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Friends, I have few doubts regarding this sensor. I would like to know, 1.

the distance within which the sensor can detect the gas. ie., the distance b/w gas source and sensor 2. Average lifetime of the sensor these details are not provided in the datasheet. can anyone provide me the answer.

Protocol | about 2 years ago 1 The distance it can detect the gas at is not easy to determine, it has a range of 200 to 10000ppm. It depends of a few variables, I.E. Gas source, leakage rate, room size, air currents, and sensor placement, not the sensor itself as the gas has to accumulate to above 200ppm and physically reach the sensor. As for the lifetime I do not know.

This is a simple-to-use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensor, suitable for sensing LPG (composed of mostly propane and butane) concentrations in the air. The MQ-6 can detect gas concentrations anywhere from 200 to 10000ppm. This sensor has a high sensitivity and fast response time. The sensor's output is an analog resistance. The drive circuit is very simple; all you need to do is power the heater coil with 5V, add a load resistance, and connect the output to an ADC.

Connections Connecting five volts across the heating (H) pins keeps the sensor hot enough to function correctly. Connecting five volts at either the A or B pins causes the sensor to emit an analog voltage on the other pins. A resistive load between the output pins and ground sets the sensitivity of the detector. Please note that the picture in the datasheet for the top configuration is wrong. Both configurations have the same pinout consistent with the bottom configuration.The resistive load should be calibrated for your particular application using the equations in the datasheet, but a good starting value for the resistor is 20 k.

This propane gas sensor detects the concentrations of LPG, isobutane, and propane in the air and ouputs its reading as an analog voltage. The sensor can measure concentrations of 300 to 10,000 ppm.The sensor can operate at temperatures from -10 to 50C and consumes less than 150 mA at 5 V

SMS Based LPG Gas Leakage Detection

In an extremely mechanized world such as todays it is necessary to make our life better, convertible and economical and secure. This is the purpose for which the hospital, home, office Security System, which is an advanced security system that can be used as a real time monitoring. The project entitled Microcontroller based Gas detection alert by mobile phone is a trial made to implement such a system. The proposed system includes a group of sensors and alerting devices such as mobile calling process and status s/m monitoring that are drive with the help of PIC Micro controller. This is a micro controller-based system, which makes use of PIC micro controller. It finds wide applications where security is the main concern.


Power Supply - 5v is used for power supply section, the encoder and RF transmitter module using 5v supply voltage. Gas Sensor - MQ-6 - They are used in gas leakage detecting equipments in family and industry, are suitable for detecting of LPG, iso-butane, propane, LNG, avoid the noise of alcohol and cooking fumes and cigarette smoke. PIC Micro controller 16f877A - This is the brain of the Master unit. It is an 8-bit controller of the PIC family.It controls and co-ordinates all the functions of the Master unit. S/m Interface (computer):The need of PC is to monitor real time temperature and gas sensor output to indicate if fire detected or gas detected. System used to a sms is send in a particular number.



PIC 16F877A




1000uF 10uF

1 4




20Mhz _



IC 78LS05




1 1

Used in gas leakage detecting equipments for detecting of LPG, iso-butane, propane, LNG combustible gases. The sensor does not get trigger with the noise of alcohol, cooking fumes and cigarette smoke.

Gas leak detection system Fire/Safety detection system Gas leak alarm Gas detector

High sensitivity LPG, iso-butane, propane Small sensitivity to alcohol, smoke Fast response Wide detection range Stable performance and long life Simple drive circuit


High performance RISC CPU Only 35 single word instructions to learn Interrupt capability (up to 14 sources) Eight level deep hardware stack Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter Two Capture, Compare, PWM modules 10-bit multi-channel Analog-to-Digital converter Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI) Parallel Slave Port (PSP)


A resistor is a two terminal electronic component that produces a voltage across its terminals that is proportional to the electric current through it in accordance with ohms law:V=IR. The primary characteristics of a resistor are the resistance ,the tolerance and the power rating. Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, noise and inductance. The ohm is a SI driven unit of electrical resistance. Ohms law states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is proportional to the current (I) through it where the constant of proportionality is the resistance (R) .The current through a resistor in series stays the same, but the voltage across each resistor can be different . The practical application of a resistor is that any non-standard value can be can be obtained by connecting standard values in series or parallel .the power dissipated by a resistor is the voltage across the resistor multiplied by the current through the resistor .The value of resistance can be measured with an ohmmeter ,which may be a function of a multimeter .Four band identification is the most commonly used colour coding scheme on resistors. It consists

of four colored bands that are painted around the body of the resistor .The first two bands encodes the first two significant digits of the resistance.

A capacitor is an electrical/electronic device that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors called plates. The process of storing energy in the capacitor is known as charging, and it involves electric charges of equal magnitude ,but opposite polarity, building upon each plate .They can also be used to differentiate between highfrequency and low-frequency signals. This property makes them useful in electronic filters.

Transformers are electronic devices which are designed to transfer electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another.They do so utilizing the principle of electromagnetic induction.In addition to performing such energy transfer they are also capable of delivering a different value of ac current or voltage at their output terminals than the value applied to other inputterminals.Transformer can provide insulation .The ability of transformer to step up or step down ac voltages and currents is used in electric power transmission and distribution systems.

A buzzer or beeper is a signaling device, usually electronic, typically used in automobiles, household appliances such as microwave ovens, orgame shows. It most commonly consists of a number of switches or sensorsconnected to a control unit that determines if and which button was pushed or a preset time has lapsed, and usually illuminates a light on the appropriate button or control panel, and sounds a warning in the form of a continuous or intermittent buzzing or beeping sound. Initially this device was based on an electromechanical system which was identical to an electric bell without the metal gong (which makes the ringing noise). Often these units were anchored to a wall or ceiling and used the ceiling or wall as a sounding board. Another implementation with some AC-connected devices was to implement a circuit to make the AC current into a noise loud enough to drive a loudspeaker and hook this circuit up to an 8-ohm speaker. Nowadays, it is more popular to use a ceramic-basedpiezoelectric sounder which makes a high-pitched tone. Usually these were hooked up to "driver" circuits which varied the pitch of the sound or pulsed the sound on and off.

The MAX220MAX249 family of line drivers/receivers is intended for all EIA/TIA232E and V.28/V.24 communications interfaces, particularly applications where 12V is not available. These parts are especially useful in battery-powered systems, since their low-power shutdown mode reduces power dissipation to less than 5W. The MAX225, MAX233, MAX235, and MAX245/MAX246/MAX247 use no external components and are recommended for applications where printed circuit board space is critical. Applications Portable Computers Low-Power Modems Interface Translation

Battery-Powered RS-232 Systems Multi-Drop RS-232 Networks


The rectifier and filter circuits, which are used in the initial stages of a DC power supply is essential for the operation of almost all electronic devices. A rectifier circuit is a circuit which converts ac voltage into pulsating DC. We need a regulated power supply in our project. So we used monolithic IC regulators. This has the advantage that space and cost are less than that of discrete component based voltage regulator.

Working of the circuit

At the normal atmosphere the output of the gas sensor is less than 3v.when a leakage of gas is detected then the out put is greater than or equal to the 3v.The output of the sensor is analog and which is connected to the adc pin of the pic 16F877A and is converted into digital form and stored in the register ADRESH.According to the program implemented in the pic the digital value in the ADRESH and ADRESL is compared with the standard out put ie 3v ,if the value is greater than 3v,then the gas is detected and the pin RB3=1 which turn on the buzzerand also send the instructions to thepc.The pc decodes the instruction and send AT commands to the mobile to sent the sms

6.3. SOFTWARE SECTION 6.3a.Flow chart of program in the pic

Sensor detected and produce the analog output Pic convert the analog into the digital and stored in the ADRESH and ADRESL If Output>3


RB3=1 Buzzer alert Send instruction to pc

#include<pic.h> voidadc_read(); voidpic_init(); voiduarttx(); voidgas_sensor(); void delay(unsigned int i); unsigned char addl,addh,k=0; void main() { pic_init(); delay(10); uarttx(); while(1) { delay(1); adc_read(); delay(20); gas_sensor(); } } voidpic_init() { TRISA=0XFF; TRISD=0X00; TRISC=0X00; TRISB=0X00; } void delay(unsigned int i)

{ intj,k,l; for(j=0;j<=i;j++) { for(k=0;k<=29;k++) { for(l=0;l<=10;l++); } } } voidadc_read() { TRISA=0XFF; ADCON0=0X81; delay(10); ADCON1=0X80; delay(10); ADGO=1; while(ADGO); addh=ADRESH; addl=ADRESL; } voiduarttx() { TXSTA=0x20; SPEN=1; SPBRG=31; TXEN=1; TXIE=1; } voidgas_sensor() { if(addh>= 3) { delay(10); RB3=1; delay(100); while(TXIF==0); TXREG='G'; } else if(addh< 3) { delay(10); RB3=0; } }

6.3c.Flow chart of the program in the pc





7.1.PCB designing procedure
1.Drawing The Circuit Schematic: Drawing of the circuit is done through EAGLE (Easily applicable Graphic Layout Editor) schematic capture software. It includes many libraries with thousands of component symbols. We can select the required symbols from the library and place if in the schematic. After placing the component symbols, we can complete the interconnection using wire or bus control. The next step is to assign to part reference. Each component has to be assigned footprint or PCB pattern name. The foot print gives the actual size physical, representation of components on the PCB art work. The component symbol and foot symbol should correspond in all respects. 2. Design rule check and net list creation After the circuit is schematic is completed with all required information such as part reference and footprints. The design rule check can be used for checking errors in the design it will check for duplicate symbol, overlapped lines and dangling lines.

After the schematic design and file passes the DRC, check, It is processed by a program called a electric rule checker (ERC), that checks for wiring errors. The final operation to be done before starting PCB artwork is the net list creation. A net list creation of components and interconnection along with other information such as foot print, track width etc. A net list software or tool can take the circuit schematic as input and generate net list. The net list can be used as an information source for the remaining stages.

3.Creating the PCB art work

In automatic design, the net list obtained from the previous stages is used for getting the required footprint and interconnections. The software used for the PCB network design is the ORCAD layout. The steps in PCB design are: Loading the net list- the net list file generated has to be loaded in to the PCB software when starting a new design. Operation being with bringing all component footprints on design screen with a nest of interconnection. These interconnections indicate connection between the pins of components and connectors, which helps in routing and placing. Drawing board outline and placing component: depending upon the density of components and connections, we have to design the size of the board, accordingly outline the pcb has to drawn, saves as a barrier, to limit routing only inside the board outlines. Then the component of the footprint have to be placed to in optimum position to make the routing sample spaces referring to the schematic Diagram and the nest. The software automatically recalculates the minimum interconnection distance through routing. In placing, aesthetic is also a factor of consideration. Routing: It is the interconnection of component using copper track of required width. Before starting routing the following things must be done. Enabling or disabling the required layers:Enabling the no of layers used and enabled in artwork depends upon the complexityof the circuit and fabrication technology available. If the board is single-sided enable only bottom as solder side layer as tracks cane only on one side of the PCB. If double sideboard is required, enable bottom and component side. If the circuit is much more complex you can enable the required number of inner layer considering the fabrication technique and cost. Assigning width to each net and route spacing we can assign a desired width for each net in the circuit depending upon the amount of current flowing through it. Loading the strategy and technology files. These are some mechanical data, which help to adjust the routing the meet the specified technology at routing strategy. After doing the desired steps, routing can be done manually for automatically. Manually routing- in this case the designed has to manually connect each track. This is a time consuming process, but is necessary in some cases. In this case also software checks for errors and reports them. Automatic routing- in this type of routing the routing software employs the standard routing algorithm to calculate the routing path and error checking in full digital circuits also routing can be used successfully.

Soldering is the process of joining two or more similar or dissimilar metals by melting another metal having lower melting point.


In order to make the surface accept the solder readily, the component terminals should be free from oxides and other obstructing films. Soldering flux cleans the oxides from the surface of the metal. Zinc chloride, Aluminium Chloride and Rosin are other commonly used fluxes.

Solder is used for joining two or more metal at temperature below their melting point. The popularly used solders are alloy of Tin (60%) that melts at 375F and solidifies when it cools.


It is used to melt the solder and apply at the joints in the circuit.



High sensitivity LPG, iso-butane, propane Small sensitivity to alcohol, smoke Fast response Wide detection range

Message cannot be received when the phone is switched off or not reachable Message can be send to only one mobilenumber Network is jammed then the receiving of sms will be lagged

The Sms based LPG Gas Leakage Detecting Systemhas been successfully designed and implemented. The main advantage of this project is detect if there is any leakage of LPG gas .The other advantages of the circuit are that it is a less cost, fast responds circuit,and also it has wide detection range

In future, more detecting systems like any gas detection systems can be implemented. Additional features includes more secure systems like a call will be gone to a telephone number if a gas leakage and fire in a n/w area like LAN and internet used to world wide

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