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INT. GARAGE NIGHT A work bench holds an array of tools. Parked in the center of the garage is a Honda civic 97 model. Trey and Alvin lean against the car. Trey(22) is wearing a wife beater and wrangler jeans. Alvin(20) sports a red coat with a white shirt, wearing slacks and brown shoes. The two of them sport crossed arms. Alvin knocks on the trunk. TREY How long does it last? ALVIN Hours, up to a few hours. TREY Pop the trunk. Alvin pushes off the car and swings the trunk open. The beady eyes of HARRIS panic to Alvin and then to TREY. HARRIS(22)wears a torn jacket and ropes tied around his hands and legs. ALVIN Piece of shit! Alvin spits. TREY Yeah, you know what you did. ALVIN When Sam gets here, youre going to wish you graduated sooner. Harris groans. Alvins Slams the trunk. TREY We shouldve used more. ALVIN This is fine, hes got to be awake, unlike Sasha. THREE KNOCKS AT THE GARAGE DOOR. Trey punches the garage opener.


The garage creeks open and reveals SAM(25) sporting all black. He ducks into the garage. Trey knobs the button once more, closing the garage door. SAM I want to see him. Alvin pops the trunk open. Sam peers into the trunk. SAM Do you know who I am? Harris shakes his head. SAM Pull him out. Trey and Alvin grab Harris by the head and feet. They pluck him out from the truck and drop him to the floor. He curls in pain. Sam rips the tape off Harriss mouth. SAM If you scream, or call for help, or whatever, I will use the sheers in the corner to cut out your tongue. HARRIS Im sorry! Im sorry! SAM No youre not, otherwise you wouldnt have done it. ALVIN Youre sorry you got caught! HARRIS This is a misunderstanding. SAM I understand it all pretty clearly, you drug my sister, rape her at a party, take pictures and send them to her.


HARRIS I didnt do any of that, wherever youre hearing this from is, its bullshit! Sam hits Harris on top of the head. SAM Admit it. HARRIS What? SAM Admit it. HARRIS Youre crazy! SAM Im mad as hell. Im two fucking steps from giving you hell. Now admit it. HARRIS Me and your sister are dating. SAM Oh, so thats the excuse. Alvin? ALVIN Yes? SAM Did you ever rape my sister while you were dating her? ALVIN Never crossed my mind. SAM Trey. Trey walks to Sam. SAM Hold him down. Trey flips Harris over, throttling him against the trunk.


Sam pulls down Harriss pants, revealing his butt. He unbuckles and unzips his pants. SAM I hate liars and I hate people who fuck with my family. I can tolerate the former, but never the latter. These two are a recipe for disaster. Sam kicks a part Harriss legs. Alvin steps in. ALVIN What the hell are you doing? What is this? SAM Im going to fuck him in the ass. ALVIN Are you serious, what, no, this is beneath us. SAM Nothing is beneath me right now. ALVIN I want to get this son of a bitch just as much as you, but we cant do this. SAM You drugged him and brought him here, wheres this moral superiority coming from. ALVIN He deserves to get punished, but we cant do this. SAM An eye for an eye, Alvin. Guys like Harris here, need to have a refresher course on basic human civility and compassion.


ALVIN Im not going to be a part of this. SAM So step aside. Alvin lurks back Sam feels up Harris. SAM Not the least part of me is attracted to men. But, the very thought of making you suffer, I get goosebumps, butterflies in my stomach. HARRIS (whining) Mercy, Mercy! I was wasted, man! Harris grunts and screams in pain as Sam pushes forward. SAM Feel me, bleed, cry out, cmon! HARRIS (Sobbing) Please dont rape me. Pleeease. Sam tears into the SOBBING Harris, humiliating him in ways that breaks a persons spirits. Intermittedly, beats him on the back of the head. Alvin turns away. Frank holds Harris down with his conscience elsewhere. Harris cries and drools like a child. Sam finishes, pulling out. He kicks Harris back to the car, and throws his hands to the trunk. ALVIN (screams) No!


With a battle cry, he SMASHES the trunk on top of Harriss head, over and over and over. Bones CRACK and SMASH. Sam drops. That took the breath out of him. He screams, grabbing the top trunk of the car, and slamming it down repeatedly as Harris cries incessantly. Sam slicks the blood into his hair. SAM Aint it pretty, when you make a mistake you wish was a dream. ALVIN Im not a murderer. SAM Shut up. Grab his legs. ALVIN What are you going to do with him? SAM Not sure. Well throw him in the ocean. ALVIN Were taking him to a hospital. SAM The fuck we are. ALVIN We arent murderers! SAM Dont stand up for him! ALVIN You going to kill me now? SAM Dont push me. ALVIN I dont know where Im pushing you to. Look at him.


SAM You should know this, Alvin. ALVIN Know what? SAM My sisters dead. She hung herself this morning. ALVIN What? SAM Throw him in the trunk. ALVIN She cant be. SAM Yeah, thats right, youre never going to see her again. The love of your life, gone. You cant tell me you dont love her still. ALVIN Youre fucking with me. SAM Grab. His.Legs. Alvin and Sam go back and forth with their showdown. Alvin, Sam, and Trey through Harris into the truck. SAM Here. Give me your keys. ALVIN I can drive. SAM Bullshit, theyre going to find out this happened. ALVIN No shit!


SAM Ill spare you and Trey. ALVIN I dont believe we can be spared. SAM Just give me your keys, and check the news tomorrow. Alvin searches Sams eyes. He disagrees with what he sees, but drops the keys into Sams palm. ALVIN Im going to miss you. SAM I cant do this forever. ALVIN Tell Elise I love her. SAM I know. Alvin and Sam share a hug. Sam throws himself into the car. The garage opens then Sam veers out of the driveway. Trey looks at Alvin who sits on the ground with his hands dug into his hair. THE END

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