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Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 1 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible

answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the advertisement below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

Come, buy one get one free!!!

The latest colours! The most beautiful colours! For every 1 litre tin of paint, youll get another tin FREE. Tips for choice of colours: Warm up your room with bright colours. Choose red, orange and yellow. Your room is too big? Choose dark colours like black, brown and dark blue. Pastel colours such as pink and light blue will make your room bigger. They will give you a peaceful feeling too. Your house will look more beautiful than before. 1 For two tins of paint, you have to pay A RM10.00 B RM15.00 C RM20.00 D RM30.00 2 To make a room smaller, it is better to choose A dark colours B bright colours C pastel colours 3 Which colour can calm a person down? A Red B Yellow C D Dark blue Light blue RM15 per tin!!

4 The following colours are bright colours except A red B brown C orange D yellow 5 Which statement below is a fact and not an opinion? A The latest colours B Buy one, get one free C The most beautiful colours

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 2 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the text below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Row! Row men! We are getting closer, yelled Kamal. The sun was shining brightly and sweat began to trickle down his back. This must be the place! he thought. I cant be wrong! I have followed the directions on this piece of paper carefully. The treasure must be here. It cant be anywhere else Devils Rock is the only cave on the island. He counted thirteen steps from the mouth of the cave and ordered his men to start digging the ground. An hour later, excitement broke out as the men lifted a wooden box from the ground. The treasure! The treasure! they yelled. Kamal quickly opened the lock and lifted the lid. Oh, no! Its gone. Theres nothing here! said Kamal. Back to the ship men, Kamal ordered, as he walked away. 1 The piece of paper that Kamal was following is a A map B note C notice 2 Kamal and his men are most probably A killers B pirates C thieves 3 The treasure was probably inside a A bag B can C chest D basket

4 What do you think happened to the treasure? A It was lost. B It was on the ship. C Someone had stolen it. 5 How did Kamal feel when they did not find the treasure? A Disappointed B Worried C Angry D Glad

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 3 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the advertisement below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.


View the underwater world of Pulau Redang Enjoy the islands greenery Stay in the best hotel on the island Taste delicious and fresh seafood Experienced guides to answer all your questions

Valid for bookings made between 20 and 30 March 2007 Book now. Limited seats.


Please call: 1800-9222-6140 Join our Pulau Redang tour and experience The Eighth Wonder of the World. Dont miss the chance to see the underwater world of Pulau Redang and its blue corals.

1 The advertisement offers a tour to _______. A Redang Island B Redang Resort C Rainbow travels D Rainbow holidays 2 What does the phrase The Eighth Wonder of the World refer to? A The luxurious hotel B The islands greenery C The different kinds of food

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ D The underwater world of the island

3 When will this offer end? A 20 March B 30 March C 20 May D 30 May 4 This special offer is valid for A 5 days B 1 week C 9 days D 11 days 5 The people joining the Pulau Redang Tour have the chance to see A the tennis courts and pools B the different kinds of food C the islands corals D the seafood

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 4 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the text below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. 25 February I wish that Mum and Dad would buy me that bicycle. I like it so much. Its not like I celebrate my birthday every year. I get to celebrate it only once every four years. That is a really long time to wait. Since I was born I have only celebrated my birthday two times. All my friends in school think Im so unlucky to have been born on 29th February, but my parents say that I am special. This year, I plan to celebrate my birthday on a big scale. I will invite all my relatives and friends. I know Ella will be jealous of me! Mum and Dad bought her a watch for her birthday last month. 1 Ana celebrates her birthday only once every four years when it falls on a A jump year B leap year C skip year 2 How old would Ana be this birthday? A Four years old B Eight years old C Twelve years old D Sixteen years old 3 In which month does Ellas birthday fall? A January B February C March 4 Ella is most probably Anas A maid B sister C brother 5 Ana is writing in her A exercise book B textbook C storybook D diary

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 5 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Study the graph below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
RM1000 Key INCOME RM800 Chandra RM600 Tan RM400 RM200 2000 2001 YEAR 2002 2003

1 In 2000, Tan earned A RM400 B RM600 C RM800 D RM1000 2 When did Chandra earn RM1000? A 2000 and 2001 B 2001 and 2002 C 2002 and 2003 D 2003 only 3 In which year did Chandra earn more money than Tan? A 2003 B 2002 C 2001 D 2000

4 What was Tans total income from 2000 2003? A RM1000 B RM3200 C RM3600 D RM3800 5 How much did Tan and Chandra earn in 2001? A RM600 B RM1400 C RM1600 D RM2000

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 6 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the notice below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.


Date: Every Saturday and Sunday, beginning 5 July Time: 9 a.m. 11 a.m. Place: Computer room Course includes: Windows 2000, Photoshop, Internet package For details, please see: Jumuli Silang (Year 6K) President Computer Club Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Jeffri 1 What is the notice mainly about? A Computer for sale B The schools Computer Club C Windows 2000 and the Internet D A computer course for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils 2 The computer course is A 2 hours a week B 2 hours a month C 4 hours a week D 4 hours a month 3 If Encik Ali wants to send his two children and a nephew for the computer course, he will have to pay A RM30 per month B RM60 per month C RM90 per month D RM120 per month

Only RM30 per month Register early limited places

4 Pupils have to register early because A they will get a discount B it will only cost them RM30 C many computer courses are being offered D there are places for a small number of pupils only 5 If you want to find out more about the computer course, you will have to see A Jumuli Silang B the computer room C the pupils of Year 6 D Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Jeffri

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 7 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the advertisement below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. SUNGKAI RIVER FESTIVAL 1st to 7th December Adults: RM4 Children under 12: RM2

Free T-shirts for first 100 visitors

Free motorboat rides (Sun Sat) Dragon boat race (Sat) Fishing (Sun Fri) Duck-catching for children under 12 (Wed) Taste delicious Perak food at 100 stalls (Riverside) Chalets available at RM10 per person per day (Places limited)

For more information, call: Ahmad Sazili 05-431 2484 e-mail:

1 In which section of the newspaper would you most probably find this advertisement? A Sports B Leisure C Business 2 From the information given, we know that Sungkai River is in A Perak B Penang C Selangor D Negeri Sembilan 3 This festival will be held for ___ days. A six B seven C eight D nine

4 On which day would many primary schoolchildren attend the festival? A Sunday B Monday C Tuesday D Wednesday 5 Mr Marimuthu, his wife and three children aged 8, 10 and 11 want to attend the Sungkai River Festival. How much must they pay? A RM10 B RM12 C RM14 D RM16

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 8 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the text below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. One night, Lim Seng heard his dog barking. He quickly got out of bed and walked to the window. He looked over to his neighbours house. He could see three men dressed in black. They were trying to enter Encik Ramlis house. They were trying to open the main door. Lim Seng quickly went to the telephone. He called the police. Hello, is that the police station? asked Lim Seng. Yes, this is Corporal Samad here. Can I help you? There are three men trying to enter my neighbours house. The address is No 10, Jalan Bukit 5. Please come soon, said Lim Seng. O.K. We shall be there in ten minutes. 1 Why did Lim Seng get up? A He was hungry. B He was sleepwalking. C He wanted to scold his dog. D He wanted to see why his dog was barking. 2 When Lim Seng called for the police, what number do you think he would have dialled? He would have dialled A 991 B 994 C 999 3 Lim Seng called for the police at 2.00 a.m. At what time do you think the police arrived at Encik Ramlis house? A At 2.30 a.m. B At 2.10 a.m. C At 2.11 a.m. D At 2.10 p.m. 4 Why do you think the thieves were wearing black clothes? Because A they liked to wear black B black clothes are cheap C thieves usually wear black D they would not be easily seen in the dark 5 What kind of neighbour is Lim Seng? A Kind B Brave C Patient D Helpful

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 9 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the letter below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. 26, USJ5/1D, UEP Subang Jaya, 47610 Selangor. 3 June 2006 Dear Jamie, How are you? I hope you are fine. I am writing to tell you that I will be visiting you soon. I still remember how you taught me to fish at Kenyir Dam last holidays. You asked me to use live bait on my fishing rod and we had to sit and wait for hours without making a sound. I was afraid that the worms used would fall off the hook. I was so proud of myself. I caught the biggest catch of the day. I am looking forward to doing it all again. My regards to your parents and dont forget to pat Ringo for me. Does he still bark loudly every time he sees a cat? Bye. See you soon. Yours sincerely,
Chee Heng

1 Why did Chee Heng write to Jamie? A To ask Jamie to pat Ringo B To ask Jamie to pick him up C To ask Jamie to take him fishing D To tell Jamie that he will be visiting him 2 In the letter, live bait means A live worms B dried worms C a dead worm 3 Why couldnt the boys make any noise while fishing? A The bait would die.


The dam would flood. It would scare the fish.

4 What was Chee Heng referring to when he said it was the biggest catch of the day? A A cat C A fish B A dog D A worm 5 Ringo is Jamies A dog B cat C fish

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 10 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the schedule below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. From Kuala Lumpur Kota Bharu Ipoh Johor Bahru Kuching KAYA TRAVEL AGENCY SCHEDULE To Type of transport Penang Aeroplane Bus Train Kuala Lumpur Aeroplane Bus Penang Aeroplane Bus Train Kuala Lumpur Aeroplane Bus Train Kota Kinabalu Aeroplane Ferry 3 A ferry travels A on roads B on water C in the air D on tracks 4 From the schedule given, how many types of transport are given? A Two B Three C Four D Five 5 This travel schedule is from A Kaya Travel Agency B National Express Bus C Keretapi Tanah Melayu Time taken 45 mins 7 hours 8 hours 45 mins 10 hours 40 mins 3 hours 3 hours 45 mins 6 hours 6 hours 45 mins 30 hours

1 If Salmiah wants to travel from Ipoh to Penang, she can use all these modes of transport except A bus B train C ferry D aeroplane 2 My father wants to fly from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur and from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. The flight will take a total of ____. A 30 mins B 45 mins C 60 mins D 1 hours

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 11 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the text below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Have you seen a fish climb a tree? Probably not. But there is a fish that can do just that. It is called the mudskipper, or tree climber. You can find them in Malaysian swamps. This fish moves in a strange way. When it leaves the water, it uses its fins to crawl like a lizard. With the help of its tail, the mudskipper jumps around mud flats like a frog looking for insects. It also uses its front fins to climb up a tree. The fish cant go very high up, just high enough to find food. The fish can even move faster than most people. The mudskipper is one of many fish that can breathe out of water. 1 What is a mudskipper? A A fish B A frog C A lizard 2 How does the mudskipper move in water? A It skips. B It swims. C It jumps. 3 What part of the mudskipper helps it to jump? A Its fins B Its legs C Its tail D Its mouth 4 What does the mudskipper eat? A Rats B Frogs C Flies D Lizards 5 What conclusion can you draw about the mudskipper? A The mudskipper lives only in mud. B The mudskipper is a good swimmer. C The mudskipper crawls like a lizard. D The mudskipper can do things that most fish cannot do.

Name : _______________________Year : _______ Date : _______________________ SECTION E Practice 12 Each question or incomplete statement is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the correct or best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Read the conversation below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Alif Rifaei Alif Rifaei Alif Rifaei Alif Rifaei Alif Rifaei Alif Rifaei Alif Rifaei : Hello, may I speak to Rifaei, please? : Speaking. : Hi! Its me, Alif. : Hi, Alif. Whats up? : Oh, nothing really. Im just calling to see if you are all right since you were absent today. : Im okay. I had a terrible stomachache this morning. : Did you see a doctor? : Yes, I did. He told me that I had food poisoning. : I beg your pardon? : I said that I had food poisoning. : Oh dear! Shall I come and visit you? : Well, Im fine now. Ill be back in school tomorrow. Its Friday, and I love Art Class too much to miss it. : Great! Ill see you then. Bye! : Bye and thanks for calling. B C D an excuse a description an explanation

1 This conversation took place between two A gardeners B teachers C doctors D pupils 2 Rifaei was absent on A Tuesday B Wednesday C Thursday D Friday 3 When Rifaei used the words Whats up, he was asking Alif for A a reason

4 From the conversation, we know that Rifaei had a A stomachache B toothache C headache 5 We can say that Alif is A a cruel person B a caring friend C a proud pupil D a happy boy

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