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All about Economics!!

Social Studies Lesson Plan

What is money and how is it used? Submitted By: William Hall EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

EDEL 453- Spring 2013

Submitted by: William Hall

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All about Economics!! Social Studies Lesson Plan

B. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This lesson plan is designed for 1st grade students and teaches them what money is and how it can be used. The book: A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy by Caren Holtzman will be used to introduce money and a short virtual field trip video will be used to show how it is made. An activity allowing them to use money will complete the lesson. C. Student Population: Grade Level: 1st grade Skill Level: students at all learning levels Grouping: Whole discussions, independent for activity and small group for activity.

D. Materials: A Quarter From The Tooth Fairy by Caren Holtzman Journals Pencils Virtual field trip video Computer activity

E. Objectives: NV State Social Studies Standard E10.1.1- Explain what money is and how it is used.

. Student friendly objectives: E10.1.1 I can identify money and know how it is used.

F. Procedure: 1. Explain: First I will explain that we will be learning about what money is and how it is used. Call students attention to the book that we will be reading and the computer activity that we will be doing. Identify & discuss what money is and what it is used for. Introduce key words that will be used in the reading and during the video and activity. 2. As a class we will discuss the definition of money and some of its basic uses.

EDEL 453- Spring 2013

Submitted by: William Hall

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All about Economics!! Social Studies Lesson Plan

3. Students will then gather on the reading rug and I will read the book: A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy to them stopping and asking lesson relevant questions along the way. After we will discuss the different forms that money comes in. 4. Next we will discuss as a class where and how we think that money is made. Each student will write down their idea in their journals. 5. I will then show a short video to the class that shows them how and where money is made. Students will be expected to write this under their guess as well as one thing they found interesting about the video.

6. Students will then break off into groups of four and we will go to the computer lab and do an activity that allows them to use the many different forms of money to purchase everyday items.

7. Ask questions as an ongoing check for understanding Focus on these questions: What is money? What is money used for? How is money made?

8. Closure: Discuss key concepts of what money is, the different forms, and how it can be used.

G. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? Write a journal entry telling me about a time when you received money and how you spent it. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. If students are able to identify money and show how it is used I will know that they understand the concepts. H. Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? I think the easiest part of the lesson will be teaching them what money is because even at this age they have all been exposed to it

EDEL 453- Spring 2013

Submitted by: William Hall

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All about Economics!! Social Studies Lesson Plan

2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? The most challenging part will be in showing them all of the different types as far as bill and coin and making sure that they understand they all have their own value. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? I will extend this lesson in the next lesson by showing them how people earn money but I could also extend it by using it to teach simple math. 4. What will you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? I would have these students work with peer tutors or if there are multiple then I would sit down with them and work with them one on one as well as send a note home so that their parents can work with them with money.

5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? Im hoping that the video will be age appropriate and keep their attention. If not I may need to look for something a little more colorful. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? The most difficult part of writing this lesson was deciding on what resources and activities to use.

Resources: _Factory A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy, Caren Holtzman (Cartwheel; 1 edition, October 1, 1995)

EDEL 453- Spring 2013

Submitted by: William Hall

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All about Economics!! Social Studies Lesson Plan

EDEL 453- Spring 2013

Submitted by: William Hall

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