade Level: 5th grade Skill Level: all group levels Grouping: small group (project work), whole group (discussion) C. Materials: Computers Project handouts Small boxes/shoe boxes Small around the house items Glue Tape Scissors Microphones D. Objectives: o NV State Social Studies Standards H1.5.5 Describe the social, political, and religious lives of people in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. G6.5.2 Identify U.S. regions in which historical events occurred, i.e., thirteen colonies, Underground Railroad, and California gold fields. G5.5.4 Construct maps, graphs, and charts to display information about human and physical features in the United States.

Student-Friendly Standards H1.5.5. I can describe different aspects of the people who lived in the colonies. G5.5.4 I can make maps that give information about different aspects in the United States G6.5.2 I can identify places that have some historical events that have occurred in America

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 1

Title of Unit: 13 Colonies Title of Lesson: 13 Colonies: Project Submitted By: LaQuisha Johnson

E. Procedure: 1. Students will come right in, get handed back their materials and continue to work on their projects. 2. When students are done with this portion of their project, students will start on the second half of their project. 3. CLOSURE: Students will have to turn in their material and talk about the project. F. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? The progress they have made on their projects will be what I use to measure their understanding. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. Students will have an informal assessment, which is based on their project progress. I will know they have understood the material by how accurate their project is turning out. G. Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? The whole lesson will be pretty easy; all I have to do is explain the project. 2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? Nothing will be challenging. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? After completing the project, having students make a model of it. 4. What will you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? Help them with what they do not understand. 5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? Nothing needs to be changed. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? It was fairly easy.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 2

Title of Unit: 13 Colonies Title of Lesson: 13 Colonies: Project Submitted By: LaQuisha Johnson

13 Colonies Project Video Slideshow with Slides and Voice Recordings To accomplish this assignment, you will research one of the 13 Colonies and create a video slideshow presentation with slides and voice recordings.
Instructions for Creating Your Video

Slide #1 -Title page format

Name of Colony New England Colony, Middle Colony, or Southern Colony Your name Teachers Name Date Bibliography/Reference Page - show the resources used for the research: Name of newspaper, date (week #) Book, author, page # Magazine name, date of magazine, page # When referencing the Internet, you must provide the website - (http: address) IMPORTANT: You must have at least two (2) different sources and one MUST be a book.

One night you fell asleep under your blanket. When you awoke, you realized you were sleeping on a hard surface in a strange and rustic building. Upon further investigation you discovered you had traveled back in time to one of the thirteen colonies. You will create a presentation explaining your adventure which needs to include: Slide 1 - Title Page (see format) Slide 2 Describes the location and area you are living in and how it is different from where you live now, including different weather conditions, climate, etc. Slide 3 Founding Fathers or the people who formed your colony and why they formed it. Slide 4 As a child in colonial times, explain how your day would begin, including what types of food and clothing would you wear, and what chores or activities would you do before you could leave the house and how is it different from today. Slide 5 How is your colonial school day different from todays school day? What are you learning in school then and now? What activities do you do in school and afterschool? What type of games do you play? Slide 6 Share what the beliefs are in your town, do they have different holidays, special events or customs? Slide 7 How does your colonial family earn a living? Do they buy or sell specific items? How is that different from the items we buy/sell today? Slide 8 What are some laws that surprised you and who enforces them? Discuss differences in the government of today and colonial times. Slide 9 How do the people in your town feel about

Research Slideshow Grading: Research/Slideshow References Presentation 60 pts 20 pts 20 pts


Slide 10 Explain some of the modern luxuries and technology tools that you had to go without and how you survived your day without them. Slide 11 Reference Page

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

Nevada State College

Title of Unit: 13 Colonies Title of Lesson: 13 Colonies: Project Submitted By: LaQuisha Johnson

Create a model of a New England Town or a Southern Plantation. If your video slideshow is on one of the New England or Middle Colonies, your model must be a New England Town. If your video slideshow is on one of the Southern Colonies, your model must be a Southern Plantation. To create your model, you will use a small box or shoebox (covered or painted), construction paper, and other materials to build one of the following - a New England Town or a Southern Plantation. The model should include at least 8 of the following items and you must provide a project key:

New England Town 1. houses 2. mill 3. school 4. meeting house 5. ministers house 6. general store 7. shops 8. common 9. blacksmith 10. garden 11. people 12. animals 13. trees 14. etc.

Southern Plantation 1. main house/kitchen 2. slave cabins 3. overseers house 4. cattle pen 5. stable 6. tobacco or cotton barn 7. tobacco or cotton fields 8. carpenter 9. dock/water 10. slave ship and/or trade ship 11. people (slaves, overseer) 12. trees 13. animals 14. etc.

Project Grading:
1. Project displays enormous creativity, thought, and effort (25 pts) _____ 2. Project model/Diorama has at least 8 items/box is covered, and Project is complete (15 pts) _____ 3. Project Key (5 pts) 4. Presentation of Diorama (5 pts)
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor

_____ _____
Total: grade of 50
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Title of Unit: 13 Colonies Title of Lesson: 13 Colonies: Project Submitted By: LaQuisha Johnson

Note: Pictures/artifacts must have a description underneath them.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 5

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