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An open letter to the Willamette University community from Willamette University Students
We, the undersigned, write this letter in response to the Facebook posts of active members of the Delta Zeta chapter of Sigma Chi, as documented on the website http:// The sentiments expressed in these comments include the condoning of hazing, sexism, sexual assault, racism, threats of violence, and other serious problems that make our campus unsafe. As students who learn, live, and work at Willamette, we refuse to accept a community mentality that fosters apathy towards or encourages violence. This environment is toxic and does not promote the fraternitys core values of friendship, justice, and learning. It is also a rejection of values espoused by the greater university community. Willamettes motto, Not unto ourselves alone are we born, reminds us that neutrality has no place in our mutual responsibility to our peers and community. These comments, allegedly posted for fellow members eyes only, are representative of the mindset and culture that Sigma Chi has fostered. As the last fraternity with on-campus housing and the most members, Sigma Chi has a huge presence at Willamette. The worst of their posts, which endorse hazing, sexual and physical assault, were made by prominent and recognizable leaders on campus-- including senators, their own president, and more. We are disturbed because these posts directly contradict the values they claim to embody under their badge. Although individuals are entitled to personal opinions, the institutions they represent must be held accountable when used to perpetuate violence, harm, or domination. Sigma Chi has produced leaders who have detrimentally influenced their fellow members characters, disrespected our campus, and endangered our community. We call for the resignation of all Delta Zeta Sigma Chi's men in leadership positions. This should extend to the Opening Days leaders, Community Mentors, club leaders and other University organizations. We do not support Sigma Chis presence on campus because it frightens us that more men could join an organization like this and develop the same belief system - that hazing, assault, sexism, racism, and slut shaming are not only acceptable, but material for jokes. This is why we call for the disbandment of Willamette Universitys chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity and demand their immediate removal from our campus. While we understand that the University does not have the authority to revoke the charter of the Delta Zeta chapter of Sigma Chi, we expect that the University will remove this organization from campus housing. To maintain accountability among Willamette organizations, it is imperative that as a community we condemn unacceptable behaviors and attitudes on our campus. It is important for the Willamette University Administration to recognize that policy and the implementation thereof must be of the highest priority and focus in order to invoke widespread communal change, beginning with policies on sexual assault and domestic violence. Ignored and unpunished, countless horror stories of sexual assault continually circulate through campus. Although these incidents are not necessarily directly related to the discovery of the Sigma Chi Facebook page, the attitudes expressed on the page are an

indication of the pressing need for change at Willamette. Change can only come about through the action of Willamettes administration, and we demand this change in full. To better support victims directly and indirectly affected by the posts, greater institutional support is needed for local offices such as Mid Valley Womens Crisis Service as well as oncampus, student-run support networks such as the Sexual Assault Response Allies. It is crucial to affirm and celebrate the hours of labor accomplished through these resources, and to maximize public support for their important work. Our campus must stand in solidarity with all victims of violence -- not shame, blame, or ignore them. Programs and staff that are dedicated to halting sexism, sexual assault, racism need to be bolstered and better supported by the University to prevent repetition of these offenses. Education should be the next step to show that our university remains true to our mission and the recently issued Strategic Plan. To make significant steps towards solving these problems, rather than attempting to address them once they occur, we endorse the adoption of a new Mode of Inquiry rooted in social justice and an expansion of campus consciousness. Ideally, curriculum fulfilling a social-justice-based Mode of Inquiry would be integrated into classes across many departments, making the study of human rights more accessible to the student body. Institutional changes to our system of requirements is one step in taking preventative measures against racialized and gendered violence that hurts everyone. We advocate also for the expansion of consciousness-raising programs as preventative measures against violence on this campus. The programs currently employed during Opening Days, namely Reality Check and Sex Signals, are inadequate means of addressing these issues. Specifically, we urge for increased institutional support for Community 101, and we suggest that implementation of these ideas into every freshman colloquium would help create organic investment in social justice. In summary, Willamette University Administration must: Take appropriate measures to hold the institution and members of the Delta Zeta chapter of Sigma Chi accountable for their words and actions. Support continuous and holistic education around issues of sexism, sexual assault, domestic violence, racism, heterosexism, hazing, and slut shaming. Remove the offending Sigma Chi members from positions of power in campus leadership. Make the protection of students the number one priority of Residence Life and Campus Safety. More specifically, emphasize the importance of protecting students from sexual assault as a vital part of training for all Campus Safety and Residence Life employees, including non-student employees, Community Mentors and the highest level employees of the University. While the pain of victims and survivors of sexual assault and other institutional injustice runs deep, events such as this should not serve to further fragment community ties. Rather, as a student body, it is crucial we embrace this opportunity for critical reflection on the nature of safe spaces for every member of our community. Willamette University Students

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