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LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question Take care of ________ and the hours

will take care of themselves Correct Answer Minutes Your Answer Minutes Select The Blank Question Date is normally written in the ________ corner. Correct Answer Right Your Answer Right Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are linguistic/Cultural barriers ? Correct Answer Difference in languages , Difference in Sikhs And Muslims cul ture Your Answer Difference in languages Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Inward address Receivers address Receivers address Head Address Senders Address Senders Address Written Communication Non- Direct communication Non- Direct communication Business letter legal evidence legal evidence Outward Number Further reference Further reference Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the strategies to prevent stress from becoming distress are Correct Answer Develop proper perspective , Work in areas of strength , Avoi d ratrace Your Answer Develop proper perspective , Work in areas of strength , Avoid r atrace Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Written communication is a Correct Answer Non-Direct Communication Your Answer Non-Direct Communication True/False Question Working away from home makes it easier to focus on our job Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is very useful in collecting dues from customers Correct Answer Business letters Your Answer Business letters Select The Blank Question ________is the positive enthusiasm for making the work exciting and fun Correct Answer Verve Your Answer Vision

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are physical barriers Correct Answer Ignorance of media , Environmental stress , Subjective stress Your Answer Ignorance of media , Environmental stress , Subjective stress

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question These are permanent records for business Correct Answer Business letters Your Answer Business letters Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The most effective way of communication is Correct Answer Written Your Answer Written Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Memorandum Memo Memo Proposals Invited Invited Subject Objective of letter Objective of letter Salutation greeting greeting Post Script Post Scriptum Post Scriptum Select The Blank Question Life is comprised of limited________ Correct Answer Time Your Answer Time Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Time management is Correct Answer Using time judiciously , Using time carefully and prioritisin g it Your Answer Using time judiciously , Using time carefully and prioritising i t Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This number can be used in further correspondence for ready referen ce. Correct Answer Outward Your Answer Outward Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Barrier for written communication can be Correct Answer Language Your Answer Language Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Endomorph would mean Correct Answer Fat , Round , Soft Your Answer Fat , Round , Soft True/False

Question Vision is an idea about how your present should be Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This consists of the name and address of the person to whom the let ter is being sent. Correct Answer Inside address Your Answer Inside address Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The most effective way of communication Correct Answer Written Your Answer Written Select The Blank Question A good company differs from another in terms of ________ quality. Correct Answer Service Your Answer Infrastructure Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Values are Correct Answer Unifying code of practice which enhances cooperation Your Answer Unifying code of practice which enhances cooperation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Communication is a process of which type Correct Answer Ir-reversible , Two way Your Answer Two way True/False Question The simplest proposal resembles memorandum. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where are enclosures written? Correct Answer After complimentary close Your Answer Below the signature Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The first steps to becoming a great manager are simply Correct Answer Common sense Your Answer Common sense Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Subject contains Correct Answer Objectives of the letter at a glance Your Answer Objectives of the letter at a glance Select The Blank Question A slide should only carry ________ information Correct Answer Important Your Answer Important True/False Question Successful people employ a strategy of priorities to manage their t ime Correct Answer True Your Answer True

True/False Question Major uses of staff reports are the branches of Armed forces. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The middle part of presentation contains Correct Answer Main body is broken into points Your Answer Main body is broken into points Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which kind of attitude lets you see limitless opportunities around you? Correct Answer Positive mental attitude , Determination to overcome failure Your Answer ndifferent Positive mental attitude , Determination to overcome failure , I

Select The Blank Question Hearing disorders or illness etc fall into the category of ________ noise Correct Answer Physical Your Answer Physical True/False Question To avoid stress stay away from things that are negative Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where is outward number written? Correct Answer Left side of the letter Your Answer Left side of the letter Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The greatest disadvantage of this method of presentation is that sp eaker may forget some points Correct Answer Memorized presentation Your Answer Memorized presentation Select The Blank Question The ________ should indicate what is contained in a message in one glance itself. Correct Answer Subject Your Answer Subject True/False Question Vision should be based on talents,dreams,hopes and passion. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Goals give us a sense of Correct Answer Purpose , Tangible target Your Answer Purpose , Tangible target True/False Question The potential for good relationship increase when we begin to focus on ourselves.

Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If a person taps his feet/foot it would mean Correct Answer Impatience Your Answer Impatience Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is salutation? Correct Answer It is a greeting to the receiver Your Answer It is a greeting to the receiver Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It can be used as legal record which may be used in the court of la w Correct Answer Written communication Your Answer Written communication Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Holding your head high would be sign of Correct Answer Honour , Confidence Your Answer Honour , Confidence , Self-respect True/False Question House journals are a type of oral communication. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question The ________ body of the presentation should be broken into short a nd clear units Correct Answer Main Your Answer Middle

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