Housing: National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy (Nuhhp)

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State subject Union Governmentformulation of policy regard to programme and approaches for effective implementation for social housing schemes, particularly those pertaining to weaker sections of the society. Formulation , Implementation , cost control and review of housing policyThe Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviationapex authority of GOI 74th Amendment ActMany matters pertaining to housing and urban development delegated to urban local bodies. NATIONAL URBAN HOUSING AND HABITAT POLICY (NUHHP): To promote sustainable development of habitatPPP Salient features of NUHHP: Affordable Urban Housing fpr all (Specially Urban Pooremphasis on SC/ST/OBC, etc.)inline with objective of 74th amendment. Encourages Integrated Township and Special Economic Zone10-15% Every new Public/Private Housing Project or 20-25% FAR (Whichever is greater)=LIG/EWS. Promote Microfinance instutions Model Municipal plan by Central Govt City map preparedGIS. Ariel survey and ground verification. States encouragedHabitat Infrastructure Action Plancities population>1 lakh Action Plan and Action undertaken: Encourage & support state by centeraccelerated flow of fundencourage participatory approachPeriodic reviewPreperation of 15-20 yrs perspective plan (City Development Plan)High level monitoring committee



Cities and towns of India world's second largest urban system50% GDP. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty AlleviationBSUP and IHSDP


Integrated development of slums projects for providing shelter, basic services and other civic amenities to provide utilities to the urban poorSub-Plan BSUP.

BSUPState Goverrnmentprepare and submit City Development Plans (CDPs), Detailed Project Report (DPRs) and also to sign Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) making a commitment to undertake urban reforms.
Salient features of BSUP:

63 cities7 yearscentral assistance (ACA as full grant) Central government bears>1 million population=50% NE/J&K=90% remaining cities=80% Min 12% contribution for houses from beneficiary and 10% for categories. Cities/TownsCity Development Plans and Detailed Project Report

Admissible components under BSUP:

Housing and development of infrastructure projects in the slums, basic amenities , environment, street light, water supply/sewage, Convergence of health, education and social security schemes for the urban poor. (B) Integrated Housing and Slum Development (HSDP): For cities not covered under BSUPsubsumed Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY) and the National Slum Development Scheme (NSDP) to strive for holistic slum development. Salient features of IHSDP : Central assistance (ACA as full grant) Central government bears80% project cost cities/towns in special category States(NE/J&k)90% Min 12% contribution for houses from beneficiary and 10% for categories. Cities/TownsCity Development Plans and Detailed Project Report
Admissible components under BSUP:

Housing and development of infrastructure projects in the slums, basic amenities , environment, street light, water supply/sewage, Convergence of health, education and social security schemes for the urban poor. Note: Land acquisition cost will not be financed except for acquisition of private land for schemes/projects in the North Eastern States and hilly States, viz., Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir. PROGRESS: 3 Pro Poor Key Reforms Internal earmarking within local body budgets for Basic Services to the Urban Poor =55 cities Earmarking of at least 20-25 per cent of developed land in all housing projects (both public and private agencies) for EWS/LIG category=21 States (50 cities) Implementation of 7-Point Charter: Provision of 7 Basic Entitlements/Services

POLICY ISSUES, PROGRAMME REFORMS & NEW INITIATIVES PROPOSED: i. New Scheme of Affordable Housing in Partnership:

Partnershipvarious agencies/Government/parastatals/Urban Local Bodies/developers goal affordable housing for all. ii. Capacity Building: Training proframmes conducted. iii. Social Audit: Social audit and public accountability along with manual of social auditbenefits reach the intended poor . iv. Biometric Identification of Beneficiaries: Biometric identification cards for beneficiariesintergrated with UIDAI later. v. Central TPIM: 2 agensies appointed as Central TPIM agensiesTPIM exercises on a sample basis independently report of Central GovtQua;ity in execution of BSUP and IHSDP.


Advisory to all states for occupancy of Dweling Units Constructed under BSUP and IHSDP Set clear milestone for occupancy of the houses constructed under the schemes.


Model Legal Framework: For assigning property rights to slum dwellersconsultation withState, Experts as well as the national law school, Blr. (C) Scheme of Affordable Housing in Partnership:

goal Partnershipvarious agencies/Government/parastatals/Urban Local Bodies/developers affordable housing for all. (D) Slum-free City Planning Scheme: Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) making cities slum freetremendous preparatory exerciseState Plans of Action Slum-free City Planningunder Rajiv Awas Yojanaproviding financial support to state govtpreparatory exercises (Slum surveys, development of GIS-enabled Slum Information System, preparation of Slum free city and State plans, etc. ) MinistryNational Slum-free City Campaignholding workshops/capacity building programmes.


RAJIV AWAS YOJANA (RAY): Existing slumswithin the formal systemavail of the same level of basic amenities as the rest of the town. Slum-free Indiaenvisages the accordance of property rights to the slum dwellers Redressing the failuresformal system Tackling the shortages of urban land and housing SWARNA JAYANTI SHAHARI ROZGAR YOJANA (SJSRY)( 1997.): To provide gainful employment to the urban unemployed and underemployed poor setting up of self employmentwage employment by utilizing their labour for construction of socially and economically useful public assets Changes in 2009-10: special category Statesfunding pattern75:25 to 90:10. Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) education limit criteria of "not educated beyond 9th standard"Removedno minimum or maximum educational qualification level


urban poor women35%-->Minimum number required to form group=5 now (Before 10) Urban Wage Employment Programme (UWEP)towns having population < 5lakh (1991 census) 60:40 Material labour ratio Skill Training of the Urban poor componentquality skill traininglinking it with certification, imparted preferably on Public-Private partnership (PPP) mode. Revised Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP)-Targeting individual urban poor for setting up of micro-enterprises Urban Women Self-help Programme (UWSP)-Targeting urban poor women self-help groupsassistance through a revolving fund for thrift and credit activities Skill Training for Employment Promotion amongst Urban Poor (STEPUP)Targeting urban poor for imparting quality training Urban Wage Employment Programme (UWEP)-Assisting urban poor by utiliting their labour for construction of socially and economically useful public assets

Urban Community Development Network (UCDN)-Assisting the urban poor in organising themselves in self-managed community structures 5) INTEREST SUBSIDY SCHEME FOR HOUSING THE URBAN POOR (ISHUP)(2008): National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy, 2007subsidy based housing schemes, cost recovery-cum-subsidy schemes for housing through a pro-active financial policy, micro-finance and related self-help group programmes. Policy seeks to devise innovative housing finance schemes for targeting the two segments-EWS and LIG. ISHUPcomprehensively address the housing shortage. A subsidy of 5 per cent per annum is given for loans of _ 100,000 taken during the 11th Plan.


Key objectiveenable EWS and LIG householdsavail affordable housing loans for purchase of house/construction of new house. Beneficiary borrowers may choose fixed or floating rates. Net Present Value (NPV) subsidygiven to the lenders i.e. PLIs on upfront and quarterly basis.
Scheme will close in 2012


INTEGRATED LOW COST SANITATION SCHEME: Conversion of individual dry latrine into pour flush latrineliberating manual scavengers from the age old, obnoxious practice of manually carrying night soil. Started in 1980-81Ministry of Home AffairslaterMinistry of Social Justice and Empowerment1989-90Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation2003-03Ministry of UEPA/HUPA.

Convert/construct low cost sanitation units. All Town coverage basislimited to EWS(Economically weeker section) households only Central Subsidy 75 per cent,State Subsidy 15 per cent and beneficiary Share 10 per cent.


AMENDMENTS TO THE EMPLOYMENT OF MANUAL SCAVENGERS AND CONSTRUCTION OF DRY LATRINE (PROHIBITION)ACT, 1993: Ministry of housing and urban poverty alleviationmonitors its adoption and implementation Integrated Low Cost Sanitation scheme. MANUAL SCAVENGERS AND CONSTRUCTION OF DRY LATRINE (PROHIBITION)ACT, 1993Manual Scavenging and construction of dry latrine requiring the service of manual scavenger for its cleaning as well as compelling anyone for or engaging in such act was an offence.


REAL ESTATE (REGULATION OF DEVELOPMENT) BILL, 2011: Promote planned and healthy real estate development protect consumer interestfacilitate smoot and speedy urban constructiondraft created. The Bill makes it compulsory to mention the actual carpet and built-up areas in advertisements. The Bill provides for heavy penalty if the developer is found guilty of cheating the buyers The Bill also provides for promoting housing for the urban poor by making it compulsory for developers to provide some portion of project townships for the lower income group. For the benefit of the developers, the Bill proposes to streamline the development clearances process.


Projects/Schemes for the development of North Eastern States, including Sikkim under 10 per cent Lump-sum provision earmarked for this purpose: Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviationconference of Ministers of Local Self Governments/Urban Development/Housing of North Eastern States and Sikkim at Gangtokreview the progress of Centrally Sponsored Schemeevolve appropriate strategies for the special development needs of the eight States. Follow up actiontask ForceChairmanship of the Union Minister for Urban Development and Poverty Alleviationconsidering project proposals from SG of NEfunded out of the Non-Lapsable Central Pool Fund meant for these states. Government of India10% of total budget provision for NE statesnonlapsable and unspent balances under this provision in a financial year are pooled up in the non-lapsable central fund meant for these States, and are governed by the Department of Development of North Eastern Region. Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty AlleviationHousing projects (predominantly for the urban poor), Poverty alleviation projects, Slum improvement/upgradation projects.


NATIONAL BUILDINGS ORGANISATION (NBO): NBOattached office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviationapex organizationcollection, tabulation and dissemination of statistical information on housing and building construction activities. JNNURM is the single largest initiative ever launched in the country to address the issues of urban infrastructure and basic services to the urban poor. NBOdesignated by MoHUPAnodal agency for coordination of appraisal, sanction, monitoring and review of projects under BSUP, IHSDP of JNNURM The mandate of the restructured National Building Organization is envisaged to be follows: act as a national resource centre and repository To collect, collate, validate, anlyze, disseminate and publish statistics and statistical reports To bring out compendiums (A publication containing a variety of works) on urban poverty, slums, etc. create and manage a fully computerized data centre

conduct regular short-term sample surveys/field studiesto study the impacts of plan schemes and gather primary data as needed undertake socio-economic research relating develop a documentation centre relating to urban statisticsfunction as repository of urban resources, including best practices and innovations organize capacity building/training programmes for the officers and staff coordinate and collaborateas nodal agency catering to data and MIS needs of urban policy 3 compendiumsUrbanization & Povert in India: A Statistical Compendium 2010; Housing in India: A Statistical Compendium 2011; Slums in India: A Statistical Compendium 2011. 3 major studies3 pro-poor reforms under JNNURMBest Practices in Financial Management of Urban Local Bodies; Development of BSUP Fund; Study on time bound action plan for implementation of 7 Point Charter for provision of BSUP.


PLAN SCHEME USHA: Urban Statistics for HR and Assessmentsdevelopment and maintenance of national a database The four pillars of USHA are database including MIS and sample survey; action research; impact assessment; and capacity building/training. specially supporteffective implementation of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission


LAUNCH OF SOFTWARE FOR ONLINE TRANSMISSION OF DATA: NBOimplementedstate-of-the-art decentralizes web based online system BRIKS - Building Related Information and Knowledge Systemhelp overcome the constrains of data collection faced by NBO. BRIKSAdopt holistic approach for evolving developmental schemes, Continuous development of assessment schemes, Research, Training and capacity building



Purpose of collecting, collating data on building permits and, Housing Starts initially for 50 Mission CitiesNBOprovide Financial Assistance to the State Governments to establish a Housing Start-up Index (HSUI) cellULB level to collect and collate the data on building permits and, Housing Starts


HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (HUDCO-1970): To achieve sustainable growthhousing and urban infrastructure development advocating pre-disaster mitigation and risk reduction promoting the use of alternative building materials and appropriate technologies to ensure cost effective, environment friendly, ecologically appropriate, energy saving and yet aesthetically pleasing and affordable housing.

Envisages significant growth in operations of HUDCO in the Housing and Urban Development sectormajor roleimplementation of the governments projects like JNNURM, etc.


HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (HPL): Hindustan Prefeb Limited (HPL) the then Hindustan Housing Factory(HHF) brainchild of Late Pt. Jawaharlal Nehruset up as a Govt. Department in 1948to meet the immediate housing need for displaced persons migrated from West Pakistan. Later, registered as a company under Indian Companies Act 1913as HHF ltdbecame a CPSEMinistry of Works and Housing, now under Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation. HPLpromote prefab/ precast technology in India for expeditious completion with best of quality of housing projects etc. One of the Executive Arms of Govt. of Indiafor the projects under JNNRUM, NRHM.


BUILDING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION COUNCIL (BMTPC): Autonomous bodyMinistry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation1990comprehensive and integrated approach for promotion and transfercost effective environment friendly, disaster resistant building materials and technologies including locally availble materials from lab to land for sustainable development of housing.--> flyash based bricks/blocks, coir

polymer composites, bagasse boards etc.-->prefabricated material, developed easy-to-operate simple machines for production of various components Pre-fabrication Prefabrication is the practice of assembling components of a structure in a factory or other manufacturing site, and transporting complete assemblies or sub-assemblies to the construction site where the structure is to be located a number of Indian Standards formulatedBIScost effective technologies such as flyash bricks, RCC planks and joist, bamboo mat corrugated roofing sheets etc. Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme (PACS) performance evaluation of new and emerging materials, technologies and construction systemspromotion and standardization of new materials and construction techniquesactive role in disaster prevention and mitigation Brought out Vulnerability Atlas of India, Landslide Hazard Zonation Atlas of India, Guidelines for improving Earthquake and Wind/Cyclone prone Housing Construction and other promotional literature also in vernacular languages and guidelines on Seismic Retrofiting for Common Man and also for Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh Demonstrate seismic strengthening Techniquesseismic strengthening of some lifeline buildings such as Kupwara Sub-Divisional Hospital in Jammu and Kashmir and MCD Schools in Delhi, besides several buildings in Gujarat.--> strenthtening techno-legal regimessafety against natural hazards. bringing awareness among common mana series of easy to understand booklets on various aspects of construction. field applicationof cost effective technologiesconstructed demonstration houses in several places like Dehradun, Bilaspur, Trichy, Nagpur, Kudalur, Banglore under erstwhile VAMBAY scheme. VAMBAY Scheme The scheme is primarily aimed at ameliorating (to make better) the housing problems for the Slum Dwellers living Below Poverty Line in different towns and cities of the State. promote Bamboo as construction materialconstruction of demonstration houses in Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya, establishment of Bamboo Mat Production Centres in North Eastern Region and Kerala.


appraisal agencies=JNNRUM and monitoring agency = BSUP and IHSDP.

CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WELFARE HOUSING ORGANISATION (CGEWHO): Body of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860execution of housing projects for Central Government employees, on all-India, self financing and no profit-no loss basis.


NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HOUSING FEDERATION OF INDIA (NCHF): spearheading the entire cooperative housing movement in India to promote, guide and coordinate the activities of housing cooperativesAll state level Apex Cooperative Housing FederationsMembers of it.

Government of India

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation








Integrated Housing and Slum Development (HSDP)

Urban Self Employ ment Pgm


Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY)

National Slum Development Scheme (NSDP)


Urban Women Self-help Program me (UWSP)

Skill Training for Employme nt Promotion amongst Urban Poor (STEPUP)

Urban Community Development Network (UCDN)



Scheme of Affordable Housing in Partnership

Slum-free City Planning Scheme








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