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Tips and Expectations for Lab 1 report: Note: this is not a rubric of how I will be grading the lab.

Instead, this is a list of topics I think should be discussed in an A quality lab report. Please do not simply go in order answering each question I have posed. The order of the topics/questions I have given is not the best order for a lab report that flows nicely; address all topics but find an appropriate order of concepts to fit your style of writing. Also, I have repeated some questions in the introduction and in the discussion. You should try to repeat yourself as little a possible, so it is up to you to choose which section to put the material that I have repeated (some might be more appropriate for the intro, some for the discussion, it is up to you choose). As always, email me with any questions or stop by my office hour: Tuesday: 163 Kemper, 2-3pm Abstract: -This section is too short for me to give hints. Introduction: -State the objectives of this lab (something about determining the physical properties of 7 materials and relating these properties to the atomic structure and bonding of the materials). -Why are density and hardness properties important for engineering applications? Why do we care? What is hardness or density of measurement of? How do we measure them? (some explanation of how the Rockwell hardness test works would be nice). -How does the atomic structure and bonding play a role in controlling density/hardness or other physical properties (which we did not get to measure in the lab: optical properties, electrical properties)? - Based on the prior knowledge and information you can find online, what do you expect to be the trends in the 2 properties for the 7 materials tested? How do expect the polymers to behave in comparison to the metals? -Is hardness related to density? If so, how are they related? -On the atomic level, what is happening to each sample during the hardness test? -What are the atomic structures/bond types for each sample?

What are the side groups for the polymer samples? How does this impact the hardness/density? Procedure: -Give a detailed description of the lab procedure for hardness testing, mass measurement, volume measurement (water displacement) and volume measurement (calipers) of one sample (repeated for all others). -Hardness test RHE, 1/8in ball indenter, 100kg load. -A figure to help explain how the measurements with calipers were made would be nice (figure title/caption should be below the figure). -Explain how you computed density from mass and volume. Results: -1 table must be included (other tables with statistical analysis are not required, but would be nice): -This table should include all the data that was on the white board during lab (H1, H2, H3, Have, Mass, VolumeCal, VolumeH2O, sample name), and also 2 additional columns: One for Density with calipers and the other for Density with H2O displacement. -Table titles/captions should be above the table. -Include units for all data. -Additional tables might have: literature (internet) values for hardness or density and % error for lab values against literature values, %error for DensityCal compared to DensityH2O, %error (variation) in the three hardness tests, or any other statistical analysis you think of to help convey the data. -Include the 7 microscope images (available on the smartsite) with figure titles/captions below each figure. -Make the images small so that many can be on one page to save paper and ink (all students will use the same images, so they dont have especially clear for me in your reports. Maybe 4-8 images per page). -Be sure to summarize the results (which are give in the graphs and tables) in paragraph form, focusing on the major results and trends.

Discussion: -Restate the objective of the lab. -Compare the results for polymers in general to metals in general (do they fit you hypothesis?). -Explain what is happening on the atomic level during a hardness test for a metal and for a polymer. -Compare the density/hardness results for the polymer samples. -What are the side groups for the polymers? -Try to explain trends in the polymers results in terms of side groups, cross-linking (I have not talked about this in lecture yet, but you can find it in the text book or online), secondary bonding -Compare the density/hardness results for the metal samples. -What are the crystal structures for the metal samples? -Try to explain the trends in the metal results in terms of crystal structure, bond lengths, bond strengths (if you can find some values online or in literature) -Do the results for any samples not fit the expected trends? -How does hardness relate to density? -What do you see in the microscope images? Are there any details that might provide information about atomic bonding? Are ther any details that might provide information about the density/hardness of the samples, or why they had values that we measured? (Dont get too caught up on the images, spend most time/effort on the hardness/density discussion, not the discussion of the images) -What are possible sources of error? -How did these sources of error affect the lab? -How could this be improved? Conclusion: -Restate the objective. Why do we care about measuring physical properties? -Restate the general results (what are the general trends? What

samples had the highest and lowest value for each property?) -What do these results mean for engineering applications? -What are some ideal applications for each material based on their physical properties?

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