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Configuration Cordys You can logon to Cordys with Internet Explorer with

You can logon with the username and password you got from your teacher. When you are logged on you can see this in the following window.

With these settings you havent got enough functionality to work with Cordys. Thats why you have to grant to yourself extra roles and menus. Open the menus until you see this:

Choose student underneath Organizational Users.

In the right frame you then see this window in which you can grant to yourself roles and menus.

Assignment 1. Grant to yourself the following roles: (choose the appropriate ISV Package and the corresponding role; in the following list the role is written first and behind that you see in which ISV Package you can find it)
Organizational Admin - Software Package Cordys 1.0 (this is already granted to you) Developer- Software Package Cordys 1.0 Orchestrator Admin Cordys Orchestrator Orchestrator Developer Cordys Orchestrator Portal Administrator Cordys Portal Portal Developer Content Development Cordys Portal Business Analyst - Cordys Studio Cordys BCP Training Cordys BCP Training 1.0 NL And the menus: Inbox (via select ISV Cordys, Product Orchestrator) Cordys Studio (via select ISV Cordys, Product Studio) Dont forgetto savethis settings!!

Assigment 2.

Cordys knows two types of users Organizational Users and Authenticated users. The organizational user is de user in Cordys and the Authenticated user is the user known in the operating system of the Cordys server. For this assignment you have to grant to the teacher (Docent in Dutch) the same rights you have granted to yourself. Dont change the authenticated user but choose Docent in the left frame and do the same as you did in the previous assignment. Dont forgetto savethis settings!!

Assignment 3. Grant to the organizational user Systemthe following roles: EveryoneInCordys Portal EveryonInCordys Orchestrator EveryoneInCordys BCPTraining After you click the cross of the menu (1) and reload the menu again with the Menu-button (2) 2 1 You see the following menu.

Assignment 4. Open Cordys Studio (the environment in which you can create the models) and start Cordys Studio. Cordys Studio is now being initialized and to work with it you have to set some preferences. So choose Yes in the following pop-up.

Next you will see

Fill in this window like above and save. Opdracht 5. Then you have to import some models that have been created for you and which you need to work with the Working with Cordys book. To do this you choose underneath Settings, Content Transfer Utility.

The next window will appear:

You need to import the following file (VCMStudioModelen.vcmdata) which you can find on Blackboard/Its learning or here.

Save this file on a place so Cordys can read it. Browse at select file to import to this file to import it and press Next. If the file is imported correctly you get the following window:

Accept the settings as above and click next again. After that you can see what is being imported:

Click next and finish. Than you are done and you can start with the Working with Cordys book

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