Assessment Project Two

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Carrie Koppelman EDU 360, Assessment Project Two- Response Questions Due- May 10, 2013 1.

Question one- How many things should every educator know about technology based on the internet website we went over in class? (Hint: The number was also part of the webpage name). a. 22 b. 20 c. Answer- 21 d. 18 I think for this question to make it better, I should take out the part that gives a hint. Since this is a level two question, students should know this answer without giving him/her a hint. If students were paying attention in class, this question should be very easy for them, especially because the answer was found in the URL of the website! I think this question is a great level two. 100% of students got this answer right, which means it was good for level two on Marzanos scale.

2. What is NOT a requirement for the content of the Digital Media Project? a. Answer- Time length must be AT LEAST 8 minutes. b. Narration in the video must be original c. The use of AT LEAST one musical selection for several seconds d. Each member in the group (or avatar) should be a part of the clip) Something I think was good with this question was that I made the students think more deeply at each of the answers because he/she had to look at the capitalized words (AT LEAST). 62.5% got the answer correct in this question. One student said this question was a little confusing, which after he said that I could understand why. The second answer I worded wrong and I should have put the use of original voice narration should be in your video.

3. Pick the best answer. When Christian came up to the Whiteboard and shared the video about Giigo, items you collect from the internet (such as, bookmarks, sticky notes, documents, notes, images, and highlights) go into _______________, which is in the

cloud so you can access your information from wherever. (Answers found in the first 30 seconds of the video). a. My username account b. My storage c. Answer- My library d. My flash drive This question was very differentiated by the answers given, which shows me it was a good level four question; only 62.5% of the class got the question correct and there were three answers students thought was correct. Level four means the student had to go beyond his/her reading/listening to classroom discussion to understand the question. If the students were intensely paying attention to the classroom discussion, he/she would have gotten the question correct. I made sure when I made my question to put where he/she may find the answer because I knew this question was harder than the other two. So, if he/she wanted to go back and find the answer, he/she knew to look at the first 30 seconds of the video Christian showed in class about Diigo. Something I could change in this question is to have a space between the fill in the blank. (Like this ____ _______). This would show the answer is two words. But, I would also have to change my answers to two words as well. I would change my username account to my username and my flash drive to my USB. If I changed this in my question, I think students would remember the answer better because he/she will remember the questions answer was two words. (This would work better with visual learners like myself).

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