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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 1923, 2012 1143

Passive Components Based on Two-dimensional Photonic Crystals

T. N. Bakhvalova and I. V. Khmelnitsky Joint Research Laboratory Microwave and Optoelectronic Devices Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation, MSTU MIREA Moscow 119454, Russian Federation

Abstract Possibilities of the use and the results of modeling of two-dimensional photonic
crystal (PhC) spectral demultiplexer were proposed and investigated. Several spectral demultiplexers/multiplexers are designed: to separate the channels with wavelengths of 1490 and 1550 nm (Passive optical network, PON); 1270 and 1310 nm (IEEE 802.3 40GBASE-LR4); 1270 and 1290 nm (IEEE 802.3 40GBASE-LR4). Proposed two-channel demultiplexers based on PhC are designed to separate the channels with wavelengths which widely used in telecommunications. These demultiplexers consist of circular silicon rods in rectangular lattice surrounded by air with radius of circular is 0.2a (a lattice constant). These devices are based on wavelength channel splitters by using dierent lters. One lter with three defective rods inside it and another lter with tapered region are placed at the T -junction. Selection of model geometric parameters is based on the analysis of photonic band gap maps. The computations were carried out using the Optiwaves OptiFDTD 8 software. 1. INTRODUCTION

A photonic crystal (PhC) with photonic band gap (PBG) is a promising candidate as a platform to construct devices with dimensions of several wavelengths for future photonic integrated circuits. PhCs are particularly interesting in all-optical systems to transmission and processing information due to the eect of light localization in the defect region of the periodic structure [1]. Because PBG structures allow strong control over the light propagation, some of the most exciting applications of these structures are based on the functionalities through the incorporation of defects in periodic lattice leading to the design of PhC heterostructure-based PBG waveguides and devices [2]. Defects inuence on the PhC photonic band structure that can result in the ow or connement of light along particular pathways in the crystal. Moreover, PBGs in these structures are polarization sensitive. These properties of PhC structures have been used to design various passive optical components, such as splitters [3], multiplexers, demultiplexers, polarizers [4], time delays [5], and so on. Two-dimensional (2D) PhC is most suitable for such devices creating. Currently dielectric rods in air and membrane are two basic types of PhC. In this paper the rst PhC type was used as more suitable for proposed below structure of the spectral lters. At present, its known a series of publications on modeling two-dimensional PhC spectral lters and demultiplexers. In particular, in [6] were presented the simulation results of the ber-optic transmission systems (FOTS) demultiplexer with WWDM (wide wavelength-division multiplexing) for wavelength separating of 1310 and 1550 nm. PhC structure based on the set of silicon rods/pillars and made on a quartz substrate. To form the broadband lters were used rods with dierent radii (defects). Later this approach was developed in [1, 7]. Moreover, in [8] presented a model of so-called triplexer with reector for working wavelengths of 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm. The total size of such device was only 16 20 microns. The rods material was InGaAsP. The eect of spectral channel separation was carried out by the addition of defects with dierent radii and refractive index (material of defective rods was Si3 N4 ). Although in [8] were obtained a good result in the channel separation, the use of several materials complicates the technological process of the demultiplexer fabrication. Also the considerable interest is to study the possibility of using lters with a smaller spacing between the optical carriers, such as FOTS on IEEE 802.3 standard. In view of the foregoing, in this article we propose and investigate PhC demultiplexers for separation optical channels, in which by introducing defects in a strictly periodic structure, as well as by changing the parameters of the elements, the conditions for the selective radiation distribution are created. This device consists of silicon rods surrounded by air, and can operate at a dierence between the operating wavelengths below 100 nm (60 nm, 40 nm and 20 nm). The total size of such devices is less than 10 10 microns. Also we discussed the possibility of using 2D PhC as a polarizer.


PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 1923, 2012

2. MODEL CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS 2.1. Photonic Crystal Demultiplexer

Innite, strictly periodic structure of the photonic crystal is characterized by photonic band gap, which depends on the ratio of the refractive indices of the elements and ground substance, as well as the geometric parameters of the structure. Due to creating a device through changing the structure, we break the strict periodicity, which forms the eld with a modied photonic band gap [7]. So spectral lters of optical range based on the 2D PBG structure can be created by the correct selection of geometrical and physical parameters. Figure 1 shows the structure of the demultiplexer comprising two ways to lter out. T-shaped waveguide is formed by removing the corresponding row of dielectric rods. First lter is formed by introducing three additional defects with smaller radii in the PhC waveguide. Radius of the defect is selected on the basis of analysis of photonic bandgap map. To select values of the rods radii is necessary so that at a certain radius r both operating frequencies were within the band gap, that corresponds to PhC waveguide channel, and at another value of the radius rdef only one frequency fell into photonic band gap, that corresponds to a PhC bandpass lter. This lter are broadband ( 100 nm at 3 dB) and cannot be used in case of a small dierence in the working wavelengths. Therefore, it is necessary to use an additional mechanism for spectral limiting.

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the optical Demultiplexer/Multiplexer based on a PhC waveguide.

Figure 2: PhC demultiplexers for dierent wavelength ranges.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 1923, 2012 1145

Table 1: Loss values for all three devices in both outputs. Device A 1490 nm 1550 nm 14 dB 4 dB 2 dB 16 dB Device B 1270 nm 1310 nm 14 dB 6 dB 2 dB 13.5 dB Device C 1270 nm 1290 nm 10 dB 4 dB 4 dB 12 dB

Output 1 Output 2



Figure 3: Results of FDTD simulation of wavelength channel splitting for (a) device B and (b) device C.

Second lter is formed by tapered region. With reducing of the PhC waveguide transverse dimension the operational wavelength shifts to shorter wavelength. For example, at a certain transverse dimension of the waveguide channel wavelength 1 = 1550 nm cannot spread it, while the 2 = 1490 nm will pass without signicant attenuation. Thus, the narrower waveguide will be distributed to smaller wavelengths. The use of additional ways to lter can reduce losses and signicantly improve the results for one of the operational wavelength. Figure 2 shows the topology of demultiplexers for dierent telecommunication wavelength ranges. Device A designed for passive optical network PON; devices B and C designed for IEEE 802.3 40GBASE-LR4 [9]. All values of geometrical and physical parameters are presented on the gure. These devices are modeled on the basis of the above principles for spectral ltering. The obtained results of computer simulation are shown in Fig. 3 and Table 1. Table 1 lists the numerical values of the output isolation of all three devices being considered. As can be seen from the table, the smaller spacing between the working wavelength, the more dicult to carry out spectral separation. This is primarily due to the broad-band of the rst lter. A similar modeling was carried out for a range of wavelengths 1510, 1530, 1550 and 1570 nm (ITU-T Rec. G.695). The model is based on the same principles for constructing photonic crystal lter, but for the channels separation of 20 nm. The simulation results were obtained of the same order as above (for 1270, 1290, 1310 and 1330 nm).
2.2. Photonic Crystal Polarizer

To form a polarizer, 2D PhC must have an overlapping band gap for both polarizations (complete band gap) and be easier to fabricate. TM band gaps are favored in a lattice of isolated high- ( dielectric constant) regions, and TE band gaps are favored in a connected lattice. For complete band gap is necessary to arrange a photonic crystal with both isolated spots and connected regions


PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 1923, 2012

Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the PBG polarizer.



Figure 5: Snapshot of the PhC polarizer at 1.33 m (a) for TM mode and (b) for TE mode.

of dielectric material. So it must be 2D PhC with high- regions that are both practically isolated and linked by narrow veins. In the case of triangular lattice of air columns: if the radius of the columns is large enough (0.95a), the spots between columns look like localized regions of high- material, which are connected (through a narrow squeeze between columns) to adjacent spots [10]. Thus, this structure has very thin dielectric veins of width 0.05a between the air columns. In fact, to fabricate such a structure is relatively dicult procedure. Another solution of this problem is to use a honeycomb structure. The gap map for this structure is of much larger extent than the complete PBG of the triangular lattice and the production of such 2D lattices less formidable. To design a PBG polarizer, we consider 2D PhC structure composed of a honeycomb lattice of Si rods in air. Principles of modeling of the polarization lter are completely analogous to given above modeling principles of the rst type spectral lter. Polarizing lter is based on introduction of additional defect rods in the PhC waveguide. The values of the radii of defects are selected from the analysis of a complete photonic band gap (investigate the variation of PBGs by changing the radius of defect rods in the linear defect waveguide using the PWE method). For example [2], for operating wavelength of 1.55 m values of geometrical and physical parameters are: lattice constant a = 0.885 m, rod radius r = 0.24a, the radius of the defect rods r1 = 0.08a (supports only TE modes but exhibits a PBG for TM mode) and r2 = 0.32a (supports only TM modes but exhibits a PBG for TE mode). Thus it is possible to select the necessary geometric parameters (lattice constant, basic and defect radii) for a polarizer operating at any wavelength. Fig. 4 shows the scheme of the polarizer operating at a wavelength of 1.33 m for blocked of TM-mode. Fig. 5 shows results of FDTD simulation for 1.33 m PhC polarizer.

A new topology of a spectral demultiplexer based on 2D PhC with the formation of which one arm of the T-splitter is realized by means of tapered waveguide channel, which allowed an interval of operating wavelengths of 60 nm, 40 nm and 20 nm. The entire structure was made of Si on a substrate of SiO2 , which provides relatively simple manufacturing process and the possibility of using these devices as part of standard optoelectronic integrated circuit. The obtained lower values of isolation between the arms in comparison with known results [1, 7, 8] explained by the use of homogeneous material (as opposed to [8]) and a narrow spectral interval (as opposed to [1, 7]).

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 1923, 2012 1147

The design of the PhC polarizer by utilizing the complete PBGs was also discussed. Modeling of polarizer for the required wavelength is carried out following proper selection of radius values of the defects. The dimension of the PhC polarizers and demultiplexers lies in the microscale range leading to the design of ultra-compact passive components. Our future work aims to increase insulation and reduce losses in the proposed devices by further modication of the structure topology.

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