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1. Please read the AA3 Server Manual (Basic) prior to this document. Note: For the purposes of this document, <root> is the game root folder which will likely be one of the following C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\americas army 3\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\americas army 3\ Or in Steam you have the option under Tools to download the Dedicated Server C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\americas army 3 dedicated server\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\americas army 3 dedicated server\ 2. Locate the game configuration files on your computer: <root>\AA3Game\Config\AA3Game.ini 3. Locate MaxPlayers and edit to the desired number of connected players. 4. The following lines determine the bandwidth used by each client and a max total bandwidth. TotalNetBandwidth - determines the total bandwidth used by server and all clients connected to the server. You will need to play around with this value, but for obvious reasons it should be set lower than the average speed available to the server (you can use to help determine your max). For those servers running on Leased servers, the default value is the recommended setting. MaxDynamicBandwidth - is the Max bandwidth each client connected is able to use. This value should be set to no more than the TotalNetBandwidth / playerslots. MinDynamicBandwidth - is the minimum bandwidth used by client. If this is set too high it can have very adverse effects on server performance. This value must be set lower than TotalNetBandwidth / playerslots and less than MaxDynamicBandwidth. A good default would be MaxDynamicBandwidth / 2 and from there, slowly edit the value for best performance. 5. Locate TimeLimit and edit to desired mission time limit (Value is in Minutes)

6. Locate bKickIdlePlayers, if you want idle players to be kicked set value to true, otherwise false. 7. Locate iMaxIdlePlayerRounds, set to the desired number of rounds a player can be idle before being kicked. This works with idle withdraw explained in item 11 of this document. 8. Locate BattlePlannerUseMode, this will define how the Battle Planner is displayed. 0=Off 1=At swap rounds 2=Every round 9. Locate bDisableMapVote, set the value to true to prevent players from voting server map change or false to allow players to vote server map changes. 10. Locate iIncapacitationWithdrawDelay, edited in seconds, this value adjusts how long an incapacitated player cannot communicate, other than call for medic. Minimum value is 1. 11. Locate the following lines in AA3Game.ini: fIdleCheckRate=20.000000 fWaitToUpdateIdleTime=60.0 fMinIdlePlayerRoundTime=180.000000 fIdleCheckRate - is the frequency a player is checked for idle status. If a players idle time has expired and they are the last player alive on the team once the check rate expires and server checks for idle status, the player is withdrawn. fWaitToUpdateIdleTime - is the time a player remains motionless before they are defined by the server as idle. fMinIdlePlayerRoundTime - is the minimum time a player can be idle after fWaitToUpdateIdleTime has expired and the player has been defined as idle. The settings can go like this, the minimum time the player can idle before being withdrawn is fWaitToUpdateIdleTime+fMinIdlePlayerRoundTime with a variable of +fIdleCheckRate. That said the default values result in minimum idle time allowed before player withdraw is 4 minutes and up to 4 minutes and 20 seconds or up to 20 seconds after rest of team dies whichever is greater. Using Default values, here are a couple of scenarios which may help you understand the settings: Scenario 1: Player goes idle 50 seconds into round @ 9:10, all other team members die @ mission time 8:00. The idle player will not be withdrawn until mission time 4:50-5:10.

Scenario 2: Player goes idle 50 seconds into round @ 9:10, all other team members dies @ mission time 3:30. The idle player will withdraw within 20 seconds of rest of team dead. Pleease start with the following settings (adjust to your preference). fIdleCheckRate=10.000000 fWaitToUpdateIdleTime=60.0 fMinIdlePlayerRoundTime=50.000000 Scenario 1: Player goes idle 50 seconds into round @ 9:10, all other team members die @ mission time 8:00. The idle player will not be withdrawn until mission time 7:10-7:20. Scenario 2: Player goes idle 50 seconds into round @ 9:10, all other team members dies @ mission time 3:30. The idle player will withdraw within 10 seconds of rest of team dead. 12. Save changes to AA3Game.ini 13. Open AA3Engine.ini file located in <root>\AA3Game\Config 14. Locate the section starting with [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] MaxClientRate - is the max network rate, this will cap the rate of each player connection, similar to MaxDynamixBandwidth, but serves as a cap which just needs to be set higher than MaxDynamicBandwidth. No tuning is required after that. MaxInternetClientRate - Same as above. Technically, these 2 settings were designed for the connected client but do affect server connected clients. NetServerMaxTickRate - is the max rate at which the client can get updates from the server. The default value of 30 should be a baseline and then can increment up running full server to test results. We would recommend started an increment of +5 until adverse affects noted then back down to best result. 15. Save changes to AA3Engine.ini

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