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Alyssa Radziwon Recorder Lesson Behavioral Objective: The students will know and be able to demonstrate an understanding of the

recorder, display fingerings for G A B, play the notes G A B on the recorder, and use the recorder to play Hot Cross Buns. Students will also be able to recognize and play quarter notes and eighth notes. Previous Knowledge: G A B/ D R M/ D S D Reading Notation Quarter notes, eighth notes Repertoire/ Required Materials: Recorders, Recorder fingering chart, Music display of Hot Cross Buns Standards Addressed: Standards and Frameworks: National Standards X Singing X Performing on Instruments Improvising Composing and arranging X Reading and notating X Listening to, analyzing and describing X Evaluating music and performances X Understanding relationships between music, the arts and disciplines Understanding music in relation to history and culture State Frameworks X Singing X Reading and notation X Playing Instruments Improvisation and composition Critical response X Purposes and meaning in the arts Role of artists in communities Concepts of style, stylistic influence and stylistic change Inventions technologies and the arts Interdisciplinary connections Assessment: Students will be able to play and sing Hot Cross Buns alone and with others. Students will demonstrate the correct fingerings for G A B through teacher observation.

Step-By-Step Procedures: 1. Welcome students to class and begin by briefly asking if they did anything music related out of school since the last time we met. (4 minutes) 2. After reminding them about air support and posture, have the students take out their recorders. (1-2 minutes) 3. Explain the G A B notes on the recorder (3 minutes) and ask students to show the proper fingerings for each note 4. On board, make up a simple rhythm to let students practice the notes: G G G Rest Rest Rest A A A Rest Rest Rest B B B (3-5 minutes) 5. Ask students to sit in a circle. I will play a pattern on the recorder and students will play it back. Then we will go around the circle and each student will do that once. (5-7 minutes) 6. Sing Hot Cross Buns to the students- have them sing it back and learn without using the recorders- sing the song as a whole class (2 minutes) 7. Have the students chinger Hot Cross Buns- not making a noise with the recorder (1 minute) 8. Play the song as a whole class on the recorders. (4-5 minutes) 9. If time permits, students will split into groups and perform for the classdevelops audience/performer etiquette (8-12 minutes or rest of class time) Accommodations/Special Needs/Extensions (For Gifted Students): Play an extra song by using the same 3 notes on recorder (gifted students). Sit a student that is having difficulty next to a student who seems to be excelling on the recorder. Assignments: As an assignment, perfect Hot Cross Buns for family (but only play 3 times a day) General Goal(s) Accomplished: To help students formulate a basic concept of the recorder, and to play accurately and with a pleasant sound of a simple song on the recorders. Evaluation/Diagnosis/Remediation: I would be clearer with my directions towards the students next time. I would also make sure that I plan enough things in the lesson so that it takes up 40 minutes. I need to make sure I DONT ask the children questions and that I am confident with my actions as the teacher. If I do not display confidence then the students will not listen to me.

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