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The Importance of Konrad Zuse and Its Influence in Futures Computers Gabriela Domnica Mora Bermeo Unidad Educativa Bilinge Nuevo Mundo

ZUSE AND THE COMPUTERS Abstract Konrad Zuse was a German civil engineer. His problems with equations during his university's

studies make him create a machine that would revolutionized the entire modern world. At first he started thinking in a machine that would resolve his mathematical problems. It took him years to idealized his project. Later on he created the Z1 following by another versions of the same one. Such as the Z2, Z3 and Z4. His work on computers will be crucial in the next years. Because it was the main base for another computers like the ENIVAC and UNIVAC. That reach the objective of Zuse of completing complex operations. The computer is an invention that we need in our daily life. Computers are necessary for almost everything. Its functions was to make easier some tasks that take us a lot of concentration and especially time. Time that we could be using for doing another things.

ZUSE AND THE COMPUTERS The Importance of Konrad Zuse and Its Influence in Futures Computers

The modern computer was one of the greatest inventions that man created. It was the one that would lead us to a new generation of evolution that would be infested by electronic machines and devices. An age called Computer Age. Why would we call this period of time The Computer Age? Simple, the computer was the tool that let us calculated a math or any other problem at a very fast speed. Computers made easier our lives. Computers were an invention that change the old fashion way of thinking of science. Computers revolutionized science. It transformed our way of living and communicating. All modern computers come from a common ancestor. This computer was no other than the Z1 Computer. The Z1 Computer was a computer created by a civil engineer named Konrad Zuse in 1936. According to the article Konrad Zusethe first relay computer Zuse had problems while he was in university with several equations he had to solve. He realized that the math problems were too complicated and that it takes a lot of time to get a result. After graduating he started making plans about a machine that could solve these problems faster. The solution he brought was the Z1, the first programmable computer. It was composed by 20000 parts. Only one of this pieces use electrical power, the rest were all pieces of metal. The system of the device consisted in a program of binary numbers. This first computer has an arithmetical purpose but still it wasnt powerful enough to complete complex mathematical operations. A few years later, he built up another machine, the Z2. That was a fully functioning electron-mechanical machine. It has a lot more capability and it incorporated in its hardware vacuum tubes. Later on, Zuse brought another models of computers, all based in the Z1 but with advances, like the Z3 and Z4. Zuse wasnt only the creator of these computers but he also develops the first programming language: Plankalkl. With his work Zuse won the title of the real father of modern computers.

ZUSE AND THE COMPUTERS But, since his invention wasnt directed to function for various purposes but mathematical and related, he isnt well known. Because of all the advances that were made, the human being won the power to explore

what wasnt explored before, the space. Computers were the ones that permitted us to find a way to reach the unreachable. After the 1950 a lot of new computers for different purposes began to appear. Machines for teachers, for scientist, for business men, etc. It was a boom of technology. Yet the computers were not machines for everyone. Using a computer was a big deal. Besides the computers were to expensive. In order to use it correctly, people had to learn a lot of codes and programming languages to give instructions to the computer. It took years for a person to learn all this requirements. So, still computers were reserve for a minority. That problem wouldnt last for so long. In 1977 Apple Computer brought the first user friendly computer. It was the new revolution in technology. This computer, a commercial computer, was very popular because it was easy to use comparing the older computers. Besides its bigger impact was that it has a 6 color display. A wonderful advance on computers. Also it was smaller and lighter that the other computers. And so on, at an incredible speed, just in a decade computers changed. The commercial computer made daily tasks to look like nothing. With the creation of internet it was even easier to do. Whole new possibilities for the computers and its applications appeared. It affected our way of communication also. With a computer you could interact with any person in the world with a computer, too. Computers werent just for work; computers also were introduced in an entertainment zone. Computer allows us to listen to music, watch videos, do our homework and researches and even more. Computers helped in areas like medicine, other technology and education. New medical machines were created and they saved lives. With computers inventors got another open door.

ZUSE AND THE COMPUTERS Even our way of learning changed. Modern televisions, refrigerators, gaming consoles, radios, cars, etc. From investigation on books we passed to investigate on the internet. We got information from more sources, information from all over the world and with different points of view. Definitively computers were part of the process of globalization. These machines opened the eyes from the new generation. It let us to know different cultures. The computer and the internet change our close old way of thinking. Computers were the main key aspect of changing the way of living to the way we live now.

In conclusion we can analyze the history of the modern computers. We know that Konrad Zuse was the first one to jump into the creation of a modern computer. His invention influence others to invented their own. Plato said necessity is the mother of invention and I share his idea. Zuse had the necessity of solving his equations faster, the allies had the necessity of decoding the Nazis codes, people need a machine to standardized work. And each of those got the solution, the invention of a computer. A machine that make their live easier. We just have to look around, our environment. Everything nowadays is related with machines, with computers. Computers came to our live and they will stay. The question now is how we will resolve problems. The computers solved some of our problem but not all. Of course each day we can see that the upgrading of computers and that they are getting more and more perfectionist. One day computers will be capable of doing all the things that ask some effort from us. And when this day come, our live will be better? Are we going to have things to worry about? Probably computers may get more intelligent than us. If we dont need to worry about anything, then would we reach peace or happiness? Or, our existence will not be required anymore? Would Zuse be proud of what he started?

ZUSE AND THE COMPUTERS References Apple II - 1977. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bellis, M. (n.d.). Inventors of the modern computer. Retrieved from Bellis, M. (n.d.). The history of computers. Retrieved from Flippo, H. (n.d.). The first programmable, digital computer. Retrieved from Konrad Zusethe first relay computer. (n.d.). Retrieved from Martin, G. (n.d.). Necessity is the mother of invention. Retrieved from

Plankalklthe world's first complete high-level language. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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