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LAB CYCLE UNIT-I Introduction to communication

UNIT-II 2.1 Listening Skills: Principles of Listening skills (refer to Etiquette), Interpersonal Skills 2.2 Speaking Skills: Presentation Skills, Principles of speaking (refer to Etiquette) 2.3 Reading Skills: 4 easy steps to increase reading skills (refer to Accelerated Learning) Exercises. 2.4 Writing Skills: Principles of Writing 2.5 Study skills: Accelerated Learning 2.6 People Skills: Interpersonal Skills, stress management. Facilitation skills,Negotiation, Conflict management, Decision making, Planning, Leadership 2.7 Soft skills: Accelerated Learning, self motivation & goal setting, self awareness, Communication skills, Planning & Learning. 2.8 Linguistic skills: Lessons in propowerl (ppl) 2.9 Communication skills: Presentation skills

UNTT-III 3.1 Phonetics: Lessons and Exercises in PP1 3.2 American English: TOEFL, GRE (Kaplan's)

UNIT-IV 4.1 Resume 4.2 Letter writing: (Planning module) Letter writing 4.3 Technical Write up, Writing with a purpose

UNIT-V 5.1 Conversation styles: Negotiation, Etiquette 5.2 Face to Face Interaction: Etiquette, Interpersonal Skills 5.3 Telephonic Interaction: CUP s/w 5.4 Group Interaction: Etiquette, Interpersonal Skills 5.5 Body Language: Etiquette

UNIT-VI 6.1 Elocution: Write the topic 6.2 Debate: Write the topic and your role 6.3 Group Discussion: Do's and don't. Analysis of the Topic, view points 6.4 Presentation: Technical seminar 6.5 Extempore: topic

Recommended Software

Digital Language Lab Networking Software: 1. HiClass Software 2. Renet English Language-Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Skills: 1. Alania Series-English Mastery Levels A,B(Set Of 2 Cds) 2. English Discoveries (Set Of 12 Cds) 3. Rosetta Stone English Suite(Levels 1,2 &3) English Grammar: 1. New English Grammar In Use Cambridge 2. Live Action English Interactive 3. Tense Buster 2001 4. Tense Buster 5 Levels 5. New Churchill House Grammar Pronunciation: 1. Euro Talk :Phonetics 2. Multimedia Pronunciation Power 3. Pronunciation Power 1&2 Vocabulary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dictionaries: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Work Flash Key English Words VOCA V Tutor Error Terror Word Invaders Cross Word Challenge Beat The Clock Cambridge Advanced Learners Oxford Genie & Advanced Websters New World & Miriam American Heritage Readers Digest

Encyclopedias: 1. Encarta 2. Britanica 3. Dk Teacher-Ware 1. Author Plus Tool Kit 2. Exercise Generator 3. Media Master 4. Power Glide Study Skill: 1. Cambridge Study Skills 2. Read Up, Speed Up. Writing: 1. 2. 3. 4. Easy Writer Creative Writing News Paper Editor Repeat Writer

Professional English: 1. Telephonic in English 2. Business Roles 3. Mind Game 5 Levels 4. Business Goals 5. Globe Arena 6. Business Territory 7. Issues In English 1&2 English for ETS: From leading brands like Cambridge, Longman, REA, ARCO, VISU, Power prep, KAPLAN, Princeton, Barrons, Cliffs etc, TOEFL Mastery, IELTS, GRE,GMAT SAT.


Unit 1:
From this unit the students will learn about the elements of communication, the barriers of communication, barriers to communication and the types of communication. They should go through the theoretical aspects of the communication subject.

Unit 2:
After the completion of this unit, the students are acquainted with listening, speaking, reading, writing, linguistic, communication and soft skills by referring to the Globearena Software.

Unit 3:
In this unit the students are trained in phonetics and intonations by going through the Propower Software. They should go through TOEFL mastery, English mastery, Telephonic English and Globearena software for British, American, Indian and International English. After the completion of this unit the students will be familiar with accent training which covers phonetics, intonations, British, American, Indian and International English

Unit 4:
After the completion of this unit the students are trained in writing resumes, different kinds of letters and technical write up. They should go through various exercises and assignments given in the class.

Unit 5:
After the completion of this unit the students will learn different conversational styles like face to face interaction, telephonic interaction, group interaction, and body language by going through Telephonic English and Globearena software.

Unit 6:
In this unit the students are exposed to debates, group discussions, elocutions, brain storming, interpretation and extempore. Each and every student has given an individual seminar on a technical topic.

Analogies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Grotesque :Curvaceous::
A. Enigmatic: arcane B. Garrulous: laconic C. Blue: Sky D. Lassitude: Libation

20. 21. 22.

PothenQuiet:: A.Loathing:DetestationB:Itincrant:stationaryC.Spout:TeapotD.FIu:Illness Inchoate:Consummate:: A.Exiguous:CapaciousB.Pampered:CoddleC.PetaI:RoseD.Milky:Beverage Mutiny:Fealty A.Arm:BodyB:Work:laborC.Apertur:OcculssionD.Tail:Rabbit Gigantic:Large A.Fruit:OrangeB.Evict:TenantC.Poor:\VelathyD.WrinkIed:Cread Vituperation:Diatribe:: Mendacit}':TruthB.Garishness:DemurenessC.Laquacity:ProlixityD. Guild: Ardor Obtreperous :Recalcitrant:: A.Pomade:OintmentB .Blithe: VivaciousC.Wick:CaridleD.Hay:Dried Puerile:Trifling:: A.InimicaI:PaIB.Weed:PlantC.Pullet:HenD.Venerable:Unctous Shard:Portery:: A.Verse:PoemBShop:StoreC.Sherbet:ColdD.Allotment:Withhold. Leaves:Tree:: A.Mart:EmporiuTnB.Etemal:EndCWhale:MammaID:Letter: Alphabet Pages:Book:: A.Heat:EvaporatioB.Literacy:IgnoranceC.Deluge:DroughtD.\Ving:Bird Jar:Lid:: A.Body:ToeB.Laconic:TalkC.Opaue:LightD.Elbow:joint Suitcase:Luggage:: A.Room:BuildingB.Hat:MillineryCKecklace:GarmentD.Comnia:Pause. Organ:Kidney:: A.Bone:RibB.Pound:HeavinessC.Clip:AttachmentD.Manipulation:Attachraent Animal:Cat:: A.A.Perplexed:EnlightenedB.Fish:ScaIesC.Insulin:PancreasD.Fumitur:Chain Pirate:Talk:: A.Forge:CopyB.Dart:MissileC.DecibeI:SoundD.Insipid:Invented Fertilize:Grow:: A.MedaI:HonourB.Antipathy:SympathyC.Nourish:EnrichD.Cow:Herd Sterlization:Microorganism:: A.Deforestation:TreesB.Deluge:RainC.Appoint:NominateD.Shade:Window Untenable:Defended:: A.InvulnerabIe:InjuredB.Cacophony:SoundsC.Loquacios:BefriendedD.Grenade:B omb Gravid:PregnantA.Microscope:SmalIB.Vigilant:AinbushesC.Phantom:SpectreD.A baculus:tile Scribble: Write:: A.MumbIe:TalkB. Log: RecordC.Pillar SupportD. Float: Swim PaIate:Mouth:: A.Forge:MetalB.Anger:RantC.Obdurate:ImpersistenceD.Ceiling:Room


How to score in Group discussion GROUP DISCUSSION or GD happens to be an important dimension of the selection process, especially by Information Technology (IT) companies. The organizations are typically on the lookout for candidates who are outgoing and smart. During the GD, the panel members essentially evaluate the candidate's potential to be a leader and his/her ability to work as a team member. The skills they look for are: Leadership skills Ability to lead, inspire and carry the team along to help it to achieve the group's objectives. Communication skills The participant will be assessed in terms of clarity of thought and aptness of the language used during the course of the GD. Since over 90 per cent of the communication is non-verbal, the participant's body language such as facial expressions, gestures, postures and eye contact are closely watched to assess the level of confidence and his/her ability to work effectively in a group. Ability to be patient and willingness to accommodate others' point of view is tested by the listening skills. Interpersonal skills The candidate will be assessed in terms of ability to interact with other members of the group in the GD environment. Emotional intelligence promotes good interpersonal relationship. Problem-solving skills The candidate's ability to use his/her creativity and to come out with offbeat solutions is assessed. Persuasive skills Ability to persuade others to see the problem from several perspectives without hurting the feelings of anyone in the group. Conceptualizing skills The ability to grasp the situation and apply it to a macro level is considered.

Dos and Don'ts *Be coot and confident. *Be as natural as possible. *Take time to organize your thoughts. *Seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding the subject. *Start speaking only after you have clearly understood and analysed the subject. *Always be polite. *Motivate the other members of the team to speak and listen to them. *Do not show off your knowledge. *Do not address the panel members. *Do not evaluate other members of the group. *Be objective. *Do not get into cross talk with any person in the group. Always address the group and make eye contact with as many members as possible. *Do not criticize other members of the group. *Do not be aggressive. *Do not stray from the topic.


Is Death sentence on Saddam Hussein Justified? Role of UN m peacekeeping. Position of Women in India compared to other nations. Environment Management. Is China better than India in software. Should Sonia Gandhi be the PM of India BPOs in INDIA Govt contribution to IT Will punch lines rule the Advt. Premarital sex Is china a threat to Indian industry India or west, which is the land of opportunities Water resources should be nationalized "BALANCE BETWEEN PROFESSIONALISM AND FAMILY" Effect of cinema on Youth Education in India compared to Foreign nations Is it necessary to ban soft drinks in India. What is the effect of movies on youth,(is it good or bad) Are studies more beneficial in India or in Abroad "UN's peace activities" and "America's war on Iraq". Environment-Whose Responsibility". About Hockey being the primary game in India Cricket should be banned or not Is China a threat to India. Present state of Indian Cricket team. Love marriage/Arranged marriage. Advantages of Co-education.

Hot Topics: Howto deal with international terrorism. Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan? Are peace and non-violence outdated concepts? Current Topics: A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India Is Globalisation Really Necessary? What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population? Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy. Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture. What India needs is a Dictatorship. With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour. Beaury contests degrade womanhood The rise of regionl blocs threatens independent nations like India 1s dependence on computers a good thing? Should the public sector be privatised? China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways 1s India, a Soft Nation? Value based politics is the need of the hour Religion should not be mixed with politics Howto deal with high oil prices Our cricketers are not to blamed for match fixing POLITICAL TOPICS: Reserving seats for women in Panchayat has not only been a farce but has distracted from developing a more genuine voice of woman. Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India? Voters, not, political parties are responsible for the criminalisation of politics. The voters are re-quired to be well informed and educated about their candidates so that they can elect, the right aspirant by their own assessment. India should go for the presidential form of democracy.
ECONOMIC TOPICS: Developing countries need trade, not aid Why do we lag behind China? Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse. Flexibility of labour laws is the key to attracting more Foreign Direct Investment. Is the business of business only business? In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking than doing. Every cloud has a silver lining Can the economy achieve an 8 percent growth rate?. Is disinvestments really that good for India or is a rethink in order ? Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?. Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that ean stimulate in small doses but become addictive in larger doses. Modern day sport in industrialised society is an industry, as anything else. Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption. Is the NPA ordinance too harsh? Reforms have to grow up. The future lies with gobalisation . Is the consumer really the king in India?. Globalisation versus nationalism Conditional access system for cable TV watchers; boon or bane? If India is poorly governed, the reason is that we have designed our system of governance for protecting, if not encouraging, corruption? Commercialisation of health care : Good or Bad ? For globalisation to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them. Is the US economy headed the Japanese economy way? Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity fatally

Markets left to themselves encourage greed. For globalisation to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them Should businessmen run. the finance ministry Should important set-vices like transport be left to market forces?. Is there any point in having a business strategy when the world changes from month to month? Is the patents bill good for India? . Is the business of business only business?. Globalisation is good for developing countries Public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth. Is industry less growth here to stay ? Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse ? How can business get rid of the bad name tha it has earned? Government pumping money into the economy is not the solution for our economical problems Business ethics are no longer a luxury for corporate but a necessity? How should privatization proceeds be utilized ? Is the budgeting exercise of any use Should agricultural subsidies be stopped? Will Mumbais film industry ever evolve into a truly modem corporatised one? Will market reforms enrich rich states further, while poorer ones lag further? Why do we lag behind China ? Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies ? Why not use a brand index to measure national prosperity? What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies. War rhetoric is misplaced in a country like India which is trying to globalize its economy. Trade can help the poor ? The power ministry should cut off supplies to all the defaulting SEBs.
Steal a few lakhs and you're a criminal. Steal a few hundred crores and you become an industrialist. Should PSUs be divested through strategic sale or public offer? The state is above the law? Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience Democracy in hampering India progress MBA in India is- highly overrated Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern lor the state Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour Why cant we be world players in industry as we are in software? Multinational corporations; Are they devils in disguise? Should there be private universities? Does banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our culture'? Social Topics: Are Big Dams Necessary? Films are corrupting the Indian Youth A Gandhian State selling liquor is an anomaly Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India Our Culture is Decaying We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment The education system needs serious reforms The impact of TV on our psyche Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television. Let us legalise gambling Management Topics: Is managememt an art or a science? The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money Ethics ta Business are just a passing fashion The objective of Management is to maximise profits Do professional mamagers have a chance in our famiiy run businesses?
The Internet is an exercise in hype 1s an MBA necessary to succeed in life? Family owned business vs professionally run businesses Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope for professional growth. Dot com or doubt com? Creative Topics: The Wheel is Turning Round and Round 1f I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister There is no right way to do a wrong thing Group Task; How can we have Mount Everest in India? Do Beauty and Brains go Together? When I woke up in the morning I saw... A ship docked in harbour cannot face the storms Up the Down Staircase Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones Marriage is a social trap SOCIAL TOPICS: The Internet chains have come on the wings of science and technology but are no less restrictive for all that. Secularism has become a tool to justify the wrongs done by the minorities, Media is a mixed blessing/How ethical is media? To fight AIDS, stop being coy about sex education. What should India strive for- Westernization or modernization? Political parties have outlived their utility. Is Swadeshi relevant for India today? Money is required to earn more money. Foreign trade is necessary for any country to survive , Presidential Vs Parliamentary form of government of India Technology: The Ism' Of the New Millennium? Religion And Politics Should Not Mix TRIPS Controversy And The Patent Act Amendment
Export Stagnation; Causes And Cures Excessive Depiction Of Sex And Violence in Films Classical Music Heritage And the Growing Pop- Culture Decentralisation & The Panchayati Raj Institutions Should India Sign the CIBT State Interventions In Market Kind Or Mixed Economy Is science a Boon Or Bane Is Swapping Terrorists For Hostages An Encouragement For PlaneHijackers? India and the political dynasties: The Nehru Family context Nice Guys Finish Last A1l Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy Individual Freedom and Civil Society Conventionalism And Modernity: the Ever going Debate Should There Be A Restriction On Permissiveness Being propagated by The MTV Culture And Foreign Media? Marxism And Its Future all over The World The Growing Menace Of Casteism And regionalism. Presidential Form Of Government Is Needed In India Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy? Capitation Fees Should Be Abolished Brain-Drain Has To Be Stopped Business And Ethics Can't / Don't Go Together Are women As good as Men Or Inferior? Nothing Succeeds Like Success The Malthusian Economic Prophecy Is No Longer Relevant Secessionism In The North-East: Who's To Blame? Should India Break Diplomatic Ties With Pakistan? Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent East is East & West Is Where All The Action Is': Mark Twain Freedom Of Expression And the State Authority,
Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Tuitions Should Be Banned India Needs Gujral Doctrine For Better International Relations Doctor's Accountability To Improve Health-Care UniversaI Disarmament is A Must Indian Cricket Team Shonldn't Be Allowed To Play Abroad.


1. Leadership 2. Time 3. Money 4. Movies 5. Plastic bags 6. TV serials 7. Corruption 8. Beauty contests 9. Student elections 10. Suicide bombers 11. Animation movies 12. National games 13. Sports in India 14. Hollywood movies 15. Dress code in professional colleges 16. Euthanasia 17. Remixes(pop albums, movies) 18. Print media 19. Jealousy 20. MNCs 21. Ambition 22. Terrorism 23. Media 24. Fashion 25. Library 26. Watches 27. Passion 28. Lockup deaths 29. Parks 30. Under world 31. House/Home 32. Temples 33. Criminals 34. Fitness 35. Team spirit 36. Museums 37. Factionism 38. Ragging 39. Freshers 40. Farewell parties 41. Detention system 42. Advertisements 43. Cosmetics 44. Gold 45. Jewellery 46. Brain drain

47. Capital punishment 48. SMS 49. Private banks 50. Legal system 51. War 52. Love 53. Peace 54. Friendship 55. Success 56. Failure 57. Motivation 58. Chitfunds 59. Micro finance 60. Shopping 61. Rose 62. Colors 63. Flowers 64. Global warming 65. Green curtains over a brown window 66. One in hand is better than two in bush

R.V.R&J.C.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR-522019. III/IV B. Tech., (ECE) MAX MARKS:30 TIME: 30 MINS EC-363 COMMUNICATION SKILLS INTERNAL EXAM A. Write the synonyms of the following words: a. Sufficient b. Dearth c. Riddle d, Simulate e. Zeal B. Write the antonyms of the following. a. Accept b. tall c. Villain d. Abundance e. High C. Write the analogies of the following. a. Height: Mountain a. Weight: ageb. Speed: highway c. mineral: mine. b. Song: Recite a. Author: bibliography b. Dancer: agile c. poetry: prose. c. Tall: Short a. Good: bad b. Beautiful: pretty c. house: home d. Ream: Paper a. Carton: milk b. ink: pen c. tablet: clay. e. Whisper: speak c. listen: hear a. Brush: touch b. request: ask D. Write the sentence completion. 1. A contractual agreement_________________ disclosure of information as signed with the consultant, (a. Foreboding, b. Forbidding). 2. Don't _____________your neighbor until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.(a. Criticize, b. Critique). 3. I decided to take the statistical course this year despite my guide's ________________ to take it next semester, (a. Advice, b. Advise) 4. Most behavioral researcher do believe that any individual's beliefs, attitudes and behavior can change rather _____ _____ irrespective of age (a. Dramatically, b. Drastically). 5. Please___________ that the letter is delivered to Mr. Smith this evening. (a. Assure b. Ensure c. Insure). E. Answer all the questions (5 Marks). 1. Define Conflict. How do you resolve conflict? 2. What is Negotiation? 3. What is etiquette? 4. What is Stress Management? 5. What are interpersonal skills? E. Write a Letter to your Friend.



INTERNAL EXAM A. Write the synonyms of the following words: a. Profusely b. nocturnal c. sufficient d. Glance B. Write the antonyms of the following. a. Illuminate b. exhale c. dark d. elevation C. Write the analogies of the following. a) Height: Mountain a. Weight: age b. Speed: highway mine. b) Song: Recite b. Dancer: agile a. Author: bibliography prose. c) Tall: Short b. Beautiful: pretty a. Good: bad home d) Education development b. child: growth a. Man: speech youth e) Lawyer: Court b. wine-grapes a. Author: book liters

e. Altercation e. accelerate

c. mineral: c. poetry: c. house:

c. exercise: c. volume:

D. Write the sentence completion

1. Climbing the towering mountain seemed a very ___________ task to the group of boy scouts, (a. Foreboding, b. Forbidding.). 2. The village __________________ met each evening near the temple (a. Council, b. Counsel, c. Consul) 3. It is important to understand how deforestation will _______________ the tribals in this area. (a. Effect b. Affect). 4. Only after the cops had arrived did the crowd ____________ from the scene.(a. Disburse, b. Disperse). 5. The ____________________ at the entrance of the monument said that it was built in 740 AD(a. Epitaph b. Epigram, c. Epigraph)

E. Answer all the questions. (5 Marks).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define Conflict .how do you prevent Conflict. How do you avoid stress What are the kinds of Decision-making. What does Planning mean. Explain the term Leadership.

F. Write a letter to buy an item.

R.V.R & J.C. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR-522019. III/IV B. Tech. (ECE) MAX MARKS: 30 TIME: 30 MINS EC-363 COMMUNICATION SKILLS INTERNAL EXAM A. Write the synonyms of the following words: a. Adapt b. Exception c. Pervade d. virtually e. Emeritus B. Write the antonyms of the following. a. Good. b. Illuminate c. Elevation d. Villain e. Convex C. Write the analogies of the following. A. Fire: Ashes a. Accident: delay b: water: waves c: collapse: debris B. Carpenter: Saw a. Stenographer: typewriter b. painter: brush c. lawyer; brief C. Helmet: Head a. Pedal: foot b. gun: hand c. chain: neck. D. Ream: Paper a. Carton: milk b. ink: pen tablet: clay. E. Whisper :speak a. Brush: touch b. request: ask c. listen: hear D. Write the sentence completion 1. Brenda decided to _______________ the challenge of solving the problem (a. Expect b. Accept, c. Except). 2. Engineers born and often trained in India have, for years, _________ to the U.S. to staff the research and development labs.(a. Emigrated, b. Immigrated). 3. In a team, its important that people' skills ______________ each other (a. Compliment, b. Complement) 4. My manager's just back from a vacation, I need to _______________ her of all the work the team has done. (a. Appraise, b. apprise). 5. Problem solving is a recursive process; you must ___________ go back and forth between steps and do some parts again, (a. Continually, b. Continuously). E. Answer all the questions (5 Marks). 1. Define Conflict. What are the reasons for Conflict? 2. Give tips to win Negotiation 3. Describe I-Factor in Etiquette (Integrity Factor). 4. Explain factors, which cause stress. 5. Brief on different paradigms of interpersonal skills. F. Write a Letter to apply for a job.

R.V.R&J.C.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUNTUR-522019. III/IV B. Tech., (ECE) MAX MARKS: 30 TIME: 30 MINS EC-363 COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB INTERNAL EXAM A. Write the synonyms of the following words: a. Restore. b. Maintain c. Dearth B. Write the antonyms of the following. a. High b. abundance c. dearth

d. Deviation, e. Zealous

d. affluence

e. illuminate

C. Write the analogies of the following. a. Carpenter: Saw a. Stenographer: typewriter b. painter: brush c. lawyer: brief b. Helmet: Head a. Pedal: foot b. gun: hand c. chain: neck. c. Height: Mountain a. Weight: age b. Speed: highway c. mineral: mine. d. Education: Development Man: speech b. child: growth c. exercise: youth e. Song: Recite a. Author: bibliography b. Dancer: agile c. poetry: prose. D. Write the sentence completion 1. Despite all our questions about her new job, Tina was very ________________ . (a. Allusive, b. Elusive c. Illusive) 2. I could not find any of the references you__________________ in your research. (a. Cited, b. Sited). 3. John seemed rather_______________in the movie, (a. Disinterested, b. Uninterested). 4. Only when the expected return meets or _______________ the required expense is the risk considered worth taking in business, (a. Accedes, b. Exceeds). 5. The current state of software contracting law makes it difficult to _____________ clients (a. Consul, b. Council, c. Counsel) E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer all the questions. (5 Marks). Define Conflict. Is Conflict Necessary? What are the stress management techniques? What is Decision Making What does Planning mean. Explain the term Leadership.

F. Write an Official letter

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