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Agricultural Calculations - 2013 Assignment Instructions:

1. In all the questions please use the formulas in Microsoft EXCEL to do the computaions 2. only e-mailed assignments will be graded. 3. please adhere to the due date for the assignment 4. Save the assignment as: AGA111T_Assign1_StudentNumberHere 5. Please email the assignment to :

Due Date: 19 April 2013

Use EXCEL: 1.1 to compute the amount of sales in this inventory 1.2 Insert a picture and title for the farm 1.3 Inser a header and Footer for the worksheet 1.4 Isert page numbering in the footer of the worksheet (bottom RIGHT corner) 1.5 Mark all rows with alternating colours. NOTE: Marks will be alocated according to the neatness and presentation of the data.


Items Goats Sheep Cows Pigs Horses Chickens

Number Sold 302 285 415 1060 105 2005


Price 1,100.00 1,300.00 2,100.00 1,700.00 13,000.00 55.00

Number in Stock 700 850 1700 1300 120 3000 Sub Total VAT 14% TOTAL


Use EXCEL to: 3.1 Determine: 3.1.1 How long will it take R21 000 to accumulate to R37 700 at 8.13% p.a. (Simple Interest) 3.1.2 The amount due if R3 570 is borrowed for eight months at a simple interest rate of 10.5% p.a. 3.1.3 The original principal that was invested if a sum of money is invested for six years at 14% p.a simple interest and the repayment at the end of the term is R123 457.

3.2 Determine: 3.2.1 The amount to be invested at 12.3% p.a., compunded annually, for four years to amount to R 81 000 at the end of the term. 3.2.2 The investment amount at the end of a term of two years when a sum of R10 000 is invested at a nominal rate of 16% p.a., compounded monthly.

Simple Interest
Key Formulas
Interest: I t Pit Future value: A t P 1 it A t Present Value: P 1 it Where: i rate of interest I t actual interest earned in t periods P amount invested, that is, the present value At amount due after t periods, that is, the future value.

Present Value: Where:

1 it

i rate of interest I t actual interest earned in t periods P amount invested, that is, the present value At amount due after t periods, that is, the future value.

Compound Interest
Key Formulas
Interest: I n An P n Future value: A n P 1 i An Present Value: P n 1 i Where: i effective rate of interest per interest (compounding) period I n actual interest earned in n times periods P amount invested, that is, the present value An amount due after n periods, that is, the future value.

om RIGHT corner)

presentation of the data. Amount

Use EXCEL to: 2.1 Compute the amount of nutrients in the following fertilizer: Given 12 385kg of fertilizer and has the ration of nutrients given as 17:40:20. Determine: 2.1.1. the amount of nitrogen (N). 2.1.2. the amount of phosphorus (P) 2.1.3. the amount of potassium (K) 2.1.4. other nutrients and filler


2.2 Draw a bar chart to show a comparison of the nutrients (without Filler)

2.3 Draw a Pie Chart to shaw the percentage of all the nutrients in the fertilizer. NOTE: Marks will be alocated according to the neatness and presentation of the da

at 8.13% p.a. (Simple Interest) at a simple interest rate of 10.5% p.a. ey is invested for six years at 14% p.a 123 457.

The following table indicates the average rainfall and temperature variation of the low veld of Mpumalanga (Kruger National Park Region), for the year. Month Average Min Temp (C) Average Max Temp (C)

nnually, for four years to amount to R 81

rs when a sum of R10 000 is invested at a

January 23 30 February 23 30 March 21 30 April 17 27 May 12 25 June 8 24 July 8 23 August 11 26 September 16 29 October 18 29 November 21 32 December 22 30 AVERAGES 4.1 Draw a bar chart for the following: 4.1.1. month vs Average minimum temperature 4.1.2. month vs avarage maximum temperature 4.1.3. Month vs rainfall 4.1.4. Month vs avarage minimum temperature and maximum temperateure


eriods e present value , that is, the future value.

eriods e present value , that is, the future value.

4.2 Use Excel to determine the avarages of all the measurements. 4.3. Use excell to determine the linear regression line that will represent: 4.3.1 the average rainfall. 4.3.2 the average minimum temperature.

interest (compounding) period imes periods e present value s, that is, the future value.

the following fertilizer: ration of nutrients given as 17:40:20.

on of the nutrients (without Filler)

age of all the nutrients in the fertilizer. o the neatness and presentation of the data.

rainfall and Mpumalanga (Kruger National Park

Rainfall (mm) 166 100 39 35 9 3 16 16 24 49 114 112

maximum temperateure

easurements. e that will represent:

2.1 Determining the following 2.1.1 The amount of nitrogen = 17 % 2.1.2 T he amount of phosphorus = 40 % 2.1.3 T he amount of potassium = 20 % 2.1.4 Other nutrients and fillers = 23 % 2.2 A bar chart showing a comparison of the nutrients

15 14 13 12 11 10

8 7 6 5 4 0 03 2

0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.6


0.8 1

1.2 1





2.1.3 T he amount of potassium = 20 %

2.1.2 T he amount of phosphorus = 40 %

2.1.1 The amount of nitrogen = 17 % Series3 Series1 Series2 Series2 Series1 Series3



QUESTION 3 3.1 Determining the following 3.1.1 The value of n(years) A = P(1 + i.n) 37 700 = 21 000 (1 +( 0 0.0813 0813 n) 37 700 21 000 = (1+( 0.0813 n) 1.795 = ( 1 + 0.0813 n) 1.795 - 1 = 0.0813 n 0.795 = 0.0813 n log(0.795) log(0.0813) = 0.09 0.09 100 = 9 years 3.1.2

QUESTION 2 2.1 Determining the following

2.1.1 The amount of nitrogen = 17 g 2.1.2 The amount of phosphorus = 40 g 2.1.3 The amount of potassium = 20 g 2.1.4 Other nutrients and filler = 23 g 2.2 A bar chart showing comparison of the nutrients

1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Chart Title
Series3 Series1 Series2 1 1.2 Series2 Series1 2.1.3 The amount of Series3 potassium = 20 g





2.1.2 The amount of phosphorus = 40 g Series3

Series2 Series1

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