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UCSD Lactation Educator Program

Internet Resource Assignment

Subject Sore Nipples Engorgement Sleepy Baby Adequate Milk Supply Anatomy and Physiology of Breastfeeding Positioning and Latch Working and Breastfeeding Drugs and Medications in Breastfeeding Birth Control Methods and effect on breastfeeding Find the web page for each subject. Fill-in form with internet web address Web Site Recommendation Comments Most common cause is incorrect latch/position, nipples gives some basics for different positions. ment/ ed/ap.htm /bflatch.html dications.html ostpartum-birth-control/birth-control-whilebreastfeeding/ It is normal, should only last about 24 hours, nurse early and often and nurse on demand Tells what is normal sleeping patterns, how to know if baby needs to BF more and how to achieve a wakeful baby Ways to tell if youre producing enough, how the breasts produce milk, how to tell if you have a poor milk supply Picture of breast with broccoli, breast changes during pregnancy, milk production, supply and demand and how to increase milk supply Tells how important latch is in BF, hunger cues, what a good latch is and how to do it, different position and how to detect a good latch Why moms should pump once they go back to work, what youll need to pump at work, how to talk to your employer, storage and handling info Talks about OTC and Rx meds and talking to your Dr. before taking anything, guidelines for meds while pregnant and nursing Gives both non-hormonal and hormonal methods (which are controversial and not a lot of guidelines given)

One of the goals of assignment is for the student to access as many sites as possible.

You must have a separate site for each subject.

01/12 CLEC

UCSD Lactation Educator Program

Internet Resource Assignment
Find the web page for each subject. Fill-in form with internet web address

Search 2

Breastfeeding and premature infants

Web Site

Recommendation Comments FAQs, including why BF is so important for premature infants, why skin to skin is important, why BF from the breast is best and articles Tells what jaundice is and what causes it, different types of jaundice and if it is okay to continue BF Gives signs that the nerves in the nipple/areola are intact, how to increase milk supply, Tells what DM is, the different types, potential problems and gives info on if you can BF. BF tips for nursing multiples: get a pump, nursing is #1 priority, ask for help around the house, dont give up Gives amt of energy (kcals) a child should receive from BF at specific ages, links to how long to BF, benefits of BF older toddlers, etc Challenges and rewards and tips on how to make tandem nursing successful

Jaundice in breastfed infant


Breast augmentation and reduction in breastfeeding BF and Diabetic mother Breastfeeding multiples Breastfeeding older child Tandem Breastfeeding Breastfeeding in Public Workplace Accommodation gtwins.htm eding-older-baby.html stfeeding-in-public/

Breastfeeding Laws One of the goals of assignment is for the student to access as many sites as possible.

Discusses state and federal laws regarding BF in public, tips for BF in public and handling criticism Explains why lactation breaks are necessary for ions/Workplace-Background-2010-USBC.pdf successful BF and reviews laws regarding accommodations Links to all states laws and federal laws.

You must have a separate site for each subject.

01/12 CLEC

UCSD Lactation Educator Program

Internet Resource Assignment
Find the web page for each subject. Fill-in form with internet web address

Search 3

Nutritional concerns of breastfeeding mother Costs of not breastfeeding Ameda Breast pumps and products Medela Breast pumps and products Hygeia Breast pumps and products Breastfeeding superiority Breastfeeding Professional Organizations Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
AAP Breastfeeding Policy Innocenti Declaration

Web Site category/breast-pumps

Recommendation Comments Talks about increased energy needs, importance of liquids, healthy diet, vit/min Info on why ABM was created, ABM prices, healthcare costs, what it costs baby and mom. Personal and hospital grade pumps, accessories and how their product protects your milk from bacteria They have single and double pumps, plus rentals and manual pumps. State they are eco-friendly, approved by WHO and LLL. Many different pumps and accessories. option=com_content&view=category&id=37&Ite mid=80 ns.php?target=auto_search_brfeed 3/e827.full#content-block nnocenti.htm

Peer reviewed, discusses IQ, cancer, other disease states including obesity and diabetes Gives a list of government, professional and voluntary BF organizations How to become baby friendly, the guidelines and criteria and a baby friendly locator for moms looking for baby friendly locations Link to the policy paper full text. Expresses that all women should be empowered to BF exclusively, how efforts should be made to increase the confidence of women Full position on the ethics of marking ABM very detailed and a great read!

International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes 1.pdf (WHO)

One of the goals of assignment is for the student to access as many sites as possible.
01/12 CLEC

UCSD Lactation Educator Program

You must have a separate site for each subject.

01/12 CLEC

UCSD Lactation Educator Program

Internet resource Assignment
Find minimum one video each of the subjects. Write the website and your comments and recommendations .

Online Videos
Subject Positioning Web Site Comments and Recommendation Talks about making the sandwich in the correct direction depending on the position cradle, football, etc. also talks about contacting an LC if you need more help. Baby should always be facing breast, not turned to the side, both baby and mom should be comfortable while BF.

Latching a Baby to Breast

Breast Pumps and Equipment

Reasons to pump, how to store, label, thaw, etc. to stimulate milk production, find the best type of pump for you - cost, frequency, type.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Discusses studies done that show importance of BF, any amount of BF is beneficial, but longevity and exclusivity are best for mom and baby


A professor who BF in class and came up against hostility, but there is HOPE in this her colleagues stood up for her and she gained a podium to speak out about the rights of BF moms

One of the goals of assignment is for the student to access as many sites as possible.

You must have a separate site for each subject

01/12 CLEC

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