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11i10 Procurement Contracts Clauses Technical and Functional Considerations [ID 283094.

1] Modified 04-DEC-2008 Type BULLETIN Status PUBLISHED PURPOSE ------This document is to provide a condensed version of the important factors of 11i10 Procurement Contracts Terms Library. SCOPE & APPLICATION ------------------support, end users 11i10 Procurement Contracts Clauses Definitions, Tables, and Considerations RELATED DOCUMENTS ----------------DEFINITIONS: Clauses Standard terms and conditions that contain required business or legal language. GOTCHAS AND CONSIDERATIONS: Clauses and Relationships will be organization striped. The column ORG_ID has been introduced in the Clauses table (OKC_ARTICLES_ALL) and the Clause Relationships table (OKC_ARTICLE_RELATNS_ALL). Clauses are language specific and determined using a column ARTICLE_LANGUAGE. Article is used as a synonym for Clause. The tables and code generally use the word article, but the user interface has been updated to use the term Clause. Folders are organization striped and include local clauses (i.e. belonging to their own organization) or global adopted clauses. The lookup type Article Sets is no longer used. Instead, folders are defined in a new table OKC_FOLDERS_ALL. During the upgrade from a prior release to 11i10, the article sets will be migrated to folders. The following values are defaulted in OKC_ARTICLES_ALL and OKC_ARTICLE_VERSIONS during migration - Org id = global operating unit - Global_yn = Y - Status = Approved - Intent. = Sell - Version Number = System generated (running sequence). - Article Language = Base Language (From FND_LANGUAGES) All translated articles and article versions will be created as new clauses with the translated language. The clause is migrated as a global clause to the global organization. Adoption rows are created for each local organizations that have

set up the Organization classification Contract Terms Setup. All existing FND_LOOKUPS of type OKC_ARTICLE_SET will be migrated to Clause Folders and the existing associations will be migrated from OKC_ART_SET_MEMS to OKC_FOLDER_CONTENTS. All incompatibilities will be migrated to Article relationships for all organizations. The newly generated clause ids are updated as foreign keys to the FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS and OKC_K_ARTICLES_B table. -The following tables are made obsolete. OKC_STD_ARTICLES_B OKC_STD_ARTICLES_TL OKC_STD_ART_VERSIONS_B OKC_STD_ART_VERSIONS_TL OKC_STD_ART_INCMPTS OKC_STD_ART_SET_MEMS -The following views are changed to point to the new tables so that customers or other teams using these are not impacted. OKC_STD_ARTICLES_V OKC_STD_ART_VERSIONS_V OKC_STD_ART_INCMPTS_V OKC_STD_ART_SET_MEMS_V OKC_SAE_INCMPT_V -The clause tables prior to 11.5.10 supported varchar2(450). In the current release the new clause tables are made to varchar2(150). The data will be migrated with a maximum of 150 bytes. -Auto adoption is the mechanism by which the global clause versions can be used by local organizations. This process is triggered when a global clause is approved at a global organization level. Local Organizations will see the global clause as Available for Adoption or Adopted depending upon their adoption preference set up in the Organization Extra Information Type. During auto-adoption, clause relationships are created for local organizations only if both the clauses are adopted. Auto adoption can also be run when a new organization is set up so that it can immediately adopt or localize all the approved global clause versions. -Clauses can be imported in bulk from the interface table OKC_ART_INTRFACE_ALL. This is done using a JAVA Concurrent Program that validates the interface row based on business rules and valid tags within the clause text. This program can be run only for validation of the interface data based on a batch number. The import supports update for Draft or Rejected clauses, inserts for new clauses, or inserts for new versions. Clauses can be imported in approved or pending approval status. When importing clauses as pending approval, the Contract Clause Approval Workflow is launched and the approver is notified. Import of approved global clauses at a global organization triggers the auto adoption process for local organizations. The errors are logged into OKC_ART_INT_ERRORS. A user-friendly detailed log and output is generated by the program for the users reference. The rows from the error and interface tables can be purged using a concurrent program provided for this purpose. You can modify the workflow to route differently is there is a non standard clause.

Purchasing documents can be in pre approved status pending buyer and supplier signature of the contract. When a document is pending signature, reject the document to make it updateable. View Acceptances Summary form to identify if the document is awaiting signatures. Once a contract is signed, subsequent revisions will require signatures by default. Clause Profile Options: OKC: Clause Sequence Category (OKC_ARTICLE_DOC_SEQ_CATEGORY) This profile option is used to define Sequence Category if auto numbering is enabled for Clause Library. This can be set at user level. OKC: Clause Library Intent (OKC_LIBRARY_ACCESS_INTENT) This profile option is used to define the Clause Library Intent. This can be set at user level. OKC: Global Operating Unit (OKC_GLOBAL_ORG_ID) This profile option is used to define the global operating unit for the clause library. This can be set only at site level. OKC_BUS_DOC_TYPES_B: Stores the information for the business document types. The business document types identify the various business documents like Standard PO, BSA, RFQ, Auction, etc. OKC_NUMBER_SCHEMES_B: Defines the numbering schemes that can be used for numbering the terms (clauses and sections) in the contract templates and documents. OKC_ARTICLES_ALL: Stores the standard clauses. It is striped by organization. OKC_ARTICLE_VERSIONS: Stores the versions for clauses. OKC_ARTICLE_VARIABLES: Stores the variables that are used in the clause text. OKC_BUS_VARIABLES_B: Defines the definitions for th Related Products Oracle E-Business Suite > Procurement > Procurement > Oracle Purchasing Keywords DELIVERABLE

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