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P. 1 NATAL CHART / CONJUNCTION / ASPECT / ASSOCIATION / PLANETARY AVASTHAS (STATES) / Varga Charts /16 VARGAS / The Amsas of planets / The Ashtakavarga / The timing of the events / Dashas / Gochara or Transits P. 7 HELP FILES : Ashtakavarga Rule For Accumulation , Astrological New Year , Dash Rule , Eldest Sibling Rule, Effect Of Eclipses , Exaltation & Dibilitation , Grahas In The 12 th , Integration Of Graha Influences , Jyotishi's Charts , Mundane Astrology Charts , Quality Of Married Life , Remedy Of Moon Problems , Retrograde Grahas, Additional Aspect , Rulership Rule , Saturn In 12 House , Sense Rulerships , Separative Grahas , Tajika aspects , Wife P. 11 The planets represent the following/ the twelve houses /The Houses and Signs /The Lords of Houses / Components & houses / Developing the Ability to Predict / Natal Reading / Chart Updates / Compatibility Charts / Parent-Child Relationships / Mundane & Financial Astrology / Medical Astrology / Relocation Astrology / Muhurta / Prasna
P. 26





P. 51 FUNDAMENTALS FOR STUDYING A HOROSCOPE- by V.K. Choudhry Steps for preparing horoscope mind/psyche health/beginning,end/heart profession/setback/start business/losses property marriage/progeny

Natal chart or radical chart or natal positions or radical positions of planets are the positions of the ascendant or planets in various signs as noted for the time of the birth. Natal positions, therefore, are fixed. The planetary positions noted with reference to a particular chart for subsequent periods, is known as transit or transit positions. The techniques to read the transit influences have been given at the end of the advance analytical techniques.

When two or more planets are seen in close proximity in the zodiac, they are known as conjunct. The conjunction can be exact or close. If the difference in longitudes happens to be less than one degree the resulting conjunction is known as an exact conjunction. If the difference in longitudes happens to be within five degrees, the same is known as a close conjunction.

When two or more planets are in one sign but the difference in their longitudes is more than 5 degrees, the said state is known as association or a wide conjunction.

The aspects are partial and full. In the Hindu system of astrology, we are concerned with only full aspects. Each planet is believed to aspect fully the seventh house, reckoned from the placement of the former. In addition to this, that is the seventh aspect, planets posited outside the orbit of the earth as well as Rahu and Ketu have special full aspects as under: Saturn aspects third and tenth houses from its location.

Mars aspects fourth and eighth houses from its location. Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu aspect fifth and ninth houses from their location.

Planets influence other planets/houses aspected by them favourably or unfavourably, depending upon their functional nature in a nativity (chart). The principle of exact or close aspect is identical to exact or close conjunction.


The planetary avasthas are the conditions in which a planet is placed. The prominent avasthas and the results produced are as under: INFANCY: Whenever the longitude of a planet in a particular sign is less than five degrees, it is said to be in the state of infancy. Such a planet is incapable of fully promoting or protecting its general significations and the house ruled by it. OLD AGE: Whenever the longitude of a planet in a particular sign is more than 25 degrees, it is treated to be in the state of oldage. Such a planet is incapable of fully promoting or protecting its general significations and the house ruled by it. OWN SIGN: A planet in its own sign is treated as strong and is capable of generating the expected results provided it is not in the state of infancy or oldage and in the debilitated navamsa. MOOLTRIKONA SIGN: A planet in its mooltrikona sign avoiding the state of infancy or oldage or being in debilitated navamsa or other vargas is treated as very powerful. EXALTATION: The planets are considered to be in the state of exaltation in particular signs and give good results by promoting their general significations and the houses ruled by them, provided they are otherwise strong. The exaltation signs of various planets are as under: PLANET Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu EXALTATION SIGN Aries Taurus Capricorn Virgo Cancer Pisces Libra Taurus Scorpio

DEBILITATION: The planets are considered to be in the state of debilitation and weak if occupying a particular sign and they
fail to fully protect or promote the general significations ruled by them. Rather there can be deterioration in their ruling sub-periods. The debilitation signs of the various planets are as under: PLANET Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu DEBILITATION SIGN Libra Scorpio Cancer Pisces Capricorn Virgo Aries Scorpio Taurus

COMBUSTION: Whenever, a planet comes very near to the Sun it is divested of its brightness (lusture). The said state is called
combustion. While in the state of combustion, the planets fail to protect their general significations and the significations of the houses ruled by them due to malefic transit influences. If such a weak planet is weak on other accounts too, the significations ruled by them do not even take birth. The planets are said to be combust when they are within the below mentioned degrees on either side of the Sun:Moon Mars Mercury Venus 12 17 14 10 degrees degrees degrees degrees

Jupiter Saturn 11 degrees 15 degrees

AFFLICTED PLANETS: The planets forming close conjunctions or aspects with the functional malefic planets, explained
AFFLICTING PLANETS: The functional malefic planets are known as afflicting planets.

later, are treated as afflicted planets. The significations of the houses having mooltrikona sign of an afflicted planet are harmed when such planets are weak, too.

WEAK PLANETS: The weak planets do not find themselves capable of protecting/promoting their general significations and
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) When they occupy their signs of debilitation, Are combust due to their nearness to the Sun, The Moon when it is within 72 degrees of either side of the Sun, Occupy dusthana houses from the ascendant (lagna), Are in the state of infancy or oldage, Occupy debilitated navamsa and other divisions, Are conjunct with or aspected by Rahu/Ketu in single degree, Are in conjunction with those planets, whose mooltrikona signs fall in dusthana houses from the ascendant, If they are occupying the mooltrikona sign of a weak planet on any of the above mentioned grounds.

houses ruled by them during their sub periods and at the time of the malefic transit influences. The sources of weakness of planets are as under:

STRONG PLANETS: The strong planets protect and promote their general significations and the houses where their mooltrikona
signs fall. The planets are said to be strong when: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) They are not in the state of weakness, They are in the young age that is their longitude is between 10 to 20 degrees in a particular sign, Occupy own or good navamsas and other divisions, Occupy their mooltrikona signs, Are closely under the influence of the functional benefic planets, Their dispositors are also strong.

DISPOSITOR: Dispositor is a planet in whose sign another planet is located in the natal chart. Suppose in a natal chart the Sun is
placed in the sign Libra ruled by Venus. In this case Venus will be the dispositor of the Sun. DIVISIONAL CHARTS: The divisional charts are the charts which are drawn by division of houses for specialised analysis of a particular signification; for example navamsa for considering general fortune and marriage, etc., and dasamsa for considering professional aspects in a nativity. YOGAKARAKA PLANETS: Yogakaraka planets are those planets which own a kendra (angular) and a trikona (trinal) houses simultaneously in a particular nativity. These yogakarakas are the first rate functional benefic planets and when strong produce excellent results through their close influence on any particular planet or house. The following planets become yogakaraks for the ascendants mentioned against each:PLANET Mars Venus Saturn ASCENDANT Cancer and Leo Capricorn and Aquarius Taurus and Libra

SIGNIFICATORS: In addition to ruling the houses containing their signs (mooltrikona signs), the planets also act as
'Significators/Karkas' for various houses. The various planets act as significators for the houses indicated against each: PLANET Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn HOUSES First, ninth and tenth houses. Fourth house Third and tenth houses Sixth and tenth houses Second, fifth, ninth and eleventh houses Fourth, seventh and twelfth houses Ayushkaraka (longevity), that is for the eighth house.

AUSPICIOUS CONJUNCTIONS (RAJYOGAS): The close or exact conjunctions/aspects of strong functional benefic planets

cause auspicious planetary configurations known as Rajyogas. The planets involved in Rajyogas blessed the native with name, fame, wealth, comforts, etc., during their sub periods. INAUSPICIOUS CONJUNCTIONS (DURYOGAS): The close or exact conjunctions/aspects of strong functional malefic planets with other planets or the most effective points of various houses cause inauspicious planetary configurations known as duryogas or combinations for misfortunes. The planets involved in duryogas cause miseries/tragedies as per their nature depending upon their lordships, during their sub periods.
Further analysis and the Varga chartsThere are several other points which are of importance while analyzing a chart. According to the Rishi Parashara, analyzing the horoscope from Lagna, Chandra Lagna and Soorya Lagna is important to arrive at the correct conclusions. Chandra Lagna The sign in which the Moon is placed in the birth chart, called Janma Rasi, is a very important parameter while judging a horoscope. It is used as another lagna. Just as you study the placement of planets from the lagna, the way the planets are placed from the moon is also studied to give an additional view. Soorya LagnaThe house in which your Sun is placed is called the Soorya Lagna and this is studied the way lagna and Chandra lagna are studied. Churning from housesChurning the houses is a unique way of analyzing several aspects of life. For example your wife wants to know about her younger sister but hasn't got the horoscope details. This can be seen from your horoscope. In your chart the 7th is your wife's house. From there the 3rd is the house of her younger sister, i.e., the 9th house in your chart, is your wife's younger sisters house. By studying your chart by taking your 9th house as lagna, you can infer about your wife's younger sister. Alternately, this can be studied from your wife's chart also by taking 3rd house as lagna. Similarly from your chart your child's wife can be seen - your 5th is your child's house and from there the 7th indicates his wife. Varga Charts The Varga charts, also known as the divisional charts, are a unique method employed by the ancient seers to study various aspects of life. Each rasi of 30 degrees is further subdivided and by employing a series rules new additional charts are made. There are 16 divisional charts and they are studied to analyze the finer conditions, strengths and effects of the planets. These charts are also employed to study certain specific aspects of life like spouse, children, parents etc. The following are the varga divisions. 16 VARGAS 1. Rashi or the Lagna chart as it is of 30 to study all aspects of life. 2. Hora or one-half of a sign -15 is the varga to study wealth. 3. Drekkana or one-third of a sign - 10 is the varga to study siblings. 4. Chaturthamsha or one-fourth of a sign - 730' is the varga to study destiny and house. 5. Saptamsha or one-seventh of a sign - 417`8.5" is the varga to study progeny. 6. Navamsha or one-ninth of a sign - 320' is the varga for spouse and many other things. 7. Dashamsha or one-tenth of a sign - 3- is the varga to study ones profession. 8. Dwadashamsha or one-twelfth of a sign -230'- is the varga to study parents. 9. Shodashamsha or one-sixteenth of a sign -152'30"- is the varga to study conveyance. 10. Vimshamsha or one-twentieth of a sign -130'- is the varga to study spiritual progress. 11. Chaturvimshamsha or one-twenty fourth of a sign -115'- is to study knowledge. 12. Saptavimshamsha or one-twenty seventh of a sign -16'40"- is to study the strength. 13. Trimshamsha or one-thirtieth of a sign - 100'- is misfortunes and nature. 14. Khavedamsha or one-fortieth of a sign - 045' is for auspicious & inauspicious effects. 15. Akshavedamsha or one-forty fifth of a sign 040' is for all areas of life. 16.Shashtyamsha or one-sixtieth of a sign 030' is for all general effects. For each of these vargas, The details of the different effects produced by the 9 different planets placed in various rasis, houses, house lords etc are given in detail in the shastras. Of these the Navamsha is the most important varga. Apart from studying the spouse and married/sex life, it is also studied to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and the effects of the planets with respect to all areas of life. If a planet is badly placed in the lagna chart but improves its position in the navamsa, then the negative effects are reduced and vise versa. This is where the Vedic Astrology scores heavily over all other systems of Astrology. For example, moon, the fastest moving of the nine planets, remains in one sign fro two and half days. The ascendant, or Lagna, extends for a period of two hours. In these two hours, according to the present birth rate, several thousand people are born in the world with the same birth chart! All of them cannot have the same destiny. Apart from that it must be remembered that the slow moving planet like Jupiter stays in a sigh for 1 year and Saturn stays in a sign for 2-1/2 years. In Indian Astrology by preparing the 16 Varga charts based on their exact degrees, it is possible to see the difference in the results of various individuals correctly. One must have very accurate birth time for the finer varga divisions to give accurate results. Realizing this Parashara prescribed that one must study at least the Shad-Vargas and if possible the Sapta-Vargas. The lagna, hora, drekkana, navamsa, dwadasamsa and trimamsa comprise of the 6 shad-vargas. If you add saptamamsa to these it is the saptavargas. Some recommend the study of the dasa-vargas by adding dasamamsa, shodasamsa and shasthimamsa. The Amsas of planets: A planet which occupying the same rasi in the natal chart and also in the navamsha chart is said to be in Vargottama-amsa and this enhances its benific effects of the planets. A planet becoming vargottama is a very important condition while evaluating the strengths and effects of the planet and the houses it rules. Similarly a planet occupying the same rasi 3, 4, 5, or more

times in the 16vargas is said to be in Simhasanamsa, Parijatamsa, Vaishesikamsa, Devalokamsa, Brahmalokamsa etc., and the benific effects of such conditions for the planets are give in detail to apply and evaluate their results. The placement of planets in the various vargas is also useful to evaluate the strength and effects of the various planets and houses. This is called the Vimsopaka Bala. The 16 vargas also play a role in evaluating the other strengths and conditions of the planets. Malefics and BeneficsAccording to their basic qualities, the planets are categorized into two groups. Natural malefics and natural benefics. Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are Natural Benefics.Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are Natural Malefics. However this is a highly broad general division and gets vastly modified based on the planets placement, house ownership etc. Vakra or Retrograde planets: As explained earlier, except the Sun and the Moon the rest of the planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn change their proper motion through the Zodiac periodically and appear to move backwards. After some time they resume their direct motion. When a planet is retrograde it is marked in the horoscope with the mark 'R'. A retrograde planet becomes more powerful. It also gives some unusual results and sometimes in the reverse order in the timing of effects etc. Dagdha or Combust PlanetsWhen a planet comes close to the Sun it engulfed by the Sun's rays. This is called combustion. A combust planet loses its power. This does not apply to Rahu & Ketu. The degree of proximity at which planets become combust varies from planet to planet. The following are the planetary combustion details as per the Soorya Siddhanta. Mars within 17 Degrees Mercury within 12 Degrees while retrograde and 14 degrees while in normal motion. Jupiter within 11 Degrees Venus within 8 Degrees Saturn within 15 Degrees It is normally agreed that the planetary combustion effects are effective when they are in the same nakshatra pada with the sun. After that the effects are not severe. Drishti or AspectsAll planets have drishti or aspects. Or to put it in simpler terms they "look" at other planets and signs. All planets aspect the sign or planet placed exactly opposite to them, i.e., in the 7th house from them. This is normally called the 7th house aspect, or the full aspect. Apart from this 7th aspect, some planets have "special" aspects. Mars aspects the 4th and the 8th houses from its position. Jupiter aspects the 5th and the 9th houses from its position. Saturn aspects the 3rd and the 10th houses from its position. Rahu and Ketu aspect the 5th and the 9th houses from their position though this is somewhat controversial. The houses and the planets aspected by a planet get influenced by the planet. The effect will be good or bad depending on the nature, condition, lordship etc of the aspecting planet and also on the relation between the two planets. The Avasthas or condition of PlanetsDepending on their position in the chart and the other conditions, Indian astrology classifies the condition of the planets into 5 different sets of avasthas. they are: 1. Jagradadi Avasthas - set of 3 avasthas 2. Baladi Avasthas - set of 5 avasthas 3. Lajjitadi Avasthas - set of 6 avasthas 4. Deeptadi Avasthas - set of 9 avasthas 5. Shayanadi Avasthas -set of 12 avasthas It is a very detailed and complicated study. How a planet is placed in each of the 5 types of sets of avasthas is studied. Based on that the results given by each planet for each type of the sets of avasthas is taken into consideration while giving predictions. The Shadbala or Six fold strength of Planets This is a very important study of the planetary strengths and weaknesses. It is not the study of any one condition of the planets, but a summarized study of its several conditions - both separately and in totality. The six fold strengths and weaknesses evaluated are: 1. Sthana bala 2. Dik bala 3. Kala bala 4. Chestha bala 5. Naisargika bala 6. Drik bala It must be noted that in each of these six types of sources of strengths, there are several sub divisional aspects included. For examplesthana bala is calculated after studying 6 different balas!! Once again the strengths and weakness of all 9 planets in all the 6 fold strengths, and their sub divisional balas are studied to see their effects!! The Ashtakavarga The asthakavargas is a unique way of dividing each of the 12 rasis into eight sub divisions, based on the influence of the lagna and the 7 main planets on these 12 rasis. Rahu & Ketu are omitted in asthakavargas. Based on their individual positions in a horoscope, the lagna and the 7 main planets, contribute certain positive and negative influences on the 12 signs of the horoscope. These influences are called bindus and rekhas, which are positive and negative points. There is a confusion and controversy between South Indians and North Indians about the bindus and rekhas and which of them is benific and malefic. So lets simply call them positive points and negative points to avoid confusion.

For AV purpose each rasi is divided into 8 parts called Kakshas. Each kaksha has a span of 3:45'. The 1st kaksha of each rasi is ruled by saturn, the 2nd by jupiter, 3rd by mars, 4th by sun, 5th by venus, 6th by mercury, the 7th by moon and the 8th by the lagna. Mainly 3 types of Ashtakavarga charts are used to study the effects of the planets.

The 1st type are the Bhinnashtakavarga charts, prepared for the lagna and the 7 planets - total 8 charts are made. In the picture above we have given the Bhinnashtakavarga chart of sun - to the left side. The rasis are marked horizontally by the respective rasi numbers, i.e., 1 for Aries, 2 for Taurus etc. The 8 Kakshas are to be seen vertically. A Bhinnashtakavarga kaksha of any rasi can contain only one point. If a positive point is contributed by any planet in a kaksha it is marked by 1, if a negative one then by 0. So we can see that in the chart of the Bhinnashtakavarga of sun, in the sign Aries (under 1), saturn has contributed a positive point in the first kaksha, jupiter has contributed a negative point in the 2nd kaksha and so on. The total positive points contributed in Aries are 4. We can see the other signs similarly. The Bhinnashtakavarga charts of planets are very useful to study the transit effects of planets. For example sun transits a rasi for one month. But the results he gives are not uniform throughout the month. He produces good results while transiting the Kakshas where there is a positive point and if negative point is there he gives bad results. In this case while transiting the 1st kaksha of Aries, from 0 degrees to 3:45', he gives good results as saturn has contributed a positive point there. In the next kaksha, from 3:45 to 7:30', where there is a negative point contributed by jupiter, he gives bad results. As Aries has 4 positive and 4 negative points in suns BAV chart, suns transit results in Aries for the native of this chart are 50% good and 50% bad. When the sun transits Libra for one month its results are very bad as it has only 2 positive points. Suns transit of Sagittarius is the best with 6 PP. So a rasi with 4 good points gives medium results, better with more and worse with less. The good or bad effects will have a relation with the planet contributing the point, either positive or negative. They will have a link to its nature, house ownership etc.In similar fashion with the help of the BAV charts of the other planets we can study their transit effects. The sarvasthakavarga chart, to the right of suns BAV chart, is the combined detailed summary of how many positive points each of the 7 planets and lagna are contributing in all the rasis. The Samudaya Ashtakavarga chart bellow gives a brief at a glance idea of how many total good points are there in each house. Houses with 25 or more produce good results when planets transit them. If the points are below 25 then the results are negative.

Ashtakavarga has many more applications. While analyzing the effects of a house, by studying how many total good and bad points are there, contributed by which planets, etc give several clues about the house effects. While studying the effects of a planet placed in a particular house, by studying in how many degrees he is placed in that house and in which planets kaksha, the points contributed by the planets in the kaksha, give us us predictive clues as to the planets nature results etc. Ashtakavarga is also employed to study longevity of a native by doing several complicated mathematical calculations and by doing trikona reductions etc. Even for those who know astrology, the Ashtakavarga is an advanced application. The timing of the eventsAfter analyzing the strengths and conditions etc of the planets, one is in a position to know what kind of results they are going to give. But when the results are going to fructify can be learnt only by studying the dasas and the transits of the planets. Dashas The dasas are the ruling periods of planets. There are more than 50 different types of Dasha systems, but the most popular and accurate one is the Vimshottari Dasha system. We are explaining this system. At the time of your birth, the star constellation in which your moon is placed in your birth chart, and the degrees in which it is placed, determines which dasas will be in operation during your life. The following chart illustrates, as per your nakshatra, the dasa with which your life starts, the span of each dasa and the sequence of dasas. The period and the sequence of each Dasas is as follows:Sun Dasha is 6 yearsMoon Dasha is 10 yearsMars Dasha is 7 yearsRahu Dasha is 18 yearsJupiter Dasha is 16 yearsSaturn Dasha is 19 yearsMercury Dasha is 17 yearsKetu Dasha is 7 yearsVenus Dasha is 20 yearsThese are called Mahadasas

As the Vimshottari dasa follows a 120 year cycle one will not experience the mahadasa of all the planets in ones life. Depending on by how many degrees, moon has traveled in the nakshatra at the time of birth, the first dasa gets reduced proportionately. In every mahadasa of a planet there are sub divisional dasas of other planets called Antardasas. The first antardasa is that of the mahadasa planet, followed by the other planets in sequence. Following the same principle, the antardasas are further sub divided into Pratyantardasas and so on till we can arrive at the dasas at a daily basis or even hourly basis. The chart of the dasas of the example horoscope, given here to the left illustrates this. The predictions and the timing of events is done by taking into account the planets involved in the dasa, the antardasa, pratyantardasa etc., their strengths, nature etc. as studied before. The following principles are kept in mind while analyzing a horoscope for dasa effects. Let us say that we want to see when the native will get a house. The 4th house rules the house and property related matters. Hence examine the 4th lord, in whose house he is placed, with whom he is placed, who is aspecting him. Then examine the planets placed in the 4th house or the planets aspecting the 4th house. Then the placement of the above in the Vargas, their strengths etc and whether well placed in houses or not and whether involved in any raja yoga combinations etc. When the native is going through the dasa or antardasas of any of these favorably placed planets, good results for the house can be expected. However the timing of event cannot be done only on the basis of dasa. The Gochara or the transit of planets must also be studied. Some times in spite of favourable results, if the Gochara is very adverse then the favourable results may not take place and vice versa. the next chapter, the last of the astro basics, is Gochara. Gochara or TransitsThe Gochara or the constant transits of the planets in the zodiac is the other instrument used by the astrologers to time an event. The position of the planets in your birth chart is fixed. These planetary placement and the dasas you are going through as per your birth chart give you one set of parameters to judge the events. At the same time the planets in heaven are constantly on the move. At any given time how these planets are positioned vis--vis the 12 houses and the 9 planets in your chart also has a major bearing on your destiny. It is said that the natal chart and the dasas are what you have inherited from your past and the gochara is the interplay of the present with your past. The 1st, and the most important study of the positions of the 9 planets transiting in the zodiac, is done from the janma rasi or the position of the moon in ones natal chart. After that their positions from all other planets, houses etc of ones birth chart. Based on these positions, the gochara shastras give the detailed results. Let me explain this with the help of the example chart and the Gochara planetary position chart as on today, 16-4-03. Example Chart

Gochara For the native of this chart as shown in the picture above, the gochara planetary positions as shown in the charts below, is as follows. His Janma rasi, or the sign in which his moon is positioned in the birth chart (above), is kumbha or Aquarius. In the gochara chart (below) sun is positioned in Aries or Mesha. Hence counted from his Janma rasi, sun is in the third house in gochara. Similarly mercury is also in the 3rd from his natal moon. Rahu is in the 4th from moon, saturn in the 5th, jupiter in the 6th, moon in the 8th, Ketu in the 10th, mars in the 12th and venus is in the Janma rasi. Similarly note the positions of these planets from his lagna, i.e., sun and mercury in the 6th etc. Similarly the positions of the 9 gochara planets from the natal position of sun, then mars, then mercury etc. etc. The effects produced by the 9 transiting planets, placed in various houses from the 9 natal planets and lagna (Total 10x 9x12=1080 only) are given in the Gochara shastras. You just have to remember and recollect them and apply the relevant ones. While doing this simple task, you must also see their transit effects as per asthakavargas (12x8x9=864rules). Then also remember the strengths, weaknesses and effects of these planets, and the dasa, antardasa and pratyantardasa effects - based on lagna & 16 Vargas placements, shadbalas, different rasi & house placements, avasthas etc. of the 9 planets and lagna. After that you just have to synthesize, summarize and analyze these 25000 appx permutations and combinations, and then study the results as per Prashna also to arrive at what is going to


Ashtakavarga Rule For Accumulation As a quick method for determining the overall lifetime financial situation, look at the sarva ashtakavarga of the 11th and 12th bhavas (houses). If the sarva of the 11th exceeds that of the 12th, it indicates more earnings than expenditures; if the 12th exceeds the 11th, it indicates expenditures exceed earning capacity (debt). This is a quick and simple snapshot method. The normal factors such as the 2nd and 10th bhavas should be analyzed carefully as well (as should the lagna!). Astrological New Year The astrological New Year starts when the New Moon occurs in Meena (Pisces). The yearly chart for a country is calculated using the exact New Moon time and the location of the country's capitol. Dash Rule 1 In analyzing the effect of a dasha period, look at the house relationship between the various sub-periods. For example, if someone is in Mercury-Mars with Mercury and Mars in a 6/8 house relationship in the natal chart, then it is indicative of a difficult period. If the relationship is kendara or trikona, then it indicates a period of support or gains. If we go one more level and consider Mercury-MarsJupiter, with Mercury and Mars in a 5/9 house relationship and Mars-Jupiter in a 6/8 relationship in the natal chart, then it indicates a sub-sub-period of roughness in an overall period of support. As usual, you need to look at aspects in the natal chart as well for a more complete picture. Dash Rule 2 In physics, initial conditions play a critical role in the evolution of a system. Launch a satellite at just the right angle and it travels in a circular orbit. A bit off in one direction and it crashes into the ground, a bit off the other way and it goes off into space. So too with a person's life, the initial conditions have a strong influence on how it unfolds. In particular, the dasha at birth should be carefully studied. For example, a person born into a Mercury dasha with Mercury (indicating the nervous system) in the 6th (indicating sickness) might indicate some type of nervous disorder. To confirm this, look at the aspects on Mercury, which houses it rules, and which grahas occupy its signs (Gemini and Virgo). Medical problems indicated at birth are therefore often congenital. The severity of the problem depends on how far into the dasha the person was at birth (if born near the end of the dasha the problem may be minimal) in an overall sense, and at any particular time depends on the operating dasha and transits. Dash Rule 3 When analyzing the effects of a particular dasha, recast the birth chart using the sign the mahadasha ruler is in as the lagna (ascendant). For example, say the birth chart has a Leo (Simha) lagna with Mars in the 3rd house; this puts Mars in Libra (Tula). To analyze the mahadasha period of Mars, take Libra as the lagna and analyze the chart from this viewpoint. Do not throw out the interpretations based upon the birth lagna, rather see the chart from the Libra lagna in terms of what you have deduced from the birth chart. Eldest Sibling Rule Rahu in the 11th bhava (house) often occurs in charts of the youngest or eldest sibling, or the youngest or eldest sibling of that sex. This is an original research of K. N. Rao. Eclipses, Effect Of Eclipses are, from an astrological point of view, often described as inauspicious events, and we know of recent cases where educated people stayed in their homes and even kept their children from going to class because of a partial solar eclipse. In our perusal of the literature, we found that eclipses that occur near Rahu tend to be favorable, while those that occur near Ketu tend to cause roughness. The problem with using these rules is that there is not a lot of research to validate what works and what does not. Furthermore, eclipses are somewhat unique in that they become a point in the chart, but not a permanent one. That is, take the eclipse point and mark it on the chart. Now look for conjunctions or oppositions with that point involving transiting grahas, and see if they act as trigger points. This point is supposed to last for as many years as the solar eclipse lasted in hours, so after some time this point should be removed from consideration. In this sense, the eclipse point acts as a point of time-varying influence, with the influence generally decreasing with time. We know of no measure of this decrease, but perhaps it is possible to define an exponentially-decaying strength (bala) value to eclipse points. It would be an interesting research project. Eclipses, When They Occur Full Moons that occur with Moon (or Sun) near Rahu or Ketu result in eclipses. If a full Moon, then the eclipse is lunar, if a new Moon, then the eclipse is solar. Exsaltation & Dibilitation Exalation and debilitation are important factors in determining the influence a graha will have, but you should not over-estimate its importance. Exalatation is just one of many factors that determine the strength of a graha, and accounts for, at most, 17% of a graha's strength. In addition to exaltation, a graha can gain directional strength, temporal strength, and a 'lunar phase' strength, just to name a few. Exalatation is the easiest form of strength to see, and this is probably why it is so popular. You should also be aware that there are two possible meanings to the terms exalatation and debilitation. Some jyotishis consider a graha to be exalted if it is in its sign (rasi) of exalatation, while others use a particular portion of the exalatation sign. For example, Guru (Jupiter) is exalted in the first 5 degrees of Cancer, but Guru anywhere in Cancer is often said to be exalted. You should be clear if exalatation is being used in the context of exaltation by degree or exaltation by sign. Grahas In The 12 th

Grahas in the 12th bhava (house) are often considered to be 'bad', indicating the loss of whatever that graha represents. This is not always the right way to look at things, especially for Guru (Jupiter) and Shukra (Venus). Guru in the 12th, instead of being interpreted as loss of wealth, should be seen from the point of view as 'happy expenditures' and possibly gains. Examples of happy expenditures are buying your dream home, that fancy car you always wanted, or your daughter's wedding. Similarly, Venus in the 12th can indicate accumulation of wealth and overcoming competitors. You should look at the disposition of these grahas to determine if they are in their exaltation or moolatrikona rasis (signs), their relationship to the ruler of the rasi they occupy, and what aspects they are subject to. This will allow you to discriminate between the flavors of 'loss' and 'happy expenses', a rather significant distinction. Integration Of Graha Influencens Look for connections between grahas, as these connections act to integrate the graha's influences. Charts where the grahas act by themsleves can indicate a lack of integration or balance. One form of connection is drishti or aspect. Mutual drishtis have the most integrative effect. For example, Guru (Jupiter) acts to expand, and Shani (Saturn) acts to contract. One form of expression of a strong Guru is obesity, which is usually an unwanted form of expansion. Guru aspected by Shani can balance this tendency and result in more life-supporting actions. If Guru also aspects Shani then the integration has a fuller value. Instead of aspects, Guru and Shani can be conjunct, although this may not be as beneficial a form of connection. Another example of a connection is Chandra (Moon) being in the rasi (sign) or nakshatra of Guru, which establishes a Chandra-Guru connection. If Guru is in a rasi or nakshatra of Chandra, then the connection is more powerful. Juotishi's Charts If you do readings for people, either as a hobby or professionally, be aware of your own chart and what dasha periods you are in and are about to enter. Your effectiveness as a counselor can suffer if you are in a diffcult dasha period or difficult transits are occuring. Your chart may also warn you about difficult clients. For example, transiting Mars conjunct or aspecting natal Moon with Mars in a sign or nakshatra of Mercury can indicate conflict through astrology. Mundane Astrology Charts Mundane Astrology is the astrology of large groups of people. On the small end this can be a company, and on the large end it can refer to a country or the world as a whole. We prefer to use the phrase Collective Astrology as it is a more descriptive term. Besides, there is nothing mundane about Collective Astrology! In analyzing the chart of a country you often run into the problem of unknown or innacurate birth times. If you know an approximate time, or just the day, then you can do a detailed rectification to try and match known events with natal charts and the corresponding dasha periods. This is a very laborious and time-consuming process, so accurate birth times are generally not known for countries. So, if the birth time of an organization (such as a country) is not known, what do you do? One technique is to cast the chart for the capitol of the country in question for the time of the New Moon is Pisces; this is taken as the start of the astrological new year in Vedic Astrology. All charts cast for this time will have all the grahas in the same sign positions, but the lagna (ascendant), and therefore the other house positions, will be different. These differences will be magnified in the vargas. Having done this, now apply the basic rules of interpretation to see the indications for that astrological year. For example, look at the condition of the lagna ruler; is it well-placed (in a kendra or trikona, sign of exaltation, in own or firendly sign), and what aspects does it receive? A few other hints: Sun gives indications for head of country Moon for general well-being and women Mars for state of military and police force Mercury for communication and travel Jupiter for banking Venus for fine arts Saturn for general population. To fine tune the indications of the yearly chart, you can also cast the chart for each New Moon; this becomes the monthly chart. A third option is to cast a chart for the entry of Sun into the next sign. As there is not nearly as much available documentation on Collective Vedic Astrology as there is on natal astrology, we have found very few jyotishis who consistently get accurate results. This is clearly a very fertile field for more research. Quality Of Married Life Judge the quality of married life by analyzing the 7th bhava (house) from Chandra (Moon) in the Navamsa chart. Remedy Of Moon Problems This one is a bit weird, but here it is anyway. One remedy for problems associated with Chandra (Moon) is to place a glass of water in the light of the full Moon overnight, and drink it early in the morning. In fact, this is recommended as a general practice, even if there is no affliction. Retrograde Grahas, Additional Aspect A retrograde graha has additional aspects. For example, Mercury (Budha) always aspects the 7th house (bhava) from its location. If Mercury is retrograde, it also aspects one house back from the 7th, or the 6th house. Jupiter always aspects the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from its location. When retrograde, it also aspects one house back from the 5th, 7th, and 9th. A retrograde Jupiter therefore casts aspects on 6 houses (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th), or half of the chart. The same principle of aspecting one house back when in retrograde motion applies to all major grahas (Sun - Saturn). Grahas with visesha drishti (additional aspects), namely Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, therefore aspect 6 houses when retrograde.

Rulership Rule 1 Whatever is to be judged from a bhava (house) should also be judged by the adipati (ruler) of that bhava. The adipati of a bhava is the adipati of the sign corresponding to that bhava. Rulership Rule 2 Whatever is to be judged from the 2nd, 4th, 9th, or 11th bhavas (houses) should also be judged from the same bhavas relative to natal Chandra (Moon). Rulership Rule 3 Whatever is to be judged from the 6th bhava (house), should also be judged from the 6th bhava from Budha (Mercury). For example, if Budha is in in the 3rd, then 6th from the 3rd is the 8th, so matters relating to health (indicated by the 6th bhava) would be judged by looking at the 6th and 8th bhavas. The 6th represents the permanent karaka (significator) of health, and the 8th is the temporary karaka in this case. Temporary means that the particluar bhava depends on the lagna, and therefore changes depending on specific chart. Rulership Rule 4 What is to be judged from the 3rd bhava (house) should also be looked at from the 3rd bhava from Kuja (Mars). For example, if the lagna (ascendant) is Meena (Pisces) with Kuja in the 5th (in Kataka), then look at Vrishabha (Taurus) as the 3rd bhava and Kanya (Virgo) as the 3rd from Kuja. In this case the relevant bhavas are the 5th and the 7th. Rulership Rule 5 When judging 10th and 11th bhava (house) signficators, such as professional achievements and gains from employment, also look at the 10th and 11th bhavas from Surya (Sun). For example, if lagna (ascendant) is Simha (Leo), with Surya in Mesha (Aries), you would consider Vrishabha (Taurus) and Mithuna (Gemini) for profession (10th and 11th bhavas from lagna, respectively), as well as Makara (Capricorn) and Kumbha (Aquarius) as the 10th and 11th from Surya, respectively. Saturn In 12 House Saturn in the 12th bhava (house) indicates a weak constitution, but before passing judgement you need to look at the chart as a whole to determine how susceptible the individual is to diseases indidcated by specific combinations. If the chart as a whole does not indicate afflicted health, then Saturn in the 12th may just mean that the person does not have as much stamina as they might otherwise have, but that they are basically healthy. An example of a chart where health may be afflicted is a Scorpio lagna (ascendant), with Mars (Kuja) in the 8th bhava. Stated another way, this chart has ruler of the 1st in the 8th (affliction to health) and ruler of the 6th (also Mars) in the 8th, which implies chronic heatlh problems. If Saturn were in Sagittarius aspecting Mars in the 8th, then health would further be afflicted ('malefic' Saturn casting a 7th bhava aspect on Mars). On the other hand, Jupiter (a 'benefic') in Sagittarius would tend to mitigate the Mars placement; the person may still have health problems, but also has the ability to overcome them. The bottom line (as usual) is to focus on the big picture first before looking at specific disease-producing combinations. If the chart does not support it, then these combinations will not have as much impact on one's health. This principle also applies to other aspects of interpretation, such as looking at wealth and happiness. Sense Rulerships Each of the five major senses are ruled by one or more a grahas. Sight is ruled by Surya (Ravi, Sun) and Mangal (Kuja, Mars), smell by Budha (Mercury), sound by Guru (Brihaspati, Jupiter), touch by Shani (Saturn), Rahu, and Ketu, and taste by Chandra (Moon) and Shukra (Venus). It would be interesting to perform a study to determine if any correlation existed between these rulers and weaknesses in the corresponding senses. For example, take 20 charts of people with vision ratings of 20/100 or worse, and 20 charts of people who do not wear glasses. Is there a statistically significant difference in the conditions of Surya and Mangal in each set of natal charts? Separative Grahas Sun, Saturn, and Rahu are known as the separative grahas. If all 3 grahas influence the same bhava (house), then it indicates a separation from those items represented by that bhava. For example, 3rd bhava represents success through one's own efforts. If Sun and Rahu are in the 3rd and Saturn is in the 9th aspecting the 3rd, then it may indicate a lack of courage and dependence on others. This does not necessarily mean a cowardly nature, but if this person were to ask about the success of a business venture it would indicate that they would need outside help and should not 'go it alone'. Of course, this conclusion should be validated by other indications in the chart. As another example, these 3 grahas acting on the 2nd bhava might indicate speech or dental problems, as the 2nd bhava relates to the mouth area. Tajika aspects Some western astrologers look at grahas (they call them planets) whose degress are close to each other, regardless of sign. For example, Sun at 10 degrees Taurus and Mars at 11 degrees Pisces are said to have a strong connection even though they are not connected by a Parasara aspect (or conjunction). So, are we now mixing Vedic and western astrology? Not at all. There is another branch of Vedic Astrology called Varshaphal, which deals with progressed charts. An example of a progressed chart is solar return, where a chart is cast for the time Sun returns to the same position it had in the birth chart. This happens once a year, and the chart so cast gives indications for that year of life. The progressed chart therefore allows you to fine tune the indications of the natal chart, by focussing on a particular (and short) time period. In Varshaphal, a different set of aspects, called the Tajika aspects, are used instead of the Parasara aspects. And guess how they work? A Tajika aspect occurs when two grahas are close to the same degree, regardless of sign; almost. Grahas which are in the 2nd or 12th house (either side of lagna) or 6th and 8th house (either side of 7th, or decendant) from another graha receive no aspect from that graha. Although described as part of Varshaphal, you might try experimenting with Tajika aspects for transit charts. For example, Saturn represents stability (such as the skeletal system in the body). When Saturn is in the first or last degree of a sign, it is weakened. Suppose Saturn is in Taurus, an earth sign, at 29 degrees. Now suppose Mars, an energizing or disruptive influence, is moving

towards the end of Pisces. Since Saturn is 3 houses from Mars, no Parasara aspect is indicated, but a Tajika aspect is. As Mars approaches 29 degrees of Pisces, it may destabilize a weakened Saturn, and indicate earthquakes. To find the location of the earthquake, look at the nakshatra each graha is in, and find the regions ruled by those nakshatras. As you test the Tajika aspects, be careful not to mix in the Parasara aspects. If you do, you will find that almost every graha aspects almost every other graha, and will quickly lose any powers of discrimination you have developed. Test one system, then the other, and then draw your conclusions. Wife The significators for wife are Shukra (Venus), 4th bhava (house), 7th bhava from Shukra, and the 7th and 11th bhavas. Having or not having a wife should be seen from the 7th bhava. The significators of the 2nd wife are grahas related to the 7th bhava, grahas with Venus, and the 11th bhava. Children through 2nd wife are seen from the 7th bhava. Brothers' wife is seen through the 9th bhava. As usual, whenever a bhava is referenced, also look at the bhava rulers and aspects on the bhava and rulers.

The planets represent the following/ the twelve houses /The Houses and Signs/The Lords of Houses / Components & houses / Developing the Ability to Predict / Natal Reading / Chart Updates / Compatibility Charts / Parent-Child Relationships / Mundane & Financial Astrology / Medical Astrology / Relocation AstrologyMuhurtaPrasna
The planets represent the following Sun: Atma (soul), self, self-realization, influence, prestige, power, valor, health, eye, general well being, heat, splendor, father, king, royalty, royal favor. Moon: The heart, understanding, inclinations, emotions, sleep, happiness, good name and fame, facial luster, mother, royal favor, affluence, travel, water reservoirs. Mars: Stamina, courage, desire, anger, scandal, diseases, enemies, opposition, controversies, weapons, commander of an army, land, immovable properties, younger brother, relations such as cousins. Mercury: Intelligence, discrimination, speech, expression, education, learning, mathematics, logic, astrology, medical knowledge and profession, writing, publishing, acting as a middle man in trade or politics (diplomacy), dancing, mixture of things, leafy trees, testing of precious stones, charms (amulets), maternal uncles, friends. Jupiter: Wisdom, learning, corpulence, acts of religious merit, devotion to God, ancestors and superior beings, holy places, scriptures, proficiency in learning, philosophy, giving alms or donations, benevolence, wealth, respect, sons, religious, preceptors, fruit, fruit trees. Venus: Spouse, marriage, sexual matters, pleasures of the senses, singing, poetry, scents, ornaments, jewellery, all articles of luxury, cooperation with and from others, flowers, flowering trees, beauty, buying and selling, cows, watery places. Saturn: Longevity, life, death, adversity, calamities, disrespect, diseases, poverty, livelihood, servility, unrighteous conduct, learning of sciences and foreign languages, agricultural pursuits, minerals, oils, things buried deep in the ground and coming out there from, servants (male and female), service, theft, cruel deeds, malice, lameness, very old persons. Rahu (North Node of the Moon):Paternal grandfather, fallacious argument, harsh speech, gambling, movement, travelling, outcastes, foreigners, snakes, snake bite, theft, wickedness, widow(er), intrigue with a widow(er), skin diseases, itches, eczema, acute or sharp pain in the body, hiccoughs, swelling in the body. Ketu (South Node of the Moon): Maternal grandfather, consumption, pain, fever, wound, witchcraft, causing trouble to enemies, horned animals, dog, cock, birds with spots or of variegated colors, philosophy, salvation. the twelve houses First House: self, head, body, personality, mental temperament, health. Second house: eyes, face, upper part of the throat, speech, wealth, family. Third House: arms, lower part of the throat, shoulders, brothers, sisters, valor. Fourth House: chest, heart, mother, landed property, friends, conveyances, happiness. Fifth House: stomach, education, intelligence, sons, daughters. Sixth House: the region of the navel, illness, enemies, debts, distress.

Seventh House: partnership, sexual relations, spouse, the part of the body below the waist and down to the genitals. Eighth House: genitals, anus, death, legacies. Ninth House: hips, thighs, religion (dharma), devotion to God, prosperity, religious preceptor (guru), father. Tenth House: knees, back, status and position in life, activity, honor from government. Eleventh House: calves of legs, friends, income. Twelfth House: expenditure, loss, sexual enjoyment, left eye, teeth, confinement. The above information is grossly simplified but gives you a bit of an idea of what is being dealt with. Considering that there are nine planets, twelve signs, and twelve houses, you can imagine what the possible combinations and permutations can be5. The energies of the planets, signs, and houses, interact with each other in myriad ways. By studying the combinations, a well trained astrologer can know an amazing amount of information about the owner of the chart. A remarkable feat considering that the original input data consisted of only the date, time, and place of birth. The Houses and Signs Each person is a product of the universe at the time of their birth. There are two dials and nine hands on the universal clock. The two dials each have twelve compartments. One dial is the 12 houses, the other dial is the 12 signs. The 9 hands on this clock are the 9 planets. The houses rule actual things in our life. In the classic scriptures, the houses have single word names, for example, the first house is Thanu Bhava which means the house of the body. The 2nd is Dhana Bhava, the house of wealth. In this way every house has its single word name that describes the main thing that it rules over. An astrologer gradually gains realization into what the houses govern, and as this realization becomes deeper and deeper through actual practice in real life, one's perception and appreciation of an individual house becomes very broad and, therefore, based on the planets effecting that house, one can render many detailed and accurate predictions and revelations. The houses are always situated in space in relationship to the earth in the same way. The first house is always on the eastern horizon and the 7th house is always in the western horizon and so on. So the dial of the houses is fixed in space. The houses are sections of space surrounding us at all times and they are always the same. The dial of signs of the zodiac however, appears to be moving in relation to us, but this is because our planet is spinning. The zodiac is stationery and the earth is spinning. So the zodiac signs appear to move- one sign every two hours across the eastern horizon up into the sky. The sign that is crossing the eastern horizon is known as the ascending sign, the ascendent, the lugna, or the rising sign. The signs of the zodiac are always in the same order because they represent sections of the stars of space that never change. At any given time of the day, one of the twelve signs will be on the eastern horizon and since they are in the same order, then we can easily recite their names in order and know which sign is filling which house. For example, when Aries is rising, since Taurus is always the next sign, we know that Taurus is in the second house when ever Aries is rising or in other words, when Aries is in the first house. Similarly, since Sagittarius is always 9 signs from Aries, we know that Sagittarius is in the 9th house whenever Aries is in the 1st house. If Capricorn is rising, or in other words, tenanting the 1st house, then we know that Taurus will be in the 5th house since Taurus is always five signs from Capricorn, always and forever. So there are two dials in space, the houses and the signs. The houses rule actual things in the life like the body, the wealth and the religion, the mother, the career, etc. of the person. The signs are like "colored glasses". If you are wearing the red colored signs in your 9th house of religion, then when it comes to religion, you are red colored, or in other words, rather passionate and fiery. If you are wearing a rainbow colored sign in the house of the spouse or the 7th house, then you will have a natural tendency to seek spouses or partners who are beautiful or who move in beautiful ways. In this way, the signs represents natures or modes of existence, or flavors, and depending on the houses they are in at the time of the birth, they color the aspects of the life governed by the houses. So one of the early duties of a student of astrology is to learn the areas of life governed by the houses, and then learn the ways in which the twelve signs do their coloring and then begin to combine these two. Never mind the planets at first. So the first thing to find out about a person when looking at their chart is what is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of their birth. In other words, find out their rising sign. Their rising sign will determine where all the signs fall in their twelve houses and right away just based on this, you can say quite a bit about them. Of course there are only 12 signs, and everyone must have only one of them as their rising sign. So basically there are only twelve types of people when it comes to rising signs because, again, in case it is not already clear, if some one has Cancer rising, then they have Leo in the 2nd house, and so on around. The person who lives next door to them who also has Cancer rising will also have Leo in the 2nd house. These two people may be very different so obviously you cannot make huge sweeping judgments based just on the rising sign and the sign placements in the persons 12 houses. But even though that is true, you can say many things that are true about these two people, just based on a their rising sign. Also, we don't care as much about the rising sign to make predictions as much as we do about the fact that it sets up the base of this person's being upon which the artwork of the planets is drawn. For example, for Cancer rising people, since Cancer is the only sign ruled by the moon, and Cancer is a watery sign and the moon is a very sensitive planet, we, therefore come to realize that Cancer is the sign that rules emotions- and scripture confirms this. Cancer is an emotional sign because being watery, it is fluid and easily changes and moves and adjusts itself to fit its surroundings. Ruled by the sensitive Moon gives it a sensitive nature. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun, therefore, people with Cancer rising are like the Moon. They like to reflect the light of some greater Sun whom they hold very intimate to themselves. Why is that? Because the Sun rules the 2nd house for a Cancer ascendent

and the 2nd house rules those people who we hold very near and dear- like our family and other intimate persons. So Cancer people like to have some intimate near and dear person who is like a light for them. And they, being like the Moon, want to reflect that light. This is true in general for all Cancer ascendents, and this kind of generalization is possible, permissible, and works well, once you learn the things that are true for each of the 12 ascendents. For all Cancer ascendents, Mars rules the two signs (Scorpio and Aries) which occupy the 5th and 10th houses. Thus, Mars rules 2 important houses for the Cancer ascendent. The 5th house governs how we deal with creativity, romance, and all types of projection that we put forth into the environment- all the creativity that we engage in in order to please other people. That is why the 5th house deals with romance because romance is what we do to attract others. Therefore, the 5th house would also deal with trying to please a boss doing creative things to please a boss at a job. So all types of creative projection in order to satisfy the desires and wishes of other prominent people in our lives is the domain of the fifth house. The 5th also rules children because children are a creation of us in partnership with another person. The 10th house deals with status, position, our rise in life, our career, etc. The 10th house is that section of space straight over head and, therefore, at high noon when the Sun is straight over head, every one is at the peak of their daily actions, performing their daily work and their career. Mars rules these two all important houses for a Cancer ascendent. So although Cancer ascendent people may be emotional, watery, and changeable, they are also extremely aggressive in action, because in regards to their creativity and rise in life, they apply Martian qualities because the two Mars ruled signs are the filters they feel on their houses of creativity and career- so they can be aggressive artists. They can be aggressive people in general. In this way we can judge the way each rising sign personality type will behave in regards to the 12 main areas of life governed by the signs in their houses. So once again, in a succinct formula form, this principle works as follows: Take any rising sign and take any one of their 12 houses, look at the sign that governs that house for that rising sign and know that the person with that rising sign will perform the activities governed by that house in the way that the sign filter dictates. In this way, if you study each of the 12 house and sign combinations for one rising sign, you will understand the overall nature of the people who have that rising sign. For example, let us examine the 12 houses and their filtering signs for the Aries ascendent. First of all, Aries rising people have Aries in the 1st house. The 1st house governs the body and the over-all nature in life, and how one begins things because the first house also rules "beginnings". Since Aries is a sign that represents passion in its jittery-most form, Aries rising people begin things quickly and with a bang. In other words, they are better sprinters than long distance runners. Because Taurus rules their second house they are fond of having money because the 2nd house is the house of wealth and Taurus is the sign of pleasure. So they like to have enough money to spend on pleasures. Because Gemini, an intellectual, Mercurial sign rules their 3rd house, the house of courage and communication, they are good communicators and would rather think or communicate their way out of a confrontation than face it physically. Also they are very fond of learning because the 3rd house rules degrees and writing and Gemini is a natural sign for this house. These two go well together to make Aries rising people fond of books and learning. The 4th house rules mother, home, real estate and Aries rising people have Cancer in the 4th house. Therefore, they are fond of living near water since Cancer is a watery sign. They may change residence often because Cancer is a moveable sign which is also very responsive to other impulses. Since Cancer rules emotions they have a soft spot for mother, and home. Aries rising people have Leo in the 5th house. The 5th house rules creativity and romance. Leo is the sign or filter of independence, freedom, dominance. Therefore, Aries rising people are independently creative and aggressive and dominant in their romance or affections. They are not shy in approaching others in romance- in fact, they feel fearless, like a Lion, since such a filter is ruling that house. Aries rising people have the Virgo filter upon their 6th house which rules enemies, debts and diseases. As a filter, Virgo is a sign ruled by Mercury whose symbol is the virgin or young girl holding grains seated in a boat. Because the over all nature of the Aries person will be passion and fire, they have a natural distaste for that sign ruling their 6th house or Virgo. Virgo is an intellectual, rather nit-picky sign (according to an Aries person). The pragmatic, detailed-oriented nature of a Virgo person aggravates the passionate, quick action oriented nature of the Aries, this is why we find Virgo in the 6th house of "enemies" for an Aries ascendent. Libra rules the 7th house for an Aries ascendent. This Venus ruled sign rules the market place and the scales of commerce. It is the sign of exaltation for Saturn which means that it is a sign very dear to the working class. Libra rules the market place. The best way to understand it is a beautiful shop full of nice things, ladies, where the workers are happy and working hard. Therefore, Aries rising people with their passionate nature tend to bond and partner up with those who are fond of beautiful things and business, trade and bustling activity. People with Libran moons are very expert at most things in regards to making nice arrangements while we are in this material world and Aries rising people find this to be an attractive and workable relationship, hence, Libra rules their 7th house. The 8th house for an Aries ascendent is ruled by Scorpio which is ruled by Mars, the lord of the 1st house. Aries rising people have the Scorpio filter applied to their 8th house which means that 8th house affairs are run through the filter of this most difficult sign of all. The 8th house is difficult, this sign is difficult, so Aries rising people can at times of their lives know the worst. But because the same Lord rules the 8th as well as their first, the 8th house troubles are somewhat familiar to them by nature- in other words, they have the grizzle to take what life dishes out. We would expect this from a Martian rising sign since Mars is, after all, an aggressive planet ruling a rather intense lineup of difficult matters such as cutting, killing, police, military, the red color, precision, etc. The 9th sign of Aries holds the sign of Sagittarius which governs religious ashrams, military fields and other place where there is a lot of virtue and regulation applied for the sake of achieving high ideals. The symbol for Sagittarius being the arrow pointed up in the air, symbolizing the desire to attain high ideals. So when discussing the 9th house affairs for an Aries rising person, we can assume that

they have a natural affinity for organized religion such as movements, ashrams and churches, and that they are goal oriented in the areas of the 9th house- religion, father, faith, God's grace, fortune, etc. The 10th house runs through the filter of Capricorn for them. Thus, the house of career is ruled by the sign of hard work, so aries rising people can be very hard workers in their careers. When motivated, you can count on an Aries rising person to have a natural affinity for hard work. Because Capricorn as a sign likes being appreciated and recognized, and is not at all humble, Aries rising people liked to be recognized for their work. Wherever Capricorn is for someone's rising sign, that's a good place to pay compliments to the person. The 11th house contains Aquarius which is a Saturn ruled air sign telling us that Aries rising people have ideals and desires governed either by darkness or ancient solid truths, depending on the disposition of Saturn in their chart. This sign of Aquarius can be very high and spiritual, or very low and mundane. Lastly the 12th house for the Aries rising person is colored by the sign of Pisces. Pisces is a watery sign representing either liberation or the return to this world. Because the 12th house rules such things such as loss of all types, then there is a dissolving nature placed upon this house of loss for Aries rising people, so depending on the placement of the Lord of Pisces or Jupiter, either their losses dissolve away, or dissolve the person. In this way by examining the effects of the signs or filter upon the houses we can understand the nature of people born under each of the 12 different rising signs. Advanced and experienced astrologers speak about each rising sign with great ease and accuracy. Overall, the sign that is rising in the first house has the greatest effect of all upon the person. The other sign that is most important in understanding a person is the sign which holds their Moon. In actual practice we find that both of these points are very sensitive and important- that is, the rising sign and the Moon sign. Many classics recommend that a chart be judged from it's ascendent or rising sign in totality. Then, they say, it should be again judged using the Moon sign as the rising sign. When the Moon sign is used as the rising sign, that chart is called the Candra Lugna Chart. It means you simply take the Rashi chart, or the main chart, and rotate it so that whatever sign the Moon is in becomes the first house. So judging the Moon sign as the first house, we look at all the houses and planets. Rasi means signs and the rasi chart means the chart of our signs. The Candra Lugna or Moon chart is simply the Rashi chart rotated so that the sign the Moon is in becomes the first house. In other words, our Moon sign is a lot like our ascendent. It is a very important, central and pivotal sign. To understand a person you need to examine both their rising sign as well as their Moon sign - and all other things- the houses, the lordship placements, everything, from both of these "ascendents". Both play a big part in determining the life and mentality of the person. The rising sign in the rashi chart determines most about what will actually happen to the person in their life, whereas the Moon sign and the chart judged from the Moon sign determines more about the person's internal mental makeup. Since the Moon rules the mind, the sign the Moon is in says a lot about the overall nature of our mind and just as the 4th house from the ascendent rules happiness, the 4th house from the Moon sign rules mental happiness. Since the rising sign, and the houses counted from it, rule our actual body and life, and since the Moon sign and houses counted from it have more to do with our mental world, therefore, anyone who has the Moon in any house other than the first house will naturally have a mental world that does not exactly match their actual world. This is true for most people since only about 1 in 12 people has Moon in the first house. So most of us in the material world naturally have a mental world, or in other words, a world of perception and desire, which does not exactly match our actual life. Whereas people who have the Moon in the first house are often found to be very realistic in matching their mental world with their physical life. So when talking to someone about their chart, you predict from the rising sign and the houses counted from it, which is their natural rashi chart, and you talk about their mental or emotional world based on their Moon sign and the houses judged from it. So the persons who have Moon in the first house in one sense are more congruent overall than all other persons. Of course, this is subject to great modification based on other things, but this principle needs to be understood. In review, we have examined in this chapter how the rising sign determines where the rest of the 12 signs fall within a chart. One sign occupies one house, therefore 12 signs occupy the 12 houses. The signs are always in the same order around the zodiac. By understanding the areas of life governed by each house and filtering those through the nature of the signs, we can understand the basic foundational nature of a particular rising sign. This is the foundation of any chart. Lastly, the chart judged from the ascendent rules more the external karma, whereas the chart judged from the Moon rules more the mental inner world of the person.

The Lords of Houses Now let us begin to examine the importance and use of the lords in vedic astrology. The first house rules the body amongst other things. All things about the body can be determined from the first house and it's lord, aspects upon the first house and the lord of the first house, as well as planets that reside in the first house, etc. In this chapter we are concerned with the lords primarily so let us focus on that.

Each lord must be somewhere in the horoscope, so the lord of the first house or sign must be in one of the twelve signs. According to which sign he is in, that also determines the house. Lets take the example of cancer rising. The moon is the lord of Cancer. By seeing which sign the moon is in we then instantly know what house the moon is in as well. Let us imagine that the Moon is in Gemini, on a particular horoscope which has Cancer rising. Since Gemini is one sign before cancer, this would put the lord of the first in the twelfth house. Because cancer is rising, moon is the lord, Gemini is therefore the twelfth house and therefore we say " The Lord of the First is in the twelfth". Primarily, two things happen when a lord goes to any house. Of these two things, by far the most important to know and understand and be able to read is that the house shapes the lord that comes to stay in it. For example, the eighth house is a seriously bad house. Of all the houses in the horoscope, the eighth has the most power to cause bad effects. Therefore, when the lord of the first house goes to the eighth house in a horoscope, then serious physical harm comes to the body. We never like to see the lord of the first house in the eighth house. Because it means serious difficulty will come to that person during their lifetime. So the principle is the house that a lord goes to greatly effects the affairs of life ruled by the houses that that lord concerned rules. Again for example, let us say that Taurus is rising. Therefore Venus is lord of the first house as well as the sixth house. If Venus is found in the ninth house then the highly benefic affects of the ninth house flow in a great way towards the first and sixth houses because the ninth house is holding their lord, passing it's benefic affects onto the first lord who therefore passes them on to his own houses. Therefore, to have the lord of the first in the ninth house which is the most fortunate house in the horoscope, is a very positive lordship placement. If the lord of the first is in the sixth house, since the sixth house is one of the more detrimental houses because it passes the effects of death, diseases and enemies onto the planets it controls, therefore these more negative aspects of life will be placed onto the first lord who will then pass them along to the first house, and the other house he rules (if he be one of the planets other than the Sun and Moon which rule only one house each). Now let us briefly examine the main areas of life that each of the twelve houses controls and how this might effect a particular lord, namely the lord of the first. If the lord of the first is placed in the first house, then we could say that the body becomes the focus of the body. In other words, the person focuses much on their own life, their own self and their body during this lifetime. If the lord of the first is placed in the second house then the body, first lord, shall be greatly influenced by and focused upon the things the second house rules such as family and wealth. Thus people who have lord of the first in the second, are found often to be entangled with and coming from a strong family background and they are concerned with accumulating wealth in some way. If the lord of the first is place in the third house, then the body is found to be connected with ones younger bothers and sisters the acquisition of college degrees, spiritual initiations and other things that the third house rules. Since the fourth house rules mother, home, heart and happiness, if the lord of the first is placed there then we find that the person will be greatly concerned with these affairs during their life. They will likely spend alot of time at home, since the first lord rules the body and the fourth house rules home, we find their body at home rather than on the road or at work etc. At this point, let us take a small digression into greater complexity and note that since the fourth house is tenth from the seventh house, it therefore stands for the career of the spouse. So if the lord of the first is in the fourth, then we will find likely in the life that the person's body will have some connection with the career of the spouse. This means that the person might work for their spouse or work with their spouse and since the fourth also rules the home of the person we may expect that they work for the spouse or with the spouse in their own home in perhaps a home-based business. So the point here is to see that not only does each house rules something when counted from the Ascendent, but it also rules other things depending on it's distance from other houses. In this way the placements of the lords have their first level meanings and then second, third, fourth and deeper and deeper meanings depending upon the astrologers ability to read the complexity of the house relationships. If the lord of the first is placed in the fifth house, then the concerns of children, creativity, romance and what one does to make others happy becomes the focus of their bodily activities to a large degree especially during periods ruled by the lord of the first house in the Vimshottari dashas. To understand when things will take place we need to look to the dashas. That is of course the concern of another chapter of this book, but it is worth mentioning and always remembering that effects take place at certain times in the life according to dashas and transits. If the lord of the first is placed in the sixth house, then the affects of deaths, diseases and enemies overwhelm the person at points in their life. Obviously that is not a good placement for the lord of the first. If the lord of the first is placed in the seventh house, then the person is heavily focused on their partner, their spouse, etc., during their life.

If the lord of the first is placed in the eighth house, as already mentioned unforeseen difficulties and serious problems arise at life and overwhelm the lord of the first, or in other words, the person and their body in general. If the lord of the first is placed in the ninth house then there is an overall fortunate protective cover on the person's body throughout their lifetime; because the ninth house stands for fortune and all general good things that simply come from the environment. If the lord of the first is placed in the tenth house, then the person's body or the life in general in other words, is heavily focused upon the attainment of career, status position, and success are the domain of the tenth house. Next the eleventh house controls desires, friends oldest siblings, and gains. If the lord of the first is placed in the eleventh house, then the person is heavily focused upon the achievement of desires and certain gainful things in life. If the lord of the first is placed in the twelfth house, since this house rules charity, donations, and losses, the persons body will therefore be used up in these ways throughout their life. In other words they may donate themselves to causes. They may live for some other purpose other than their own life. Or in general there just may be a lot of loss in their life. These are brief examples of how the placement of the first lord in the twelve houses affects the body or the life in general, since the first house stands for the body and the life in an overall general way. An astrologer must take each of the twelve lords and examine which house they reside in and predict the effects on each accordingly. More examples: If the lord of the second is in the ninth then fortune will come to the wealth since the ninth is fortune and the second is wealth. If the lord of the third is in the second, then the younger siblings will have a connection with wealth either by giving or taking. Since the second is twelfth to the third, it indicates loss to the younger siblings, and since that lord would then reside in the second house of the horoscope, it is likely that that person will take the wealth of the person of whose horoscope it is. Or could it be that the younger siblings loose their wealth and donate it to the second house of the concerned person? This is the kind of difficult question that an astrologer concerns themselves with in their on going years of study. The answer of course lies in the nature of each planet concerned since any of the planets could be the lord of the third house depending of the rising sign. If the lord of the fourth house is in the twelfth house, since the twelfth house is ninth from the fourth house, and the fourth house rules the mother then we can understand that the mother will be strong in her religion. Because the fourth lord has gone to the ninth house from itself. That is similar to having lord of the first in the ninth for yourself. It indicates that the person in general tend to have strong faith, belief, spirituality or religion. So if the fourth lord is in the twelfth, that means that the mother of the person has her own strong religion and it causes a great impact on the life of the individual whose chart we are examining. If the lord of the ninth is in the eighth, generally this means that there is loss to the ninth house, since the eighth is twelfth from the ninth house. Since the ninth house stands for father, it often means that the father goes away. That there is loss of the father early in life. And indeed we see this lordship placement in many persons who were raised without a father present. If the lord of the sixth house is placed in the fifth house then there is a draining away of the negative things in life such as death, diseases and enemies. This is good. We do not want the sixth lord to be strong or prominent. We want him to be weakened because he carries many negative properties. The fifth house is twelfth to the sixth house and represents the loss of the sixth house. This is one reason the fifth house is such a good house because it stands for the ending or termination of deaths, diseases and enemies. If the seventh lord is placed in the ninth house, then since the seventh rules spouse and the ninth one's religion, one may find their spouse in their religion. Or their spouse will have an affect upon their religion. Similarly, their religion will have an affect upon their spouse. When the seventh lord is placed in the tenth house, we find that the person works with their spouse because the tenth is work or career and the seventh is spouse. If the ninth lord is placed in the fourth, then fortune, ninth, comes upon their home, heart, etc., the things ruled by the fourth house. If the tenth lord is placed in the eighth house, since the tenth rules career and the eighth rules troubles, we find troubles come within the career efforts of the person or because of the career of the person. Most people I know who have the tenth lord in the eighth house have great difficulty establishing a career. Or when they do establish one, there is some sudden or serious troubles that come and greatly harm their progress in their career. Because the eleventh lord has much to do with gains and achievement of ones desires, it's placement in the various twelve houses tells us alot about how well this person will achieve the desires in life and where their desires lay. For example, if the eleventh lord is in the ninth house, then fortune flows to the achievement of their desires. If the eleventh lord is in the eighth house, then great trouble comes in the achievement of their desires. In this way one of the twelve houses exerts itself upon the eleventh lord and the things he controls. The twelfth lord rules loss and as we said, the house in which the lord resides greatly effects that lord and that lord's houses. So if the

twelfth is in the ninth house then religion, spirituality, dharma and god above, have a great affect upon the losses in this person's life. What could this mean? It means that losses will come to this person because of their faith, spirituality, or acts of god. There will tend to be losses based upon the person's religion or by situations which are good and righteous but still cause "loss". From my own life I can relate an example of the effects of the lord of the twelfth placed in the ninth: In my horoscope the ninth and twelfth lords is Jupiter and Jupiter is placed in the ninth house in Sagittarius. So I have lord of the twelfth in the ninth and lord of the ninth in the ninth. I began Jupiter major period around ten years of age. Around the age of ten or eleven I was one day taken to our local Church where the priest told myself and all my many brothers and sisters that the church and my mother had reached an understanding whereby my father would for some time be placed in a veterans home for the disabled because he had a serious mental health problem. I was informed of the loss of my father in a church, by a priest. This example neatly ties together the effects of the twelfth and the ninth houses. Namely, loss, religion and father. There was a loss, twelfth lord, of my father, ninth lord, and since the lord of the ninth and twelfth is in the ninth, I heard about it in the ninth house, or in other words, at a Church, by a priest. So this is one example of the practical effects of the lords. So the most important thing that happens to a lord placed in a house, is that the house it is placed in greatly shapes how that lord will act. This is the first principle that must be fully understood and through studying real charts, learned; so that you can predict with this technique. In studying real charts of persons you know well, over a number of years, you will gradually see realistically the effects of the houses upon the lords. The second thing that happens when a lord goes to a specific house, that lord brings his baggage to bear upon that house. This is different from what we were previously discussing. Previously we were discussing how the house effects the lord placed within it. Now what we are saying is that the lord brings effects upon the house he is placed within. This is the exact opposite principle, but it is also true. Both things occur simultaneously. For example, in the example from my own life that I gave earlier, we saw that the twelfth lord brought his affect of loss upon the ninth house. But we also saw that the ninth house affected how the twelfth lord acted. In other words, there was loss of my father- that is the effect of the twelfth lord, but there was also the ninth lord, or the church and priest, involved in the loss- which was the ninth house bringing it's affects upon the twelfth lord. Both of these principles have to be used in prediction. Let us take another lordship example in practical life. I know a couple who have two children.. When we examine the charts of the husband and wife we find the husband has lord of the fifth in the second house while the wife has lord of the fifth in the first house. What in general does this say each of their involvement's with their two children? Overall which of them has more involvement with raising the children? The correct answer would be the mother because she has lord of the fifth in the first house, which means that the fifth lord or children, has a great effect upon her first house, or her body. Whereas, the husband has the fifth lord in the second house which means that he may speak to the children more than anything else, since the second house rules ones mouth and speech. Also he will pay for the children's way in life often, since the second house is also wealth, especially at the children's time of rise in career. The father will shell out some money at that time in their lives because the second is tenth (career) from the fifth (children). When you look at the realistic day to day lives of this family I'm referring to, the mother does most of the physical parenting, while the father mostly works on his career and talks to the children as their father, and he has a very good effect on them in that way. But when it comes to outings, bedtime readings, playing games, and just being with the kids, it is usually their mother who does these things and not their father. The father does however concern himself with making money and supporting the family. What does Vedic astrology have to say about mothering? The answer is implied in every chart simply by the layout of the houses. The first house is tenth from the fourth house. In other words, our first houses, which represent our early lives, also represent the career, or tenth angle, from our mothers, or our fourth houses. So, the layout of the houses implies that during our early lives our very bodies are the careers of our mothers. It is simply a fact of nature that mothers raise kids and the chart implies that this is their path or proper karma. Karma means "work" and the tenth house or tenth angle from any house rules karma. Karma is not a bad word. It simply refers to our actions. The tenth house also rules power and position. Our charts imply that our mother's power and position should have been found in raising us as strong, healthy, good children. If the lord of the fourth and first houses in our charts are not nicely placed, then it says something about how our mother's raised us. Hopefully the above examples show how realistically the lords can be tied directly to real life. By learning what the houses stand for, placing those effects upon the lords, and then going further to understand the "houses from houses" principle (like the 2nd is 10th from the 5th and thus stands somewhat for the rise of the children's career), then we can see life itself unfold before us in every person's chart. Components & houses

The most basic elements of Vedic astrology are the nine planets or heavenly bodies and the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve houses of the chart. When studying Vedic astrology, it is important to become familiar with the Sanskrit words for all the main components. Therefore, through out this book, we will often refer to these Sanskrit words. To begin with, let it be known that the words planets and "grahas" are synonymous. The twelve signs of the zodiac are called "rashis" and the houses are called "bhavas" or "sthanas". The nine planets used in Vedic astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. These are known in Sanskrit as Ravi or Surya, Candra, Mangal or Kuja, Buddha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu. There are twelve houses in a chart. The chart is also called the "Kundali Chakra". The twelve houses govern all the various parts of our lives. The houses are domains in space. When you stand anywhere on the earth, at that moment you are surrounded by space all the way around you. Space even surrounds the earth which is below your feet. You are standing on a ball floating in space so space surrounds you and your earth ball on all sides. If you look directly East and point your hand at the Eastern horizon where the Sun rises, you are pointing in the direction of what is known as the first house. The first house governs the 30 degree span of space where the Eastern horizon is. Directly across from it, or on the Western horizon is the 7th house. From the first to the 7th are the 2nd through 6th houses. Directly over your head is the 10th house. That is, straight up into space where the high noon Sun beams down on us is the 10th house. Straight below your feet covering the span of space on the other side of the earth from you, is the 4th house. So the first house governs the Eastern horizon, the 2nd house is just below the Eastern horizon, the 3rd house is deeply below the Eastern horizon, the 4th house is directly underneath you, the 5th house is underneath you and behind a little bit. The 6th house is underneath you and behind you quite a bit. The 7th house is behind you covering the Western or Sunset horizon. The 8th house is just over your shoulder when you turn your head around and look behind you. The 9th house is above the top back part of your head, the 10th house is straight over your head, the 11th house is what you see when you look upwards but not straight up. The 12th house is just slightly above the eastern horizon and this brings us back around to the first house which governs the eastern horizon. In this way, the entire 360 degree circular span of space surrounding you and your earth are divided into 12 equal 30 degree sections, each of which has a number from 1 -12 and is known as a house. Studying the parts of life that these houses govern is a large part of astrology. For example, the 10th house, i.e., the span of space directly over head, governs power, position and our career to a large degree. Any planets in this span of space at the time of our birth greatly affect our career, power and status in life. As you study astrology, you will find this to be unfailingly true and eventually you will become so familiar with the effects of planets that effect this house that you will be able to tell much about the success and failure of any one's career who's chart you glance upon. In conclusion, the 12 houses are always present. At every moment the 12 houses are present surrounding you and your earth. Besides the 12 houses there are 12 signs. It is important to differentiate in your mind between the 12 signs and the 12 houses. Let us examine this difference more closely and then ultimately bring the two together where they become one in Vedic Astrology. First let us discuss the physical zodiac which is comprised of 12 main constellations also known as signs or rashis. The zodiac is a band of stars that surrounds the earth like a ring. There are 12 main constellations that form this great ring around us. The stars that we see in the night sky are mostly very, very far away. Amongst the millions of stars in the night sky, the 7 planets and two invisible planets in Vedic Astrology exist also, although they are much closer and they move. Besides these few, very few, moving planets all the other stars are fixed out in space. The zodiac is comprised of a band of these fixed stars, very far beyond the planets that form our immediate solar system. So you could say that the fixed stars of the night sky which includes the band called the zodiac altogether form the "back drop" of the sky or the back drop against which our solar system is moving. For example, in astrology, we always speak of which sign a planet is in. The planets are not actually mixing in the stars at the sign, it is just that because the planet is circling with us around the sun, looking from earth towards the planet in question, we always see some sign of the zodiac as the back drop of that planet. For example, picture yourself standing in the middle of a circular room. There are seven other people with you in the room. You yourself and the 7 other people are all walking in circles around in the room. Some of you are closer to the wall, some of you are closer to the middle. You are all walking at different speeds, but you are all walking around the central point of the room. Some of you complete your circles around the center of the room on your own path very quickly and begin again, circling again and again. While others, walking closer to the outer edge, and perhaps walking slower due to their own natures, take longer to complete their circle around the room. The wall of the room surrounding all of you is painted with 12 different distinct colored sections. One section is orange, the next section is green, the next section is red and so on. You are walking on the 3rd or 4th ring out from the middle of the room. When you look to your right or left you see the other walkers within the room. Whenever you look at any one of them, you see a colored back drop behind them from your relative view point. For example, you may look at the person on the 5th ring from the center, and when you look at them you see that behind them is the green section of the wall which is 1/12 of the circular wall surrounding all of you. If you were to refer to that person, you might say the 5th walker is in the green section. Looking yet at another person, you may see an old man on the very

most outer ring, walking very slowly against the gray 1/12 of the back drop wall. You could then say, the old man who is on the outer most ring is currently in the gray section as he walks around the room. In this way the various heavenly bodies known as grahas or planets are always, in relation to our vision, situated in front of one of the signs of the zodiac which is behind them. Thus we say that the planet is in a certain sign. It does not mean that the planet is actually in those stars at this time, but simply that that constellation (sign) is the back drop far away behind the planet as we gaze upon it. Apparently it is the will of the Lord that these relationships of the planets to signs and the houses in relation to us, is how the effects of the Gods can be read. Our universe is so dependent upon the higher controlling demigods that what we see as our planet, the 12 divisions of space surrounding it (the houses) and the other floating planets in our solar system, are all actually a reflection of the dance of various demigods during the minute fraction of their day that passes while we have an entire lifetime. Their thoughts at a moment reflected in the planets, control our entire lives. A real astrologer looks at the planets in a chart and having already become familiar with the nature of the demigods that each planet represents, can immediately tell the mood and effect upon the person whose chart it is. Vedic Astrology is actually a system of reading the effects of the demigods based on their positioning within a chart. Developing the Ability to Predict In #13 I told you about Mr. Karve, a real psychic from India. I described how he can tell your birth data and chart just by looking at you, and immediately give accurate readings from your past and predict your future. This he does without any computer or paper or books and it happens immediately without any delay. His abilities appeared early in life, basically coming out of nowhere- they didn't come from study at all. He just knows how to do this as a natural feature of his mental faculties in this entire lifetime. This lesson is about developing predictive ability as an astrologer. If we are "normal" people, not possessing the kind of natural ability Mr. Karve has, then we have to learn from books, studying charts, hearing from more advanced practitioners, and thus gradually build up our memories and awareness of the effects of planets in their various positions. Astrology is based on reading the effects of the planets, other sensitive points such as the ascendent, midheaven, the Moon's nodes, and invisible planets such as Mandi and Gulik, all against the backdrop of the signs of the zodiac, the fixed stars of the zodiac, and the inter-relationships of all of these. First one must learn about all of these items as individual entities. For example, one must learn about the ascendent angle- what it stands for, what it governs, why it is important. Of course each planet is a study unto itself. One learns the things a planet governs in the chart and one learns the places in the zodiac where each planet likes to be, or performs best, and then one learns where the planet hates to be, or performs worst, and so on. In this way each individual component of the astrological science is studied by the student one by one and gradually he or she becomes familiar with all of these entities. Here is a list of the basic individual components that are very important to Vedic astrology: 1. The 2 luminaries, or the Sun and Moon 2. The 5 planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn 3. The 2 nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu 4. The Ascendent, or the exact point in space that was rising at birth 5. The 12 Signs of the Zodiac 6. The 12 Houses of a chart 7. The 27 Nakshatras or fixed stars and constellations of the Zodiac After becoming familiar with the above, one gets into their applications in the following principles which arise out of the above: 1. Effects from the houses on the various planets and points 2. Effects from the signs on the various planets and points 3. Effects from the nakshatras on the various planets and points 4. Effects of combinations and aspects of the planets on each other 5. Effects of the dashas which are based on the star the Moon falls under 6. Effects of placement of the planets in divisional (Varga) charts In the end, it is through increasing one's understanding of the basics in the first list, and then increasing one's experience of the interactions of the items in the second list, that one gradually becomes a better predictor of events. Often you will find that people are only mildly satisfied with predictions received from even very famous astrologers. This is so simply because the ability to actually and accurately predict the future is extremely difficult and therefore very rare. As I said in lesson 13, Mr. Karve told Prime Minister Nehru, the first prime minister installed at the time of independence from the United Kingdom, that his daughter (the then very young Indira Gandhi), would become Prime Minister eventually, as also would her son and her son's wife. The part about the son's wife has yet to be seen, but the daughter and son have both already served in this job.

To see so accurately and so confidently is indeed very rare, even for those who are expert in the science of astrology and at analyzing charts. What happens most often is that the astrology says something like "you may get married at such and such time", and then in actuality the person has a relationship but perhaps it doesn't become a marriage. In other words, the state of affairs is most often that the astrologer comes very close to predicting the future, but is not able to confidently and accurately know the actual events. But, simply by learning standard Vedic astrology, one can predict the general flow of life- of this there is no doubt. Many of us regularly give people predictions which more or less come true- we are almost always able to pinpoint the AREA OF LIFE that is going to be effected and THE DIRECTION of the effect- such as whether it will be a comfortable effect, or an uncomfortable effect. For example, a lady I know has Saturn and Ketu in the 7th house. The 7th house rules amongst other things one's marital relationship. Her husband has Venus, the lord of the 7th house in his first house and Venus is also dispositor (the lord of the sign where a planet sits) of the lord of the 6th. The lord of the 6th is opposed in general to the longevity of one's marriage, because it is the 12th house (loss) from the 7th (marriage). So, in the mans chart Venus has alot to do with bringing about a break in this man's marriage. Similarly, in her chart, Ketu, which often brings separations and losses, is in her seventh with Saturn, a difficulty causing planet. The dasha system of assigning specifically dated control periods to the planets (an important Vedic technique covered somewhat in earlier lessons) is always constructed for Vedic charts, and is the primary tool used by astrologers for giving dated predictions. So, in her life at one point she entered Saturn-Ketu period, and he entered Saturn-Venus. The result was their marriage was interrupted by a separation- and any Vedic astrologer worth his salt could have seen this coming. I did not outline above all the things one can read from these two people charts based on these few planets, but I can say that if one did not have the dasha system to tell them when these planets would take effect, they would not have been able to predict these events. The transits and progressions as used in Western astrology alone would not have allowed such a prediction. So, Vedic astrologers who have studied seriously for a number of years all the Vedic techniques by using books and learning from successful practicing Vedic astrologers from either the West or India can learn to predict with what I would call "general accuracy". To get to a respectable point of development of this ability through this study process usually takes about 5 years of very regular and strong devotion to the subject. During this period, one should be careful when venturing predictions as you can really harm a person's path by telling them things about their life which they chose to fear. Be very careful. People have no defense against the words of an astrologer regarding the future. They can't say "I know that won't happen". Therefore, whatever you say will eat away at their consciousness until the specified predictive time period has fully passed. In other words, you can really mess up one's consciousness for a long time with bad astrology, so don't do that, ever. Here's a typical Vedic predictive technique to consider: Examine some one's chart, see where the malefic planets Mars, Saturn and the nodes aspect, then see where the "temporary malefics" aspect or stay. (Temp. malefics are planets which acquire specific destructive duties due to lording the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses for example- there are other rules, but this is one rule). Then, examine when the dashas, or "control periods" for these planets take place in combination as the first, second and third level lords of the period. Then, on top this, within the time period specified by the dasha, find out when transits will be bad, such as malefics crossing the moon or ascendent (there are many other things that could be considered bad, but this is one). At such a time when these two things occur simultaneously (malefic dashas and malefic transits) something bad will definitely happen. Similarly, take the reverse- good dashas and good transits, and something good will happen. The goodness will come in the area of life which is pointed to by the planets involved due to the houses they stay in, own, aspect or the things they themselves directly control. This is the basic way of Vedic predictive astrology- see the planets- see what they control due to ownership, conjunction and aspect, see the periods they rule- combine with transits, and bingo- you can begin to pinpoint the areas of life that will be effected at various times and whether the effects will be wanted, unwanted, or mixed. The result of being involved in this pursuit is that you learn that karma is inevitable, and that the only way out is toleration, transcendence and perhaps, propitiation or worship to gain relief. In other words, when it comes to negative or unwanted karma, you can either put up with the punishment or beg forgiveness. Sometimes people get confused and ask "I can do something about the bad periods". For example, they think that by knowing that disease is coming, that if they know enough in advance and begin to exercise and eat right, they will avoid the disease and thus cheat the planets out of their powers. This implies that our meager attempts at astrology, combined with will power and vitamins, is more powerful than the planets, the heavens, and the laws of karma. This is an utterly ridiculous state of mind if used this simply. However, the actual truth and proper use of our minds doesn't look much different than the above in practice, but internally proper understanding is a very different mood. The planets cannot be cheated out of their effects by our tiny brains and all that we can muster in our defense. We are ants compared to the universe, so give up any mood of being an independent actor. Rather, if you are to be cured of a disease, understand that is also in your chart. In other words, a really great astrologer could say "you are going to get a disease but you will be cured by medicine". A bad astrologer will simply say "a bad time for your health is coming". In the proper understanding, we learn that we are to attempt to do all that we can with our strength to create good in our lives. In other

words, you should try to survive, to overcome a disease, to overcome a problem. The problems are to teach you lessons, and giving up simply puts off the lesson. If a person gives up, then others can understand that the lesson divinity plans next for them is to teach them the negative effects of giving up. In this way, others looking at us can make certain judgments that we can never make upon ourselves. We can never give up internally- our mood should always be, or rather, will always be, to survive and go on somehow. In a funny way, even suicide is an attempt to survive- the person simply thinks that leaving their body will be better than staying in the current situation. In other words, the living being cannot but constantly search for the better situation. It is our permanent nature to seek higher pleasures than we are currently experiencing. The way we seek pleasure creates our lives and our wanted and unwanted karmas. The whole of the creation has but one chief purpose and that is to teach us what really works in the pursuit of pleasure. Gradually, through many soft and hard lessons we learn the unavoidable truths that govern us on all sides. Astrology is simply a way to see what's coming- but it offers absolutely no way, by itself, to avoid those lessons. The Vedic scriptures do in other places, seem to offer ways to avoid karma, and this is always through various types of worship. There are pujas (specific worship processes) one can perform to the various sub-gods, or demi-gods, to obtain relief from their negative effects, and so also one can worship such deities to gain extra favor from them for fulfillment of positive desires such as success in some endeavor. So, there is worship of deities for both relief and boons or grants. Then there is the higher path, which is not based on attempting to find happiness here, and that is to appeal to the Supreme God of Everything for admission into that plane beyond this entire creation. In other words, you can attain to that point where your mood is: "I get it now, I've seen this plane, and I'm finished here- I don't really have any more interest in playing out parts in a body built of muscles and bones. I don't delight any longer in embracing such fleshy bodies, and I don't desire to impress souls living in such bodies with my music and dance or creativity. Basically, I want out of here. I'm tired of this world where everyone seems averse to really seeing each other as brothers and sisters, and where greed is the actual ruler of everything. Although some here talk of devotion to you, dear Supreme, pretty much even such talkers don't stay fixed to their devotions to you. From this point on I focus on you and you alone, and yet I don't expect your mercy, your release for me from here, nor any boon from you, because I'm sure I deserve many more lives of karma for everything I've done in the past. You alone control everything, and you alone know what I really need for my full purification, so I place myself willingly in your hands. Though I've always been in your hands, I now place and surrender my consciousness to this truth at your feet forever." This is the highest possible consciousness, and this is how real saints think. Such persons have absolutely no concern over what their karma might be. Moment to moment they are aware of the fact that life could end any time, and that there are no guarantees. Since they don't desire any specific fulfillment for their minds in this plane, they really don't care how much time they have left, or when any particular event may or may not happen. Their lives take on a quality of stability and oneness, though they engage in positive actions aimed at serving all living beings. This is the most natural and wholesome position for the soul, and the only one where permanent happiness can be achieved. Therefore, on the highest level of human attainment, astrology is no longer significant. That being the case, it is understood to be placed on Earth in our hands not for any purpose other than to help fill in the gaps in our knowledge towards becoming enlightened. Astrology teaches us about the controls upon us, and that in great detail. This is very important in pushing us down the divine path. In this way, as part of our schooling towards becoming saintly astrology finds it's purpose on Earth. This is the real value of astrologers and their interactions with the clients, that both are becoming more convinced of the need for spiritual progress in their lives. Now back to our accomplished psychic Mr. Karve. Try as we might with our tiny brains and short lives, we will probably never match his abilities in this life. That goes for the great brains amongst us as well as the rank and file. This teaches us that divinity can, or karma can, simply GRANT excellent abilities and qualities to a person at birth. Yet more proof of the greatness and insurmountable nature of divine control. Even us astrologers must bow to the great divine will because even in our midst we see such things as to remind us that we cannot but act within the frame granted us. Even though we portend to know about karma, and perhaps prescribe remedies and solutions, we cannot force divinity to allow us to see karma as well as this little old 80 pound Indian man who barely eats and is barely conscious in this world. And what does he say? He teaches astrologers to worship the Universal Lord in order to gain not only abilities, but inner perfection for the benefit of their own soul. There is no way around it, divinity has us cornered on all sides, and the only way to perfection and happiness is surrender, cooperation and devotion to Divinity. Natal Reading The Natal chart is the birth chart. The reading of this chart is what most people consider to be the sum total of astrology. In a general reading of the Natal chart one should expect to be told who you are, where you have been, and where you are going. In truth, most people do not understand themselves, and in fact are quite confused about who they are, how their mind works, why it works that way, etc. The vast majority of people don't really know who or what they are on either the psychological or spiritual plane. Therefore, the first thing that is done is an analysis of: psychology, character, and life potential. The astrologer discusses the person's qualities, intellectual abilities and aptitude, people skills and relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, financial acumen and status, education, travel, health, etc.

Life potential indicates a person's predisposition and predilection in certain areas. For example, a certain combination of planets may indicate a person with acute intelligence and love of knowledge, this would give a strong potential for academic achievement or a career in research, teaching, scholarship, etc. This initial analysis serves several functions: 1) To bring the seeker a big step closer to achieving the Socratic ideal of "Know thyself." 2) To verify the accuracy of the birth time and the horoscope. A good astrologer will be able to paint a picture that should be instantly recognizable by the seeker. The seeker should feel illuminated by the knowledge as well as secure and confidant that he is dealing with an astrologer who knows his stuff. This is especially important since in most cases this will be the first time that the seeker will have met the astrologer. 3) The astrologer will also understand the psychic nature of the seeker and be better able to guide him. At some point the discussion will turn to your past in this lifetime. Astrologers deal with this in different ways. Some go deep into the past attempting to give a few details about the life. The idea is that by correctly identifying certain life events they will gain the confidence of the seeker. This is often done at the expense of giving a good psychological analysis which is more beneficial to the seeker. Why is a psychological analysis more beneficial? Because most of the time the psychological analysis will reveal items that the person is unaware of, with the added benefit that often many things about the past are brought up and detailed anyway. Whereas an astrologer who just mentions a few incidents from the past life of the seeker has not really told them something they didn't know before. And by neglecting to analyze the personality in depth and give satisfactory explanations he has deprived the seeker of much valuable knowledge that could not be gained even after a score of psychological examinations. Depending on the situation and the needs of the seeker, the astrologer will usually give an outline of the seeker's recent past and the present situation that caused him to consult the astrologer in the first place. Then the astrologer will proceed to discuss the up-coming future trends and planetary periods that the seeker can expect to experience both externally in the world and internally in terms of psychological attitudes. The internal and external realities are both very intimately related, for a negative mental attitude can attract and often is the precursor to equally negative experiences in external reality. The reverse is also seen, that a few reverses in life can instill a negative and depressed world view in the seeker creating a vicious cycle of gloom and doom. This is where the real skill of the astrologer is tested. A real Vedic astrologer is not just someone who makes some predictions and then stands aside. Rather he is a Vedic Brahmin who has been trained in yoga, philosophy, counseling, etc. The astrologer, if he foresees difficulty ahead, should be able to provide the seeker with strategies for meeting the difficulties in a mature and wise way. This after all is the benefit of Vedic Astrology and the proper use of your freewill. To "Act with Wisdom" as opposed to "Reacting in Ignorance." Simply knowing that difficulty lies ahead may be sufficient to avert real danger. You may still be exposed to the problem but you will know what to do because you were not taken by surprise. In cliche terms:"To be forewarned is to be fore-armed." In 1992, Hurricane Andrew destroyed a large area of Florida. There was much physical damage to property, but considering the horrific nature of the storm the loss of human life was practically nil. Why? Because the National Weather Service had warned residents of the approach of the storm and they in turn had time to prepare for the inevitable. They evacuated dangerous areas, boarded up windows, cached food and water, sought high ground, and took shelter. They acted with wisdom. We can only imagine what the death toll would have been if Andrew had pounced on Florida with no warning at all. The carnage would have been astronomical and the people would have been simply reeling from the death blow not knowing what to do next. This is reacting in ignorance. That is, reacting to a situation after it has already struck without any fore knowledge that it would happen. This is why, generally, there are few casualties from hurricanes compared to earthquakes. At present, hurricanes can be predicted by the weather service, but no government agency can predict earthquakes6. Of course, the previous discussion should not unnerve you into thinking that the astrologer is only going to give out dire predictions of impending ruination and existential calamity. This is hardly the case; we just dealt with a worst case scenario first. Just as often, and much easier and pleasant for the astrologer, are predictions of up-coming times of good fortune and happy times free of difficulty and full of opportunity. People love to hear about good fortune, and, frankly, it is much easier on me when I have to give predominantly good news. You know what happened to the bearer of bad news in ancient times. People are funny though. Most people have heard of the saying: "Make the best use of a bad bargain." Often hardship can bring the best out of a person. It has been observed that the only difference between the carbon in a diamond and that in a graphite lead pencil, is that the former has been subjected to tremendous heat and pressure for a long time, then chiselled and polished to perfection. So while giving people bad news is not so pleasant, they often take it more seriously than when I give good news. The opposite of "Make the best use of a bad bargain;" is "To squander a good opportunity." Or: "To rest on your future laurels." Surprisingly, people often think that if good times are ahead they don't have to do anything. Wrong. When an astrologer indicates that there is smooth sailing ahead it is not time to take it easy, but rather to strive harder because now that resistance is lower you are more likely to succeed. But you must still endeavor with determination, just that now it will be easier. And who knows? The cycle may change. So it is the sign of wise a astrologer who advises the seeker to maintain and even build up his momentum in good times. That way if things should take a turn for the worst, the seeker will be able easily overcome the problem. If you are driving on the flats and you see a hill up ahead you speed up; the momentum of the car will carry you over the top with less strain.

The usual situation with the vast majority of people is that their future karma will be a mixture of good and bad. So it is up to the astrologer to sort out as much as possible which is which and advise how to minimize the negative and maximize the positive with suitable strategies. The process that I have just described is how the astrologer tells the seeker "Who he is, where he has been, and where he is going." How Long Will It Take? You should be prepared to spend from 1 to 3 hours, or longer in some cases, with your astrologer, for this initial reading. The length of time will be determined by the subjects covered and questions asked, the intricacy of the case. I have described a general first reading. Sometimes a person has a specific problem they want to deal with such as career, marriage, health, etc. The astrologer should adjust to fit the needs of the seeker. In so doing, however, several of the items I described may be left out. If the birth time is not accurate or unknown, the astrologer may have to rectify it by asking certain questions and adjusting the time according to your answers. This all takes time. Chart Updates A person's life cannot be encapsulated in a few hours. Because it is impossible to do everything in one sitting, people often have follow up readings that cover certain time frames. People usually ask about what the next six months or one year will hold in store for them. Many people have their charts updated around the beginning of the New Year, or their Birthday and have a report for the upcoming year. You may want a chart updated because you are contemplating a new business, moving your residence, having marital, legal or health problems, etc. There are no hard and fast rules regarding when or why to have your chart done, or for what span of time. Let your needs be the guideline for this. Follow up readings are almost exclusively predictive in nature. (Unless for some reason the first reading didn't cover all the main points. This sometimes happens when the seeker asks the astrologer to focus on just one area, thus excluding others which the seeker may want covered in a subsequent reading.) They will reveal, in more detail, the types of situations, both physically and mentally, that you will find yourself in. Times of strength or weakness, happiness and sadness, romance, love, health, illness, travel , education, etc. These types of readings are quite popular with business people, executives, and anyone (and that means you) who needs to have the best information available for decision making and planning. These type of people know the value of a good advisor who can suggest strategy for progressing in material or spiritual life. We shall momentarily diverge and take a glimpse at what Vedic thinkers have said about the need of good counsel, then we shall return back to the topic. Closely related to update charts but of generally longer duration are charts that focus in on a particular planetary period or subperiod. These will normally cover time frames several years in duration. I would still advise anyone who had such a longer forecast done to have his chart updated at least annually if not every six months. The reason is simple, the shorter the span of time investigated, the more detail revealed. Compatibility Charts The potential of the natal chart has not been exhausted yet. It has often been said that "Marriages are made in heaven." And the cynics have added: "But often end in hell." The situation is common, you meet someone, you are attracted, get attached, jump into the relationship, but after sometime find out that it is not right for you. Usually after much pain. There must be a better way. There is! It is a time honored tradition in India to compare and match horoscopes of prospective marriage partners. This usually is done by the parents who were detached from the effects of hormones. Not surprisingly, in the hands of a good astrologer there is a high success rate and happy marriages. The problem that exists among astrologers around today is that few are actually trained in how to do this properly. The vast majority of Vedic astrologers (at least in this country) simply rely on a detailed comparison of the Moon in the respective charts. This is called the Kuta method. This is valuable but somewhat simplistic, though way ahead of the Western method of comparing Sun signs (Western astrologers also have more sophisticated methods). An experienced astrologer employs a system that thoroughly examines the two horoscopes on three tiers:1) The general strength of each chart individually with especial attention paid to capacity for relationship and marriage; 2) A detailed examination of compatibility between the two charts based on all the planets not just the Moon; 3) Calculations to determine the durability of the relationship (many people are attracted, seem compatible, but afterwards end in divorce court, giving rise to the saying "Marry in haste; lament at leisure"). For persons who are capable of maintaining a relationship (obviously it will be impossible to match up someone if they don't have the karma to marry) this Vedic method of horoscopic matching is quite useful by saving you a lot of time, energy, money, and protecting your sensitive emotions from a lot of pain. All that you need to know is the date, time, and place of birth of the people involved.

Just be sure that the astrologer you consult to do a compatibility reading is experienced in doing them and uses a sophisticated technique as outlined above. Though compatibility studies are generally done for romantic purposes it is not limited to this. The same principles can be adjusted and used in conjunction with other astrological techniques to develop an excellent method for selecting personnel. If you were going to pay someone $40,000, $50,000, $100,000 or more per year it would make sense to hire someone who not only has a good resume (which could be forged) but someone who fits the job, fits in with the other people on the team, and most of all works well with you. An astrologer could easily determine if the candidate was honest or a cheater and if he had the capacity to fulfill the position. And by comparing his chart to the others he would have to interact with, it could be quickly determined who he would get on with and who he would rub the wrong way. If he fit in with most of the people, you could take him on the team and just make sure he had little interaction with the people whose charts showed a negative reaction. Thus by nicely harmonizing workers into an effective team, esprit de corps is instilled, and competitiveness is greatly enhanced. Parent-Child Relationships Parents often consult astrologers to find out how they can best guide their beloved children. Astrology can point out what the compatibilities and incompatibilities are between parent and child. An astrologer can suggest strategies for dealing with problem areas in the parent/child relationship, and guide the parent in understanding the nature of their child, what the child's creative potential is, what areas should be encouraged, and what are the problem areas. Mundane & Financial Astrology An expansion of astrology from the personal to the global level is Mundane Astrology or Political Astrology. This is a complex and exciting system that uses various astrological methods to track the horoscopes of countries, institutions, and political leaders. On the Medical Astrology Another derivative of Natal astrology is Medical astrology. While much medical information can be had with Natal astrology and Prasna i.e. probable times of sickness, susceptibility to certain diseases, weak constitution, proness to accidents, or exposure to venereal disease, when to perform surgery or give medicine, choose a physician, etc. But Medical Astrology is properly, strictly the dominion of Ayurvedic Physicians who have the opportunity to study many medical cases thoroughly. Medical Astrology is the full blown investigation and diagnosis of medical problems using astrology. It was once very much in vogue. Even today in India, Ayurvedic doctors are urged to study astrology. But the difficulty is that to properly practice Medical Astrology you must be a qualified physician. It is a valuable tool of the astrologer/physician but few astrologers fall into this category. Unless the astrologer is also trained highly in medicine he should limit his medical advice and refer you to a health professional. The same can be said in regard to other spheres such as law, financial planning and marriage counselling. The astrologer does his part then refers you to the appropriate specialist to handle your problem. It is not expected that the astrologer should be an expert in all fields. He should be very knowledgeable, but he should know his own limitations and for the sake of the benefit of the seeker he should refer him to proper sources of help if need be rather than go outside his field of expertise. Medical astrology is a conglomeration of many branches of astrological knowledge and we shall mention the medical uses of other branches when appropriate. As has already been mentioned from the Natal chart the general health of the individual can be determined, periods of stress and disease can be seen, etc. Relocation Astrology Have you ever wondered if life would be different in another city or state or even another country or continent? Well before you pack up your bags for Bali or the Italian Riviera check with your Vedic Astrologer. On the basis of your Natal chart plus other methods special to Relocation Astrology he can advise you where best to live. The approach that I personally use is a two tier one. First, I use a special computer program to generate various maps of the world with planetary lines on them based on your birth chart. Then by analyzing your chart I determine which lines are most favorable for you. This is the more general approach and it is useful in analyzing large geographical regions. To narrow down a particular city I would use a relocation chart for the particular city you are interested in. Relocation Astrology is a very powerful and accurate technique which is just becoming popular in the last ten years. This method can be used to find the best place in the world to make money, study, write a book, find love, etc. The well known actress Shirley McClain used Relocation Astrology to choose where she would build her home. Muhurta So far, we have talked about ascertaining the future from the time of birth. But suppose you have an important event or project planned that you want to be successful. Logically, it would make sense that if you chose the best time available within a particular "window of time," then you would get the best results. It makes good sense and you are right. This is called Muhurta or Electional Astrology. Basically it is the Science of Timing, when to choose the best time to start something in order to get the best result. There are certain

events in life that we would really like to see turn out successful, such a business or marriage. If you went to all the trouble of matching a chart for compatibility then it is also recommended that you choose a good Muhurta for the wedding in order to neutralize any defects that there may be in the match. With a little imagination we can expand the possibilities for Muhurta beyond these two items, business and marriage. When to build a house, make a big purchase, start any important project like writing a book, or releasing a book or movie, or go on a long journey. Vedic Kings would consult their astrologers about when to begin a military campaign or sign a peace treaty. Vedic parents would consult on when to conceive a child and when to perform the child's samskaras (sacraments). Gurus and Acaryas (great spiritual leaders) would choose auspicious Muhurtas for conducting an initiation ceremony, installing a deity, on laying the corner stone of a temple. Example: Solar and Lunar eclipses are considered very good for initiations. Vaidyas, ayurvedic physicians, would choose auspicious times for doing surgery or beginning a regimen of treatment. Example: since the Moon rules over fluids it is considered very bad to have surgery near the full Moon day because of excessive loss of fluid and danger of hemorrhaging. Here is an example of a practical application of Muhurta. In 1992 some clients of mine had to make an important presentation to the Governing Body Commission (GBC) of an important spiritual organization. By studying the charts of the men involved and the time slot available I chose what I considered to be a perfect time. They had previously wanted a much later time, but I put pressure on them to accept the date that I chose. Somehow they were able to arrange their presentation on the appointed day and it went off perfectly. They later said that in the days that followed the mood at the GBC meetings changed drastically and that if they had tried to make the same presentation then, at the time that they had originally planned, it would have been very doubtful if they would have been able to carry it off. Prasna I have saved one of the most useful and dynamic branches of Vedic astrology until last. That being Prasna, which literally means "question." Suppose that you are a parent in a traditional Indian household, and suppose that you meet a particularly attractive girl who you think might just be the perfect match for your son8. But you don't want to make any commitment just yet or reveal your mind about your intentions. You certainly wouldn't want to tip your hand and reveal your interest by inquiring about the girl's birth particulars. What to do? After suitably pondering the situation you ask your Vedic astrologer the question: What will be result for my son if he marries girl 'X?' The Vedic astrologer notes the time the question is asked, calculates the chart, analyzes it, and then gives you an answer. How does it work? The thought entering your mind is the conception. Pondering, worrying and brooding over it is the gestation period. And asking is the birth of the question. You will be surprised how accurately a trained astrologer will be able to zero in on the correct answer. Of course Prasna is not limited to romantic questions, but can be applied to almost any situations where humans have questions. The following list is a small sample of the thousands of questions I have been asked in the course of my practice. I have chosen them to show the wide variety and almost endless application that is only limited by your imagination and personal experience: Which of the following three places A,B, or C is the best place to sink a well? Which is the best to invest in: Gold, Pharmaceuticals, or Oil? My daughter is missing, is she alright, when will she return? Who murdered the victim, what can you tell me about the murderer? What shall be the result for me if I move to Los Angeles next month? Should I file a legal suit against 'X?' Will the IRS come after me? My health isn't good, the doctor recommended some treatment; should I do it? I have lost my wedding ring, shall I recover it? What is the sex of my unborn child? Should I take initiation from 'X?' Should I purchase the land in India? What will be the result for me if I marry 'X?'

I have done thousands of Prasnas since 1981 and the results are amazingly accurate provided you follow a few simple rules when asking a question: 1) Keep your mind clear and meditate on your question. If your mind is confused and you are thinking of many different questions then the chart will reflect your nebulous state of mind and be exceedingly difficult if not impossible to answer. This can be likened to a woman who gives births to 5 or 6 children at one time; the survival of any of them is doubtful. 2) Ask one question at a time. If you have other questions keep your mind clear and only ask them after you have received an answer to your first question. 3) Don't ask more than three questions in one day. Brghu Muni says that it is best to approach the astrologer with only one question of an auspicious nature. 4) Always write your question down. This forces you to think clearly and concisely. 5) Don't make your questions convoluted. Try to keep them as straightforward as possible.

6) When asking a question do not use negative phraseology, keep it positive. That is, instead of saying "What will be the result if I don't do such and such? Ask: "What will be the result if I do nothing at this time?" or "...I keep quiet at this time?" 7) Don't ask ambiguous questions; be specific. "To be or not to be" may be good poetry but it is not a good question. Remember "Perfect questions; Perfect Answers." 8) If you are consulting by mail write each question on a separate piece of paper fold it and then number the questions consecutively. Maximum three. COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS THROUGH VEDIC ASTROLOGY / JYOTISH 1. KUJA DOSHA 2. LONGEVITY 3. AN EASY VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS 4. SUDARSHAN CHAKRA 5. TAJIKA ANALYSIS 6. KUTAS ANALYSIS TABLE 14: RAJJUS TABLE 15: VEDHAS TABLE 16: VARNAS 7. EXAMPLE: PRINCE CHARLES AND LADY DIANA This is an example lesson from the advanced course Applied Vedic Astrology. For more information click here. Questions? In traditional Vedic society one of the most important uses of astrology is to evaluate whether the charts of people who are planning to get married are in agreement to each other. This is a subject about which a lot of confusion exists. Some traditional astrologers mainly look at the Kutas agreement. At first sight, this seems to be an extensive system, but in fact it is only based on how well the Nakshatra in which the Moon of one partner is placed fits with the Moon Nakshatra of the other partner. We will deal with this system later. However just looking at the Kutas agreement of the Moon is quite limited. What sometimes happens is that some people have a hard time getting married because there are indications in their chart that marriage will be difficult. I do not think that making it diffficult for people from fullfilling what may be their heart desires is a good use of astrology. Another approach is that if someone has afflictions in the chart you look for another person who has the same afflictions. The idea is that if two people who have the same affliction in their chart get married, the affliction will be neutralized and the karma that has to do with the affliction will have to be faced in a future lifetime. I may have an unconventional opinion about this, but I rather face my karma during this lifetime than saving my (bad) karma and probably prolonging the number of times that I have to return to this earth . I also have doubts whether this method of cancelling the affliction really works. 1. KUJA DOSHA One very well known affliction commonly solved this way is the Kuja Dosha affliction. This affliction has to do with certain positions of Mars that are thought to be problematic for married life. There is Kuja Dosha in the chart if:

Mars is placed in the first house, but not in Aries. Mars is in the fourth house, but not in Scorpio. Mars is in the seventh house, but not in Capricorn or Pisces. Mars is in the eighth house, but not in Cancer. Mars is in the twelfth house, but not in Sagittarius. The reasoning behind this is that Mars is a malefic and if positioned in the above houses it will damage the houses of marriage (seventh house), family life (the second house), the home environment (the fourth), the marital tie (eighth house) and/or sexual pleasure (twelfth house) either by being in these houses or aspecting them. The logic behind the exceptions is not always clear. According to quite a number of astrologers, there is also Kuja Dosha in a chart if Mars is located in the 1,2,4,7,8 and 12 from the Moon and even if Mars is located in these houses from Venus. Especially if we look for Kuja Dosha not only from the ascendant, but also from Mars and Venus we may well find this affliction in something like 80% of the charts. I think it is useful to be aware that Mars in certain positions may damage relationships. However, this is just one factor among many. Probably Saturn in the above houses also causes damage. And for relationships we do not only have to look at the Rashi but also at the navamsa. I do not think if we see Kuja Dosha in a chart, it is useful to ring the alarm. Especially since it occurs in most charts. 2. LONGEVITY

Another factor, which is looked upon, is the longvity of the partners. The reasoning is that if one of the partners will have a short life a marriage is not very useful. If an astrologer thinks one of the partners may have a short life he may very well think this person is not a person who should marry. The subject of longevity is a complex subject in itself. I am not going to treat this extensively. There are a couple of methods to predict the longevity. However as Richard Houck as shown in his book the astrology of death these methods do not work very well. My advice would be to keep it simple. If the first house (the house itself and the lord) and the Moon in a chart are strong and there are not many planets in dushtana houses a person will probably live longer than if the first house and the Moon are weak and there are many planets in dushtana houses. This is an easy rule of thumb which may be more useful than some complicated quantitative methods that in practise do not work. 3. AN EASY VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS One method of Vedic astrological compatibility analysis, which I like, is the following: Look for the ascendant of person A and person B, see in what signs they are and what the relationships of these signs are. If the ascendant is in a 2/12 or 6/8 relationship this is problematic, but if it is in a 5/9 relationship this is good. I also think that a 3/11 relationship can work very well. Also if both ascendants are in the same sign this is a good factor. Apart from conjunctions Kendra relationships (4/10 and the opposition) may be difficult. There are some expections to this rule. Like if both signs are rules by the same planet this is good. Example: Libra and Taurus are in 6/8 relationship, but since Venus rules both signs, they do have something in common. You can also compare the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in both charts. Of course, they symbolize different aspects of the relationship (for example Mercury symbolizes the communication in the relationship). I do not think comparing Jupiter and Saturn is very useful unless both people have a big age difference (let us say more than 5 years). This is because Jupiter and Saturn are slow moving. To find explanations look for the elements the planets are in. An example: If the Moon of A is in Leo and the Moon of B is in Cancer we have a problem because fire and water do not go together well. The relationship will be somewhat better for B then for A. The Moon of A is in the second house from the Moon of B. However, the Moon of B is in the twelfth house (sign Cancer) from the Moon of A (sign Leo). Therefore, it is possible that B will drain (twelfth house) A. You also can analyze planetary pairs. If the Venus of one person is in opposition to the Mars of the other person that will mean strong sexual attraction. This is also the case if the Venus of A conjuncts the Mars of B. A similar rule can be made of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. If the Sun of one person is in opposition to the Moon of the other person this works well. This is also the case if the Sun of A conjuncts the Moon of B. In cases like these will be a good exchange of female (Shakti: Moon and Venus) and male (Shiva: Sun and Mars) energies. I do think this is a fruitful and not too difficult method. If you use this method, it is recommended to use the South Indian format (which I use in this course) because in this format the signs in different charts are in the same place. 4. SUDARSHAN CHAKRA It is also possible to analyze the influence of planets in houses. A great tool for this is the so-called Sudarshan Chakra. This is a chart made up of two circles, like the circles used in Western Astrology. There is an inner chart, which can be the chart of partner A and there is an outer chart, which is the chart of partner B. The ascendant of both charts is at the same place (usually at the top of the circles). You can see which houses of A are activated by partner B. For example if I have a partner who has a lot of planets that activate my eighth house it is very well possible that I experience her as confrontational. If she activates my ninth house she may broaden my horizon and I may feel great because of her, especially if my ninth house is being activated by her benefics ("Yes, I love to go to India with you"). If it is being activated by her malefics it could be that she somehow limits or frustrates the way I would like to broaden my horizon ("Oh no, you are again planning a trip to India?"). THE SUDARSHAN CHART IS SHOWN IN THE COURSE MATERIAL 5. TAJIKA ANALYSIS There is another type of analysis possible. Although Tajika analysis is seldom used when analyzing birthcharts, I do not see a principle reason why we should not do this. What I would like to suggest now is not so much as to use the Tajika method for analyzing a birthchart but to make a comptability analysis using the Tajika method. The principle is easy. Just look what kind of aspects the planets of A make with the planets of B. Let us say the Sun of A makes a trine to the Jupiter of B. A (the Sun person) will feel stimulated by B (the Jupiter person). He will note the stimulating Jupiterian energy of B. B (the Jupiter) person will feel energized or empowered by A (the Sun person). If it is a square instead of a trine the stimulation may be a bit too much. If you make an analysis like that, you will encounter many aspects, some of them seem to be contradictory, but this merely reflects the nature of reality that sometimes is complex. For example: It is also possible that in addition to the aspect I mentioned before the Moon of A makes a square to the Saturn of B. A (the Moon person) will feel restricted by B (the Saturn person). By the way, if the aspect would be a trine A (the Moon person) would merely feel grounded by B (the Saturn person). That is not a bad experience. To avoid an overload take the Tajika orbs and divide them by two. For example: If we analyse the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter between charts we look for the maximum orb of the Sun which is 15 and the maximum orb of Jupiter which is 9. (15+9):2=12, which is the regular Tajika orb for a Sun-Jupiter aspect. To avoid an overload this maximum orb is divided by two. The outcome will be a maximum orb of 6 degrees.

What makes this analysis complicated is that for every planetary combination you have to calculate a maximum orb. This may very well be the reason that in contemporary Western astrology the maximum orbs are the same for certain kind of aspects (all squares have the same maximum orb, all sextiles have the same maximum orb and so on). If you want to keep it simple, I would like to suggest a maximum orb for all aspect of 5 degrees. Of course, calculating the maximum orb for each planetary combination is better. If you have the courage and time to do that, please feel free to do so. Personally, I only look at conjunctions with Rahu and Ketu and not at aspects. However, you may well have another opinion about this. 6. KUTAS ANALYSIS In what follows I will explain the traditional method of Kutas analysis. The traditional method consists of comparing the Nakshatra in which the Moon of the bride is located with the Nakshatra in which the Moon of the bridegroom is. It is also possible to do a more sophisticated analysis in which not only the Nakshatras in which the Moon is are compared, but also the Nakshatras of the ascendant and Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Kutas analysis consists of 12 factors. Every factor can give some points. After the analysis is made all the points are added up. To have a good relationship a minimum of points is required. If the total points are below that minimum than it is possible that the astrologer will advise against the marriage. Here are the different factors: Dina Kuta: If the Nakshatra of the man is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of the woman 3 points will be given. If the number is 9 or more it is divided by 9 and we work with the remainder. Let us say the Nakshatra of the man is 14 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of the woman 14/9=1 and the remainder is 5. Because the remainder is 5 no points are being given. Gana Kuta: When we dealt with the Nakshatras we have seen that we can divide the Nakshatras in deva, human (manusha) and demon (rakshaka) Nakshatras. Look for this in lesson 2, paragraph 5 under temperaments. People who have their Moons in Nakshatras that fall in the same category can marry. A deva man can marry a deva or manusha woman. Six points are given. He cannot marry a rakshaka woman (0 points are given). A manusha man can marry a deva woman (5 points are given) or a manusha woman (6 points are given). He should not marry a rakshaka woman (0 points). A rakshaka man should not marry a deva woman (1 point) or a manusha woman (0 points). He can marry a rakshaka woman (6 points). When the lords of the signs in the rashi or navamsa of the man and woman are the same bad Gana Kuta results can be compensated (however this does not change the points that are being given). Mahendra Kuta: The Nakshatra of the man should be 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25 Nakshatras away from the Nakshatra of the woman. A good Mahendra Kuta should promote the longevity of the relationship. This factor is mentioned in a Kuta analysis, but no points are given by this factor. Stree Dirgha: The Nakshatra of the man should preferably be more than 9 constellations away from the Nakshatra of the woman. This factor is mentioned in a Kuta analysis, but no points are given by this factor. Yoni Kuta: This has to do with sexual compatibility. Every Nakshatra is associated with a type of yoni. Example: Vishakha and Chitra are associated with a tiger yoni. That means these Nakshatras are rather wild in making love. There is also a division in male and female yonis. Vishakha has a male tiger yoni and Chitra a female tiger yoni. It is best if both partners are born in Nakshatras, which symbolize the same yoni type, but of different sexes. Therefore, someone with the Moon in Vishakha would be a great sexual match for someone with the Moon in Chitra. If a couple has friendly yonis of the female sex marriage will be acceptable. It will be difficult if the two people both have male yonis. TABLE OF YONIS AND CORRESPONDING NAKSHATRAS IS SHOWN IN THE COURSE MATERIAL AS IS A TABLE OF HOW MANY POINTS ARE GIVEN TO EACH YONI COMBINATION Rashi Kuta: This factor is different from the factors, which are shown above, because this deals with the signs in which the Moons are located (and not the Nakshatras). Bad results: Moon in the chart of the man is in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 th from the Moon in the chart of woman. Bad results: Moon in chart of the woman is in the 12 th from the Moon in the chart of the man. Good results: Moon in Chart of the man is in the 12 (gives longevity), 7 th (gives agreement) from the Moon in the chart of woman. Good results: Moon in chart of the woman is in the 2 (gives longevity), 3 (gives happiness), 4 (gives wealth), 5 (gives happiness), 6 (progeny will prosper), 7 th (gives agreement) from the Moon in the chart of the man. When both signs are owned by the same planet inauspicious effects will be cancelled. The bad results coming from a certain number are the opposite of the good results. If good results exists (or if bad results are cancelled) 7 points will be given by this factor. Graha Maitram: This factor is dependend upon the friendships or animosities of the lords of the Moonsigns of the couple. In the first course, a diagram was presented with the friendships and animosities of the planets. This is diagram 5 shown in lesson 4. When the lords of the Moonsigns are friends Graha Maitram is at its maximum. In this case five points are given. When lord A is a friend to lord B and lord B is neutral to lord A this is good. Four points are being given. When both are neutral, Graha Maitram is mediocre. This will bring in three points. When one is friendly and the other is inimical 1 point is given. When one is neutral and the other is inimical this will give a point. When both are enemies Graha Maitram is zero. However, if a friendship exists between the lords of the Moonsigns in the navamsa three points are given (instead of zero, or one point). Vasyu Kuta: Some signs have a certain degree of magnetism to each other. Vasyu Kuta magnetism makes understanding of each other easier. If the Moon of the female feels magnetism towards the Moon of the male one point is given. If the Moon of the male feels magnetism towards the Moon of the female, also one point is given. Therefore, the maximum amount of points to be gained from this factor is two, if magnetism exists from both sides. TABLE IS SHOWN IN COURSE MATERIAL




4. 5.




9. Rajju: This factor is used to measure the duration of married life. The Nakshatras are being divided into 5 types of Rajju. To make a long relationship possible the Moon Nakshatras of the couple should not fall in the same Rajju. Below you will see a table of the divisions. I have also mentioned the number of a certain Nakshatra. You can see that the Nakshatras, which are mentioned in a next category, are always the neighbouring Nakshtras of a former category. TABLE 14: RAJJUS Padarajju: Ashwini (1), Ashlesha (9), Magha (10), Jyeshta (18), Mula (19), Revati (27). Katirajju: Bharani (2), Pushya (8), Purva Phalguni (11), Anuradha (17), Purva Ashadha (20), Uttara Bhadrapada (26). Nabhi: Krittika (3), Punarvasu (7), Uttara Phalguni (12), Vishakha (16), Uttara Ashadha (21), Purva Bhadrapada (25). Kantarajju: Rohini (4), Ardra (6), Hasta (13), Swati (15), Shravana (22), Shatabhishak (24). Sirorajju: Mrigashira (5), Chitra (14), Dhanistha (23). In a Kutas analysis, this factor is mentioned but no points are given by this factor. 10. Vedha: Some Nakshatras are said to afflict each other. A marriage between people who have their Moons in Nakshatras, which afflict each other, should not take place. This is a list of the prohibited pairs: TABLE 15: VEDHAS Ashwini (1) and Jyeshta (18); Bharani (2) and Anuradha (17); Krittika (3) and Vishakha (16); Rohini (4) and Swati (15); Mrigashira (5) and Dhanistha (23); Ardra (6) and Shravana (22); Punarvasu (7) and Uttara Ashadha (21); Pushya (8) and Purva Ashadha (20); Ashlesha (9) and Mula (19); Magha (10) and Revati (27); Purva Phalguni (11) and Uttara Bhadrapada (26); Uttara Phalguni (12) and Purva Bhadrapada (25); Hasta (13) and Shatabhishak (24). In a Kuta analysis, this factor is mentioned but no points are given by this factor. 11. Varna: This is a factor, which is supposed to be an indication of the spiritual development of the partners. TABLE 16: VARNAS These are the categories: Brahmin (priests): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Kshatriya (politics and war): Leo, Sagittarius, Libra. Vaisya (business): Aries, Gemini, Aquarius. Sudra (manual labour and service): Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. If the woman is in a higher category as the man 0 points are given by this factor. If the man is in a higher category as the woman 1 point (which is the maximum) is given by this factor. If they both belong to the same category 1 point is given. 12. Nadi Kuta: In lesson 13 of the first course we have seen that in ayurveda three constitution types are recognized: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The Nakshatras are divided between these three temperaments. The Moons of the man and the woman should fall in Nakshatras of a different dosha. It is also recommended that the Moons do not fall in the same rows of the scheme below. This factor is important because the points to be gained by this factor are 8. TABLE IS SHOWN IN THE COURSE MATERIAL CONCLUSION The total amount of points to be gained is 36. As a rule of thumb we can say that the minimum points which should be gained for the match to be good is 21. Keep in mind that this is just one factor. The traditional method is based only on the Moon. Nevertheless, it is possible to compare all the planets and the ascendant by this method. Not just the Moon. We may calculate the average results for all these. In that case, the picture may very well be different. 7. EXAMPLE: PRINCE CHARLES AND LADY DIANA As an example of how to do the analysis we will look at what should have been the dream couple of the 20th. Century Prince Charles and Lady Diana. You see the charts below. Note that although the marriage did not work out, neither of them has Kuja Dosha from the ascendant. They both have Kuja Dosha from the Moon. Nevertheless, the theory that Kuja Dosha (from the Moon) is cancelled if both partners have Kuja Dosha (from the Moon) has obviously not worked in this case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name: Prince Charles Prepared By: Roeland De Looff | | Birth Date: 14-11-1948 Weekday: Sunday | | Time: 21:14:00 GMT: 21:14:00 | | Time Zone: 0 West TZ Name: Greenwich Mean Time | | Latitude: 51 30'00" North Location: | | Longitude: 0 10'00" West Ayanamsa: Lahiri 23 08'23" | | | | Rasi Angle and Sign Nakshatra, Lord, Pada, Sound Velocity | | -------------------------- --------------------------- -------- | |Ascendant: 12 14'45" Cancer Pushyami Saturn 3 HO 0.72 | | Sun: 29 17'53" Libra Vishakha Jupiter 3 THAY 1.01 |

| Moon: 7 17'28" Aries Aswini Ketu 3 CHO 0.93 | | Mercury: 13 50'33" Libra Swati Rahu 3 RO 1.48 | | Venus: 23 16'02" Virgo Hasta Moon 4 DHA 1.22 | | Mars: 27 49'38" Scorpio Jeyshta Mercury 4 YU 1.38 | | Jupiter: 6 45'31" Sagittarius Moola Ketu 3 BA 2.46 | | Saturn: 12 08'17" Leo Makha Ketu 4 MAY 1.70 | | Rahu: 11 52'07" D Aries Aswini Ketu 4 LA 0.01 | | Ketu: 11 52'07" D Libra Swati Rahu 2 RAY 0.01 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ |9th Pisces |10th Aries |11th Taurus |12th Gemini | | | Moon -| | | | | Rahu D -- | | | | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |8th Aquarius | |1st Cancer | | | | Ascendant | | | | | | | Rasi Chart | | |-------------------| for |------------------| |7th Capricorn | Prince Charles |2nd Leo | | | | Saturn | | | | | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |6th Sagittarius |5th Scorpio |4th Libra |3rd Virgo | | Jupiter MT | Mars ORT | Ketu D ++ | Venus f=++ | | | | Mercury =++ | | | | | Sun fe | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name: Princess Diana Prepared By: Roeland De Looff | | Birth Date: 01-07-1961 Weekday: Saturday | | Time: 18:45:00 GMT: 18:45:00 | | Time Zone: 0 West TZ Name: Greenwich Mean Time | | Latitude: 52 30'00" North Location: | | Longitude: 0 30'00" East Ayanamsa: Lahiri 23 19'00" | | | | Rasi Angle and Sign Nakshatra, Lord, Pada, Sound Velocity | | -------------------------- --------------------------- -------- | |Ascendant: 25 27'44" Scorpio Jeyshta Mercury 3 YE 0.88 | | Sun: 16 21'41" Gemini Aridra Rahu 3 JNA 0.95 | | Moon: 1 43'00" Aquarius Dhanishta Mars 3 GU 1.06 | | Mercury: 9 53'21" Rx Gemini Aridra Rahu 1 KU -0.47 | | Venus: 1 06'06" Taurus Krittika Sun 2 EE 1.02 | | Mars: 8 20'35" Leo Makha Ketu 3 MU 1.10 | | Jupiter: 11 46'52" Rx Capricorn Sravana Moon 1 JU -1.25 | | Saturn: 4 29'47" Rx Capricorn U. Ashada Sun 3 JA -2.05 | | Rahu: 4 43'59" Dx Leo Makha Ketu 2 ME -0.20 | | Ketu: 4 43'59" Dx Aquarius Dhanishta Mars 4 GAY -0.20 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ |5th Pisces |6th Aries |7th Taurus |8th Gemini

| | | Venus Oe | Mercury Rx O | | | | | Sun -| | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |4th Aquarius | |9th Cancer | | Moon TKe+ | | | | Ketu Dx ++ | | | | | Rasi Chart | | |-------------------| for |------------------| |3rd Capricorn | Princess Diana |10th Leo | | Saturn Rx O| | Rahu Dx | | Jupiter Rx Tf- | | Mars K++ | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |2nd Sagittarius |1st Scorpio |12th Libra |11th Virgo | | | Ascendant | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ THE EASY ANALYSIS First let us do the easy analysis. Ascendant: The ascendant of Charles in in Cancer and of Lady Di in Scorpio. This is a 5/9 relationship and therefore good. Moon: The Moon of Charles is in Aries and the Moon of Lady Di in Aquarius. This is a 3/11 relationship and therefore quite well. On the level of the mind (Moon) they will connect well to each other. Sun: The Sun of Lady Di is in Gemini and of Charles in Libra. This is a 5/9 relationship and is very good. On the level of the soul (Sun) there must have been agreement. Mercury: Mercury in Dianas chart is in Gemini and in the chart of Charles in Libra. Again this is a 5/9 relationship, which means that there must have been good communication. Venus: The Venus of Charles is in Virgo and the Venus of Diana is in Taurus. This is another 5/9 relationship. There must have been some love between the couple. Mars: Mars in Charles chart is in Scorpio and Mars in Dianas chart is in Leo. This is a kendra relationship and therefore difficult. The two energies are in conflict. There must have been some fights. Because there is a considerable difference in age we can proceed to analyse Jupiter and Saturn Jupiter: Jupiter in the chart of Diana is in Capricorn and in the chart of Charles in Sagitarius. This is a 2/12 relationship and therefore bad. Their goals and ideals must have been different. Saturn: Saturn in the chart of Diana is in Capricorn and in the chart of Charles in Leo. The relationship is 6/8 and therefore bad. Being in each others presence did certainly not lessen the feelings of inadequacy Conclusion: The ascendant, Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus agree. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are not. This is a somewhat better than average score. However, we have more information than that, by making the analysis we have seen where the difficulties are and where there are points of agreement. TAJIKA ANALYSIS I will follow my own advice and keep a maximum orb of 5 degrees. This type of analysis is easier if you take one chart as the point of departure. I will use the chart of Diana for that, but I could also have taken the chart of Charles. Diana has her ascendant at 25.27 Scorpio. First, we have to look whether Charles has planets between 20.27 (25.27-5) and 30.00 of each sign (we do not go beyond a sign). If we have found such planets we will have to analyze whether they form aspects and if so which aspects. Charles has the Sun in Libra at 29.16, but because planets in Libra cannot make aspects to planets in Scorpio this is not an aspect. He also has Mars at 27.48 Scorpio. This is right on her ascendant. She (ascendant) will stimulate his energy (Mars). This aspect may also cause disagreements. His Venus is at 23.14 Virgo. This is a sextile and therefore positive. His sense of beauty (Venus) is pleased by her presence (ascendant). The Moon of Diana is at 1.43 Aquarius. We are going to look whether Charles has planets between 0 (we never go beyond the sign) and 6.43 degrees of each sign. He does not have any. It seems he is incapable of connecting to her on the level of feelings and he can not reach her mind. In a relationship, this is problematic. The Sun of Diana is at 16.21 Gemini. The range that we have to investigate is 11.21 tot 21.21. We find the ascendant of Charles at 12.14 Cancer. A planet, which is in Cancer cannot make a Tajika aspect to a planet that is in Sagittarius. Mercury in Charles chart is at 13.48 in Libra. This is a trine and may mean that Charles can reason (Mercury) with Diana (Sun). On an intellectual level, he can connect with her. Charles Saturn is in Leo at 12.07. This is a sextile. Charles may ground (Saturn) Diana (Sun). Mercury in Dianas chart is at 9.53 Gemini. The range is 4.53 tot 14.53. The ascendant of Charles is within range but does not make a Tajika aspect because an astrological point in Cancer cannot make an aspect to a planet in Gemini. The Moon is at 7.17 Aries,

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.





which makes a sextile to Dianas Mercury. He can talk (Mercury) to Diana about his feelings (Moon) (however, we have seen under 2 that she cannot do the same thing to him). His Mercury is at 13.48 Libra. This is a trine. On a more intellectual level they can connect well to each other. His Saturn is at 12.07 Leo. He may help her to speak (Mercury) clearly (Saturn). 5. Venus in the chart of Diana is at 1.06 Taurus. The range is 0-6.06. Now we see that not a single planet of Charles makes an aspect to this Venus. Because Venus is the natural karaka for marriage, this is a bad situation. It is strange that her husband does not activate Dianas planet of love and marriage in any way. 6. The Mars of Diana is at 8.21 Leo. The range will be 3.21 and 13.21. Charles ascendant is at 12.14 in Cancer. This is not an aspect, because an astrological factor in Cancer cannot make a Tajika aspect to a planet in Leo. The Moon of Charles is at 7.17 Aries. This is a trine. Charles mind (Moon) will be empowered (Mars) by Diana. Jupiter in Charles chart is at 6.44 Sagittarius. Again, a trine. Charles will stimulate (Jupiter) her strength (Mars). Charles Saturn is at 12.08 Leo. This is a conjunction. A conjunction especially between to planets which are very much different from each other is difficult. Mars is a planet that wants totally different things than Saturn. Mars wants to express his energy. Saturn restricts. Therefore, Charles Saturn restricts the expression of the energy of Diana. This is interesting because when we were dealing with the trine of his Jupiter to her Mars we said Charles would support her energy. In Tajika analysis, it is inevitable that we encounter situations like that. It may very well be that on one level he supported her energy (indeed it was because of him that she came out into the limelight) and on another level blocked it (their bad marriage). 7. Jupiter in Dianas chart is at 11.47 Capricorn. The range is 6.47 tot 16.47. Charles has his ascendant at 12.14 Cancer. Therefore, Dianas Jupiter is located opposite his ascendant. What is even more interesting is that it conjuncts a point called the descendant which says something about marriage (the descendant is always exactly opposite the ascendant). Jupiters Diana on his descendant (marriage point) is very good. She seems to be able to fullfill his wishes on the field of marriage. The Moon of Charles is at 7.17 Aries. This is a square. Now squares of Jupiter are not that bad, because Jupiter is the great benefic. It may be that she gives some unrest in his mind (Moon), but this is not an aspect, which causes great problems. Another square is made to his Mercury, which is in Libra (13.51). It may be that she stimulates his thinking too much and brings some unrest in her life. 8. Saturn in Dianas chart is at 4.30 Capricorn. The range is 0-9.30. Charles Moon is at 7.17 Aries. This is a square. A SaturnMoon affliction is one of the worst aspects possible. The Moon is where we are vulnerable. If the Saturn of a person afflicts our Moon than we do not feel safe with that person. Neither do we feel accepted by him or her. Diana may cause Charles to feel depressed. Especially in a marriage, this is a probematic aspect. The conclusion is many aspects are harmonic (although there are also some very difficult ones). There must be some reason why for many people they appeared to be a dream couple for some time and we should realize that it is because of this marriage that Diana changed from an unknown girl into a legend. However, it is striking that neither Dianas Moon nor Venus were touched by the planets of Charles. I believe that these soft planets are cruxial in marriage. Whatever their connection was, on the feeling of love (Venus) and feelings (Moon) Diana was not touched by Charles at all. By giving interpretations, I have given the more commonly used interpretations. However, it may be that in this special case we could also have choosen other meanings for the planets. Like Jupiter is the planet that has to do with fame. The Sun is the planet of royalty. If you look at some of the trines and sextiles with these alternative meanings in mind this may give additional insight in how these trines have worked out. My goal was to give an example of a Tajika analysis, which is of use to you when you make your own analyses. That is why I have choosen the more common meanings of the planets and have not choosen meanings which possibly could be more appropiate for this particular situation. KUTA ANALYSIS OF CHARLES AND DIANA We are not done with Charles and Diana yet. Now we will make their Kuta analysis. 1. Dina Kuta: Dianas Moon is in Dhanista (23). Charles Moon is in Ashwini (1). Now we have to count: 23,24,25,26,27,1 the Nakshatra of Charles is 6 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of Diana. This is good. Therefore 3 points are given. 2. Gana Kuta: Charles has his Moon in a deva Nakshatra, but Diana is a Rakshaka. This is a difficult match therefore no points are given. 3. Mahendra Kuta: The Nakshatra of Charles is 6 Nakshatras from that of Diana. Therefore the match according to this factor is bad. 4. Stree Deergha: The Nakshatra of Charles is not more than 9 Nakshatras away from the Nakshatra of Diana. The pairing is bad. 5. Yoni: Now we will finally know how Charles and Diana felt when they were making love. Charles yoni is the yoni of of male horse. However, Diana has the yoni of a female Mongoose. This gives only one point. 6. Rasi Kuta: The Moon of Diana is in Aquarius and the Moon of Charles in Aries. That means the Moon of Charles is in the third from the Moon of Diana. This gives bad results. No points are given. 7. Graha Maitram: The lord of Dianas Moon is Saturn and of Charles Moon is Mars. According to diagram 5 in the first course Saturn is neutral to Mars, but Mars is an enemy to Saturn. This could result in point. However, in the navamsa of Diana (not shown) the Moon is in Libra and in the navamsa of Charles (not shown) the Moon is in Gemini. It happens that Venus is a friend of Mercury and Mercury is a friend of Venus. Therefore three points are given. 8. Vasya: Charles Moon feels attraction to Leo and Scorpio. However Dianas Moon is in Aquarius. Dianas Moon feels attracted to Aries, which is the sign in which Charles Moon is located. Therefore one point is given. 9. Rajju: Charles Moon (Ashwini) is located in Padarajju and Dianas Moon (Dhanista) in Sirorajju. Thus they are located in different rajus, which is good . 10. Vedha: Ashwini and Dhanita do not afflict each other. Therefore this factor is good. 11. Varna: Aries and Aquarius are Vaisya signs. Therefore they are of the same Varna. This is good and one point is being given because of that.

12. Nadi: Ashwini is a Vata Nakshatra and Dhanistha is Pitta. These are different doshas. Therefore eight points are given. The maximum amount of points to be gained is 36. In this case the match gets 17 points. This is not good. A Vedic astrologer would not have approved of this marriage. 8. EXERCISE To make this exercise you have to compare your chart to the chart of your partner (or ex- partner). First make the easy analysis, which consists of comparing the signs in which the ascendant, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars (and if the age difference is considerable Jupiter and Saturn) are located. Then make a Tajika analysis. Finally, make an evaluation according to the Kuta system of chart analysis. If you are in a homosexual relationship, you could make the analysis twice. First, an evaluation with partner A in the male and with partner B in the female role. Then an analysis with partner B in the male and partner A in the female position. You have to take the average of the results. This is also the way to analyse non-sexual relationships using the Kuta system. Sorry for the extra work COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS THROUGH VEDIC ASTROLOGY / JYOTISH 1. KUJA DOSHA 2. LONGEVITY 3. AN EASY VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS 4. SUDARSHAN CHAKRA 5. TAJIKA ANALYSIS 6. KUTAS ANALYSIS TABLE 14: RAJJUS TABLE 15: VEDHAS TABLE 16: VARNAS 7. EXAMPLE: PRINCE CHARLES AND LADY DIANA This is an example lesson from the advanced course Applied Vedic Astrology. For more information click here. Questions? In traditional Vedic society one of the most important uses of astrology is to evaluate whether the charts of people who are planning to get married are in agreement to each other. This is a subject about which a lot of confusion exists. Some traditional astrologers mainly look at the Kutas agreement. At first sight, this seems to be an extensive system, but in fact it is only based on how well the Nakshatra in which the Moon of one partner is placed fits with the Moon Nakshatra of the other partner. We will deal with this system later. However just looking at the Kutas agreement of the Moon is quite limited. What sometimes happens is that some people have a hard time getting married because there are indications in their chart that marriage will be difficult. I do not think that making it diffficult for people from fullfilling what may be their heart desires is a good use of astrology. Another approach is that if someone has afflictions in the chart you look for another person who has the same afflictions. The idea is that if two people who have the same affliction in their chart get married, the affliction will be neutralized and the karma that has to do with the affliction will have to be faced in a future lifetime. I may have an unconventional opinion about this, but I rather face my karma during this lifetime than saving my (bad) karma and probably prolonging the number of times that I have to return to this earth . I also have doubts whether this method of cancelling the affliction really works. 1. KUJA DOSHA One very well known affliction commonly solved this way is the Kuja Dosha affliction. This affliction has to do with certain positions of Mars that are thought to be problematic for married life. There is Kuja Dosha in the chart if:

1. 2. 3.

Mars is placed in the first house, but not in Aries. Mars is in the fourth house, but not in Scorpio. Mars is in the seventh house, but not in Capricorn or Pisces. Mars is in the eighth house, but not in Cancer. Mars is in the twelfth house, but not in Sagittarius. The reasoning behind this is that Mars is a malefic and if positioned in the above houses it will damage the houses of marriage (seventh house), family life (the second house), the home environment (the fourth), the marital tie (eighth house) and/or sexual pleasure (twelfth house) either by being in these houses or aspecting them. The logic behind the exceptions is not always clear. According to quite a number of astrologers, there is also Kuja Dosha in a chart if Mars is located in the 1,2,4,7,8 and 12 from the Moon and even if Mars is located in these houses from Venus. Especially if we look for Kuja Dosha not only from the ascendant, but also from Mars and Venus we may well find this affliction in something like 80% of the charts.

I think it is useful to be aware that Mars in certain positions may damage relationships. However, this is just one factor among many. Probably Saturn in the above houses also causes damage. And for relationships we do not only have to look at the Rashi but also at the navamsa. I do not think if we see Kuja Dosha in a chart, it is useful to ring the alarm. Especially since it occurs in most charts. 2. LONGEVITY Another factor, which is looked upon, is the longvity of the partners. The reasoning is that if one of the partners will have a short life a marriage is not very useful. If an astrologer thinks one of the partners may have a short life he may very well think this person is not a person who should marry. The subject of longevity is a complex subject in itself. I am not going to treat this extensively. There are a couple of methods to predict the longevity. However as Richard Houck as shown in his book the astrology of death these methods do not work very well. My advice would be to keep it simple. If the first house (the house itself and the lord) and the Moon in a chart are strong and there are not many planets in dushtana houses a person will probably live longer than if the first house and the Moon are weak and there are many planets in dushtana houses. This is an easy rule of thumb which may be more useful than some complicated quantitative methods that in practise do not work. 3. AN EASY VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS One method of Vedic astrological compatibility analysis, which I like, is the following: Look for the ascendant of person A and person B, see in what signs they are and what the relationships of these signs are. If the ascendant is in a 2/12 or 6/8 relationship this is problematic, but if it is in a 5/9 relationship this is good. I also think that a 3/11 relationship can work very well. Also if both ascendants are in the same sign this is a good factor. Apart from conjunctions Kendra relationships (4/10 and the opposition) may be difficult. There are some expections to this rule. Like if both signs are rules by the same planet this is good. Example: Libra and Taurus are in 6/8 relationship, but since Venus rules both signs, they do have something in common. You can also compare the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in both charts. Of course, they symbolize different aspects of the relationship (for example Mercury symbolizes the communication in the relationship). I do not think comparing Jupiter and Saturn is very useful unless both people have a big age difference (let us say more than 5 years). This is because Jupiter and Saturn are slow moving. To find explanations look for the elements the planets are in. An example: If the Moon of A is in Leo and the Moon of B is in Cancer we have a problem because fire and water do not go together well. The relationship will be somewhat better for B then for A. The Moon of A is in the second house from the Moon of B. However, the Moon of B is in the twelfth house (sign Cancer) from the Moon of A (sign Leo). Therefore, it is possible that B will drain (twelfth house) A. You also can analyze planetary pairs. If the Venus of one person is in opposition to the Mars of the other person that will mean strong sexual attraction. This is also the case if the Venus of A conjuncts the Mars of B. A similar rule can be made of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. If the Sun of one person is in opposition to the Moon of the other person this works well. This is also the case if the Sun of A conjuncts the Moon of B. In cases like these will be a good exchange of female (Shakti: Moon and Venus) and male (Shiva: Sun and Mars) energies. I do think this is a fruitful and not too difficult method. If you use this method, it is recommended to use the South Indian format (which I use in this course) because in this format the signs in different charts are in the same place. 4. SUDARSHAN CHAKRA It is also possible to analyze the influence of planets in houses. A great tool for this is the so-called Sudarshan Chakra. This is a chart made up of two circles, like the circles used in Western Astrology. There is an inner chart, which can be the chart of partner A and there is an outer chart, which is the chart of partner B. The ascendant of both charts is at the same place (usually at the top of the circles). You can see which houses of A are activated by partner B. For example if I have a partner who has a lot of planets that activate my eighth house it is very well possible that I experience her as confrontational. If she activates my ninth house she may broaden my horizon and I may feel great because of her, especially if my ninth house is being activated by her benefics ("Yes, I love to go to India with you"). If it is being activated by her malefics it could be that she somehow limits or frustrates the way I would like to broaden my horizon ("Oh no, you are again planning a trip to India?"). THE SUDARSHAN CHART IS SHOWN IN THE COURSE MATERIAL 5. TAJIKA ANALYSIS There is another type of analysis possible. Although Tajika analysis is seldom used when analyzing birthcharts, I do not see a principle reason why we should not do this. What I would like to suggest now is not so much as to use the Tajika method for analyzing a birthchart but to make a comptability analysis using the Tajika method. The principle is easy. Just look what kind of aspects the planets of A make with the planets of B. Let us say the Sun of A makes a trine to the Jupiter of B. A (the Sun person) will feel stimulated by B (the Jupiter person). He will note the stimulating Jupiterian energy of B. B (the Jupiter) person will feel energized or empowered by A (the Sun person). If it is a square instead of a trine the stimulation may be a bit too much. If you make an analysis like that, you will encounter many aspects, some of them seem to be contradictory, but this merely reflects the nature of reality that sometimes is complex. For example: It is also possible that in addition to the aspect I mentioned before the Moon of A makes a square to the Saturn of B. A (the Moon person) will feel restricted by B (the Saturn person). By the way, if the aspect would be a trine A (the Moon person) would merely feel grounded by B (the Saturn person). That is not a bad experience.

To avoid an overload take the Tajika orbs and divide them by two. For example: If we analyse the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter between charts we look for the maximum orb of the Sun which is 15 and the maximum orb of Jupiter which is 9. (15+9):2=12, which is the regular Tajika orb for a Sun-Jupiter aspect. To avoid an overload this maximum orb is divided by two. The outcome will be a maximum orb of 6 degrees. What makes this analysis complicated is that for every planetary combination you have to calculate a maximum orb. This may very well be the reason that in contemporary Western astrology the maximum orbs are the same for certain kind of aspects (all squares have the same maximum orb, all sextiles have the same maximum orb and so on). If you want to keep it simple, I would like to suggest a maximum orb for all aspect of 5 degrees. Of course, calculating the maximum orb for each planetary combination is better. If you have the courage and time to do that, please feel free to do so. Personally, I only look at conjunctions with Rahu and Ketu and not at aspects. However, you may well have another opinion about this. 6. KUTAS ANALYSIS In what follows I will explain the traditional method of Kutas analysis. The traditional method consists of comparing the Nakshatra in which the Moon of the bride is located with the Nakshatra in which the Moon of the bridegroom is. It is also possible to do a more sophisticated analysis in which not only the Nakshatras in which the Moon is are compared, but also the Nakshatras of the ascendant and Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Kutas analysis consists of 12 factors. Every factor can give some points. After the analysis is made all the points are added up. To have a good relationship a minimum of points is required. If the total points are below that minimum than it is possible that the astrologer will advise against the marriage. Here are the different factors: Dina Kuta: If the Nakshatra of the man is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of the woman 3 points will be given. If the number is 9 or more it is divided by 9 and we work with the remainder. Let us say the Nakshatra of the man is 14 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of the woman 14/9=1 and the remainder is 5. Because the remainder is 5 no points are being given. Gana Kuta: When we dealt with the Nakshatras we have seen that we can divide the Nakshatras in deva, human (manusha) and demon (rakshaka) Nakshatras. Look for this in lesson 2, paragraph 5 under temperaments. People who have their Moons in Nakshatras that fall in the same category can marry. A deva man can marry a deva or manusha woman. Six points are given. He cannot marry a rakshaka woman (0 points are given). A manusha man can marry a deva woman (5 points are given) or a manusha woman (6 points are given). He should not marry a rakshaka woman (0 points). A rakshaka man should not marry a deva woman (1 point) or a manusha woman (0 points). He can marry a rakshaka woman (6 points). When the lords of the signs in the rashi or navamsa of the man and woman are the same bad Gana Kuta results can be compensated (however this does not change the points that are being given). Mahendra Kuta: The Nakshatra of the man should be 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25 Nakshatras away from the Nakshatra of the woman. A good Mahendra Kuta should promote the longevity of the relationship. This factor is mentioned in a Kuta analysis, but no points are given by this factor. Stree Dirgha: The Nakshatra of the man should preferably be more than 9 constellations away from the Nakshatra of the woman. This factor is mentioned in a Kuta analysis, but no points are given by this factor. Yoni Kuta: This has to do with sexual compatibility. Every Nakshatra is associated with a type of yoni. Example: Vishakha and Chitra are associated with a tiger yoni. That means these Nakshatras are rather wild in making love. There is also a division in male and female yonis. Vishakha has a male tiger yoni and Chitra a female tiger yoni. It is best if both partners are born in Nakshatras, which symbolize the same yoni type, but of different sexes. Therefore, someone with the Moon in Vishakha would be a great sexual match for someone with the Moon in Chitra. If a couple has friendly yonis of the female sex marriage will be acceptable. It will be difficult if the two people both have male yonis. TABLE OF YONIS AND CORRESPONDING NAKSHATRAS IS SHOWN IN THE COURSE MATERIAL AS IS A TABLE OF HOW MANY POINTS ARE GIVEN TO EACH YONI COMBINATION Rashi Kuta: This factor is different from the factors, which are shown above, because this deals with the signs in which the Moons are located (and not the Nakshatras). Bad results: Moon in the chart of the man is in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 th from the Moon in the chart of woman. Bad results: Moon in chart of the woman is in the 12 th from the Moon in the chart of the man. Good results: Moon in Chart of the man is in the 12 (gives longevity), 7 th (gives agreement) from the Moon in the chart of woman. Good results: Moon in chart of the woman is in the 2 (gives longevity), 3 (gives happiness), 4 (gives wealth), 5 (gives happiness), 6 (progeny will prosper), 7 th (gives agreement) from the Moon in the chart of the man. When both signs are owned by the same planet inauspicious effects will be cancelled. The bad results coming from a certain number are the opposite of the good results. If good results exists (or if bad results are cancelled) 7 points will be given by this factor. Graha Maitram: This factor is dependend upon the friendships or animosities of the lords of the Moonsigns of the couple. In the first course, a diagram was presented with the friendships and animosities of the planets. This is diagram 5 shown in lesson 4. When the lords of the Moonsigns are friends Graha Maitram is at its maximum. In this case five points are given. When lord A is a friend to lord B and lord B is neutral to lord A this is good. Four points are being given. When both are neutral, Graha Maitram is mediocre. This will bring in three points. When one is friendly and the other is inimical 1 point is given. When one is neutral and the other is inimical this will give a point. When both are enemies Graha Maitram is zero. However, if a friendship exists between the lords of the Moonsigns in the navamsa three points are given (instead of zero, or one point).




16. 17.



20. Vasyu Kuta: Some signs have a certain degree of magnetism to each other. Vasyu Kuta magnetism makes understanding of each other easier. If the Moon of the female feels magnetism towards the Moon of the male one point is given. If the Moon of the male feels magnetism towards the Moon of the female, also one point is given. Therefore, the maximum amount of points to be gained from this factor is two, if magnetism exists from both sides. TABLE IS SHOWN IN COURSE MATERIAL Rajju: This factor is used to measure the duration of married life. The Nakshatras are being divided into 5 types of Rajju. To make a long relationship possible the Moon Nakshatras of the couple should not fall in the same Rajju. Below you will see a table of the divisions. I have also mentioned the number of a certain Nakshatra. You can see that the Nakshatras, which are mentioned in a next category, are always the neighbouring Nakshtras of a former category. TABLE 14: RAJJUS Padarajju: Ashwini (1), Ashlesha (9), Magha (10), Jyeshta (18), Mula (19), Revati (27). Katirajju: Bharani (2), Pushya (8), Purva Phalguni (11), Anuradha (17), Purva Ashadha (20), Uttara Bhadrapada (26). Nabhi: Krittika (3), Punarvasu (7), Uttara Phalguni (12), Vishakha (16), Uttara Ashadha (21), Purva Bhadrapada (25). Kantarajju: Rohini (4), Ardra (6), Hasta (13), Swati (15), Shravana (22), Shatabhishak (24). Sirorajju: Mrigashira (5), Chitra (14), Dhanistha (23). In a Kutas analysis, this factor is mentioned but no points are given by this factor. Vedha: Some Nakshatras are said to afflict each other. A marriage between people who have their Moons in Nakshatras, which afflict each other, should not take place. This is a list of the prohibited pairs: TABLE 15: VEDHAS Ashwini (1) and Jyeshta (18); Bharani (2) and Anuradha (17); Krittika (3) and Vishakha (16); Rohini (4) and Swati (15); Mrigashira (5) and Dhanistha (23); Ardra (6) and Shravana (22); Punarvasu (7) and Uttara Ashadha (21); Pushya (8) and Purva Ashadha (20); Ashlesha (9) and Mula (19); Magha (10) and Revati (27); Purva Phalguni (11) and Uttara Bhadrapada (26); Uttara Phalguni (12) and Purva Bhadrapada (25); Hasta (13) and Shatabhishak (24). In a Kuta analysis, this factor is mentioned but no points are given by this factor. Varna: This is a factor, which is supposed to be an indication of the spiritual development of the partners. TABLE 16: VARNAS These are the categories: Brahmin (priests): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Kshatriya (politics and war): Leo, Sagittarius, Libra. Vaisya (business): Aries, Gemini, Aquarius. Sudra (manual labour and service): Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. If the woman is in a higher category as the man 0 points are given by this factor. If the man is in a higher category as the woman 1 point (which is the maximum) is given by this factor. If they both belong to the same category 1 point is given. Nadi Kuta: In lesson 13 of the first course we have seen that in ayurveda three constitution types are recognized: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The Nakshatras are divided between these three temperaments. The Moons of the man and the woman should fall in Nakshatras of a different dosha. It is also recommended that the Moons do not fall in the same rows of the scheme below. This factor is important because the points to be gained by this factor are 8. TABLE IS SHOWN IN THE COURSE MATERIAL CONCLUSION The total amount of points to be gained is 36. As a rule of thumb we can say that the minimum points which should be gained for the match to be good is 21. Keep in mind that this is just one factor. The traditional method is based only on the Moon. Nevertheless, it is possible to compare all the planets and the ascendant by this method. Not just the Moon. We may calculate the average results for all these. In that case, the picture may very well be different. 7. EXAMPLE: PRINCE CHARLES AND LADY DIANA As an example of how to do the analysis we will look at what should have been the dream couple of the 20th. Century Prince Charles and Lady Diana. You see the charts below. Note that although the marriage did not work out, neither of them has Kuja Dosha from the ascendant. They both have Kuja Dosha from the Moon. Nevertheless, the theory that Kuja Dosha (from the Moon) is cancelled if both partners have Kuja Dosha (from the Moon) has obviously not worked in this case. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name: Prince Charles Prepared By: Roeland De Looff | | Birth Date: 14-11-1948 Weekday: Sunday | | Time: 21:14:00 GMT: 21:14:00 | | Time Zone: 0 West TZ Name: Greenwich Mean Time | | Latitude: 51 30'00" North Location: | | Longitude: 0 10'00" West Ayanamsa: Lahiri 23 08'23" |





| | | Rasi Angle and Sign Nakshatra, Lord, Pada, Sound Velocity | | -------------------------- --------------------------- -------- | |Ascendant: 12 14'45" Cancer Pushyami Saturn 3 HO 0.72 | | Sun: 29 17'53" Libra Vishakha Jupiter 3 THAY 1.01 | | Moon: 7 17'28" Aries Aswini Ketu 3 CHO 0.93 | | Mercury: 13 50'33" Libra Swati Rahu 3 RO 1.48 | | Venus: 23 16'02" Virgo Hasta Moon 4 DHA 1.22 | | Mars: 27 49'38" Scorpio Jeyshta Mercury 4 YU 1.38 | | Jupiter: 6 45'31" Sagittarius Moola Ketu 3 BA 2.46 | | Saturn: 12 08'17" Leo Makha Ketu 4 MAY 1.70 | | Rahu: 11 52'07" D Aries Aswini Ketu 4 LA 0.01 | | Ketu: 11 52'07" D Libra Swati Rahu 2 RAY 0.01 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ |9th Pisces |10th Aries |11th Taurus |12th Gemini | | | Moon -| | | | | Rahu D -- | | | | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |8th Aquarius | |1st Cancer | | | | Ascendant | | | | | | | Rasi Chart | | |-------------------| for |------------------| |7th Capricorn | Prince Charles |2nd Leo | | | | Saturn | | | | | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |6th Sagittarius |5th Scorpio |4th Libra |3rd Virgo | | Jupiter MT | Mars ORT | Ketu D ++ | Venus f=++ | | | | Mercury =++ | | | | | Sun fe | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name: Princess Diana Prepared By: Roeland De Looff | | Birth Date: 01-07-1961 Weekday: Saturday | | Time: 18:45:00 GMT: 18:45:00 | | Time Zone: 0 West TZ Name: Greenwich Mean Time | | Latitude: 52 30'00" North Location: | | Longitude: 0 30'00" East Ayanamsa: Lahiri 23 19'00" | | | | Rasi Angle and Sign Nakshatra, Lord, Pada, Sound Velocity | | -------------------------- --------------------------- -------- | |Ascendant: 25 27'44" Scorpio Jeyshta Mercury 3 YE 0.88 | | Sun: 16 21'41" Gemini Aridra Rahu 3 JNA 0.95 | | Moon: 1 43'00" Aquarius Dhanishta Mars 3 GU 1.06 | | Mercury: 9 53'21" Rx Gemini Aridra Rahu 1 KU -0.47 | | Venus: 1 06'06" Taurus Krittika Sun 2 EE 1.02 | | Mars: 8 20'35" Leo Makha Ketu 3 MU 1.10 | | Jupiter: 11 46'52" Rx Capricorn Sravana Moon 1 JU -1.25 | | Saturn: 4 29'47" Rx Capricorn U. Ashada Sun 3 JA -2.05 | | Rahu: 4 43'59" Dx Leo Makha Ketu 2 ME -0.20 |

| Ketu: 4 43'59" Dx Aquarius Dhanishta Mars 4 GAY +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -0.20 | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ |5th Pisces |6th Aries |7th Taurus |8th Gemini | | | | Venus Oe | Mercury Rx O | | | | | Sun -| | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |4th Aquarius | |9th Cancer | | Moon TKe+ | | | | Ketu Dx ++ | | | | | Rasi Chart | | |-------------------| for |------------------| |3rd Capricorn | Princess Diana |10th Leo | | Saturn Rx O| | Rahu Dx | | Jupiter Rx Tf- | | Mars K++ | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------| |2nd Sagittarius |1st Scorpio |12th Libra |11th Virgo | | | Ascendant | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+ THE EASY ANALYSIS First let us do the easy analysis. Ascendant: The ascendant of Charles in in Cancer and of Lady Di in Scorpio. This is a 5/9 relationship and therefore good. Moon: The Moon of Charles is in Aries and the Moon of Lady Di in Aquarius. This is a 3/11 relationship and therefore quite well. On the level of the mind (Moon) they will connect well to each other. Sun: The Sun of Lady Di is in Gemini and of Charles in Libra. This is a 5/9 relationship and is very good. On the level of the soul (Sun) there must have been agreement. Mercury: Mercury in Dianas chart is in Gemini and in the chart of Charles in Libra. Again this is a 5/9 relationship, which means that there must have been good communication. Venus: The Venus of Charles is in Virgo and the Venus of Diana is in Taurus. This is another 5/9 relationship. There must have been some love between the couple. Mars: Mars in Charles chart is in Scorpio and Mars in Dianas chart is in Leo. This is a kendra relationship and therefore difficult. The two energies are in conflict. There must have been some fights. Because there is a considerable difference in age we can proceed to analyse Jupiter and Saturn Jupiter: Jupiter in the chart of Diana is in Capricorn and in the chart of Charles in Sagitarius. This is a 2/12 relationship and therefore bad. Their goals and ideals must have been different. Saturn: Saturn in the chart of Diana is in Capricorn and in the chart of Charles in Leo. The relationship is 6/8 and therefore bad. Being in each others presence did certainly not lessen the feelings of inadequacy Conclusion: The ascendant, Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus agree. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are not. This is a somewhat better than average score. However, we have more information than that, by making the analysis we have seen where the difficulties are and where there are points of agreement. TAJIKA ANALYSIS I will follow my own advice and keep a maximum orb of 5 degrees. This type of analysis is easier if you take one chart as the point of departure. I will use the chart of Diana for that, but I could also have taken the chart of Charles. Diana has her ascendant at 25.27 Scorpio. First, we have to look whether Charles has planets between 20.27 (25.27-5) and 30.00 of each sign (we do not go beyond a sign). If we have found such planets we will have to analyze whether they form aspects and if so which aspects. Charles has the Sun in Libra at 29.16, but because planets in Libra cannot make aspects to planets in Scorpio this is not an aspect. He also has Mars at 27.48 Scorpio. This is right on her ascendant. She (ascendant) will stimulate his energy (Mars). This aspect may also cause disagreements. His Venus is at 23.14 Virgo. This is a sextile and therefore positive. His sense of beauty (Venus) is pleased by her presence (ascendant). The Moon of Diana is at 1.43 Aquarius. We are going to look whether Charles has planets between 0 (we never go beyond the sign) and 6.43 degrees of each sign. He does not have any. It seems he is incapable of connecting to her on the level of feelings and he can not reach her mind. In a relationship, this is problematic.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16.



11. The Sun of Diana is at 16.21 Gemini. The range that we have to investigate is 11.21 tot 21.21. We find the ascendant of Charles at 12.14 Cancer. A planet, which is in Cancer cannot make a Tajika aspect to a planet that is in Sagittarius. Mercury in Charles chart is at 13.48 in Libra. This is a trine and may mean that Charles can reason (Mercury) with Diana (Sun). On an intellectual level, he can connect with her. Charles Saturn is in Leo at 12.07. This is a sextile. Charles may ground (Saturn) Diana (Sun). Mercury in Dianas chart is at 9.53 Gemini. The range is 4.53 tot 14.53. The ascendant of Charles is within range but does not make a Tajika aspect because an astrological point in Cancer cannot make an aspect to a planet in Gemini. The Moon is at 7.17 Aries, which makes a sextile to Dianas Mercury. He can talk (Mercury) to Diana about his feelings (Moon) (however, we have seen under 2 that she cannot do the same thing to him). His Mercury is at 13.48 Libra. This is a trine. On a more intellectual level they can connect well to each other. His Saturn is at 12.07 Leo. He may help her to speak (Mercury) clearly (Saturn). Venus in the chart of Diana is at 1.06 Taurus. The range is 0-6.06. Now we see that not a single planet of Charles makes an aspect to this Venus. Because Venus is the natural karaka for marriage, this is a bad situation. It is strange that her husband does not activate Dianas planet of love and marriage in any way. The Mars of Diana is at 8.21 Leo. The range will be 3.21 and 13.21. Charles ascendant is at 12.14 in Cancer. This is not an aspect, because an astrological factor in Cancer cannot make a Tajika aspect to a planet in Leo. The Moon of Charles is at 7.17 Aries. This is a trine. Charles mind (Moon) will be empowered (Mars) by Diana. Jupiter in Charles chart is at 6.44 Sagittarius. Again, a trine. Charles will stimulate (Jupiter) her strength (Mars). Charles Saturn is at 12.08 Leo. This is a conjunction. A conjunction especially between to planets which are very much different from each other is difficult. Mars is a planet that wants totally different things than Saturn. Mars wants to express his energy. Saturn restricts. Therefore, Charles Saturn restricts the expression of the energy of Diana. This is interesting because when we were dealing with the trine of his Jupiter to her Mars we said Charles would support her energy. In Tajika analysis, it is inevitable that we encounter situations like that. It may very well be that on one level he supported her energy (indeed it was because of him that she came out into the limelight) and on another level blocked it (their bad marriage). Jupiter in Dianas chart is at 11.47 Capricorn. The range is 6.47 tot 16.47. Charles has his ascendant at 12.14 Cancer. Therefore, Dianas Jupiter is located opposite his ascendant. What is even more interesting is that it conjuncts a point called the descendant which says something about marriage (the descendant is always exactly opposite the ascendant). Jupiters Diana on his descendant (marriage point) is very good. She seems to be able to fullfill his wishes on the field of marriage. The Moon of Charles is at 7.17 Aries. This is a square. Now squares of Jupiter are not that bad, because Jupiter is the great benefic. It may be that she gives some unrest in his mind (Moon), but this is not an aspect, which causes great problems. Another square is made to his Mercury, which is in Libra (13.51). It may be that she stimulates his thinking too much and brings some unrest in her life. Saturn in Dianas chart is at 4.30 Capricorn. The range is 0-9.30. Charles Moon is at 7.17 Aries. This is a square. A SaturnMoon affliction is one of the worst aspects possible. The Moon is where we are vulnerable. If the Saturn of a person afflicts our Moon than we do not feel safe with that person. Neither do we feel accepted by him or her. Diana may cause Charles to feel depressed. Especially in a marriage, this is a probematic aspect. The conclusion is many aspects are harmonic (although there are also some very difficult ones). There must be some reason why for many people they appeared to be a dream couple for some time and we should realize that it is because of this marriage that Diana changed from an unknown girl into a legend. However, it is striking that neither Dianas Moon nor Venus were touched by the planets of Charles. I believe that these soft planets are cruxial in marriage. Whatever their connection was, on the feeling of love (Venus) and feelings (Moon) Diana was not touched by Charles at all. By giving interpretations, I have given the more commonly used interpretations. However, it may be that in this special case we could also have choosen other meanings for the planets. Like Jupiter is the planet that has to do with fame. The Sun is the planet of royalty. If you look at some of the trines and sextiles with these alternative meanings in mind this may give additional insight in how these trines have worked out. My goal was to give an example of a Tajika analysis, which is of use to you when you make your own analyses. That is why I have choosen the more common meanings of the planets and have not choosen meanings which possibly could be more appropiate for this particular situation. KUTA ANALYSIS OF CHARLES AND DIANA We are not done with Charles and Diana yet. Now we will make their Kuta analysis. Dina Kuta: Dianas Moon is in Dhanista (23). Charles Moon is in Ashwini (1). Now we have to count: 23,24,25,26,27,1 the Nakshatra of Charles is 6 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of Diana. This is good. Therefore 3 points are given. Gana Kuta: Charles has his Moon in a deva Nakshatra, but Diana is a Rakshaka. This is a difficult match therefore no points are given. Mahendra Kuta: The Nakshatra of Charles is 6 Nakshatras from that of Diana. Therefore the match according to this factor is bad. Stree Deergha: The Nakshatra of Charles is not more than 9 Nakshatras away from the Nakshatra of Diana. The pairing is bad. Yoni: Now we will finally know how Charles and Diana felt when they were making love. Charles yoni is the yoni of of male horse. However, Diana has the yoni of a female Mongoose. This gives only one point. Rasi Kuta: The Moon of Diana is in Aquarius and the Moon of Charles in Aries. That means the Moon of Charles is in the third from the Moon of Diana. This gives bad results. No points are given. Graha Maitram: The lord of Dianas Moon is Saturn and of Charles Moon is Mars. According to diagram 5 in the first course Saturn is neutral to Mars, but Mars is an enemy to Saturn. This could result in point. However, in the navamsa of Diana (not shown) the Moon is in Libra and in the navamsa of Charles (not shown) the Moon is in Gemini. It happens that Venus is a friend of Mercury and Mercury is a friend of Venus. Therefore three points are given.






13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Vasya: Charles Moon feels attraction to Leo and Scorpio. However Dianas Moon is in Aquarius. Dianas Moon feels attracted to Aries, which is the sign in which Charles Moon is located. Therefore one point is given. Rajju: Charles Moon (Ashwini) is located in Padarajju and Dianas Moon (Dhanista) in Sirorajju. Thus they are located in different rajus, which is good . Vedha: Ashwini and Dhanita do not afflict each other. Therefore this factor is good. Varna: Aries and Aquarius are Vaisya signs. Therefore they are of the same Varna. This is good and one point is being given because of that. Nadi: Ashwini is a Vata Nakshatra and Dhanistha is Pitta. These are different doshas. Therefore eight points are given. The maximum amount of points to be gained is 36. In this case the match gets 17 points. This is not good. A Vedic astrologer would not have approved of this marriage. 8. EXERCISE To make this exercise you have to compare your chart to the chart of your partner (or ex- partner). First make the easy analysis, which consists of comparing the signs in which the ascendant, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars (and if the age difference is considerable Jupiter and Saturn) are located. Then make a Tajika analysis. Finally, make an evaluation according to the Kuta system of chart analysis. If you are in a homosexual relationship, you could make the analysis twice. First, an evaluation with partner A in the male and with partner B in the female role. Then an analysis with partner B in the male and partner A in the female position. You have to take the average of the results. This is also the way to analyse non-sexual relationships using the Kuta system. Sorry for the extra work
Bhava Bhava karakas and the (house signs of Zodiac from 1st ) sign Aries 1. Tanu SUN - ARIES - Body Devata Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Sun) Dosha (Aries)

4. 5. 6.

Significations of Bhava The Self (Atman), physiology, innate nature, psychological make-up, personality, temperament, ego, constitution, character, complexion, the empirical self, dignity, sense of self-worth, general welfare, happiness, fame, status in society, splendor, health, vitality, longevity, victory over enemies, strength or weakness, vigour, place of birth.

Family Members

Agni Ruby Bones Pitta Pitta

Father's mother. Mother's father.

2. JUPITER - TAURUS Dhana - Devata - Indra Wealth Ruling Gem - Y. Sapphire Sapta Dhatu - Fat Dosha (Jupiter) - Kapha Dosha (Taurus) - Vata 3. MARS - GEMINI Sahaja Devata Coborn Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Mars) Dosha (Aries)

Wealth, speech, family, food, drink, jewels, movable property, ornaments, precious metals, clothes, vision, quality of face, hair, mouth, teeth, tongue, jaw & voice; spoken & facial expression, cheerfulness, selfconfidence, creative imagination, learning, education, memory, fixity of mind, oral expression of knowledge, sources of income, maintenance of others.

Parental family. Self-created family.

Siblings... Deliberate actions, motivation, interests, hobbies, sports, Subrahmanya pleasures, assistance, servants, neighbors, short-term First youngest. desires, short trips, short contacts, telephonic contacts, Siblings of Red Coral writing, correspondence, strength, valor, courage, mother's father. Marrow stamina, initiation into spiritual practices, singing, acting Pitta talent, playing musical instruments, manual skills, computer skills, death of parents, cause of own death. V/P/K

4. MOON - CANCER Bandhu Devata varuna Ruling Gem Relativ pearl es Sapta Dhatu blood Dosha (waxing Moon) kapha Dosha (waning Moon)vata Dosha (Cancer) kapha

Mother. Mind, heart, feelings, happiness, close friends, all family Close relatives. members, mother, all well-wishers, home, comforts, home country, landed property, houses, gardens, underground treasures, wells, graves, agricultural products, vehicles, horses, elephants, cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep, holy places, moral virtues, devotion to God, piety, righteous conduct, character, good name and reputation, education, erudition, ultimate results, end of undertakings, conditions at close of life.

5. Putra JUPITER - LEO - Son Devata Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Jupiter) Dosha (Leo) Indra Y. Sapphire Fat Kapha Pitta Children. Creative Intelligence, knowledge, education, memory, Second younger talents, judgment, discretion, advice, merits from past sibling. life, devotion to gods and brahmins, deity of one's choice, knowledge of mantras, tantras and yantras, virtues, ruling powers, royalty, authority, fall from position, literary works, amusements, romance, children, disciples, wealth, prosperity.

6. Ari - MARS - VIRGO Enemy Devata Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Sun) Dosha (Aries) 7. VENUS - LIBRA Yuvati - Devata Spouse Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Venus) Dosha (Libra)

Agni Ruby Bones Pitta Pitta

Worries, anxieties, obstacles, enemies, thieves, vices, challenges, tests, urge for perfection, self-improvement techniques, competitive power, turning obstacles into opportunities, difference of opinion, conflicts, debts, diseases, suffering, wounds, service, daily job, imprisonment, quadrupeds, pet animals, receiving charity.

Maternal uncle. Stepmother.

Shachi Diamond Bones K/V V/P/K

Spouse. Husband, wife, partner, lover, marriage, partnership, 2nd child. sexual affairs, medium-term desires, business partner, 3rd younger co-operation, trade, commerce, travel, journeys, law sibling. courts, litigation, living abroad, nature of spouse, relationship with all others, the world at large as seen by the native, happiness from children.


SATURN - SCORPIO Devata Randhr Ruling Gem a Vulnera Sapta Dhatu ble Dosha (Saturn) Point Dosha (Scorpio)

Brahma Muscles Vata Kapha

Longevity, transformation, intuition, knowledge of past, present and future, cognition of universal consciousness, experience of the constitution of the universe, transcendence, siddhis, rebirth, discontinuation, separation, chronic ailments, dangers, agonies, accidents, enemies, mode of death, wealth of spouse, unearned wealth, inheritance, underground places, hidden treasures, mysteries of life and death, overseas journeys.

Family of spouse.

9. JUPITER - SAGITTARIUS Dharma Devata indra Spiritua Ruling Gem lity Sapta Dhatu fat Dosha (Jupiter) kapha Dosha (Sagittarius)pittta

Brother's wife. Wife's brother. Dharma, Vedic science, support of nature, merits from Children. past lives, fortunes, wisdom, meditation, yagya, tapas, life philosophy, world view, religion, faith, guru, worship, Grandchildren. piety, morality, ethics, higher education, professional 4th younger training, children, solution to problems, visits to shrines, sibling. pilgrimages, foreign travels, air travels.

10. MERCURY - CAPRICORN Karma Devata Ruling Gem Activity Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Mercury) Dosha (Capricorn) 11. JUPITER - AQUARIUS Labha Devata Income Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Jupiter) Dosha (Aquarius)

Vishnu Emerald Skin V/P/K Vata

Activity, occupation, profession, career, reputation, prestige, success and status in society, honor from government, promotion, rank, renown, fame, ambition, happiness, authority, royalty, ruling power, sense of importance, dignity, living in foreign lands, commerce, trade, clothing.


- Indra - Fat - Kapha - V/P/K

Elder siblings. First eldest. Income, gains, long-term desires, profits, all articles, prosperity, fulfillment of hopes and wishes, good news, Son's wife. auspicious events, elder siblings, air travel, circle of 5th younger friends, community, club-life, quadrupeds; eleventh lord sibling. signifies difficulties and diseases.

12. SATURN - PISCES Vyaya Devata - Loss Ruling Gem Sapta Dhatu Dosha (Saturn) Dosha (Pisces) - Brahma - Muscles - Vata - Kapha Expenses, losses, wastes, loss of relativity, gain of Father's brother. spirituality, moksha, renunciation, enlightenment, loss of Stepfather. attachment, loss of identification, intoxication, lonely places, donations, charity, journey to far off distant lands, confinement in prison, barracks, hospital or monastery, pleasures of the bed, spies, secret enemies, fall, sin.



44 AstraWare - Past Life Software The Soul Urge The Soul Urge or as it is sometimes called, the heart's desire, is an important core influence in numerology. This number is made up from the vowels (a, e, i, o and u) in your full birth name just as it is recorded on your birth certificate. The sum of all of these letter, converted to numbers, and reduced to a single number or a master number is your Soul Urge. This means your inner craving, likes and dislikes. This number denotes what you value most regardless of Life Path (what you are from birth) and expression (what you will become in life). Here is a chart reflecting the number value of the vowels and sometime vowels: 1 A 2 3 U 4 5 E W* 6 O 7 Y* 8 9 I -

* A Y is also a vowel when there is no other vowel in a syllable (Lynn

* A Y is also a vowel when there is no other vowel in a syllable (Lynn or Carolyn) and when it is preceded by a vowel and sounded as one sound (Hayden). A W is treated as a vowels when it is preceeded by a vowel and produces a single sound, as in such names and Bradshaw. Find your Soul Urge Number reading below: 1 Your Soul Urge is the number 1. With a Soul Urge number of 1, you want to lead and direct, to work independent of supervision, by yourself or with subordinates. You take pride in you abilities and want to be recognized for them. You may seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness, wanting to create and originate. In your desire to manage the big picture and the main issues, you may often leave the details to others. The positive 1 Soul Urge is Ambitious and determined, a leader seeking opportunities. There is a great deal of honesty and loyalty in this character. If you possess positive 1 Soul Urge qualities, you are very attainment oriented and driven to success. You are a loyal friend and strictly fair in your business dealings. The negative side of the 1 Soul Urge must be avoided. A negative 1 is apt to dominate situations and people; the home, the spouse, the family and the business. Emotions aren't strong in this nature. If you possess an excess of 1 energy, you may, at times, be boastful and egotistic. You must avoid being too critical and impatient of trifles. The great need of the 1 Soul Urge is the development of friendliness, and a sincere interest in people. 2 With the Soul Urge number 2, your motivation is centered on friendships, partnerships, and companionship. You want to work with others as a part of a cooperative team. Leadership is not important to you, but making a contribution to the team effort is. You are willing to work hard to achieve a harmonious environment with sensitive, genial people. In a positive sense, the 2 Soul Urge is sympathetic, extremely concerned and devoted. The nature tends to be very sensitive to others, always tactful and diplomatic. This element in your nature indicates that you are rather emotional. You are persuasive, but in a very quiet way, never forceful. You are the type that makes really close friendships because you are so affectionate and loving. If this number is over-emphasized in your makeup, you may be over-sensitive, with a delicate ego that is too easily hurt. You may be timid or fearful, too easygoing for your own good. 3 With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social. You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance. The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor. On the negative side, you may at times become too easygoing and too optimistic, tending to scatter forces and accomplish very little. Often, the excessive 3 energy produces non-stop talkers. Everyone has faults, but the 3 soul urge doesn't appreciate having these pointed out. 4 With the Soul Urge or Motivation number of 4 you are likely to strive for a stable life. You tend to follow a rather orderly pattern and systematic approach in your endeavors. You have an inner desire to serve others in a methodical and diligent manner. You want to be in solid, conventional, and well-regulated activities, and you are somewhat disturbed by innovation and erratic or sudden changes. Excellent at organizing, systematizing, and managing, you have a way of establishing order and maintaining it. You are responsible, reliable and in the final analysis, practical. Highly analytical, you can see your way through all sorts of situations and generally have a clear understanding of the issues. You are a very honest, sincere, and conscientious individual. The negative side of the 4 is rigid, stubborn and somewhat narrow-minded. There is a tendency to hide feelings, or to really not be aware of real feelings. Avoid being too rigid and stubborn in your thinking, and try to always see the big picture rather than becoming to involved with the detail. Don't be afraid to take a chance once in awhile. 5 The 5 soul urge or motivation would like to follow a life of freedom, excitement, adventure and unexpected happening. The idea of travel and freedom to roam intrigues you. You are very much the adventurer at heart. Not particularly concerned about your future or about getting ahead, you can seem superficial and unmotivated. In a positive sense, the energies of the number 5 make you very adaptable and versatile. You have a natural resourcefulness and enthusiasm that may mark you as a progressive with a good mind and active imagination. You seem to have a natural inclination to be a pace-setter. You are attracted to the unusual and the fast paced. You may be overly restless and impatient at times. You may dislike the routine work that you are engaged in, and tend to jump from activity to activity, without ever finishing anything. You may have difficulty with responsibility. You don't want to be tied down to a relationship, and it may be hard to commit to one person. 6 With a number 6 Soul Urge, you would like to be appreciated for your ability to handle responsibility. Your home and family are likely to be a strong focus for you, perhaps the strongest focus of your life. Friendship, love, and affection are high on your list of priorities for a happy life. You have a lot of diplomatic tendencies in your makeup, as you a able to rectify and balance situations with an innate skill. You like working with people rather than by yourself. It is extremely important for you to have harmony in your environment at all times. The positive side of the 6 Soul Urge produces a huge capacity for responsibility; you are always there and ready to assume more than your share of the load. If you possess positive 6 Soul Urges and express them, you are known for your generosity, understanding and deep sympathetic attitude. Strong 6 energy is very giving of love, affection, and emotional support. You may have the inclination to teach or serve your community in other idealistic ways. You have natural abilities to help people. You are also likely to have artistic and creative leanings. If you have an over-supply of 6 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative traits common to this number. With such a strong sympathetic attitude, it is easy to become too emotional. Sometimes the desires to render help can be over done, and it can become interfering and an attitude that is too protective, rather than helpful. The person with too much 6 energy often finds that people tend to take advantage of this very giving spirit. You may tend to repress your own needs so that you can cater to the demands from others. At times, there may be a tendency in this, for becoming over-loaded with such demands, and as a result become resentful. 7

With a number 7 Soul Urge you are very fond of reading, and retreating to periods of being alone and away from the disruptions of the outer world. You like to dream and develop you idealistic understandings, to study and analyze, to gain knowledge and wisdom. You may be too laid back and withdrawn to really succeed in the business world, and you will be much more comfortable in circumstances that are tolerant of your reserve, your analytical approach, and your desire to use your mind rather than your physical being. You are very timid around people that you don't know very well, so much so at times that casual conversation and social situations can be strained. You tend to repress your emotions to the extend that some people have a good bit of difficult understanding you. You tend to be very selective with friends and you don't easily adapt to new environments or to new people very quickly. The negative traits of the 7 include becoming too much the introvert and isolated from others. 8 With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flare for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition. Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment. The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn. 9 With a 9 Soul Urge, you want to give to others, usually in a humanitarian or philanthropic manner. You are highly motivated to give friendship, affection and love. And you are generous in giving of your knowledge and experience. You have very sharing urges, and you are likely to have a great deal to share. Your concern for others makes you a very sympathetic and generous person with a sensitive and compassionate nature. You are able to view life in very broad and intuitive terms. You often express high ideals and an inspirational approach to life. If you are able to fully realize the potential of your motivation, you will be a very self-sacrificing person who is able to give freely without being concerned about any return or reward. As with all human beings, you are prone to sometimes express the negative attitudes inherent to your Soul Urges. You may become too sensitive and tend to express emotions strongly at times. There can be significant conflict between higher aims and personal ambitions. You may resent the idea of giving all of the time and, in fact, if there is too much 9 energy in your nature you may reject the idea. You may often be disappointed in the lack of perfection in yourself and others. 11 With the 11 Soul Urge, much of your thinking and interests relate to the abstract, the spiritual, and utopian dreams. You are motivated toward idealistic concepts, and the sharing of your ideas and concepts with humanity. This number is not one that is giving in a material or a practical sense, but rather one who desires to help mankind with a more abstract commodity such as religion, spiritualism, occult studies, or even psychic abilities. If you possess the positive 11 Soul Urge traits, you have a dream of the perfect world; you are highly idealistic and inspirational. Your inner strength and devotion to your beliefs are extremely strong. You have a very good mind that is especially well equipped to handle the higher, more abstract forms of thought. If there is an excess of 11 energy in your makeup, you may possess some the negative 11 traits. There is a tendency for the 11 to produce considerable amounts of nervous tension which is bought on by a very high level of awareness. You may be too sensitive and overly emotional. In some cases, these sensitivities and emotions are quite repressed, and this tends to add even more to the sense of nervousness in the makeup. The strong 11 is not a very practical person because of the extreme idealism; often, there is a degree of self-deception present. There is usually a rather fixed idea of right and wrong held by those showing strong 11 traits, and with this very often is a resulting attitude of inflexibility. 22 The Soul Urge of the master number 22 is very much that of the master builder. You would like to use your abilities in an important humanitarian undertaking, and have an innate desire is to express the significant power you feel in a concrete manner, as a builder, engineer, diplomat, etc. In some way you want to make a considerable contribution to the world. The 22 gives a broad, universal outlook with a rather practical and common-sense approach. You have especially high intelligence, with an unusual perception and awareness. This number often denotes a high degree of diplomatic abilities and high ideals. You are a very capable person and you may possess special leadership abilities that you can and should develop. People respect you and recognize your superior foresight and vision. The negative side of the 22 soul urge is a high degree of nervous energy and a tendency to be very dominating. It is unfortunate that all who possess the urge of 22 do not use its energies to the greatest advantage; but then it should be recognized that these energies are understandably the most difficult to focus and direct. The Birthday The birthday is a supporting influence added to the Life Path. Think of it as a modifier to the Life Path. These are traits that you brought into this life much as with the more important and dominating traits shown by the Life Path. Here is your birthday and the modifying traits shown by it: 1 The number 1 energy suggests an increased measure of executive ability and leadership qualities than you path may have indicated. A birthday on day 1 of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush. You may be sensitive, but your feeling stay rather repressed. 2 Your birth on the 2nd day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading. The 2 is a very social number allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group. You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are more prone than most to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. 3 Being born on the 3rd day of the month is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in

writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. You are affectionate and loving, but sometimes too sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. 4 Being born on the 4th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer. You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than your Life Path suggested because of this date. Sincere and honest, you are a serious and hard working individual. Limitations may be imposed by this 4 energy, especially if this number is active elsewhere in your reading. Your feelings are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times. The number 4 has something of an inhibiting effect on your ability to show and express affections, as feeling are very closely regulated and controlled. Even if it by itself, you are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details. There is a good deal of rigidity and stubbornness associated with the number 4. 5 With a birthday on the 5th of the month you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them. You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas. You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel. You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable. Your mind is quick, clever and analytical. A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine. You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility. 6 A birthday on the 6th of the month adds a tone of responsibility, helpfulness, and understanding to your natural inclinations. Those born on the sixth are more apt to be open and honest with everyone, and more caring about family and friends, too. This is a number associated with responsibility and caring, and no matter what your lifepath, this birthday lends a degree of concern for others. 7 Born on the 7th day of month gives you a tendency to be something of a perfectionist and makes you more individualistic in many ways. Your mind is good at deep mental analysis and complicated reasoning. You are very psychic and sensitive, and you should usually follow your hunches. You may not take orders too well, so you may want to work along or in a situation where you can be the boss. This birthday gives a tendency to be somewhat self-centered and a little stubborn. 8 Born on the 8th day of the month, you have a special gift for business, as you can conceive and plan on a grand scale. You have good executive skills and you're a good judge of values. You should try to own your own business, because you have such a strong desire to be in control. You are generally reliable when it comes to handling money; you can be trusted in this regard. Idealistic by nature, you are never too busy to spend some time on worthwhile causes, especially if managerial support are needed. There is much potential for material success associated with this number. 9 Your birth on the 9th day of the month adds a tone of idealism and humanitarianism to your nature. You become one who can work easily with people because you are broadminded, tolerant and generous. You are ever sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and even if the other numbers in your core makeup don't show it, you are very sympathetic and compassionate. Your feeling run deep and you often find yourself in dramatically charged situations. This 9 energy always tends to give more that it gets. 10 Your birth on the 10th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your Life Path. The number 1 energy suggest more executive ability and leadership qualities than you path may have indicated. A birthday on the 10th of any month gives greater will power and selfconfidence, and very often a rather original approach. This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush. You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed. You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations. 11 Your birth on the 11th day of the month makes you something of a dreamer and an idealist. You work well with people because you know how to use persuasion rather than force. There is a strong spiritual side to your nature, and you may have intuitive qualities inherent in your make up, too. You are very aware and sensitive, though often temperamental. Although you have a good mind and you are very analytical, you may not be comfortable in the business world. You are definitely creative and this influence tends to make you more of a dreamer than a doer. 12 Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. 13 Being born on the 13th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer, but it may also give you a tendency to dominate people a bit. You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than your Life Path suggested because of this date. Sincere and honest, you are a serious, hard working individual. Limitations may be imposed by this 4 energy, especially if there is additional indications the number elsewhere in your number. Your feeling are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times. Even if it by itself, you are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details. Your intolerance and insistence on complete accuracy can be irritating to some. 14 With a birthday on the 14th of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them. You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas, and you are also very good at organization and systematizing. You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel. You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable. Your mind is quick, clever and analytical. A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine, and rebel against it. You have a tendency to shirk responsibility. 15 With a birthday on the 15th of any month, you are apt to have really strong attachments to home, family and domestic scene. The 1 and 5 equaling 6, provide the sort of energy that makes you an excellent parent or teacher. You are very responsible and capable. This is an attractive and an attracting influence. You like harmony in your environment and strive to maintain it. You tend to learn by observation rather than study and research. You may

like to cook, but you probably don't follow recipes. This number shows artistic leanings and would certainly support an talents that may be otherwise in your makeup. You're a very generous and giving person, but perhaps a bit stubborn in ways. 16 Your birth on the 16th day of the month gives a sense of loneliness and generally the desire to work alone. You are relatively inflexible, and insist on your being independent. You need a good deal of time to rest and to meditate. You are introspective and a little stubborn. Because of this, it may not be easy for you to maintain permanent relationships, but you probably will as you are very much into home and family. This birth day inclines to interests in the technical, the scientific, and to the religious or the unknown realm of spiritual explorations. The date gives you a tendency to seek unusual approaches and makes your style seem a little different and unique to those around you. Your intuition is aided by the day of your birth, but most of your actions are bedded in logic, responsibility, and the rational approach. You may be emotional, but have a hard time expressing these emotions. Because of this, there may be some difficulty in giving or receiving affection. 17 Your birth on the 17th day of the month suggests that you are very fortune financially, because this date is very good for business interest and a solid business sense. Although you are probably very honest and ethical, this birthday enables you to be shrewd and successful in the world of business and commercial enterprise. You have excellent organizational, managerial, and administrative capabilities enabling you to handle large projects and significant amounts of money with relative ease. You are ambitious and highly goal-oriented, although you may be better at starting projects than you are at finishing them. A sensitivity in your nature, often repressed below the surface of awareness, makes it hard to give or receive affection. 18 Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity. There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself. You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator. You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas. Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed. There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others. Oddly enough, you don't expect as much in return as you give. 19 Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your Life Path, but poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated. A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach; but with this, a somewhat self-centered approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life. This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush. You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed. You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations. You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well. Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences. The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married. You may take on a tendency to be nervous and anger more easily than your Life Path number suggests. 20 Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading. The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group. You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate. 21 Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. 22 While sometimes employing unorthodox approaches, you are capable of handling large scale undertakings, assuming great responsibility, and working long and hard towards their completion. Often, especially in the early part of life, there is rigidity or stubbornness, and a tendency to repress feelings. Idealistic, you work for the greater good with a good deal of inner strength and charisma. An extremely capable organizer, but likely to paint with broad strokes rather than detail. You are very aware and intuitive. You are subject to a good deal of nervous tension. 23 With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them. You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas. You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel. You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable. Your mind is quick, clever and analytical. A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine. You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility. Very sociable, you make friends easily and you are an excellent traveling companion. 24 Born on the 24th, you have a greater capacity for responsibility and helping others than may have shown in your life path. You may also become the mediator and peacemaker in inharmonious situations. Devoted to family, you tend to manage and protect. This birth date adds to the emotional nature and perhaps to the sensitivities. Affections are important to you; both the giving and the receiving. 25 Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects. You may become something of a perfectionist and a stickler for details. Your thinking is logical and intuitive, rational and responsible. Your feelings may run deep, but you are not very likely to let them show. This birthday makes you a more private person, more introspective and perhaps more inflexible. In friendships you are very cautious and reserved. You are probably inventive, and given to unique approaches and solutions. 26 Your birth on the 26th day of the month (8 energy) modifies your life path by increasing your capability to function and succeed in the business world. In this environment you have the skills to work very well with others thanks to the 2 and 6 energies combining in this date. There is a marked

increase in organizational, managerial, and administrative abilities. You are efficient and handle money very well. Ambitious and energetic, while generally remaining cooperative and adaptable. You are conscientious and not afraid of responsibility. Generally sociable and diplomatic, you tend to use persuasion rather than force. You have a wonderful combination of being good at both the broad strokes and the fine detail; good at starting and continuing. This birthday is practical and realistic, often seeking material satisfaction. 27 Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path. Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by your self to rest and meditate. Regardless of your life path number, there is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do. This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative. You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends. You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return. 28 Your birth on the 28th day of the month (1 energy) adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your Life Path. The number 1 energy suggest more executive ability and leadership qualities than you path may have indicated. A birthday on the 28th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. Unlike much of the other 1 energy, this birthday is one that endow with the ability to start a job and continue on until it is finished. You may prefer to use the broad brush, but you can handle details as well. You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed. You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations. 29 Your birthday on the 29th adds a tone of idealism to your nature. You are imaginative and creative, but rather uncomfortable in the business world. You are very aware and sensitive, with outstanding intuitive skills and analytical abilities. The 29 reduces to 11, one of the master numbers which often produces much nervous tension. This is the birthday of the dreamer rather than the doer. You do, however, work very well with people. 30 Your birthday on the 30th day of the month shows individual self-expression is necessary for your happiness. You tend to have a good way of expressing yourself with words, certainly in a manner that is clear and understandable. You have a good chance of success in fields requiring skill with words. You can be very dramatic in your presentation and you may be a good actor or a natural mimic. You have a vivid imagination that can assist you in becoming a good writer or story-teller. Strong in your opinions, you always tend to think you are on the right side of an issue. There may be a tendency to scatter your energies and have a lot of loose ends in your work. You may have significant artistic talent and be very creative. 31 Your birthday suggests that you are a good organizer and manager, an energetic and dependable worker; attributes often showing success in the business world. Serious and sincere, you have the patience and determination necessary to accomplish a great deal. Your approach can be original, but often rigid and stubborn. Sensitivity may be present, but feeling are likely to be repressed. You are good with detail and insist on accuracy, but at times scatter energies. Practical thinker, but not without imagination. You love travel and don't like to live alone. You should probably marry early, for responsibility is necessary for your stability. The Life Path Number The Life Path is the sum of the birth date. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. The most important number that will be discussed here is your Life Path number. The Life Path describes the nature of this journey through life. The Life Path number is established from the date of birth. First, convert the month to a single number or a master number (November stays 11 rather than 2). Then convert the day of birth to a single digit or master number. Next, add the total digits of year and reduce this sum to a single digit or master number. The individual digits representing the month, day, and year, be they single digits or master numbers, are then added together, as necessary to reduce the sum once again to a single digit 1 through 9, or to the numerology "master numbers," 11 or 22. These master numbers, as components of the date or as a final result, are not reduced any further. Example: If a person was born on October 23, 1972 (10-23-1972*), add the month 10 (which is reduced to 1) to the day 23 (which is reduced to 5) plus the the year 1972 (which reduces to 19, then to 10 and finally to 1). Thus, the total of the month, day, and year is 1+5+1. This date is a 7 Lifepath. *Be sure to add the full year, not just the last two digits, i.e. 1969, not 69. **For some reason, this step is often overlooked when the total is 10. 1+0=1 Read about your lifepath number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 1 The Life Path 1 drive in this life is characterized by individualist desires, independence, and the need for personal attainment. The purpose to be fulfilled on this Life Path is that of becoming independent. This is a two part learning process; first, you must learn to stand on your own two feet and learn not to depend on others. After you are indeed free and independent, you must learn to be a leader. Many of our Generals, corporate leaders, and political leaders are men and women having the Life Path number 1. The 1 always has the potential for greatness as a leader, but they may fail as a follower. Many 1's spend most of their lives shaking off their dependent side. When this happens, there is little time left for enjoying the rewards to be gained through independence. The individual with Life Path 1 has to overcome an environment in which it is very easy to be dependent, and difficult to be independent. A person with positive 1 traits abounds in creative inspiration, and possesses the enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. Your drive and potential for action comes directly from the enormous depth of strength you have. This is both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this strength comes utter determination and the capability to lead. As a natural leader you have a flair for taking charge of any situation. Highly original, you may have talents as an inventor or innovator of some sort. In any work that you choose, your independent attitude can show through. You have very strong personal needs and desires, and you feel it is always necessary to follow your own convictions. You are ambitious, and either understand or must learn the need for aggressive action to promote yourself. Although you may hide the fact for social reasons, you are highly self-centered and demand to have your way in most circumstances. When the 1 Life Path person is not fully developed and expressing the negative side of this number, the demeanor may appear very dependent rather than independent. If you are expressing this negative trait of the number 1, you are likely to be very dissatisfied with your circumstances, and long for

self-sufficiency. This is defined as the weak or dependent side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the strong side of this negative curve, the 1 energy can become too self-serving, selfish and egotistical. Over-confidence and impatience mark this individual. 2 The positive attributes of the number 2 Life Path produces extremely sensitive people who generally have the most delicate ability to be balanced and fair. You clearly see the full spectrum of viewpoints in any argument or situation, and because of this people may seek you out to be a mediator. In this role you are able to settle disputes with the most unbiased flair. There is sincere concern for others; you think the best of people, and want the best for them. You are totally honest and open in thought, word and deed. You are apt to excel in any for of group activity where your expertise in handling and blending people can be used effectively. Manners and tact mark your way with others at all times, and you are not one to dominate a group or situation. You are the master of compromise and of maintaining harmony in your environment, never stooping to aggravate or argue. In many ways, you are a creature of habit and routine, and you like to your path and pattern well worn and familiar. A natural collector, you rarely dispose of anything that may have a shred of value. The negative side of the 2 is hardly a problem. The biggest obstacle and difficulty you may face is that of passivity and a state of apathy and lethargy. The negative 2 can be very pessimistic and accomplishes very little. Needless to say, the negative 2 doesn't belong in the business world and even the more positive individual with the 2 Life Path may prefer a more amiable and less competitive environment. 3 The number 3 Life Path is one that emphasizes expression, sociability, and creativity as the lesson to be learned in this life. Here we are apt to find the entertainers of the world, bright, effervescent, sparkling people with very optimistic attitudes. A truly gifted 3 possesses the most exceptional creative skills, normally in the verbal realm, writing, speaking, acting, or similar endeavors. The lesson to be learned with a 3 life path is that of achievement through expression. The bright side of this path stresses harmony, beauty and pleasures; of sharing your creative talents with the world. Capturing your capability in creative self-expression is the highest level of attainment for this life path. The characteristics of the 3 are warmth and friendliness, a good conversationalist, social and open. A good conversationalist both from the standpoint of being a delight to listen to, but even more importantly, one who has the ability to listen to others. Accordingly, the life path 3 produces individuals who are always a welcome addition to any social situation and know how to make others feel at home. The creative imagination is present, if sometimes latent, as the 3 may not be moved to develop his talent. The approach to life tends to be exceedingly positive, however, and your disposition is almost surely sunny and open-hearted. You effectively cope with all of the many setbacks that occur in life and readily bounce back for more. It is usually easy for you to deal with problems because you can freely admit the existence of problems without letting them get you down. You have good manners and seem to be very conscious of other people's feelings and emotions. Life is generally lived to the fullest, often without much worry about tomorrow. You are not very good at handling money because of a general lack of concern about it. You spend it when you have it and don't when you don't. On the negative side, a 3 may be so delighted with the joy of living that the life becomes frivolous and superficial. You may scatter your abilities and express little sense of purpose. The 3 can be an enigma, for no apparent reason you may become moody and tend to retreat. Escapist tendencies are not uncommon with the 3 life path, and you find it very hard to settle into one place or one position. Guard against being critical of others, impatient, intolerant, or overly optimistic. Typically, the life path 3 gives an above-average ability in some art form. This can encompass painting, interior decorating, landscaping, crafts, writing, music, or the stage, or all of the above. You are apt to be a happy, inspired person, constantly seeking the stimuli of similar people. Your exuberant nature can take you far, especially if you are ever able to focus your energies and talents. 4 The Life Path 4 produces the most trustworthy, practical, and down-to-earth of individuals; the cornerstone members of society. The goal of this life path is learning to take orders and to carry them out with dedication and perseverance. You always demand as much from yourself as you do from others, and sometimes a lot more. You have the kind of will power that is often mistaken for sheer stubbornness. Once a decision is made, it will be followed through to the conclusion, right, wrong, or indifferent; you are very set in your ways and determined to handle things the way you are so certain that they should be handled. Your tenacity of purpose and ability to get the job done borders on obsession. You are an excellent organizer and planner because of your innate ability to view things in a very common sense and practical way. You are a wonderful manager with a great sense of how to get the job done. Loyal and devoted, you make the best of your marriage, and you are a dependable business partner. Friends may be few in number, but you are very close to them and once friendships are made, they often last a lifetime. The number 4 is solidly associated with the element of earth from which it gains it strength and utter sense of reality. You are one of the most dependable people you know. If patience and determination can ever win, you are sure to achieve great success in life. The negative side of the 4 can prove dogmatic to an excess, narrow-minded, and repressive. A lot of skin-deep people turn you off, and you lack the tact to keep your feelings from being totally clear to all around. Additionally, the negative 4 has a bad tendency to get too caught up in the daily routine of affairs and often misses the big picture and major opportunities that come along once in a while. 5 A Life Path 5 person is usually very versatile, adventurous, and progressive. With a 5 life path, you are one of those people who is always striving to find answers to the many questions that life poses. You want to be totally unrestrained, as this is the sign of freedom and independence. You abhor routine and boring work, and you are not very good at staying with everyday tasks that must be finished on time. You are, however, a good communicator, and you know how to motivate people around you, perhaps inclining you to be a teacher of some sort. A love of adventure may dominate your life. This may take the form of mental or physical manifestation, but in either case, you thrill to the chance for exploration and blazing new trails. You are apt to be multi-talented, but just as likely to suffer from some lack of direction, and there is often some confusion surrounding your ambition. On the average, the number 5 personality is rather happy-go-lucky; living for today, and not worrying too much about tomorrow. It is important for you to mix with people of a like mind, and try to avoid those that are too serious and demanding. It is also important for you to find a job that provides thought-provoking tasks rather than routine and redundant responsibilities. You do best dealing with people, but the important thing is that you have the freedom to express yourself at all times. You have an innate ability to think through complex matters and analyze them quickly, but then be off to something new. In the most negative application or use of the 5 energies, you could become very irresponsible in tasks and decisions concerning your home and business life. The total pursuit of sensation and adventure can result in your becoming self-indulgent and totally unaware of the feelings of those around you. In the worse case situations negative 5's are very undependable and self-serving. 6

The Life Path 6 indicates that very prominent in your nature is a strong sense of responsibility. You are idealistic and must feel useful to be happy. The main contribution you make is that of advice, service and ever present support. This is the Life Path related to leadership by example and assumption of responsibility, thus, it is your obligation to pick up the burden and always be ready to help. The Life Path 6 is one who is compelled to function with strength and compassion, a sympathetic and kind person, generous with personal and material resources. Wisdom, balance, and understanding are the cornerstones of this Life Path. Your extraordinary wisdom and the ability to understand the problems of others is apt to commence from an early age allowing you to easily span the generation gap and assume an important role in life early on. While the 6 may assume huge responsibilities in the community, the life revolves around the immediate home and family, for this is the most domestic of numbers. Most with Life Path 6 are the positive types who willingly carry far more than their fair share of the load and are always there when needed. You are very human and realistic about life, and you feel that the most important thing in your life is the home, family and friends. The number 6 Life Path actually produces few negative examples, but there are some pitfalls peculiar to the path. Avoid a tendency to become overwhelmed by responsibilities and a slave to others. Also, avoid being too critical (of yourself or of others). The misuse of this Life Path produces tendencies towards exaggeration, over-expansiveness, and self-righteousness. Imposing one's views in an interfering or meddling way must be an issue of concern. The natural burdens of this number are heavy, and on rare occasions, responsibility is abdicated by persons with this Life Path 6. This rejection of responsibility will make you feel very guilty and uneasy, and it will have very damaging effects upon your relationships with others. 7 A Life Path 7 person is a peaceful and affectionate soul, and by nature rather reserved and analytical. The overwhelming strength of the number 7 is reflected in the depth of thinking that is shown; you will garner knowledge from practically every source that you find. Intellectual, scientific and studious, you don't accept a premise until you have dissected the subject and arrived at you own independent conclusion. This is a very spiritual number and it often denotes a sort of spiritual wisdom that becomes apparent at a fairly early age. You need a good deal of quiet time to be with your own inner thoughts and dreams. You dislike crowds, noise and confusion. You are very thorough and complete in your work, the perfectionist who expects everyone else to be a meet a high standard of performance, too. You evaluate situations very quickly and with amazing accuracy. You rely heavily on your experiences and your intuition, rather than accepting advice from someone; your hunches usually prove to be very accurate, and knowing this, you are one who tends to follow the directions they seem to guide. It's easy for you to detect deception and recognize insincere people. You aren't one to have a wide circle of friends, but once you accept someone as a friend, it's for life. You really aren't a very social person, and your reserve is often taken to be aloofness. Actually, it's not that at all, but merely a cover up for your basic feeling of insecurity. You actually like being alone, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. In many ways, you would have fit in better in much earlier times when the pace of life was less hectic. In the most negative use of the 7 energies, you can become very pessimistic, lackadaisical, quarrelsome, and secretive. A Life Path 7 individual who is not living life fully and gaining through experiences, is a hard person to live with because of a serious lack of consideration and because there is such a negative attitude. The negative 7 is very selfish and spoiled. If you have any of the negative traits they are very difficult to get rid of because you tend to feel that the world really does owe you a living or in some way is not being fairly treated. Fortunately, the negative 7 is not the typical 7, at least not without some mitigating positive traits. This number is one that seems to have some major shifts from highs to lows. Stability in feelings may be elusive for you. 8 With the Life Path of the number 8 you are focused on learning the satisfactions to be found in the material world. The Life Path 8 produces many powerful, confident and materially successful people. You are apt to be very independent, forceful and competitive. Your routine is involved in practical, down-to-earth affairs, and there is relatively little time for dreams and visions. You will want to use your ambitions, your organizational ability, and your efficient approach to carve a satisfying niche for yourself. Most of your concerns involve money and learning of the power that comes with its proper manipulation. This Life Path is perhaps the one that is the most concerned with and desirous of status, as an accompaniment to material success. If you are a positive 8 you are endowed with tremendous potential for conceiving far-reaching schemes and ideas, and also possessing the tenacity and independence to follow them through to completion. In short, you are well-equipped for competition in the business world or in other competitive fields of endeavor. You know how to manage yourself and your environment. You are practical and steady in your pursuit of major objectives, and you have the courage of your convictions when it comes to taking the necessary chances to get ahead. The negative 8 can be dictatorial and often suppresses the enthusiasm and efforts of fellow member of the environment. Often, the strength of their own personality excludes close feelings for other people with whom they come in contact. Material gains and rewards often become issues of utmost importance, even to the neglect of family, home and peace of mind. Dedication to success can become an obsession. Emotional feelings are often suppressed by the negative 8, resulting in isolation and loneliness. All Life Path 8 people must avoid discounting the opinions of others. 9 The keys to the nature of a Life Path number 9 person are compassion, generosity, and a very humanitarian attitude. This is the lesson that must be learned in this life. Usually this number produces an individual that is very trustworthy and honorable, and one unlikely to harbor any sort of prejudice. Obviously, this is a rather tall order, but you are, in fact, a person that feels very deeply for individuals less fortunate than yourself, and if you are in a position to help, you certainly will. You tend to be quite sensitive, as you see the world with much feeling and compassion. The 9, being the highest of the single digit numbers, holds an elevated position and poses certain responsibilities. The purpose of life for those with a 9 life path is of a philosophical nature. Judges, spiritual leaders, healers and educators frequently have much 9 energy. Material gains are not overly important, although the quality of some life path 9 people is such that they are materially rewarded in very significant ways. Often, the number 9 life path requires a very selfless attitude and the giving up of material possessions for the common good. Even the very average of those with life path 9 possess extremely compassionate tendencies. The desire to help others, especially the troubled or underprivileged, is strong. You are apt to frequently find yourself being used and let down by others, as your generosity is misused and abused. The number 9's very deep understanding of life is sometimes manifested in the artistic and literary fields. Here you may be able to express your deep emotional feelings through painting, writing, music, or other art forms. Often, however, there if a great deal of difficulty finding a suitable outlet for the 9 Life Path. The 9 is usually well suited to the helping and healing professions; the number is less inclined to the competitive business environment. You have the ability to make friends very easily, as people are attracted to your magnetic, open personality. You have a special gift of understanding people, which if used correctly can be of great benefit to others. Your interest in people tends to make you quite social. People just naturally like you because you are so sympathetic, tolerant and broad-minded. In many ways, you are a romantic that can get lost in your loves and passions. Relationships can be difficult for you, however, because it is hard to strike a balance that will work effectively. If your partner is one sharing your

giving attitudes, the relationship will be happy and lasting. On the other hand, if you choose a partner whose focus is on material issues, problems will arise quickly. As do all the life path numbers, the 9 has its negative side, and because of the demanding nature of the truly positive 9, many tend to fail in this category. It is not uncommon for persons with the 9 life path to fight the realities and challenges of purpose imposed here because selflessness is not an easy trait. You may have difficulty believing that giving and a lack of personal ambition can be satisfying. It must be realized and accepted that little long-term satisfaction and happiness is to be gained by rejecting the natural humanitarian inclinations of this path. 11 The number 11 Life Path has the connotation of illumination describing its general focus. This is the number associated with spiritual awareness. As one of the two master numbers, the 11 yields understanding and knowledge beyond the grasp of others. The attitude toward life of those possessing this Life Path is somewhat extreme; extremely intuitive, avant-garde, idealistic, visionary, and cultured. These extremes make you an interesting, if unusual person, with much to offer society. The Life Path 11 person is deep-thinking, and you are no doubt interested in understanding many of life's mysteries and more intriguing facets. Your inventive mind and broad-minded views will permit you to succeed in life in any number of ventures. You can best serve society, however, in those endeavors utilizing your skills of counseling and guidance. Much of your idealism is people oriented and quite humanitarian in nature. You expect a great deal of yourself and of those to whom you are close. On the negative side, there is a lot of nervous tension associated with the 11 life path, and you can be a difficult person to deal with because of this. For this reason, relationships, at times, can be difficult. This is a Life Path that seems to feature broad mood swings between the elation and depression. You are likely to have trouble making decisions and getting your life in gear, so to speak. There is a tendency for the 11 to harbor feelings of uneasiness, and dissatisfaction with accomplishments and personal progress in life. Your grandiose schemes usually make sense, but you can get off the track and they can be very impractical. You have a very distinct side that lacks common sense, and you are quite often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. In this regard, you are perhaps more of a dreamer than a doer. When you do get on target, your ideas seem to have been inspired on high. Perhaps you are not a leader, but you are a visionary and a very talented idea person. 22 The Life Path 22 is the higher of the two master number, and the most powerful of all the Life Path numbers. As such, it is also the most difficult to live up to and fulfill. The 22 individual in endowed with many powers from within and they can reach any heights in life. A truly positive Life Path 22 person, equipped with a suitable education, can be a master builder in society. An idealistic nature is grounded in practical terms, allowing you to conceive grandiose, far-reaching schemes and carry them through to the end. If you desire and are willing to work for it, you can achieve enormous success, prestige, and fame. Obviously, everyone with this Life Path does not become famous, but you may have realized early in life that you have the capacity to accomplish a great deal with relatively little effort. Several Life Path number possess special spiritual understanding, however, the 22 is unique in that this path has great understanding, but also the ability to apply knowledge in a practical way. There is purpose to your life and you view your tasks and obligations in a very emotionally controlled and determined way. Really negative 22 people are very rare. When they do show up, there power is similar to positive 22, but motivations are in a negative vein and they are very dictatorial, insensitive, and overbearing. The majority of 22 people fall into an average category who still have sufficient ability to reach great heights within their chosen fields. The ability to control emotion may help in the business world. This is a powerful Life Path, both for the material gain it can bring and for the higher good that is often achieved for mankind.

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