Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1: Talent Spec Sheets

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Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________


You DO NOT Have The Right To Resell Or Share This Report! THIS REPORT IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated, and signed permission from the author. D I S C L A I M E R A N D/O R L E G A L N O T I C E S : The information presented herein represents the view of the authors as of the date of publication. Due to the rate with which conditions change, the authors reserve their right to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This report is for informational purposes only. The authors do not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors or omissions.

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Ancestral Knowledge Rank 1/5 11: Ancestral Knowledge Rank 2/5 12: Ancestral Knowledge Rank 3/5 13: Ancestral Knowledge Rank 4/5 14: Ancestral Knowledge Rank 5/5 15: Thundering Strikes Rank 1/5 16: Thundering Strikes Rank 2/5 17: Thundering Strikes Rank 3/5 18: Improved Ghost Wolf Rank 1/2 19: Improved Ghost Wolf Rank 2/2 20: Two Handed Axes and Maces Rank 1/1 21: Thundering Strikes Rank 4/5 22: Thundering Strikes Rank 5/5 23: Improved Lightning Shield Rank 1/3 24: Improved Lightning Shield Rank 2/3 25: Flurry Rank 1/5 26: Flurry Rank 2/5 27: Flurry Rank 3/5 28: Flurry Rank 4/5 29: Flurry Rank 5/5 30: Spirit Weapons Rank 1/1 31: Elemental Weapons Rank 1/3 32: Elemental Weapons Rank 2/3 33: Elemental Weapons Rank 3/3 34: Improved Lightning Shield 3/3 35: Weapon Mastery Rank 1/5 36: Weapon Mastery Rank 2/5 37: Weapon Mastery Rank 3/5 38: Weapon Mastery Rank 4/5 39: Weapon Mastery Rank 5/5 40: Stormstrike Rank 1/1 41: Guardian Totems Rank 1/2 42: Guardian Totems Rank 2/2 43: Enhancing Totems Rank 1/2 44: Enhancing Totems Rank 2/2 45: Unleashed Rage Rank 1/5 46: Unleashed Rage Rank 2/5 47: Unleashed Rage Rank 3/5 48: Unleashed Rage Rank 4/5 49: Unleashed Rage Rank 5/5 50: Shamanistic Rage Rank 1/1 51: Tidal Focus Rank 1/5 52: Tidal Focus Rank 2/5 53: Tidal Focus Rank 3/5 54: Tidal Focus Rank 4/5 55: Tidal Focus Rank 5/5 56: Improved Reincarnation Rank 1/2 57: Improved Reincarnation Rank 2/2 58: Totemic Focus Rank 1/5 59: Totemic Focus Rank 2/5 60: Totemic Focus Rank 3/5 61: Healing Focus Rank 1/5 62: Healing Focus Rank 2/5 63: Healing Focus Rank 3/5 64: Healing Focus Rank 4/5 65: Healing Focus Rank 5/5 66: Totemic Focus Rank 4/5 67: Totemic Focus Rank 5/5 68: Natures Guidance Rank 1/3 69: Natures Guidance Rank 2/3 70: Natures Guidance Rank 3/3

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Cruelty 11: Cruelty 12: Cruelty 13: Cruelty 14: Cruelty 15: Unbridled Wrath 16: Unbridled Wrath 17: Unbridled Wrath 18: Unbridled Wrath 19: Unbridled Wrath 20: Piercing Howl 21: Commanding Presence 22: Commanding Presence 23: Commanding Presence 24: Commanding Presence 25: Enrage 26: Enrage 27: Enrage 28: Enrage 29: Enrage 30: Death Wish 31: Dual Wield Spec 32: Dual Wield Spec 33: Dual Wield Spec 34: Dual Wield Spec 35: Flurry 36: Flurry 37: Flurry 38: Flurry 39: Flurry 40: Bloodthirst 41: Precision 42: Precision 43: Precision 44: Enrage Rank 5/5 45: Improved Berserker Stance 46: Improved Berserker Stance 47: Improved Berserker Stance 48: Improved Berserker Stance 49: Improved Berserker Stance 50: Rampage (Arms Tree) 52: Parry 53: Parry 54: Parry 55: Parry 56: Parry 57: Improved Heroic Strike 58: Improved Heroic Strike 59: Improved Heroic Strike 60: Improved Thunderclap 61: Improved Thunderclap 62: Anger Management 63: Deep Wounds 64: Deep Wounds 65: Deep Wounds 66: Improved Thunderclap 67: Impale 68: Impale 69: Improved Berserker Rage 70: Improved Berserker Rage 51: Dual Wield Spec

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Endurance Training 11: Endurance Training 12: Improved Aspect of the Hawk 13: Improved Aspect of the Hawk 14: Improved Aspect of the Hawk 15: Improved Revive Pet 16: Improved Revive Pet 17: Thick Hide 18: Thick Hide 19: Thick Hide 20: Pathfinding 21: Pathfinding 22: Beastial Swiftness 23: Unleashed Fury 24: Unleashed Fury 25: Ferocity 26: Ferocity 27: Ferocity 28: Ferocity 29: Ferocity 30: Intimidation 31: Beastial Discipline 32: Beastial Discipline 33: Unleashed Fury 34: Unleashed Fury 35: Frenzy 36: Frenzy 37: Frenzy 38: Unleashed Fury 39: Frenzy 40: Beastial Wrath 41: Improved Aspect of the Hawk 42: Improved Aspect of the Hawk 43: Catlike Reflexes 44: Catlike Reflexes 45: Serpent's Swiftness 46: Serpent's Swiftness 47: Serpent's Swiftness 48: Serpent's Swiftness 49: Serpent's Swiftness 50: The Beast Within 51: Lethal Shots 52: Lethal Shots 53: Lethal Shots 54: Lethal Shots 55: Lethal Shots 56: Efficiency 57: Efficiency 58: Efficiency 59: Efficiency 60: Efficiency 61: Go for the Throat 62: Go For the Throat 63: Rapid Killing 64: Rapid Killing 65: Aimed Shot 66: Mortal Shots 67: Mortal Shots 68: Mortal Shots 69: Mortal Shorts 70: Mortal Shots

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Improved Frostbolt 11: Improved Frostbolt 12: Improved Frostbolt 13: Improved Frostbolt 14: Improved Frostbolt 15: Improved Frost Nova 16: Improved Frost Nova 17: Ice Shards 18: Ice Shards 19: Ice Shards 20: Icy Veins 21: Icy Shards 22: Icy Shards 23: Piercing Ice 24: Piercing Ice 25: Shatter 26: Shatter 27: Shatter 28: Shatter 29: Shatter 30: Cold Snap 31: Piercing Ice 32: Improved Cone of Cold 33: Improved Cone of Cold 34: Improved Cone of Cold 35: Ice Floes 36: Ice Floes 37: Winter's Chill 38: Winter's Chill 39: Winter's Chill 40: Ice Barrier 41: Arctic Winds 42: Arctic Winds 43: Arctic Winds 44: Arctic Winds 45: Arctic Winds 46: Empowered Frostbolt 47: Empowered Frostbolt 48: Empowered Frostbolt 49: Empowered Frostbolt 50: Empowered Frostbolt 51: Summon Water Elemental 52: Arcane Subtlety 53: Arcane Subtlety 54: Arcane Focus 55: Arcane Focus 56: Arcane Focus 57: Arcane Concentration 58: Arcane Concentration 59: Arcane Concentration 60: Arcane Concentration 61: Arcane Concentration 62: Winter's Chill 63: Winter's Chill 64: Arctic Reach 65: Arctic Reach 66: Permafrost 67: Permafrost 68: Permafrost 69: Elemental Precision 70: Elemental Precision

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Ferocity 11: Ferocity 12: Ferocity 13: Ferocity 14: Ferocity 15: Thick Hide 16: Thick Hide 17: Thick Hide 18: Brutal Impact 19: Brutal Impact 20: Feral Charge 21: Sharpened Claws 22: Sharpened Claws 23: Sharpened Claws 24: Feral Instinct 25: Primal Fury 26: Primal Fury 27: Predatory Strikes 28: Predatory Strikes 29: Predatory Strikes 30: Fairie Fire (Feral) 31: Savage Fury 32: Savage Fury 33: Feral Instinct 34: Feral Instinct 35: Heart of the Wild 36: Heart of the Wild 37: Heart of the Wild 38: Heart of the Wild 39: Heart of the Wild 40: Leader of the Pack 41: Improved Leader of the Pack 42: Improved Leader of the Pack 43: Survival of the Fittest 44: Survival of the Fittest 45: Predatory Instincts 46: Predatory Instincts 47: Predatory Instincts 48: Predatory Instincts 49: Predatory Instincts 50: Mangle 51: Furor 52: Furor 53: Furor 54: Furor 55: Furor 60: Natural Shapeshifter 61: Natural Shapeshifter 62: Natural Shapeshifter 63: Improved Mark of the Wild 64: Improved Mark of the Wild 65: Omen of Clarity 66: Intensity 67: Intensity 68: Intensity 69: Improved Mark of the Wild 70: Improved Mark of the Wild

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Spirit Tap 11: Spirit Tap 12: Spirit Tap 13: Spirit Tap 14: Spirit Tap 15: Improved Shadow Word: Pain 16: Improved Shadow Word: Pain 17: Shadow Focus 18: Shadow Focus 19: Shadow Focus 20: Mind Flay 21: Shadow Focus 22: Shadow Focus 23: Improved Psychic Scream 24: Improved Psychic Scream 25: Shadow Reach 26: Shadow Reach 27: Shadow Weaving 28: Shadow Weaving 29: Shadow Weaving 30: Shadow Weaving 31: Shadow Weaving 32: Silence 33: Vampiric Embrace 34: Improved Vampiric Embrace 35: Improved Vampiric Embrace 36: Darkness 37: Darkness 38: Darkness 39: Darkness 40: Shadowform 41: Darkness 42: Shadow Power 43: Shadow Power 44: Shadow Power 45: Shadow Power 46: Shadow Power 47: Misery 48: Misery 49: Misery 50: Vampiric Touch 51: Misery 52: Misery 53: Focused Mind 54: Focused Mind 55: Focused Mind 56: Wand Specialization 57: Wand Specialization 58: Wand Specialization 59: Wand Specialization 60: Wand Specialization 61: Unbreakable Will 62: Unbreakable Will 63: Unbreakable Will 64: Unbreakable Will 65: Unbreakable Will 66: Improved Power Word: Fortitude 67: Improved Power Word: Fortitude 68: Meditation 69: Meditation 70: Meditation

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Improved Corruption 11: Improved Corruption 12: Improved Corruption 13: Improved Corruption 14: Improved Corruption 15: Demonic Embrace 16: Demonic Embrace 17: Demonic Embrace 18: Demonic Embrace 19: Demonic Embrace 20: Improved Life Tap 21: Improved Life Tap 22: Soul Siphon 23: Improved Drain Soul 24: Improved Drain Soul 25: Fel Concentration 26: Fel Concentration 27: Fel Concentration 28: Fel Concentration 29: Fel Concentration 30: Grim Reach 31: Grim Reach 32: Nightfall 33: Nightfall 34: Soul Siphon 35: Siphon Life 36: Shadow Embrace 37: Amplify Curse 38: Empowered Corruption 39: Empowered Corruption 40: Shadow Mastery 41: Shadow Mastery 42: Shadow Mastery 43: Shadow Mastery 44: Shadow Mastery 45: Dark Pact 46: Contagion 47: Contagion 48: Contagion 49: Contagion 50: Contagion 65-70: Unholy Power (Damage) or 65-70: Master Summoner (Cast Time) Here You choose if you want quicker pet cast times, or more damage from your succubus for drain tanking So choose either: 51: Empowered Corruption 52: Improved Curse of Agony 53: Improved Howl of Terror 54: Improved Howl of Terror 55: Unstable Affliction 56: Fel Intellect 57: Fel Intellect 58: Fel Intellect 59: Improved Healthstone 60: Improved Healthstone 61: Fel Domination 62: Improved Health Funnel 63: Improved Health Funnel 64: Fel Stamina

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Improved Sinister Strike 11: Improved Sinister Strike 12: Lightning Reflexes 13: Lightning Reflexes 14: Lightning Reflexes 15: Precision 16: Precision 17: Precision 18: Precision 19: Precision 20: Endurance 21: Endurance 22: Improved Slice and Dice 23: Improved Slice and Dice 24: Improved Slice and Dice 25: Dual Wield Specialization 26: Dual Wield Specialization 27: Dual Wield Specialization 28: Dual Wield Specialization 29: Dual Wield Specialization 30: Blade Flurry 31: Sword/Mace Specialization 32: Sword/Mace Specialization 33: Sword/Mace Specialization 34: Sword/Mace Specialization 35: Sword/Mace Specialization 36: Malice 37: Malice 38: Malice 39: Malice 40: Malice 41: Aggression 42: Aggression 43: Aggression 44: Lightning Reflexes 45: Adrenaline Rush 46: Vitality 47: Vitality 48: Lightning Reflexes 49: Deflection 50: Combat Potency 51: Combat Potency 52: Combat Potency 53: Combat Potency 54: Combat Potency 55: Surprise Attacks 56: Remorseless Attacks 57: Remorseless Attacks 58: Deflection 59: Deflection 60: Deflection 61: Deflection 62: Riposte 63: Murder 64: Murder 65: Ruthlessness 66: Lethality 67: Lethality 68: Lethality 69: Lethality 70: Lethality

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

Derek's Speed-Leveling Guide Bonus #1

Talent Spec Sheets _________________________________

10: Redoubt 11: Redoubt 12: Redoubt 13: Redoubt 14: Redoubt 15: Precision 16: Precision 17: Precision 18: Toughness 19: Toughness 20: Improved Righteous Fury 21: Improved Righteous Fury 22: Improved Righteous Fury 23: Shield Specialization 24: Shield Specialization 25: Shield Specialization 26: Anticipation 27: Anticipation 28: Anticipation 29: Anticipation 30: Blessing of Sanctuary 31: Reckoning 32: Reckoning 33: Reckoning 34: Reckoning 35: Reckoning 36: One Hand Weapon Specialization 37: One Hand Weapon Specialization 38: One Hand Weapon Specialization 39: One Hand Weapon Specialization 40: One Hand Weapon Specialization 41: Benediction 42: Benediction 43: Benediction 44: Benediction 45: Benediction 46: Improved Judgment 47: Improved Judgment 48: Improved Seal of Crusader 49: Improved Seal of Crusader 50: Improved Seal of Crusader 51: Conviction 52: Conviction 53: Conviction 54: Conviction 55: Conviction 56: Improved Retribution Aura 57: Improved Retribution Aura 58: Crusade 59: Crusade 60: Crusade 61: Divine Strength 62: Divine Strength 63: Divine Strength 64: Divine Strength 65: Divine Strength 66: Improved Seal of Righteousness 67: Improved Seal of Righteousness 68: Improved Seal of Righteousness 69: Improved Seal of Righteousness 70: Improved Seal of Righteousness

Copyright 2007 Derek Beachler

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