Job Announcement - Math Advocate2013

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The Joint Educational Project (JEP) is seeking a graduate student with two years to commit (beginning August 2012) to its USC ReadersPlus program, USCs America Reads/America Counts program that provides literacy and math tutors to seven local elementary schools. This graduate position will work closely with a second graduate coordinator who will concentrate on literacy. The math coordinator will be responsible for training undergraduate students tutors, creating hands-on math lesson plans for oneon-one tutoring and group projects, monitoring program evaluation, and serving as an academic resource for the undergraduate tutors. This position requires:

A demonstrated interest in education, with special emphasis on mathematics; Strong interpersonal communication skills; Ability to manage a variety of tasks and responsibilities; A self-starter, able to take initiative and work independently; Experience working in urban communities, preferably in urban schools;

Job responsibilities include:

Training math tutors (both pre-service and during service) in math skills and strategies and best practices in assisting struggling learners; Attending and presenting at weekly program staff meetings; Communicating regularly with school program coordinators for feedback and support; Meeting with undergraduate tutors to provide guidance and support for math instruction; Tracking and managing mathematics assessments for program evaluation; Managing program documentation and assisting with reports and proposals as needed; Engaging in site visits at each of the seven neighborhood schools to observe tutoring sessions and provide on-site support to program staff; Collecting, developing and creating materials which will assist tutor efforts teaching children in the community.

Position Details:

20 hours per week during the academic year; $20/hour; Position will begin Monday, August 5th; Must be available for JEP staff retreat August 19 -22nd, 2013.

If interested, contact Tina at or at 213-740-1834

Gra d u a t e S t u d e n t A p p l i c a t i o n Ma t h Co o rd i n a t o r JE P / U S C Re a d e rs P l us

Na me : ____________________________________ S t u d e n t ID n u m b e r:

Lo c a l A d d re s s :
s tre e t c it y z ip

P e rm a n e n t A d d re s s ( i f d i f f e re n t ) : Pho ne : Eme r ge nc y Conta c t:

(N am e , re lations hip, and te le phone num be r)

Ce l l :

E- ma il:

Ma jor fie ld of inte r e s t a nd e x pe c te d de gr e e : Ye a r in gr a dua te s c hool: Se me s te r / ye a r you e x pe c t to gr a dua te :

P r ofe s s iona l inte r e s ts , e x pe r ie nc e a nd/ or a r e a s of s pe c ia liza tion:

T e a c hing a s s is ta nts hip(s ):

Ye s


Cla s s e s , da te s , ins titutions , a nd pr ofe s s or (s ): [ if a t USC] _____________________________ _____________________________ Re s e a r c h a s s is ta nts hip(s ): Ye s No ___________________________________ ___________________________________

T ype s of r e s e a r c h, da te s , ins titutions , a nd pr ofe s s or (s ): [ if a t USC] _____________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________

Ma th Coor dina tor Applic a tion

P a ge 2

Sour c e s of funding for 2 0 1 2 - 1 3 a c a de mic ye a r :

Community- s e r vic e or s e r vic e - le a r ning e x pe r ie nc e :

P la ns for e mployme nt a fte r gr a dua tion?

Re fe r e nc e s (ple a s e inc lude a t le a s t one USC pr ofe s s or or s ta ff me mbe r ):

N am e pos ition phone num be r

1. 2. 3. P le a s e inc lude the f ollowing with your application: A br ie f pe r s ona l s ta te me nt (1 - 3 pa ge s ) tha t de s c r ibe s your e duc a tiona l philos ophy and inte r e s t in wor king for JEP ; F ina nc ia l a id s ta te me nt (s our c e s of funding); A c opy of your r e s ume or C.V., inc luding a de s c r iption of your e duc a tiona l a nd w or k his tor y. A le tte r of r e c omme nda tion fr om s ome one fa milia r w ith your a bilitie s a nd e x pe r ie nc e . A p p l i c a t i o n s a re d u e F ri d a y , Ma y 3 1 s t . F or mor e infor ma tion c onta c t T ina Kone a zny P : (2 1 3 )7 4 0 - 1 8 3 4 E: kone a zny@us c .e du P le a s e r e tur n a pplic a tion to JEP a t T he LOT or ma il to: JEP (Attn: T ina Kone a zny) * 8 0 1 W. 3 4 th Str e e t * Unive r s ity of Southe r n Ca lifor nia * Los Ange le s , CA 9 0 0 8 9 - 0 4 7 1

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