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According to the article Adam Smith and Capitalism for Beginners, capitalism comes from the word capital,

which also comes from the word caput, meaning head ( as in a head of cattle or chattel; a unit of movable wealth). In capitalism, money is the main unit as it is a movable wealth, and the use of this wealth is determined by individuals, not the government. Thus, to summarize that, capitalism is a social organization by which private money-making (the build-up of capital, of herds of money) is its chief end. This term was known when it was written by Adam Smith in his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth Of Nations which was published in 1776. Adam Smith is a Scottish moral philosopher. He was named as The Greatest Scots of all time in 2009. He lived from 5 June 1723 untill 17 July 1790. Eventhough he was born in Scotland but he has a British nationality. He usually refered to the term The Invisible Hand in most of his literarature works. In each of his books, the invisible hand has a different meaning. Smiths theory and vision for a merchant-oriented society, where every person lives by exchanging, or becomes in some measure a merchant, and the society itself grows to be what is properly called a commercial society Capitalism really helps because capitalism contends that the right to own property is the basis for man's life. Owning property gives one the right to manage the family's affairs and secure one's family against corrupt local and state governments that would take property for their own personal greed. Borrowing against property in capitalist system is essential for investment and economic growth for the entire society. But in the other hand, capitalism unfairly concentrates property, and thereby power, into the hands of an elite few in society while the poor then must succumb to the behest of the elite to give them work, charity, ect. Not only does this lead to a great deal of inequality, the rich have less and less incentive to use the land more economically and instead use land for frivolous purposes like golf courses. If you look at it differently, capitalism chooses to allow the markets to guide sectors of the economy separately precisely because a failure in one part of the economy will be offset or insulated from the rest of the economy while a failure in a socialist government brings down the entire system due to the lack of diversity. Eventually the socialist system becomes so inefficient that forced labor becomes necessary for the survival of the state, precisely what happened in many of the socialist/communist regimes of the past.

In a socialistic view, which is totally different from the capitalism view, capitalism harms millions due to the cyclical nature of an unplanned economy and that a planned economy can foresee and prevent problems from happening. This is because a capitalism economy doesnt seek the best possible conditions for the satisfaction of few, because the government has to maintain control as see humans are selfish by nature. All in all, I think a mixed economy which is based more on capitalism and less on socialism is the best for most of the countries worlwide as it is less dependent on the government and the people can make a choice for theirselves. Besides that, the balance in recent years has been tilted too far and its time to redress that imbalance.

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