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Use of hate some find bold Spoken with members of Gang of Hate. Discussion, said? Rubio hyperventaliation?

n? Frank Sherry Talks about markup GOE proposal Well see on full displ prop and op on the bill. Said take time to introduce playfully named group GOF Some hypervent votes taken it too seriously. Some hyperventilating voters have taken it too seriously. Were talking about some of the sen that r going to be most vocal in o We do think that the views exp by the people named here that when u unpack their view what they want is not jus the status q What that amounts to is what romeny called self=deportation forced From out POV that is an exter posin that is a radical postion. CIS FARE no USAfurthered by kobach. Initristion through The idea is to make life so intol so diff for undoc citizensthey are literally driven out. not abstract notiontried in arizona, Alabama, Georgia, This rather radica exp played out when12 election came. Mentioned poll released today. Bipartisan poll global strategy gr. 71 percent support path to citizenship. How many refused P2C it comes down to approx 17% These sen who want to opp p2x under all circ are speaking 17% of country 18% rep. we do think that view is not that mainstream view. At a time when the pp are hunger for pol to do somethingtheres a gr of sen that are gearing up to opp it at all costs. demagu bill allows deport fantacisze to play out.
Cesar Vargas, Managing Partner of DRM Action Coalition Aaron Patrick Flanagan, Director of Research, Center for New Community Tory Brown, Advisor to Americas Voice Education Fund

Tory Brown Top 5 whove voiced opposition/concerns Said session has ties with NoUSA and sponsored bills Grassley yelled at schumer, connections Cornyn and Cruz Political tricky spot but have long history of opp to the reform process

Pointed out these senators have connections with anti-reform movements. Clear formt he current debate there isnt a lot of el succ to oppose reform. ideaology Session put out 60 press releases on immigration Really look closely d Demint said al ot of am voters doesnt think GOP isnt on their side. Aaron Flanagan Three groups rel.. Belief/mindset of senators are supported by a group Mentions CIS, NoUSA, top federation for am immigration reform. Notion of deportation Romney defeat. Kobach Recognize, Mark McCornian (USA) branders of notion attrition through enforcement Going forward what were dealing with is enf only a p2c is the disctu of America. When you start to look behind these sen ..theyre behold to these intr groups like tobacco (mostly sessions) Sessions has dubious record on race relatiosn. 240K noUSA to lobby senate to metagroup (?) dekiser and Vargas As dreamers the goh to show color a picture One of the things we are very seruious is the record of session, v, g and cor and cruz They oppose the dream act -dreamers ensure voters in latino comm. Who they are really reflect something latino -dream act, p2c has overwhelimg support of laitno community. One of the thigns were doing is the ppl on the ground Outlinging the inconsis record on Coryn. Hes been At the same time he leg record says otherwise. -bs comment I think its what saidtruth hurts. And were seeing it. Ive been through txto dallas Houston and weres seeing the ocmm the lat comm. Really dis of cornyn and cruz record. Cruz he was completely shocked of out approach to him bc its not like were attacking him we just want him to address the issue. We want the goh to really stop with the personal attacks in the comm. And really address serious immigration reform. Were going to take their record to the voters. **

@amaricasvoice smear calling Senators #gangofhate is a disgrace.I disagree with them on parts of #immigrationreform but they are not haters

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