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Hee Jin Bang, Ph.D. National Writing Project | hbang@nwp.

org | 646-203-3773
CAREER SUMMARY Education scholar dedicated to conducting research and evaluation of federal and state

policies and programs in education and public welfare. Experienced in quantitative and qualitative research; analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of professional literature; and dissemination of research findings to a variety of audiences in presentations and written reports. Possesses teaching and statistical expertise, managerial/leadership experience, grant writing and reviewing skills, and ability to effectively plan and implement research activities and events.

Senior Research Associate, National Writing Project (April 2011 present) Review, analyze, and interpret literature to inform design of complex, mixed-method research and evaluation projects Provide technical assistance and consultation to program leaders, administrators, teachers, and researchers at NWPs local sites Collaborate with partnering research organizations / teams on developing research tools and processes, analyzing data, and presenting results in reports and presentations Program Associate, William T. Grant Foundation (Sept 2009-April 2011) Review letters of inquiry (LOI) and full proposals for major grants program Write responses to LOIs, materials for Board of Trustees, & program-related documents Conduct literature reviews, survey researchers, practitioners, & policymakers to inform grant-making Research Associate / Project Coordinator (4 positions), New York University (Sept 2006-Aug 2009) Conceptualize & plan research studies, write grant proposals, organize and conduct fieldwork Design protocols and instruments for conducting interviews, focus groups, observations, & surveys Supervise fieldwork, establish policies for data management & analysis, prepare reports / presentations

Teaching Assistant, Dept of Teaching & Learning and Applied Psychology, NYU (Sept 2007-May 2009) Taught Applied Research Design, Statistics, Development of Immigrant Origin Youth / Adolescents English Curriculum Developer, Harvard Square Academy, Cambridge, MA (Sept 2005-May 2006) Designed a literature-based language curriculum and led professional development for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Director/ Program Coordinator, Korean Minjok Leadership Academy (June-Aug 2005) Managed 30 instructors & directed an intensive English program for 100+ business executives Reading Curriculum Research & Development Specialist, Tenacity, Inc. Boston, MA (Jan-May 2005) Developed & implemented a literacy curriculum for English learners at an after-school program Translator & Interpreter, I-run Translation Services, Ltd., Seoul, Korea (Oct 2003-July 2004) Translated advertisements, webpages, & academic papers and interpreted in business meetings Administrative Assistant, Oxford Intensive School of English Headquarters (June-Sept 2003) Coordinated program details with school managers, airport managers, and host families and addressed telephone and email inquiries from foreign families (primarily French) English Instructor, Lyce Franois 1er, Le Havre, France (Sept 2001-June 2002) Taught English language and American literature to French high school students Educational Service Representative, Southwestern Book Publishers, Nashville, TN (June-Sept 2000) Marketed and sold study guides & educational products (study guides, CD-roms) for use at home Teacher Professional Development Coordinator, JN4D, Ltd./PCC, Inc. Berkeley, CA (June-Sept 2000) Organized regional professional development sessions for math teachers across the country
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Postdoctoral Fellow, William T. Grant Foundation

September 2009 April 2011

Ph. D., New York University May 2009 Steinhardt Graduate School of Culture, Education & Human Development Department of Teaching & Learning Dissertation: Role of Homework in the Academic Lives of Immigrant Adolescents Received the Outstanding Dissertation Award M. Ed., Harvard University Graduate School of Education Human Development & Psychology BA Honors, Oxford University, St. Hildas College Dual Major: Linguistics & French

June 2005 June 2003

The National Writing Project: Leveraging a National Improvement Infrastructure for Professional Development to Improve Writing Instruction for All Students. Supporting Effective Educators Development Grant Program. $11.3 million (2012-2013) U.S. Department of Education NWP College-Ready Writers Program: Teacher Professional Development in Writing and Critical Analysis to Improve Academic Student Writing in Middle and High School. Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) validation grant. $14.9 million, U.S. Department of Education.

Outstanding Dissertation Award, NYU Steinhardt (May 2009) Mitchell Leaska Dissertation Research Award, NYU Steinhardt (March 2008) Kappa Delta Pi Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service (April 2009) Kappa Delta Pi Beta Pi Chapter Research Scholarship (May 2007) Elected as President of NYU Kappa Delta Pi (Beta Pi) Chapter (May 2006) Russell G. Davis Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Education (April 2005) Kathleen Chesney Prize in Modern Languages, Oxford University (Oct. 2001) International Student Scholarship, Oxford University (May 2001)

Bang, H.J. (revised & resubmitted, Jan. 2013). Reliability of National Writing Projects Analytic Writing Continuum Assessment System. Journal of Writing Assessment. Bang, H. J. (2012). Promising homework practices: What teachers say about making homework work for newcomer immigrant students. The High School Journal. 95 (2), 3-31. Bang, H. J. (2011). Newcomer immigrant students perspectives on what affect their homework experiences. Journal of Educational Research, 104 (6), 408-419. Surez-Orozco, C., Bang, H. J., & Kim, H.Y. (2011). I felt like my heart was staying behind: Psychological implications of family separations and reunifications for immigrant youth. Journal of Adolescent Research, 26 (2) 222-257. Surez-Orozco, C., Gaytn, F., Bang, H. J., Pakes, J., OConnor, E. & Rhodes, J. (2010). Academic Trajectories of Newcomer Immigrant Youth. Developmental Psychology,46 (3), 602-618.

Statistical software: SPSS & STATA; experience with SAS, AMOS, LISREL, Winstep Qualitative/ Mixed methods data analysis software: ATLAS.ti, NVivo, Dedoose Experience with large databases with complex survey design (longitudinal, grouped data), multi-level modeling, evaluation of educational programs, experimental/quasi-experimental design English and Korean (native-level reading, writing, speaking) French (proficient reading, writing, speaking)
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