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Centres for information and advice on contraception, safe sex and abortion
You can receive information from health professionals on contraception, safe sex and abortion at any primary care centre. You can make an appointment and find out which is your nearest centre by calling the Salud Responde line on 902 50 50 60. You can also get information by calling the IAM (Andalusian Womens Institute) on freephone number 900 200 999 and in provincial and municipal health centres.

More information: saludsexualyreproductiva
Sexual and Reproductive Telephone No.: 900 850 100 Salud Responde Telephone No.: 902 50 50 60 Email: The information is available and adapted to people with visual impairment on the webpage of the Andalusian Health Department.
NOTE: The information contained in this package can also be provided verbally if requested. Article 17.5 of the Organic Law 2/2000.

6. Protection against discrimination

Any unfavourable treatment of women in relation to pregnancy or motherhood constitutes straightforward sex discrimination, and will lead to the invalidation of any agreements, unilateral decisions or regulatory provisions that are directly or indirectly unfavourably discriminatory. Dismissals are not permitted when pertaining to employees who are pregnant or on maternity leave, at risk during pregnancy, at risk during breastfeeding, or those suffering from an illness caused during pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood; provided that no more than nine months have elapsed since the birth of the child.

Rights, aid, benefits and public assistance relating to pregnancy, childbirth, the postnatal period, child welfare and child health in Andalusia

1. Public assistance for pregnant women and health cover during pregnancy and childbirth
The Public Health System in Andalusia provides women with free universal healthcare during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period, irrespective of their nationality or employment status, as per the Integrated Welfare Process for Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Postnatal Period. In order to access these services you must have an Andalusian Medical Card, which you can request at the health centre closest to your home. In addition, the Andalusian Womens Institute (IAM) offers a targeted programme of social assistance that provides temporary care for young women who are pregnant or have children, and whose economic and family circumstances mean that staying in their current environment poses a potential risk to themselves or their children.

For self employed workers, freelancers and public em-

Other assistance:
Financial assistance for Andalusian families upon the birth of their third child or subsequent children, if they have one or more children under three years of age. Financial assistance for multiple births. Recognition of large family status and the issuing of the relevant certification and individual cards. Socio-educational services and playgroups. Breakfast clubs, extracurricular activities, school meals, free textbooks (6 to 16 years) and transportation to school in certain circumstances. Free medication and health-related products for children under one year of age. Free basic dental care and certain specific treatments for children aged between 6 and 15.

ployees, the scope of these benefits may vary depending on

the law that applies in each case.

Other assistance:
A programme to promote balance between employees personal, work and family lives, and to promote job creation.

3. Benefits and public assistance for child welfare and healthcare

Non-contributory Social Welfare Family Benefits:
These benefits are for those individuals who live in Spain and are experiencing hardship even if they have never made any social welfare contributions and whose annual income does not exceed a certain limit. Financial assistance for a child or minor in foster care. Financial assistance for the birth or adoption of a third child or subsequent children. Financial assistance for the birth or adoption of a child in cases involving large families, single parents or disabled mothers. Financial assistance for multiple births or adoptions. Non-financial assistance for the care of children, foster children or other relatives.

2. Employment Rights associated with pregnancy and motherhood

Private sector employees:
Adaptation of work undertaken while pregnant or breastfeeding. Work-life balance. Parental leave: maternity, paternity and breastfeeding leave. Reduction of working day in order to care for children Family leave: for prenatal check-ups, preparation for childbirth and in cases where premature babies require hospitalisation. Leaves of absence Reduction in contributions to public social welfare schemes. Days during maternity leave are considered worked days in contribution terms.

4. Tax benefits, incentives and assistance for children

Financial benefits:
Income tax-related: Deduction from the total tax payable of up to 1,200 euros a year for every child under three years of age for women who fulfil certain criteria. Advance payments can be requested. VAT-related: Exemptions for educational services and children and young persons welfare services and super-reduced rates on school materials.

Contributory Benefits:
These benefits are for those individuals who live in Spain, and are active participants of, or are included in, a General or Special Scheme within the Social Welfare System, or in any other public social welfare scheme. Financial assistance for maternity and paternity. Financial assistance for those at risk during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition to the following deductions:

For people receiving family benefits, in terms of their total regional income tax. For international adoption. For single-parent families and, where applicable, for carers over the age of seventy-five. For domestic help in the family home.

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