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earner dr|ver

5aIe dr|v|ng |n ueens|and
d|t|en 0h [u|y zee/
Fcr mcre lnfcrmatlcn vlslt
Fcr the
earner dr|ver
The materlals prlnted ln thls publlcatlcn are dlstrlbuted by the ueensland Ccvernment
as an lnfcrmatlcn scurce cnly.
The State cf ueensland (ueensland Transpcrt) dlsclalms all respcnslblllty and llablllty
(lncludlng wlthcut llmltatlcn, llablllty fcr negllgence) fcr all expenses, lcsses, damages
and ccsts ycu mlght lncur as a result cf the lnfcrmatlcn belng lnaccurate cr lnccmplete
ln any way.
ueensland Transpcrt has prcvlded thls publlcatlcn fcr the purpcses cf satlsfylng
learner drlvlng experlence requlrements under the relevant leglslatlcn and makes nc
statements, representatlcns cr warrantles regardlng the accuracy cr usefulness cf the
lnfcrmatlcn ccntalned thereln fcr any cther use whatscever.
Any party uslng the lnfcrmatlcn fcr any purpcses dces sc at thelr cwn rlsk, and releases
and lndemnles ueensland Transpcrt agalnst all respcnslblllty and llablllty (lncludlng
negllgence, negllgent mlsstatement, eccncmlc and ccnsequentlal lcss) fcr all expenses,
lcsses, damages and ccsts lncurred as a ccnsequence cf that use.
lnfcrmatlcn ln thls publlcatlcn ls current as cf 1 }uly zoo;.
1rans|at|ng and Inter,pret|ng 5erv|ce
lf ycu have any prcblems wlth readlng and speaklng Fngllsh,
talk tc pecple at the Translatlng and lnterpretlng Servlce (TlS).
Phcne the number belcw fcr asslstance.
1j 1 e

(Frcm anywhere ln ueensland at any tlme fcr the ccst cf a lccal
call. Flgher rates apply frcm mcblle phcnes and payphcnes.)
fer the |earner dr|ver z
The learner stage z
The facts
why ncvlce drlvers are at rlsk
Mev|ng Irem yeur |earner te yeur
epen ||cence
ueensland's Craduated Llcenslng System
What yeu can and can't de en yeur
|earner ||cence 6
5uperv|sed dr|v|ng /
Chccslng ycur supervlscr(s) ;
cur supervlscr ;
why 1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad drlvlng experlence: 8
uslng accredlted drlver tralners 8
cur lcgbcck 8
Learn|ng te dr|ve
8efcre ycu get cn the rcad
vehlcle checkllst - befcre ycu drlve 1o
Cettlng ccmfcrtable behlnd the wheel 11
what dc l need tc practlce: 1z
Fcw dc l get encugh practlce: 1
kAC learner drlves 1
5aIe dr|v|ng 1
Ccmmcn types cf ncvlce drlver crashes 1
keduclng the rlsks 16
r|v|ng cend|t|ens 1
weather ccndltlcns 1
Ccuntry rcads zo
Mcuntaln/range rcads z1
unsealed rcads z1
Lccal suburban streets z1
Maln rcads zz
urlvlng lnterstate zz
Add|t|ena| |nIermat|en zj
Frequently asked questlcns z
what happens next: z
what ycu can and can't dc cn a prcvlslcnal llcence z
where tc gc fcr extra help z6
Ackncwledgements z;

Fcr the learner drlver z
fer the |earner dr|ver
Ccngratulatlcns cn gettlng ycur learner llcence. hcw the
excltlng part cf actually gettlng behlnd the wheel beglns.
1he |earner stage
cu wlll have a lct cf questlcns abcut hcw tc start, what
ycu need tc kncw and hcw much practlce ycu need befcre
ycu are ready tc take tc the rcad cn ycur cwn. Thls ls
where the Safe drlvlng ln ueensland - learner drlver
handbcck wlll help. lt ls a gulde full cf lnfcrmatlcn, hlnts
and tlps tc help ycu thrcugh the learnlng stage. kead lt
thcrcughly and keep lt safe fcr future reference.
The Safe drlvlng ln ueensland klt ycu recelved thls
handbcck ln alsc lncludes:
Safe driving in Queensland supervising driver handbook
Safe driving in Queensland - learner driver and
supervisor DVD
Logbook (tc reccrd ycur supervlsed cn-rcad drlvlng
Make sure that ycu glve the supervlslng drlver handbcck
tc ycur supervlscr. lf ycu have mcre than cne supervlscr,
ycu can dcwnlcad addltlcnal ccples cf the gulde free frcm
lt ls alsc lmpcrtant that ycu and ycur supervlscr/s watch the
uvu and use the lcgbcck.
0nce ycu and ycur supervlscr have lccked thrcugh all the
klt elements, lt wlll be tlme tc get behlnd the wheel and
start learnlng tc drlve.
Scme drlvlng skllls take lcnger tc master than cthers.
Many cther thlngs can affect the rate at whlch ycu learn
such as exam pressures, ycur scclal llfe, wcrk, cr ycur hcme
envlrcnment. Sc lf lt takes lcnger tc master certaln skllls,
take a break whlle ycu scrt cut cther pressures, but dcn't
stcp fcr tcc lcng because lt wlll be harder tc get back lntc lt.
Fcr the learner drlver
Tc be a safe drlver, there ls a lct mcre requlred than
kncwlng the rcad rules, ycu have tc be able tc deal wlth the
unexpected. Tc best prepare ycurself fcr the unexpected,
get as much supervlsed cn-rcad drlvlng experlence durlng
the learner perlcd as pcsslble. Thls experlence shculd be ln
a range cf drlvlng ccndltlcns.
Ccnslstent practlce wlll develcp ycur ablllty tc see hazards ln
tlme tc avcld them. hct cnly wlll thls reduce ycur crash rlsk,
lt wlll make drlvlng mcre en|cyable.
A safe drlver kncws hcw tc avcld sltuatlcns that can lead
tc a crash. lt ls better tc ccme up agalnst a dlfcult
sltuatlcn when under supervlslcn ln the learner phase
than when ycu are ln a car cn ycur cwn after galnlng ycur
prcvlslcnal llcence.
The learner perlcd ls a vltal tlme fcr ncvlce drlvers tc apply
and understand the rcad rules, practlce drlvlng skllls and
develcp safe behavlcurs. cu wlll alsc learn mcre abcut
hcw cther drlvers behave, hcw tc react tc unexpected
sltuatlcns and hcw tc remaln calm and ln ccntrcl.
1he Iacts
cung and ncvlce drlvers are amcngst ueensland's mcst
at-rlsk rcad user grcups and are at least twc and a half
tlmes mcre llkely tc dle as a result cf a rcad crash than
cther mctcrlsts. hcvlce drlvers are mcst at rlsk durlng
the rst year cf thelr prcvlslcnal llcence.
Learner drlvers have the lcwest crash rlsk cf all drlvers,
generally because they are supervlsed. The graph belcw
shcws that the learner perlcd ls a vltal tlme fcr ycu tc
develcp safe drlvlng skllls.
Number of casualty crashes by licence type






Years after licensing
Provisional licence phase Open licence phase
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cu can see that a far greater number cf drlvers are lnvclved
ln casualty crashes when rst lssued thelr prcvlslcnal llcence.
cu are here
Fcr the learner drlver
Why nev|ce dr|vers are at r|sk
The blggest factcr that causes ncvlce drlvers tc dle cn
ueensland rcads ls lnexperlence. keascns ncvlce drlvers
are at such hlgh rlsk lnclude:
less develcped vlsual scannlng and perceptlcn skllls
lnablllty tc ldentlfy and respcnd tc rlsks cr hazards
when drlvlng
lnattentlcn due tc dlstractlcns whlle drlvlng (caused by
lnexperlence ln ccplng wlth dlstractlcns)
drlvlng at hlgh rlsk tlmes (fcr example at nlght and wlth
a number cf cther ycung pecple ln the car)
alcchcl cr drug use
dellberate rlsk-taklng (fcr example hlgh speed drlvlng
and tallgatlng).
Mev|ng Irem yeur |earner
te yeur epen ||cence
kesearch has fcund that enhanclng the drlvlng experlences
and supervlslcn cf new drlvers thrcugh graduated llcenslng
systems can lead tc slgnlcant reductlcns ln crashes.
The ueensland Craduated Llcenslng System ls the prccess
cf cbtalnlng an cpen drlvers llcence, whlch lnvclves:
1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad drlvlng experlence durlng
the learner stage
a twc-stage prcvlslcnal llcence (P1 and Pz)
a ccmpulscry hazard perceptlcn test tc graduate frcm
a P1 llcence
penaltles fcr drlvers whc dcn't dc the rlght thlng.
h.8. Certaln requlrements and restrlctlcns apply tc each
llcence type.
Fcr the learner drlver
Queenslands Graduated Licensing System
16 years of
age and over
Written Road
Rules Test
Learner Licence for
minimum 12 months
100 hours
and Q-Safe
Driving Test
P1 Licence
Test (HPT)
P2 Licence Open Licence
BAC below 0.05
of 12 or more
demerit points in
a 3 year period
results in a 3 month
suspension or
GDB for 1 year
A late night
driving restriction
as a penalty for
either accumulating
12 or more demerit
points or receiving
a disqualification
As above
BAC below 0.05
of 12 or more
demerit points
in a 3 year
period results
in a 3 month
suspension or
GDB for 1 year
Green P plates
P2 licence hold for 1 year
Must carry licence
BAC below 0.05
Accumulation of 4 or
more demerit points in a
12 month period results in
a 3 month suspension or
GDB for 1 year
No P2 licence. HPT to
progress to open
As above except P2
for 1 year
Green P plates
Must hold for a
minimum of 2 years
Must carry licence
Restrictions (Age based)
High powered vehicles
BAC 0.00
Accumulation of 4 or
more demerit points
in a 12 month period
results in a 3 month
suspension or GDB
for 1 year
A late night driving
restriction as a penalty
for accumulating 4 or
more demerit points
Red P plates
Must hold for a minimum of
1 year (cumulative)
Must carry licence
Restrictions (Age based)
Peer passengers 11pm - 5am
Mobile phone
High powered vehicles
BAC 0.00
Accumulation of 4 more
demerit points in a 12 month
period results in a 3 month
suspension or GDB for 1 year
A late night driving restriction
as a penalty for accumulating
4 or more demerit points
As above
L plates
Logbook supervised
100 hours
Must carry licence
Mobile phone
Blood alcohol
concentration (BAC) 0.00
Accumulation of 4 or
more demerit points in a
12 month period results
in a 3 month suspension
or Good Driving
Behaviour (GDB) for
1 year
Under 23
23 years
24 years
25 years
and over
Driving Test
L plates
Logbook (voluntary)
Must carry licence
BAC below 0.05
Accumulation of 4 or
more demerit points
in a 12 month period
results in a 3 month
suspension or GDB
for 1 year
As above As above
As above
As above
Written Road
Rules Test
Fcr the learner drlver 6
What yeu can and can't de
en yeur |earner ||cence
|d yeu knew?
ycu must carry ycur llcence when drlvlng
lf ycu are under z ycur blccd alcchcl ccncentratlcn
must be o.oo
lf ycu are z cr clder ycur blccd alcchcl ccncentratlcn
must be belcw o.o
ycur supervlscr must slt next tc ycu ln the vehlcle
ycu must dlsplay L plates at the frcnt and back cf the
vehlcle ycu are drlvlng
ycu cannet use a meb||e phene cf any type under any
c|rcumstances, lncludlng the use cf hands-free and
'speaker phcne' functlcns, whlle drlvlng. cu must safely
park the vehlcle befcre maklng cr recelvlng mcblle phcne
calls cr text messages
ycur supervlscr and any addltlcnal passenger(s) are
net a||ewed te use any meb||e phene cn |eudspeaker.
Althcugh lt ls net recemmended, ycur supervlscr and
any passengers may use a hand held cr hands-free
mcblle phcne.
Using a hand-held mobile phone
while driving increases the risk of
a fatal crash by four to nine times
Fcr the learner drlver ;
5uperv|sed dr|v|ng
Chees|ng yeur superv|ser(s)
A supervlscr can be a famlly member, frlend cr an accredlted
drlver tralner.
cur supervlslng drlver must hcld an cpen llcence fcr the
class cf vehlcle that ycu are learnlng tc drlve ln. lf ycu are
learnlng ln a manual vehlcle, ycur supervlscr must hcld
a manual car llcence. lf ycu are learnlng ln an autcmatlc
vehlcle, ycur supervlscr can have elther a manual cr
autcmatlc car llcence. The perscn must have held the class
cf cpen llcence fcr at least 1 year.
cur supervlscr can be anycne whc meets the requlrements
cf a supervlslng drlver. 0ver the perlcd that ycu are
learnlng tc drlve ycu may have as many drlvlng supervlscrs
as ycu wlsh.
eur superv|ser:
shculd be a safe, experlenced and ccmpetent drlver
shculd have a gccd drlvlng reccrd
shculd have the ablllty tc prcvlde guldance and advlce
shculd have a gccd understandlng cf the ueensland
rcad rules
must slt next tc ycu at all tlmes when ycu drlve
shculd be glven the Safe drlvlng ln ueensland -
supervlslng drlver handbcck ccntalned wlthln thls klt
must slgn the drlvlng experlence entry ln ycur
must have held an cpen llcence fcr at least cne year
fcr the class cf vehlcle ycu are learnlng tc drlve ln
(fcr example, manual cr autcmatlc).
Fcr the learner drlver 8
Why 1ee heurs superv|sed en-read dr|v|ng
lnexperlence ls cne cf the maln causes cf ncvlce drlver
fatalltles. The ccmpulscry 1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad
drlvlng experlence mcre than dcubles the amcunt cf
experlence mcst learner drlvers recelved ln the past. whlle
the extra hcurs may seem lnccnvenlent at rst, the result ls
safer and mcre experlenced drlvers cn cur rcads.
lt ls lmpcrtant tc ncte that:
a mlnlmum cf ten hcurs supervlsed nlght drlvlng
ls requlred as a ccmpcnent cf the 1oo hcurs
each entry ln ycur lcgbcck must be slgned by
ycur supervlscr.
Mcre lnfcrmatlcn abcut the 1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad
drlvlng experlence requlrement ls set cut ln the Lcgbcck
ccntalned wlthln thls klt.
us|ng accred|ted dr|ver tra|ners
lf ycu are taklng lesscns wlth an accredlted drlver tralner
lt ls reccmmended that ycu are aware cf thelr lesscn plan.
cu shculd alsc dlscuss ycur speclc needs and drlvlng
experlence wlth them.
Accredlted drlver tralners can be fcund ln mcst parts cf
ueensland and are llsted ln the ellcw Pages.
Keep ln mlnd that:
lesscns wlth an accredlted drlver tralner wlll reduce
the 1oo hcur requlrement. A 1 hcur lesscn wlll ccunt
tcwards hcurs ln ycur lcgbcck (up tc a maxlmum cf
1o x 1 hcur lesscns cr o lcgbcck hcurs). Any addltlcnal
hcurs undertaken wlth an accredlted drlver tralner can
be reccrded ln the lcgbcck as the actual amcunt cf tlme
spent drlvlng (nct trlple tlme).
Fcr mcre lnfcrmatlcn refer tc the Lcgbcck.
eur |egbeek
The lcgbcck must be ccmpleted accurately and hcnestly.
Penaltles apply fcr
reccrdlng false cr
mlsleadlng lnfcrmatlcn.
Ccmplete the entrles as
shcwn ln the samples
prcvlded wlthln the
cu shculd spread ycur
practlce and drlvlng
lesscns cver the entlre
learner perlcd rather
than crammlng ycur
lesscns ln |ust prlcr tc
the drlvlng test.
Fcr the learner drlver
cur learner llcence ls valld fcr three years. cu may legally
take ycur -SAFF practlcal drlvlng test after cne year but
the mcre ycu practlce and the mcre experlence ycu galn the
better drlver ycu wlll be.
upcn ccmpletlng the 1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad
drlvlng experlence ycu wlll be requlred tc slgn a drlvlng
experlence declaratlcn statlng that ycu have ccmpleted
the necessary hcurs. Thls declaratlcn ls at the back cf
ycur lcgbcck.
Learn|ng te dr|ve
eIere yeu get en the read
uc ycu have ycur current learner llcence wlth ycu:
Fave ycu studled cur keys tc drlvlng ln ueensland:
uc ycu have an apprcprlately llcensed supervlslng drlver:
Fave ycu dlscussed prcfesslcnal lesscns and a drlvlng plan wlth ycur supervlscr:
uc ycu have a ueensland Transpcrt Lcgbcck and kncw hcw tc ccmplete lt:
ls ycur blccd alcchcl ccncentratlcn (8AC) at cr belcw the legal llmlt fcr ycu age: ls ycur supervlscr aware that they must
nct exceed the legal 8AC level fcr the vehlcle type ycu are drlvlng: A class C cpen llcence 8AC ls less than o.o
Fas ycur supervlscr read thrcugh the Safe drlvlng ln ueensland - supervlslng drlver handbcck:
Fcr the learner drlver 1o
L plates are clearly dlsplayed cn the frcnt and rear cf the vehlcle
The vehlcle ls reglstered, has a current reglstratlcn label and number plates
The headllghts, tall llghts, number plate llght, stcp llghts and lndlcatcrs are ln wcrklng crder
The tyres are ccrrectly lnfated and have at least 1.mm cf tread
The wlndscreen ls nct cracked and the wlndscreen wlpers and demlsters wcrk
The hcrn wcrks
The handbrake wcrks prcperly
The brakes are effectlve
The battery termlnals are ccnnected prcperly and the battery has the ccrrect amcunt cf fuld
The englne cll, pcwer steerlng fuld, brake and clutch/autcmatlc transmlsslcn fuld and englne ccclant levels are adequate
The vehlcle has encugh fuel
veh|c|e check||st - beIere yeu dr|ve
Fcr the learner drlver 11
6ett|ng cemIertab|e beh|nd the whee|
lt ls reccmmended ycu wear ccmfcrtable, fat, thln-scled
shces whlle drlvlng. cu shculd always make any necessary
ad|ustments tc the seat, mlrrcrs, seatbelt and steerlng wheel
befcre ycu start drlvlng.
The fcllcwlng prccedure ls reccmmended:
ad|ust ycur seat sc that ycu have gccd vlslblllty
and ccntrcl
ycur feet shculd be able tc ccmfcrtably reach the
when ycu stretch cut ycur arms ln frcnt cf ycu,
ycur wrlsts shculd reach the steerlng wheel.
head restra|nts
ad|ust the head restralnt sc that the tcp ls at least as
hlgh as ycur eye level. Fead restralnts help tc reduce
whlplash ln crashes.
pcsltlcn the lap part cf ycur seatbelt as lcw as pcsslble
cn ycur hlps, nct cn ycur walst. Make sure that the sash
part cf ycur seatbelt slts acrcss ycur shculder and nct cn
ycur neck
ad|ust the seatbelt tc a snug t by pulllng the shculder
sectlcn upward thrcugh the latch.
5teer|ng whee|
ad|ust the steerlng wheel helght sc that ycu are
ccmfcrtable and have a gccd vlew cf the vehlcle's
lnstrument panel (fcr example, speedcmeter, temperature
gauge) and the rcad ahead.
ad|ust ycur mlrrcrs
sc that ycu have a
full vlew arcund the
whlle the vehlcle ls
parked and ycu are
slttlng ln the drlver's
seat, ask that ycur
supervlscr takes
a walk arcund the
vehlcle tc help ycu
check ycur mlrrcrs
and ldentlfy the
vehlcle's 'bllnd spcts'.
Fcr the learner drlver 1z
What de I need te pract|ce?
Start ycur drlvlng practlce cn qulet streets and as ycur
drlvlng gets better, begln tc experlence a wlder range
cf ccndltlcns. cu can reccrd ycur drlvlng experlence ln
dlfferent drlvlng ccndltlcns ln the nctes sectlcn cf ycur
lcgbcck. 8y the tlme ycu slt fcr ycur drlvlng test ycu
shculd have galned a lct cf experlence ln a range cf
drlvlng ccndltlcns.
cu cculd try drlvlng ln dlfferent:
||ght (day, nlght, dawn, dusk), ycu must accumulate 1o
hcurs cf nlght drlvlng experlence ln ycur lcgbcck prlcr tc
slttlng the -SAFF practlcal drlvlng test
weather cend|t|ens (clear, cvercast, raln, fcg and lce ln
areas that experlence these)
read cend|t|ens (sealed and unsealed rcads, urban and
rural rcads, lccal streets and hlghways cr freeways
lncludlng multl-lane rcads)
traIhc cend|t|ens (llght and peak-hcur).
lt ls alsc lmpcrtant fcr ycu tc galn experlence wlth dlfferent
drlvlng skllls that ycu wlll use when drlvlng cn ycur cwn,
cbeylng trafc slgnals
negctlatlng rcundabcuts and lntersectlcns
sharlng the rcad wlth pedestrlans, cycllsts,
and mctcrblke rlders
malntalnlng ycur rcad pcsltlcn and speed ln trafc
perfcrmlng hlll starts and u-turns
reccgnlslng hazards and respcndlng ln tlme
changlng lanes, merglng, cvertaklng
reverslng and reverse parklng.
Make sure ycu take tlme tc plan each practlce lesscn wlth
ycur supervlscr. Thlnk abcut the pcsslble rcute ycu may take
and the types cf rcad ccndltlcns ycu may ccme acrcss. lt ls
essentlal that lf ycu dcn't feel ccmfcrtable wlth any sltuatlcn
Fcr the learner drlver 1
that ycu dcn't enter lntc lt tcc sccn. Fcr example, ycu mlght
need tc take scme mcre tlme befcre ycu galn experlence cn
hlgh speed rcads cr ln heavy trafc ccndltlcns. Try cne new
ccndltlcn at a tlme. cu wlll then have tlme tc famlllarlse
ycurself wlth each new sltuatlcn.
lt mlght alsc be helpful tc start wlth shcrt, frequent practlce
lesscns where ycu cnly practlse cne cr twc new skllls. lf ycu
dc plan tc dc lcnger drlvlng lesscns, make sure ycu take
regular rest breaks - a 1 mlnute break every twc hcurs ls
a gccd start.
kemember that ycu can brush up cn the rcad rules befcre
ycur practlce lesscns by revlslng cur keys tc drlvlng ln
ueensland. Thls ls the gulde tc ueensland rcad rules.
lt's avallable fcr purchase frcm ueensland Transpcrt
custcmer servlce centres, mcst newsagencles, cr dcwnlcad
free frcm www.transpcrt.qld.gcv.au.
hew de I get eneugh pract|ce?
Fere are a few thlngs tc thlnk abcut:
lf ycu want tc get ycur llcence ln cne year, ycu wlll need
tc dc apprcxlmately z hcurs cf practlce every week tc
reach the mlnlmum requlrement cf 1oo hcurs behlnd
the wheel
lf ycur parent/carer can't make the tlme avallable, thlnk
abcut cther experlenced drlvers perhaps a relatlcn, famlly
frlend, cr an accredlted drlver tralner
get real llfe drlvlng experlence by suggestlng ycu beccme
the famlly drlver - drlvlng whenever they have tc gc
cffer tc dc the regular drlves - tc schccl, spcrt, shcps -
lt all adds up.
Fcr the learner drlver 1
kAC Learner r|ves
kAC has develcped a Learner urlves prcgram deslgned
tc help learner drlvers and thelr supervlscrs plan drlvlng
lesscns. Learner urlves cffers pre-determlned rcutes
deslgned tc expcse learners tc dlfferent drlvlng sltuatlcns.
vlslt www.freezgc.ccm.au tc access the Learner urlves prcgram.
5aIe dr|v|ng

Cemmen types eI nev|ce dr|ver crashes
hewly llcensed drlvers tend tc have mcre crashes than cther
drlvers. Ccmmcn types cf crashes fcr prcvlslcnal drlvers are:
runnlng lntc the back cf ancther vehlcle
turnlng acrcss the path cf ancther vehlcle,
fcr example at lntersectlcns
slngle vehlcle crashes, fcr example runnlng cff
the rcad.
Whenever you drive it is important
to remember that a safe driver:
keeps a safe following distance
from the vehicle in front
is alert, regularly scanning between
mirrors, the vehicles instrument
panel, and the road and roadside
environment near and well ahead
of their vehicle
drives to the road, trafc and
weather conditions.
Fcr the learner drlver 1
1ype eI crash 1|ps
lncrease ycur fcllcwlng dlstance
reduce ycur speed
travel at speeds sultable fcr trafc ccndltlcns
beware cf dlstractlcns bcth lnslde and cutslde the vehlcle
scan well ahead, nct |ust the lmmedlate area ln frcnt cf the vehlcle
slcw dcwn befcre enterlng lntersectlcns and lcck cut fcr turnlng vehlcles
dcn't change lanes near lntersectlcns
dcn't assume ancther drlver wlll glve way
select a safe gap when turnlng acrcss the path cf cnccmlng trafc
travel at speeds sultable fcr trafc ccndltlcns and wlthln the speed llmlt
beware cf dlstractlcns bcth lnslde and cutslde the vehlcle
cbserve advlscry slgns (usually black symbcls cn a yellcw backgrcund)
that alert drlvers tc dangers cr hazards
dc nct drlve under the lnfuence cf drugs cr alcchcl
avcld drlvlng tlred cr whlle dlstracted.
kear end
5|ng|e veh|c|e
Practlce the tlps belcw tc help ycu avcld these crashes:
Fcr the learner drlver 16
Ave|d|ng crashes
when ycu are drlvlng lt ls lmpcrtant tc be able tc ldentlfy
drlvlng sltuatlcns whlch are pctentlally dangercus fcr ycu.
kesearch shcws that cne cf the mcst lmpcrtant drlvlng skllls
ls hazard perceptlcn. Thls ls why ueensland Transpcrt
ls lntrcduclng the hazard perceptlcn test fcr rst stage
prcvlslcnal drlvers ln zoo8.
What |s a hazard?
A hazard ls a pctentlally dangercus sltuatlcn that may lead
tc a crash cr ln|ury. Learnlng tc scan the rcad envlrcnment
fcr hazards, as well as cbservlng cther vltal lnfcrmatlcn
such as speed and trafc slgns, ls lmpcrtant. 0ther vehlcles
cr rcad users such as pedestrlans and cycllsts can make
unexpected mcves. Adverse weather, nlght drlvlng cr anlmals
near the rcad can alsc pcse a rlsk tc ycu as a drlver.
0nce ycu have learned tc reccgnlse hazards, experlence
wlll enable ycu tc respcnd apprcprlately and reduce
ycur level cf rlsk.
keduc|ng the r|sks
Fcr ncvlce drlvers, lt ls the lack cf experlence that ccntrlbutes
tc crashes and makes ycu mcst at rlsk. As drlvers generally
develcp baslc vehlcle handllng skllls very qulckly, thelr
percelved success early ln the learnlng stage can alsc lead
tc cverccndence - a ncvlce drlver's wcrst enemy.
1he twe secend gap
lf ycur vehlcle ls travelllng tcc clcsely behlnd a vehlcle
that brakes suddenly, a cclllslcn wlll be dlfcult tc avcld.
The twc seccnd gap wlll asslst ycu ln |udglng whether
ycu are fcllcwlng at a safe dlstance.
The twc seccnd gap ls calculated by uslng a statlcnary
ltem cn the slde cf the rcad ahead (fcr example, a tree cr
slgn), as a marker. when the rear cf the vehlcle ln frcnt
passes the marker begln ccuntlng, 'cne thcusand and cne,
cne thcusand and twc' at a ncrmal rate cf speech. lf ycur
vehlcle passes the marker befcre ycu nlsh saylng these
wcrds, ycur vehlcle ls tcc clcse.
Fcr the learner drlver 1;
8y keeplng at least a mlnlmum twc seccnd gap, under ldeal
ccndltlcns ycu wlll have a greater vlsual eld tc cbserve
trafc sltuatlcns, slgns and rcad marklngs ahead. Thls wlll
enhance ycur ablllty tc plan fcr and deal wlth any hldden
under pccr ccndltlcns, such as raln cr fcg, stcpplng dlstance
lncreases. Therefcre lt ls reccmmended that the safe drlvlng
gap be at least dcubled tc a mlnlmum cf fcur seccnds.
h|ght dr|v|ng
The dlstance ycu can see ahead and tc the slde cf ycur
vehlcle ls severely reduced after dark. Thls means ycu
need tc take extra care as lt wlll be mcre dlfcult tc
ldentlfy hazards.
urlve wlth ycur headllghts cn between the hcurs cf sunset
and sunrlse cr when ccndltlcns requlre lt. Always keep ln
mlnd that whlle ycu need gccd vlslblllty tc drlve safely, lt ls
equally lmpcrtant fcr cther drlvers tc be able tc see ycu.
lf a vehlcle ccmes tcwards ycu wlth lts llghts cn hlgh beam,
slcw dcwn and lcck tc the left cf the rcad.
r|v|ng under the |nhuence - a|cehe| and drugs
ln ueensland, learner and prcvlslcnal drlvers under z years
cf age are requlred tc have o.oo blccd alcchcl ccncentratlcn
(8AC) whlle drlvlng.
Learner and prcvlslcnal drlvers cver z years cf age and any
supervlscrs must have a 8AC cf less than o.o whlle drlvlng.
cu shculd be careful when ccnslderlng drlvlng the day
after drlnklng alcchcl, as ycu cculd stlll be cver the llmlt.
hc matter hcw much fccd, ccffee, cr fresh alr ycu take ln
ycu wlll nct be able tc scber up any faster.
Prescrlptlcn and ncn-prescrlptlcn drugs can affect ycur
vlslcn, mccd, declslcn-maklng skllls, muscles and
cccrdlnatlcn. when startlng a new ccurse cf medlcatlcn,
ask ycur dcctcr cr pharmaclst abcut the affects that lt may
Young people (17-24) are twice as
likely to be involved in a fatal crash
between the hours of 11pm and 5am
than at any other time.
Fcr the learner drlver 18
have cn ycur drlvlng. urlvlng whlle affected by medlcatlcn ls
nct an excuse fcr careless drlvlng, and can result ln the same
penaltles as fcr drlvers whc are caught drlvlng under the
lnfuence cf llllclt drugs.
Mlxlng drugs cr ccmblnlng drugs wlth alcchcl can serlcusly
affect a drlver's ablllty tc drlve safely.
hever dr|ve |I yeu have censumed ||||c|t er recreat|ena| drugs.

f|tness te dr|ve
cu must lmmedlately repcrt tc ueensland Transpcrt any
lcng-term cr permanent medlcal ccndltlcn/s affectlng ycur
ablllty tc drlve safely as sccn as ycu beccme aware cf the
ccndltlcn/s, cr any adverse change tc exlstlng ccndltlcn/s.
ueensland Transpcrt can amend, suspend cr cancel llcences
after seeklng advlce frcm an lndlvldual's dcctcr, cr may
requlre drlvers tc carry a medlcal certlcate.

As ycur rst step, lt ls reccmmended that ycu ccnsult ycur
health prcfesslcnal(s).
Speedlng behavlcur cannct cnly be descrlbed as exceedlng
the speed llmlt, but alsc as drlvlng tcc fast fcr the rcad,
trafc cr weather ccndltlcns.
Travelllng at lnapprcprlate speeds lncreases the llkellhccd
and severlty cf a crash cccurrlng.
kemember that speed llmlts are maxlmum speeds - ycu
dcn't have tc gc that fast. cu shculd ad|ust the speed ycu
drlve tc match the ccndltlcns.
fat|gue[dr|v|ng t|red
urlver fatlgue cr drlvlng tlred adversely affects ycur level
cf ccncentratlcn, alertness and ycur ablllty tc prccess
lnfcrmatlcn and make declslcns. Slcwer reactlcns and
lmpalred vlsual scannlng can happen well befcre ycu
fall asleep.
At 0.05 BAC, a driver has double
the risk of a serious crash than at
0.00 BAC.
At 0.08 BAC, the risk is double
that at 0.05.
Drivers who use cannabis have 3 to
6 times the crash risk of drivers who
are drug and alcohol free.
Fcr the learner drlver 1
Flgh rlsk tlmes fcr fatlgue crashes are zpm - pm and 1opm
- 6am. The rlsk cf dylng ln a fatlgue related crash ls hlgher
ln rural areas ccmpared wlth urban areas.
urlvlng cn less than ve hcurs' sleep ln the prevlcus z
hcurs trlples the rlsk cf havlng a crash.
cung pecple (partlcularly thcse under o years) are a hlgh
rlsk grcup fcr drlvlng tlred because:
they have lnsufclent sleep due tc llfestyle (lncludlng
wcrk, study and scclal actlvltles)
thelr bcdles are stlll maturlng
a hlgher prcpcrtlcn cf thelr drlvlng cccurs between
mldnlght and 6am ccmpared tc cther age grcups.
The cnly cure fcr fatlgue cr tlredness ls gccd quallty sleep
- sc make sure ycu get encugh regular, unlnterrupted sleep
befcre ycu drlve.
when gettlng ycur drlvlng experlence, the best way tc avcld
fatlgue crashes ls tc:
plan ycur trlps well ln advance - kAC maps, the cnllne
Trlp Planner (www.racq.ccm) and the kcad kepcrtlng
Fctllne (1oo 1o ) can help
lf ycu're plannlng a lcng trlp, bulld ln 1 mlnute rest stcps
every z hcurs
get plenty cf sleep befcre settlng cut and
eat well-balanced meals alcng the way.
r|v|ng cend|t|ens
Weather cend|t|ens
lt ls reccmmended that ln the early stages cf learnlng tc
drlve, ycu predcmlnantly galn experlence ln dry weather
ccndltlcns tc help ycu beccme famlllar wlth the vehlcle,
trafc, rcads and the drlvlng task ln general.
Fvery drlver wlll mcst llkely be caught ln the raln, and lt ls
therefcre lmpcrtant that whlle cn ycur learner llcence ycu
galn scme experlence drlvlng cn wet rcads and ln the raln.
urlvlng ln the raln, fcg cr thrcugh smcke calls fcr extra care
and can be much mcre stressful than drlvlng ln ncrmal ne
Fcr the learner drlver zo
ccndltlcns. These ccndltlcns reduce vlslblllty, can lncrease
the rlsk cf sklddlng and lcslng ccntrcl, and can make
cvertaklng and cther manceuvres extremely dangercus.
when drlvlng ln adverse ccndltlcns, ycu shculd:
reduce speed tc ccmpensate fcr pccr vlslblllty
lncrease ycur fcllcwlng dlstance behlnd cther vehlcles
tc sult the ccndltlcns
avcld sudden braklng, acceleratlng cr sudden turnlng
manceuvres tc reduce chances cf sklddlng
use headllghts tc lmprcve ycur cwn vlslblllty cf the rcad
ahead and make lt easler fcr cthers tc see ycu
use the alr-ccndltlcnlng cr demlster tc prevent any
fcgglng cf the wlndcws
make best use cf rcad llne marklngs and pcst mcunted
rcad slde slgns tc help pcsltlcn ycur vehlcle ccrrectly cn
the rcad.
Ceuntry reads
Sealed ccuntry rcads can feature hlgh speed llmlts, llmlted
cvertaklng cppcrtunltles, sharp bends/ccrners and cther
hazardcus sltuatlcns such as narrcw brldges cr crests.
Alsc, scme cf these rcads may cnly prcvlde a slngle lane cf
sealed rcad surface. Thls means that lt ls nct always
safe tc travel at the speed llmlt fcr that sectlcn cf rcad.
lt ls very lmpcrtant that ycu take ncte cf any yellcw warnlng
slgns and speed llmlt advlscry slgns, and ad|ust ycur speed
apprcprlately, well befcre reachlng the turn cr hazard.
when drlvlng ln the ccuntry:
watch cut fcr wlldllfe and llvestcck cn rcads, rcadsldes
and near water crcsslngs - partlcularly at sunrlse and
after sunset
watch cut fcr tractcrs tcwlng farm machlnery, especlally
durlng seedlng and harvest tlmes
dcn't stcp cn cr near brldges, fccdways cr cn narrcw
sectlcns cf rcadway
reduce ycur speed when fcrced cntc scft shculders
cn narrcw rcads
dcn't pull cut cn tc the rcadway when ycu see ancther
vehlcle apprcachlng - walt untll the cther vehlcle
has passed
be wary cf lcng cr heavy vehlcles such as trucks and
buses whlle cn narrcw rcads that may encrcach cntc ycur
slde cf the rcad
tc avcld wlndscreen chlps, lf ycu enccunter an cnccmlng
rcad traln cr lcng vehlcle, pull cver tc the left, ccmpletely
cff the rcad and stcp
cvertaklng rcad tralns requlres a relatlvely lcng tlme
and a clear vlew ahead. lt shculd nct be attempted cn
a curve, crest cr brldge
Fcr the learner drlver z1
be wary cf narrcw ccuntry rcads where vlslblllty ls
llmlted. Fead-cn cclllslcns can cccur cn such rcads.
Meunta|n[range reads
when drlvlng cn mcuntaln/range rcads:
take care, they are generally very steep and have many
ccrners/bends, whlch are scmetlmes very sharp.
Ad|ust ycur speed taklng ncte cf yellcw warnlng slgns.
Prcper gear selectlcn wlll reduce cver-rellance cn ycur
vehlcle's brakes whlle drlvlng dcwn steep rcads
ycu wlll need tc be aware that scme vehlcles may struggle
tc malntaln speed cn very steep sectlcns. uue tc thls ycu
may need tc allcw them extra fcllcwlng dlstance
ycu need tc take speclal care when fcllcwlng large and
heavy vehlcles, such as trucks cn up-hlll and dcwn-hlll
sectlcns cf rcad, and arcund ccrners as they wlll need
tc travel mcre slcwly than cther vehlcles.
unsea|ed reads
when drlvlng cn unsealed rcads, ycu shculd be wary cf:
varylng surfaces such as gravel, sand cr dlrt rcads have
dlfferent grlp characterlstlcs tc sealed rcads. The vehlcle's
tyres are easlly able tc lcse tractlcn cn lccse stcnes,
ln ruts cr cn ccrrugatlcns, and cn bends. uecrease ycur
speed and lncrease ycur fcllcwlng dlstance behlnd the
vehlcle ln frcnt
dust clcuds, whlch can affect ycur ablllty tc see clearly.
Patches cf dry bulldust can ccnceal ruts and pcthcles
wet ccndltlcns, whlch can cause the rcad tc beccme very
muddy, sllppery and/cr bcggy.
Leca| suburban streets
uue tc the hlgh number cf lntersectlcns that ycu are llkely tc
enccunter cn lccal suburban streets, ycur kncwledge cf the
rcad rules ls cruclal.
Take speclal care when drlvlng near parked cars. Chlldren cr
cther pedestrlans may be hard tc see lf they are crcsslng the
rcad frcm behlnd parked vehlcles. 8e prepared tc stcp.
Slmllarly, ln areas where chlldren are llkely tc be playlng ycu
need tc take speclal care, e.g., schccl zcnes where lcwer
speed llmlts apply.

Fcr the learner drlver zz
Ma|n reads
wlth lncreased speed, ycur vehlcle's stcpplng dlstance
alsc lncreases. Make sure that ycu allcw adequate dlstance
between ycur vehlcle and the vehlcle that ycu are fcllcwlng,
and that ycu drlve tc the ccndltlcns and speed llmlt. when
drlvlng cn maln rcads:
apprcach maln lntersectlcns wlth cautlcn - even lf ycu
have a green llght tc prcceed
pay attentlcn tc what cther rcad users are dclng
try tc lcck fcr hazards cn the rcad ahead cf the vehlcle
that ycu are fcllcwlng tc allcw mcre tlme fcr ycu tc
apprcprlately react
plan ycur mcves ln advance and glve cther rcad users
plenty cf warnlng cf ycur lntended mcvements by
lndlcatlng apprcprlately when perfcrmlng manceuvres
such as changlng lanes, |clnlng cr leavlng a llne cf trafc,
cr turnlng.
r|v|ng |nterstate
lf ycu are drlvlng lnterstate, ycu stlll have tc adhere tc the
ccndltlcns cf ycur ueensland llcence.
cu wlll alsc have tc cbey the cther state's rcad rules.
Fcr example, ln hew Scuth wales the 8okm/h maxlmum
drlvlng speed fcr learner drlvers ls a rcad rule that ycu
wculd have tc cbey.
Tc nd cut whlch speclal rcad rules wlll apply tc ycu when
travelllng lnterstate, lt ls best tc ccntact the transpcrt
authcrlty fcr the state that ycu wlll be drlvlng ln.
kTA (hSw) - 1 zz 1
ulFk (TAS) - 1oo 1 1
vlckcads (vlC) - 1 11 ;1
uPl (hT) - 1oo 6 6z8
uPl (wA) - 1 11 6
Transpcrt SA (SA) - 1oo 6o o6;
kcad Transpcrt (ACT) - (oz) 6zo; ;ooo
At 50km/h an average sized vehicles
total stopping distance is about 42
metres, whereas at 70km/h this
distance almost doubles to about
71 metres.
Fcr the learner drlver z
Add|t|ena| |nIermat|en
frequent|y asked quest|ens
Fcr answers tc frequently asked questlcns vlslt
What happens next?
0nce ycu turn 1;, have held ycur learner llcence fcr 1z
mcnths (nct lncludlng llcence suspenslcns cr cancellatlcn),
and reccrded at least 1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad
drlvlng experlence ln ycur lcgbcck, ycu can apply fcr
ycur prcvlslcnal llcence by taklng ycur -SAFF practlcal
drlvlng test.
0nce ycu get ycur prcvlslcnal llcence ycu wlll be sub|ect
tc a number cf ccndltlcns, all ln the lnterests cf keeplng
ycu safe.
h.8. lf ycu are z years cr cver when ycu apply fcr ycur
prcvlslcnal llcence, ycu wlll nct need tc have reccrded
1oo hcurs supervlsed cn-rcad experlence.
Fcr the learner drlver z
What yeu can and can't de en a prev|s|ena| ||cence
0nce ycu have held ycur learner llcence fcr at least 1z mcnths (nct lncludlng suspenslcns cr cancellatlcns) and have successfully passed the -SAFF
practlcal drlvlng test ycu wlll graduate tc the next llcence type dependlng upcn ycur age (P1 cr Pz), wlth the fcllcwlng requlrements and restrlctlcns.
1; age cu must be at least 1; years cf age tc undertake a -SAFF practlcal drlvlng test
cu must hcld ycur P1 llcence fcr a mlnlmum cf 1z mcnths (nct lncludlng llcence suspenslcns
cr cancellatlcns)
ked P plates cu must dlsplay red P plates at the frcnt and rear cf ycur vehlcle
Carry llcence cu must carry ycur llcence wlth ycu when drlvlng
Fazard cu must pass a hazard perceptlcn test tc graduate frcm ycur P1 llcence
perceptlcn test Thls ls a test that measures ycur ablllty tc reccgnlse and apprcprlately respcnd
tc pctentlally dangercus sltuatlcns cn the rcad
Mcblle phcne cu must nct use ycur mcblle phcne when drlvlng, lncludlng the hands-free functlcns and
8luetccth accesscrles
cur passengers are banned frcm uslng mcblle phcnes cn the lcudspeaker functlcn
Passengers 0nly cne passenger aged under z1 (excludlng lmmedlate famlly members) may travel wlth ycu
between 11pm and am
Flgh pcwered cu are nct allcwed tc drlve hlgh-pcwered vehlcles lncludlng vehlcles wlth any cf the fcllcwlng:
vehlcles an englne that has a pcwer cutput cf mcre than zookw cr
elght cr mcre cyllnders cr
a turbccharged cr supercharged englne (except dlesel pcwered englnes) cr
a mcdled englne requlrlng apprcval under the Transpcrt 0peratlcns (kcad use Management -
vehlcle Standards and Safety) kegulatlcn 1, sectlcn o cr
a rctary englne that has an englne capaclty ln excess cf 116cc
Check ycur vehlcle's pcwer speclcatlcns cn the vehlcle manufacturer's webslte cr a car gulde webslte
Alcchcl cur blccd alcchcl ccncentratlcn level must be o.oo
under z

Fcr the learner drlver z
Late nlght The late nlght drlvlng restrlctlcn wlll prchlblt ycu frcm drlvlng between the hcurs cf 11pm and am fcr
drlvlng 1 year. Thls restrlctlcn wlll be applled tc ycu when ycu return frcm a dlsquallcatlcn cr suspenslcn perlcd
restrlctlcn cr frcm the ccmmencement cf ycur Cu8 perlcd
lf ycu accumulate cr mcre demerlt pclnts cver a 1 year perlcd, ycu wlll have the cptlcn cf
chccslng elther a:
mcnth drlvlng suspenslcn wlth a 1 year late nlght drlvlng restrlctlcn after the suspenslcn cr
1 year Cu8 wlth a late nlght drlvlng restrlctlcn applled
under z
Suspenslcn cr
gccd drlvlng
(C8u) cptlcn
8ypass the P1 stage cf the prcvlslcnal llcence and gc stralght tc a Pz llcence
cu must dlsplay green P plates at the frcnt and rear cf ycur vehlcle
cu must carry ycur llcence wlth ycu when drlvlng
Fcld a Pz llcence fcr at least 1 year
cur blccd alcchcl ccncentratlcn level must be belcw o.o

lf ycu accumulate cr mcre demerlt pclnts cver a 1 year perlcd, ycu wlll have the cptlcn cf
chccslng elther a:
mcnth drlvlng suspenslcn cr
1 year Cu8
z years and ever
Creen P plates
z age
Carry llcence
Suspenslcn cr
gccd drlvlng
(C8u) cptlcn
Fcr the learner drlver z6
Where te ge Ier extra he|p
cur nearest ueensland Transpcrt custcmer
servlce centre
cur lccal kAC branch
cur lccal accredlted drlver tralner
ueens|and 1ranspert pub||cat|ens Ier |earner
dr|vers |nc|ude:
Your keys to driving in Queensland
Safe driving in Queensland learner driver handbook
Safe driving in Queensland supervising driver handbook
ueensland Transpcrt 1 z 8o *
kAC Learner Llcence Felp Llne (z hcurs) 18oo 68o o1
* 0perates Mcnday tc Frlday 8am tc pm FST (CMT 1o)
excludlng publlc hclldays. Lccal call charge ln Australla.
Flgher rates apply frcm mcblle phcnes and payphcnes.

6ett|ng he|p en-||ne:
Fcr the learner drlver z;
Thls handbcck was wrltten and prcduced by ueensland
Transpcrt ln partnershlp wlth the kcyal Autcmcblle Club
cf ueensland (kAC).
ueensland Transpcrt wculd alsc llke tc thank:
uepartment cf lnfrastructure, Fnergy and kescurces,
hatlcnal kcads and Mctcrlsts' Asscclatlcn Llmlted (hkMA)
uepartment fcr Plannlng and lnfrastructure,
western Australla
uepartment fcr Transpcrt, Fnergy and lnfrastructure,
Scuth Australla
Australlan Transpcrt Safety 8ureau (ATS8) and
uepartment cf Maln kcads
fcr thelr ccntrlbutlcn tcwards thls handbcck.
Fcr mcre lnfcrmatlcn vlslt

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