Your Life

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Your life - a work of art of your life.

Imagine yourself an artist, and his life - the greatest work of art. Every day life is the moment of creation, and if a creative approach to each stroke, it carries a limitless possibilities. You can do the same as always in that day, and you can see and try out new alternatives to carrying other potentially valuable opportunities. Each day can provide a new solution and then open a new perspective. In what a wonderful game we play and how we create a beautiful work of art - its unique and unrepeatable life. We have received your life as a gift. In the words of Dr. Giri Swami Gitananda: "Life is nothing we should not - we've got the gift of life, and now we just need the world and society." He who spends his life in vain, committing spiritual suicide, because everyone has a dharma, or duty, which obliges engage in self-improvement. Methods of self-improvement is very much: you can improve your destiny, soul and body, taking initiation into the healing flow of the cosmos, Reiki, kosmoenergetiki, Tibetan healing practices, etc. All this allows a person to take the path of spiritual growth. We all have something to offer to the world, to each other and to the improvement of their own lives. To a large extent our personal sense of health and well-being depend on how creative we will build and how well we can express this talent. Being healthy, creative, happy, we are making an invaluable contribution to the improvement of life on Earth, and it's called our ultimate goal. The heart of each in its own way tells us our ultimate goal, but often we are afraid to admit it even to himself 8, because awareness of the true purpose requires responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Many people think that someone will bestow life with happiness and abundance. And try to ask yourself, you'll be able to bestow people close to you happiness and abundance? Will there be enough of your talent and the potential for long? How to recharge your creative potential to be happy and to give happiness to others? We live in a time of great change on our planet. Today, a huge number of guidebooks to the happy fact of life, which describes the technique of independent work with your mind and streams of force, money, prosperity, abundance of cosmic energy. These techniques are based on the use of two basic principles: the creation of goals, intentions, dreams and visualization kk implementation. It can be stated briefly: if you start to seriously work on improving their destiny by creative visualization, embodying in his life Testament, "Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7). You will improve life for themselves, their loved ones, the entire universe. The appearance of every thought - is the birth, and the cessation of creative thought - this is death. Thus, from our thoughts are formed semantic clues, developing our actions, co-create life. How Anadakapila said: "Life - it's graduate school, a condition in which the income is the birth certificate. Graduates receive a certificate of death." Each person carries a part of the energy of the cosmos - that is what we call the soul. Scientists have managed to weigh and photograph the soul. Physicists describe the soul as a bunch of torsion fields (torsion fields). They provide information about the processes occurring in the human body and his

mind. The idea was born as a small whirlwind that can affect matter, and this is proof of the materiality of our thoughts. Everyone is free to choose how to think it, but keep in mind that positive thoughts have creative potential, negative thoughts - destructive, destroying not only your life, but also the entire universe. Therefore, everyone should take responsibility for their thoughts, emotions and actions to all mankind, not only to themselves. It is especially important to realize now in the time of transition SOLAR SYSTEM from the constellation of fish in the constellation of Aquarius. What can spell the Age of Aquarius our planet? First of all, must come the sixth race of people, spiritual and wise, which will replace our decrepit and sometimes stinking civilization. Clearly, not all living there would be admitted. Only people who have realized a divine-human creative potential will be allowed in the Golden Age, which is expected in 2011. Think of us only five or six years building his soul. Temple, for "the kingdom bBozhie within you." Let's not waste this precious time, because the universe is evolving in the direction of development of those living beings who have a belief in a bright future. Everything is created by thoughts of previous generations. Let's start to think positively today. Imagine yourself in a new home in the new job, surrounded by your loved ones. Imagine yourself a radiant being, filled with light and love. Repeat this often several times a day. If you are sincere in their intention to fully open to changing situations, you'll soon find that your life becomes harmonious, giving others the opportunity to express themselves well. To use creative visualization is not necessary to believe in whatever it was metaphysical ideas. There is also no need to believe in any force outside of itself. The only thing that is needed - is to have a strong desire to improve their lives and exercise with an open mind and heart. Creative visualization is the real magic. It involves understanding and self-tuning on natural principles that govern our universe, as well as training in the use of these principles consciously and creatively to improve their fate. Why creative visualization can change the material aspect of your life? Because the whole physical universe - is energy. We are all part of the same energetic field. The idea is relatively light subtle form of energy, rapidly changing. Matter - is a dense form of energy, so it is slowly changing. All forms of energy are interrelated and can influence each other. One of the laws of energy is as follows: the energy of a certain quality or vibration tends to pull the energy of a similar quality and vibration. Thoughts on the abundant life, for example, will attract to you the situation and the people who will help your life to be abundant if you certainly will meet them with an open mind and are willing to change. But if you overcome the fear of getting sick, that programming is an event you will inevitably get sick themselves. The law of attraction and radiation is as follows: all that you give to the universe comes back to you as by law boomerang. "As you sow, so shall you reap." This they say, in practice, this means that we attract to ourselves what we think, what we believe strongly that in the depths of our hearts we wish or what is vividly present.

That's the main creative visualization exercise: first determine a goal, which would like to achieve. It is important to fully relax. When the body and mind are relaxed, the electrical activity of neurons in the brain slows down and comes to the alpha level. And interestingly, it is much more effective than the active beta-level, a change in the so-called objective world through visualization. In practical terms, this means that you can effectively change your life, what would you do with anxiety, making grandiose plans and attempts to manipulate things and people. When you feel complete relaxation, start to imagine that you are already using and naslazhdaetestem, what dream. Now, while still keeping in mind the image, give yourself a positive attitude: "All the best is just beginning in my life, to achieve this goal." Finishing the visualization, give yourself a solid unit: "All I wanted to better my life has already been given to me for the greater common good." Practise visualization as long as the process is enjoyable. Repeat this exercise consistently, every day, and the miracle of transformation in your life will happen.

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