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Contents 1. Introduction 2. PRR based network 3. PRR 4. EZPRR 5. ITE 6. FBFP 7. VIPRR 8. Additional enhancements Radio Rebroadcast Platform PRR 9. Future evolution


1. Introduction to the Personal Role Radio family of capabilities Todays theatre of war is a dynamic asymmetric battlespace. Forces on the ground are often involved in simultaneous operations, with an increased emphasis on urban warfare. The Personal Role Radio (PRR) family of capabilities significantly enhances combat effectiveness by providing allinformed communications to front line soldiers across many operational scenarios. Operational benefits The use of PRR within infantry units greatly enhances all aspects of dismounted combat. Operations are much slicker, more effectively applied, better co-ordinated and safer. Key operational enhancements are: Increased tempo of operations Improved situational awareness Improved targeting and direction of fire Element of surprise maintained, particularly in urban operations Improved survivability: reduced friendly fire Quicker briefings Better/quicker re-supply operations Better resource visibility

Users on active service have described the introduction of PRR as having a profound effect on the operational effectiveness of the infantry soldier and unit.



Multi Purpose Multi Mission Airship


2. prr based Network

3. Personal Role Radios The PRR uses advanced 2.4GHz spread spectrum technology innovatively packaged to meet the demanding needs of the soldier. The PRR system is easy to use through its simple man machine interface, is unobtrusive and comfortable to wear yet is rugged enough to operate in the harshest environments presented by active front line operations.

Air Support Base PI HQ Section

The modularity of the PRR design leads to flexibility and its use in many scenarios. The entry standard PRR radio incorporates all of the main features. Further enhancements are incorporated to deliver the Enhanced PRR capabilities, EZPRR.

Standard features (PRR) Simple to use Compact and lightweight design 50mW transmit power using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Modulation at 2.4GHz Typical operating range is 500m in open terrain, and through three floors of a building Wireless Press-To-Talk with up to 2m range 256 channels, 16 available directly to the user Operates from 2 x AA batteries for greater than 24 hours (1:7:16 Tx/Rx/Standby) Operates independently of any infrastructure NBC compatible Interface for Combat Radio

Mechanised Support


Section PI Net 5

Section 6


4. Enhanced Personal Role Radio The EZPRR retains the capabilities of the operationally proven PRR, ensuring the existing operational effectiveness is not compromised by any of the new enhancements. Enhanced features (EZPRR) Encryption high value voice and data information is further protected. Backward compatibility with existing PRR systems Extended range 100mW PRR with enhanced operating range Enhanced antenna a higher gain, more efficient antenna provides improved coverage Goose neck antenna a more flexible base to the radio antenna allows for special to task positioning Data enabled EZPRR supports situational awareness and C3I systems.

PTT Switch Packs The PRR/EZPRR can be configured in two roles. The PRR body is fitted with one of two interchangeable PTT switch assemblies: Single PTT Switch Pack = Single user, operating the PRR/ EZPRR only Dual PTT Switch Pack = the Commander is able to connect to the PRR/EZPRR and a Combat Net Radio (CNR). Both versions include a unique wireless Press-To-Talk (PTT) that enables the user to operate the radio without removing his hands from his weapon. An audio ancillaries socket is incorporated into the Switch Packs in to which the SELEX Communications Lightweight Headset, or alternative ancillaries, can be connected.

5. In-The-Ear hearing protection (ITE) The SELEX Hearing Protection Headset Suite has been designed to protect soldiers hearing. The range provides the flexibility to allow users to adapt to changes around the theatre of operations without the need for any reconfiguration or compromise of the hearing protection or communications. Integrated into the PRR/EZPRR, the ITE system offers excellent levels of hearing protection, coupled with Situational Awareness, without increasing the size or weight of the radio equipment being carried. Where operations dictate and users require a more flexible radio/intercom capability, the intelligent radio interface system (ITE-enabled CTX) allows simultaneous integration into two radio systems and a platform communications intercom. An ITE stand-alone option will offer both hearing protection and familiarity for non radio users.

ITE features High level of passive hearing protection Selectable 360 Situational Awareness via multiple directional microphones Provide enhanced side impact protection Impulse noise reduction to safe levels, ensuring Situational Awareness, even in the heat of battle Hearing protection technology is encapsulated into a PRR/ EZPRR switch pack, which can be procured with a PRR/ EZPRR radio or independently as an upgrade to already in service PRR/EZPRR Powered from the PRR batteries, without affecting the current 24-hour battery performance



6. Fixed Base Force Protection Fixed Base Force Protection (FBFP) provides a cohesive communications infrastructure, giving base security troops the capabilities required in and around fixed bases. It enhances the effectiveness of individuals committed in their fundamental roles as Force Protection by giving them the flexibility to utilise vehicles, static guard posts, vehicle check points and foot patrols. FBFP provides an all-informed, all-secure, all on one EZPRR-based network system of communication. The FBFP system is based on the key design features of the Enhanced Personal Role Radio (EZPRR), utilising a purpose built mast mounted Radio Rebroadcast (RRB) and Command Post Unit. FBFP features Tactical encrypted voice communications EZPRR-based Enhanced range and coverage to over 2.5 kilometres Simple user interface familiar PRR controls Backward compatibility with PRR Simplified logistical support meeting the users needs for cost-effective supportability Supports data communications and integrated C3I systems System deployment is simple and user friendly

The design of the FBFP system provides a highly flexible golf bag deployment solution that enables the user to build a system that fits each scenario




7. Vehicle Integrated Personal Role Radio (VIPRR) The Vehicle Integrated Personal Role Radio (VIPRR) enables communications between troops and supporting vehicles both before and after the troops dismount. VIPRR is based on the current in-service EZPRR/PRR, and provides communications to the vehicle commander and crew. The standard VIPRR operates by integrating with the existing vehicle crew intercom or communications harness system, enabling crew members to continue to access on-board higher level C2 systems without compromising security. Simpler stand-alone versions can also be installed, utilising the platform facilities. VIPRR can be deployed in a variety of configurations to match the users specific platform inventory, roles and operational scenarios. Installations, which are based on a core set of standard templates, can be customised for each platform, enabling rapid solutions to be delivered.

System benefits Communications between the crew and mounted troops within the platform Communications between the crew and dismounting, dismounted and remounting troops Communications with platforms in the vicinity, providing wider team support Completes section and platoon level soldier system coverage, with platforms and dismounted infantry operating together Increased ability to react rapidly to any situation, by supporting co-ordination between all the troops and vehicles in the operational environment Minimum training load Highly cost-effective solution

Platform PRR The Platform PRR provides the EZPRR/PRR capabilities in a package qualified for air, maritime and land platforms. It is a key element of the VIPRR system, but can also be employed as stand alone equipment, providing stable EZPRR/PRR communications.





8. Further operational enhancements The PRR/EZPRR network can be further enhanced by the deployment of additional capabilities. Radio Rebroadcast (RRB) There are a number of versions of RRB available, all of which extend the range and coverage of the PRR/EZPRR network. The Saddlebag RRB provides a dismounted manpackable capability, which can be rapidly deployed in the challenging close combat environment. The Mast Mounted RRB, as described in the FBFP system, can be used in a temporary base location or in a more permanent environment. Elevation of the RRB package can be achieved through use of aircraft, aerostats or UAV platforms. A lightweight RRB version has been developed to meet the payload characteristics of these platforms.

Infantry Soldier Situational Awareness and C3I The EZPRR data capability supports situational awareness and low level C2 systems. An integrated Own Situational Position Reporting protocol further enhances the availability of the data channel. The PRR family of radios can be used to provide intelligent bearer services to increasingly powerful C3I/ISTAR systems

9. Further evolution of the PRR family The PRR family continues to evolve to meet the operational requirements of the close combat user. Integration of more powerful features will include: Relay Voice interrupt Integral GPS Dual net working





The PRR family will continue to evolve in support of developments in the delivery of high quality information to the warfighter in a network enabled battlespace.

SELEX Communications Limited Lambda House Christopher Martin Road Basildon Essex SS14 3EL United Kingdom Tel: +44(0) 1268 823400

SELEX Communications Limited reserves the right to alter without notice the specification, design or conditions of supply of any product or service. SELEX Communications logo is a trademark of SELEX Communications S.p.A. SELEX communications Limited. All Rights reserved. Version 1 June 2010 MM07202

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