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Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice

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GOOD NEWS FOR TYPE 2 DIABETICS AND FAMILY MEMBERS! 7 Diabetics Share Their Journey And Each One Reveals

When the doctor came in the office he looked at me, he couldnt even say anything, you would have thought he saw a ghost and I just said: take the A1C level. So he took it and hes says, you know youre Diabetes-free. Youre level is 5.6! I dont know what youre doing but you need to keep doing it
Thats Yolandas story read on and discover the inspiring stories from six other amazing Type 2 Diabetics From Paul Young, Melbourne, Australia Dear friend, If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, then this could be the most important message you have ever read. You see, Ive recently put together an e-book called How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes Seven Diabetics Share Their Stories. In it you will discover 7 amazing people who all had one deadly thing in common they all had type 2 diabetes. But heres the good news. Every one of these inspiring people were able to beat their diabetes. They are living proof that type two diabetes doesnt have to be a death sentence; and that there is light at the end of the tunnel So if youre feeling like giving up, are afraid, depressed or just plain angry, then please relax. You are not alone. And help is on hand Read on and discover how others have reversed their diabetesSee how they battled and eventually WON over this deadly disease. But first let me explain how this book came aboutlet me take you back to when I was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. It was a day that truly changed my life.

Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice

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A Simple Blood Test Revealed My Blood Sugar Level Was 275!

It all started around eighteen months ago when I was talking to my girlfriend. We had become ever closer over the past six months and we started discussing our health and our long term dreams and desires. During this conversation I mentioned that my body had started to do some strange things I told her that I had found myself constantly thirsty, was going to the bathroom non-stop throughout the day and had started to experience pins and needles in the tips of my toes. She immediately gave me a very concerned look, and told me we have to go to the Doctor tomorrow morning to get this sorted out At first I was hesitant about going to the Doctor I hadnt been to him in over 7 years and I honestly believed I was very healthy. But my girlfriend kept persisting, and I eventually gave in

I Was In For A Shock Of A Lifetime

The morning of the appointment I found myself day dreaming about what could possibly be wrong with me I thought I might have some virus that had weakened my immune system. I thought it could be some form of food allergy, I even thought it could be a reaction to the paint in our new house in all truthfulness I really didnt have any idea of what it could possibly be.. I just knew it was something minor and would go away in a few days Eventually the Doctor ushered us into his office and started taking down notes of my symptoms and past history. He seemed very casual about everything and seemed to be in quite an optimistic mood. Five minutes into the appointment his mood changed, and his face grew with a very concerned expression. He said: I think we should do some blood tests and urine tests to see exactly what is going on with you at this point I felt somewhat anxious since I really started to worry about all those years which I had neglected to see him Maybe all those years were starting to catch up with me? We were ushered out of his office after fifteen minutes and were told by the Doctor that we should book another appointment within two weeks to review the test results. We paid our medical bill and left his office. On the way home we briefly discussed the appointment, but we both concluded it was nothing to worry about. Later that night we stayed in and ordered takeout (pizza). We ended up falling asleep together on the couch while our favorite movie played on in the background.

We Got Woken Up At 6:43am When The House Phone Rang

Now we had a private number and nobody usually called our house phone, let alone at six forty in the morning I was not in a good mood to say the least It was the nurse from the Doctors office, she said You have very abnormal tests results and the Doctor would like to see you at 8am this morning Now, she had got my attention, and my mind was fully awake. I hung up, and paused for a second taking in the gravity of the phone call I lightly touched my girlfriend and whispered we need to get up, the Doctors office has called and they need to see us in the next two hours My girlfriend had a confused look on her face so I explained what the nurse had said and that it must be somewhat serious if the Doctor needs to see us straight away. She gave me a very concerned look and proceeded to rise and started getting dressed. We ended up eating some leftovers from the night before for breakfast. And sat at the breakfast table both thinking about what the Doctor needed to tell us so urgently.

We Both Sat There In Silence You Could Feel The Tension In The Air
8am arrived and I was holding my girlfriends hand as we walked into the Doctors office. He sat us down, and rolled his chair closer to us. He took a deep breath and proceeded to tell us that my blood sugar numbers were 275 and that I was a type 2 diabetic.

It Felt Like Somebody Had Hit Me with a Sledge Hammer and I Couldnt Breathe

Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice
Time stood still as I came to terms with his diagnosis. His words started replaying in my head as I grasped my girlfriends hand ever so tightly He then proceeded to tell me that this wasnt a death sentence and that he would give some medications which will help manage my disease. He gave me a two page pamphlet, told me to cut out the sugars and to try and exercise more. He then told me I should check back with him every six months to see how I am. We walked out of the Doctors office and for the first time I looked up at my girlfriend and realized she was crying, her eyes were red and she was in shock.

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At This Point I Knew My Life Would Never Be The Same

As soon as we got home I turned on my computer and frantically started searching google for more information about diabetes. I came across site after site telling me that I essentially had a terminal illness and that my body would progressively degenerate over time even if I took my medication. My girlfriend looked over my shoulder as I continued to click on page after page of information. I felt overwhelmed and couldnt decipher most of the information as it was all written in medical jargon. We spent the next 12 hours sitting at that computer, printing off anything that was even slightly related to diabetes.

What We Learned Shocked Us

We read page upon page of the ultimate complications from type two diabetes such as Kidney Disease, Blindness, and Amputation. If these werent horrible enough, we found out that if your diabetes progresses you could end up having a stroke or even a heart attack. After reading all these potential complications, my mind started calming down and my panic was replaced with waves of deep sadness. I was sad for my girlfriend, I was sad for my parents, I was sad for my friends, but ultimately I was sad about the fact that I was about to lose my old lifestyle Over the coming weeks I experienced some of my darkest days. The more I read about diabetes, the more helpless I felt. I started living under a cloud of fear and self-pity. I didnt speak with my friends for weeks, and I avoided all calls from my parents I was simply in denial.

Why Me? I Would Ask Myself

This entire time, my girlfriend took charge of my life. She found online guides about what to eat and how to test my blood sugar. She made me get out of the house and tried to resume a sense of normality in our lives. She tried her best, she really did. But it wasnt looking good. I had become depressed. And my joy for life started slipping away. Nothing was ever going to be the same, and I knew it.

A Chance Encounter With A Retired Doctor Saved My Life

My girlfriend and I had started going out for lunch more as a way of getting me out of the house. After a few weeks of making an effort and leaving the house I started to feel a little less depressed as I had time to come to terms with my diagnosis. We had started to frequent an organic health food store, which also doubled as a health caf. We started becoming exposed to different types of foods that we had never eaten. The middle aged lady owner was always so helpful in showing us what foods were good for diabetics. On our third or so visit to this organic caf my girlfriend and I were discussing my diabetes (rather loudly I must say) and a kind gentleman in his 70s came over and said: I couldnt help over hearing that you have diabetes. I am a retired doctor and I used to help diabetes patients all the time. Can I join you both over lunch? We both looked at each other and said, Yes. Over the course of the next three and a half hours we sat there transfixed as this doctor proceeded to tell us amazing stories of his patients who had reversed their type 2 diabetes. He was so empathetic with my diagnosis and truly understood what I was going through.

I Finally Had Met Someone Who

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Truly Understood What I Was Going Through

He had been a doctor for over 50 years and had only recently retired as he wanted to focus on teaching. He had worked in a clinic that had a year-long waiting list and people from all around the country would fly in to see him. As he continued to share his knowledge, he opened up exactly to what he did differently to other doctors and how he was able to turn these forgotten patients around. Finally at the end of lunch, he said he had started a book on type two diabetes and had continually run out of time to finish it. He said Maybe you can finish the book for me and spread the message of the book online. He proceeded to show me the completed first section of his book

It Contained 18 Commonly Asked Questions For Newly Diagnosed Type Two Diabetics
He continued: My main focus was to give as much information as I possibly as I could, so newly diagnosed type two diabetics could stop feeling helpless, and finally take back control what he said really resonated with me. I started to feel hopeful again He finally said that he needed to leave but, that he would email me a copy of the first section of the book once he got back home He also mentioned that I should track down other people who had reversed their type two diabetes and learn from them and copy what they did, so you can also reverse your diabetes. As soon as I got home, I downloaded his book and was overjoyed as it answered all the questions that had been swirling around in my head. They were well-researched answers and provided immense clarity on this complex disease. It included questions like: 1. What is the difference between Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2? I wanted to be sure that the original Doctor had diagnosed me correctly Was he one hundred per cent sure that I was type 2 not a type 1 diabetic? Was there a chance I was actually a type 1 diabetic? 2. What are the main causes of type 2 diabetes? Was I one hundred percent to blame for my diabetes diagnosis? I knew I was overweight but what were the other factors which contributed to my diagnosis? Were there some factors which were simply out of my control? Did my family history have anything to do with my diagnosis? 3. What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes? And how long could you have it before you realized? Why was my doctor so concerned when I mentioned all my symptoms? Was he really overacting when I mentioned all my vague symptoms? Could I really have been suffering from diabetes for all these years and not even known about it? 4. How do doctors test for type 2 diabetes? And what are typical results versus diabetic results? Did the doctor do all the correct tests? Did he take any shortcuts or was he absolutely certain with my type 2 diabetes diagnosis? Was there any tests he had overlooked? Was there any factors which could have skewed the test results? 5. What are the most effective drugs in treating type 2 diabetes? Did the doctor give me the safest medication for me? Would this drug actually be effective on my diabetes? Would I need to take it in pill form or have to inject it? Would these drugs act as a magic cure for my diabetes? 6. What are some of the common side effects of these drugs? Would I start gaining weight? Would I have problems with nausea and bloating? What were the other side effects I could expect? 7. What alternative remedies are there to standard medication for type 2 diabetes? I had heard about many different supplements but how did I determine which ones were proven to work on diabetics? And which ones were simply snake oil and sold by backyard operators? Was I able to combine natural supplements with my medication? Should I try and find a doctor which combines alternative supplements with standard western medical treatments?

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8. How curable is type 2 diabetes? All the reading I had done said there was no cure for type 2 diabetes? Was this true? Or were their doctors out there helping reverse diabetes in their patients? Were my medications going to cure me of my diabetes? Or was I destined for a slow and agonizing decline? Or could I prevent all that from ever happening? 9. What happens when someone neglects their type 2 diabetes? Whats the worst thing that can happen to someone with type 2 diabetes? Would my life be cut short by not controlling my diabetes? Would I suffer heart or kidney problems in the future? What other complications will I have to deal with in the future? 10. Can type 2 diabetes make me lose my teeth? Were the problems with my gums due to my diet or where they directly related to my diabetes? I had already had problems with two teeth; I didnt want to lose any more 11. Can type 2 diabetes affect my sex life? Were my problems in the bedroom due to my stressful lifestyle or were they somehow related to the diabetes? Embarrassingly I had started taking "medication" over three years ago because I was never in the moodwas there any hope of being able to be intimate with my girlfriend without having to take a special blue pill? Would my natural desire for my girlfriend return after I started controlling my diabetes? 12. Is it ok to get pregnant with type 2 diabetes? Would my diabetes affect our chances of having children? What toll would this take on my girlfriend? Would she be at risk of complications due to my diabetes? 13. How does alcohol and smoking affect people with type 2 diabetes? I had previously been a smoker and wanted to know if this had an impact on my diabetes? What type of burden did I put on my body from the smoking? Could that have accelerated my diabetes diagnosis? Was my daily night cap ok, or was it causing me problems which I didnt know about? 14. What are the foods and drinks to absolutely avoid if one has type 2 diabetes? Was I eating the right foods? Or was I making my diabetes worse by eating all the wrong foods? Were these foods easy to spot and cut out of my diet? Were they actually going to make a difference with my diabetes? 15. What types of food can you eat if one has Type 2 diabetes? Was I forever burdened with having to eat like a rabbit? Was there a better way? I didnt want to go on a diet, and still wanted to be able to eat great, tasty food Were such foods available to me? 16. What is the most difficult challenge for individuals newly identified with type 2 diabetes? I didnt want to lose my old lifestyle? Was I going to be able to cope with making some new changes in my life?..I didnt want to have my life to be turned upside down. What would happen if I continued to stay in denial about this beast called diabetes? 17. How do I emotionally support my partner, who now has type 2 diabetes? How was my girlfriend going to support me and my diabetes? Did she have to change her life too? What toll was this diagnosis going to take on our relationship? 18. What do people with type 2 diabetes have to do on a daily basis? Would I need to start testing my blood sugar? Would I need to do this once a day or multiple times a day? Would I become scared of everyday food and its effect on my blood sugar? What other things would I need to do on a daily basis so I could prevent future complications? My girlfriend and I discussed this book over dinner and I made a commitment to her that I would start making immediate changes to my life so I could try and tame the beast which is my diabetes. I would start implementing the things I learned in the book the very next day. Later that night we retreat to our bedroom, and we end up talking late into the night. We talked openly about the past few weeks and our amazing encounter with this kind and generous doctor.

Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice
My girlfriend mentions that it would be a great exercise to find other people who have overcome their diabetes this way we could learn as much as could from them and start implementing changes into our own life. I looked lovingly at my girlfriend and told her that this was a brilliant idea.

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Little Did I Know Just How Difficult This Would Be!

Over the coming months I spent my days at my grueling office job and would spend each night hunched over my laptop trying to find other people who have overcome their diabetes. I came to dead end after dead end. After three months of this frustration and my study starting to look like a tornado had hit it. I vented out my frustration on my girlfriend and told her that I was no closer to finding diabetics who had reversed their disease She sat me down and looked directly into my eyes. And told me I should commit to finding these people, and that it would change our lives and really give us guidance with my diabetes as always, I said YESher loving eyes always glistening with hope. Over the coming months I hunkered down and worked even harder to find these people Whenever I found a story of someone who reversed their diabetes I would fire an email off to them asking to do a phone interview with them. Time and time again, I would get no response. Sometimes the email would even bounce back saying the email address was no longer active. I searched high and low. I spent weeks on google, painstakingly clicking on any and every link that was even mildly related to type 2 diabetes.

I Sent Over 119 Emails To People Who Had Supposedly Reversed Their Diabetes
And finally some leads started trickling into my email box. At first glance I wasnt hopeful Most of the email replies said that my idea was noble, but that they had to politely decline an interview. The frustration started to build and my skepticism was rising When finally, after six long months I received an email from an Irish gentleman who said he was more than happy to do an interview and share (in detail) how he reversed his diabetes. I was over the moon. My hard work had started to show some results and all those all-nighters had started to pay off The day of the interview I was racing back and forth between the computer and the kitchen. I was very excited but was also extremely nervous. At exactly 10am I picked up the phone and punched in the enormous international phone number and waited for the Irishman to pick up.

For The Next Two Hours I Listened Transfixed As He Described To Me, How He Not Only Reversed His Diabetes But Also How He Recovered From A Deadly Brain Hemorrhage At The Same Time
According to doctors the Irishman should have been dead within 20 seconds of this brain hemorrhage. He shared how the power of positive thinking, the power of thought and the power of your own ability to heal helped him greatly in his recovery. He truly spilled the beans when it came to sharing about his life and his diabetes. He shared all the challenges he had in his life and all the immense obstacles he had to overcome to get healthy again. I was overwhelmed by what the Irishman told me. I really felt what he shared with me. Then our conversation finally comes to an end and I hang up the phone after we say our goodbyes. I just sat there in a daze with the telephone still in my hand What I had heard was such an incredibly inspiring story that without being aware of it, I had replaced the phone with a notepad and had started churning out notes from memory I didnt stop for the next three hours.

I Knew, Then And There That I Was Onto Something

Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice
I spent that night talking with my girlfriend, sharing every minute detail from the phone call with the Irishman. She said to me you should find six others who also reversed their diabetes. You should interview them and put it all in a book and share it with as many people as possible. I was slightly hesitant with her idea, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Over the coming months I went into workaholic mode. I spent all my evenings on my bedroom floor with my laptop and hundreds of email printouts all around me. Little by little, I was able to organize more phone interviews with others who had agreed to share their incredible stories

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Their Stories Spanned The Entire Globe!

I ended up interviewing 7 everyday people from all around the world. I interviewed a Romanian immigrant, an American Pastor, an African-American woman, an Irish Chef, a retired teacher from the Caribbean, among many others. They all had one deadly thing in common. They all had type two diabetesBut the most amazing part is, they shared how they confronted their diagnosis head on and how they didnt accept the death sentence which was handed to them They share in immense detail what they did to reverse their disease. They share their emotional highs and lows of their journey. They also share all the negativity they encountered by attempting to reverse their diabetes. These were real stories, by real everyday people who show you thatyou really do get a second chance at life

Craigs Story
First there is Craigs story. Craig is a Pastor from Virginia who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in May of 2011. His weight had ballooned to around 267 pounds and he knew something was wrong when he was displaying the classic symptoms of diabetes like: extreme thirst and a chronic need to urinate. He was diagnosed with a blood sugar level of 289. He speaks candidly of when he broke the news to his family. I told the kids that Daddy has diabetesas the words came out I couldnt help but to start to tear up myself, and then of course when I started to cry my kids started crying and everything soit was very difficult for them He continues: when I was diagnosed I talked with a pastor friend of mine who also had type two diabetesman was I was an emotional wreck, and one of the things he told me when we talked he said Craig, by the time this is over he said,you may see your diabetes diagnosis as more of a blessing than a curse, and of course at the time when he said that, I was like Thats crazy! What do you mean blessing? this is a blessing? this is horrible! but in hindsight now I understand what he was talking about

Brendans Story
Brendan is a five star chef from Ireland who was diagnosed in 2008 with type 2 diabetes. He shares that my Father also had type 2 diabetes. He suffered for 10 years from the worst possible effects of diabetes. Brendan was shocked to be diagnosed as he had firsthand experience watching his fathers rapid decline. Brendan also suffered the double-set back of having a main artery brain hemorrhage in the same year he was diagnosed with diabetesso not only did he recover from diabetes he also fully recovered from a brain hemorrhage which usually kills within 20 seconds flat.

Sequoias Story
Next is Sequoia who had a healing centre in Washington, California. Her journey started when she experienced experiencing strange pain with her tongue. After 5 days of this pain, she ends up at the

Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice
Doctors office. He cant explain the tongue pain, but ends up running some tests and shockingly, diagnosed her with type 2 diabetes. She says they put me on medication and sent me to classes on the American Diabetes Association and all the other things from the medical model and inside myself I knew there was a better way.

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Cristinas Story
Cristina was originally from Romania and moved to the United States in 1998. Christina was diagnosed with type two diabetes in December of 2010 with a Hba1c of 7.1 She speaks openly that I didnt know why, but I thought 7.1 was no big deal, I was 36 years old, I cant have diabetes. She continues my husband was furious in the beginning, he blamed it on me, how could you get yourself to this point he yelled? there were some tears, but we both finally calmed down She continues to share how she was not only was able to reverse her diabetes; she was able to help her husband lose weight and as a bonus his sleep apnea totally disappeared as well.

Yolandas Story
Yolanda originally was diagnosed with gestational diabetes (diabetes while pregnant) in 1999. Her Doctor told her that she would most likely end up developing type 2 diabetes as both her parents had suffered from the disease. She speaks candidly of how she was in denial about her eventual type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Finally I got to the point where I didnt care. I got to the point where I was also in denial too. I remember when my sugars were so high, I would go to bed, and my five-year old daughter would have to close up my house. When I awoke I had no idea of what was going onmy diabetes got so out of control at that point, when I went to see the doctor again my A1C level was 9.0He said we are going to have to put you on injectable medication now She continues: Someone who doesnt live that life and tries to tell you to live that hard to take, so I still didnt listen. I just got to the point where I was tired I remember sitting on the edge of the bed with my daughter and I was trying to find a place to inject myself, and it got to a point where I was pricking myself in my fingers so much I couldnt feel my fingers anymore, I couldnt feel my feet anymore, and I couldnt inject my medication into my stomach anymore or my legs because I couldnt find a soft stop to do it And that was when I looked at my daughter and told her I cant live like this anymoreI cant live like this anymore. And that was about a week later after the hospital. And so I went and called my doctor and told him Im not taking any medication any more. I am going to do it my way

Veronicas Story
Veronica was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in August of 2012. She shares how her diagnosed made her feel It was quite upsetting, I mean there was nothing in our family history. I started thinking about how I had let myself downso I took the diagnosis quite harshly. It also meant that I would have to prick myself on a daily basis and be monitoring my glucose constantly. I thought about it and decided that this was not something I wanted as part and parcel of my life, so I needed to do something about it

Cherises Story
Cherises story is one of the saddest; as she battled with having multiple miscarriages and almost lost her life due to an infected C-sectionshe then had to battle diabetes She shares the start of her journey I started developing this headache and my head hurt so bad that I climbed on top of the pool table and was just beating my head on it and my husband said this is not right, there is something wrong with you and were going to take you to the ER. He called my parents

Type 2 Diabetes Advice - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes - Type2 Diabetes Advice
and everybody met me there. They did all their little tests and stuff they normally do to try and figure what was wrong with me it turned out my blood sugar was fluctuating between 400 and 700! She continues: I was in shock. My whole family was in shock. I was in denial for such a long time; for several months afterwardsI didnt like being told what to do by people telling me that this is how its going to be and you cant change it I had a hard time accepting that and I was determined to find a way around this, to beat this thing. One day mark my word. You are not going to condemn me to this My future is not going to unfold the way you say it is

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.After Hearing These Stories I Really Knew That I Had Met Some Truly Extraordinary People I Felt Inspired, Motivated And Knew That I Was About To Receive A New Lease On Life
I worked day and night to compile these stories into something useable. Eventually after multiple edits and revisions I was able to combine everything into 130 pages of invaluable material. I was shocked about the amount of work I was putting into this book. I had now spent all my weekends on this book and my workload has ballooned to over a year of effort into this project. Around the same time I started implementing all the secrets that I learned within the interviews. And I finally started making progress with my own diabetes (thank god). My girlfriend became my biggest fan as she watched me drop my excess weight and my health started to improve

Within Six Months My Blood Sugar Levels Remained Steady At 89!

I didnt want to admit itbut I was quite proud of myself. I would go on walks and I had spring in my step, I had abundant energy, and most of all I was able to get rid of those little blue pills once and for all. So now Id like to share this book with you. Its an e-book, this means you can pay for it online and download it immediately. You can literally have the book in your hands in under five minutes. The good news is that I am not going to charge you thousands of dollars for the information in this book. I am not even going to charge you hundreds of dollarsand Im going to give you a 100% money-back guarantee. I have deliberately kept the price low its just $37. The proceeds (after costs) go to much-needed diabetes research. To keep your credit card details safe, we use PayPals secure server. That means that we never get to see your credit card details you deal directly with PayPal (the worlds most popular credit card processor). PayPal also honors the money-back guarantee.

Heres how the guarantee works. If you read How I Reversed My Type-2 Diabetes and youre not convinced it will help you, I want you to let me know and Ill give you your money back, no questions asked. I cant be any more fair than that. That way theres no risk whatsoever to you.

Please click on the link below to begin a new phase in your journey towards living without diabetes.

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