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Proposed New Allocation Site Conceptual Development Proposal MARCH 2013

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Site location in context to neighbouring towns

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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Document 1.2 Site Location

2.0 Context
2.1 Archaeological & Historical Site Context 2.2 Landscape Context 2.3 Transport Links 2.4 Local Facilities

3.0 Policy & Sites

3.1 Policy 3.2 The Sites

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1.1 Purpose of the Document

This document has been produced in response to the Councils Green Belt Boundary Review as a preliminary submission of Rolls Farm and its associated land, in Great Bookham for consideration in line with the Neighbourhood Development Plan. The emerging scheme is focused on providing an exemplar infill development that accords with national and local planning policy and which provides high standards of design and sustainable construction, whilst protecting and enhancing the landscape and biodiversity assets through carefully located soft landscape and design. The vision is to provide a residential housing scheme that will help meet the future needs of Mole Valley and enhance and sustain Great Bookham as a high quality place to live. With increasing planning powers being handed to local communities, the proposed development seeks to offset the impact of development through significant environmental and social benefits. Through the initial design process opportunities have been identified, however it is the intention that local consultation will guide the process. The community benefits need to outweigh the impact of development.

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1.2 Site Location

The proposed development site is located on the edge of the settlement to the South West of Great Bookham. Great Bookham is a village located between Leatherhead and Guildford in the Mole Valley district of the county of Surrey. It is approximately 13.5 kilometres North East of the centre of Guildford and approximately 5 kilometres to the South West of Leatherhead, with Dorking in close proximity. Bookham rail station is just over 2 kilometres away and Effingham Junction station approximately 3.2 kilometres away. Both stations lie on the New Guildford Line operated by South West Trains with regular services to Waterloo and Guildford. The site is located in Mole Valley District but abuts the district boundary with Guildford District The site lies 4.1km south of the M25, Londons Orbital Motorway, providing easy access to major road links Several bus stops surround the site with regular services to Guildford, Leatherhead, Horsley, Epsom and Woodbridge illustrating its location as being highly sustainable There are numerous schools in Bookham and Fetcham ranging from nursery to secondary with four schools being in close proximity to the site: Manor House School, to the West of the site, is an independent day school for girls aged between 2 and 16 years old; slightly further West is Howard of Effingham School which is an academy school with a science specialism for boys and girls aged between 11 and 18 which achieved an outstanding rating from the Ofsted report; to the South West, St Teresas is the Preparatory School for St Teresas Effingham which is an independent boarding and day school for girls aged 2-18 years old located just over a mile away in 48 acres of rural grounds in a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; and The Dawnay School to the North East is a primary school for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11 To The South East is Polesden Lacey which is owned and run by the National Trust and is one of the Trusts most popular properties. There are extensive grounds, a walled rose garden, lawns and landscape walks through part of the estates 1,400 acres Adjacent to the site is Effingham & Leatherhead Rugby Club and to the South West is Effingham Golf Club

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1.3 Scope & Purpose

This document illustrates that any future planning application is based on a good understanding of local character and circumstances. This document illustrates how a scheme is proposed which draws on the successful precedents in the Guildford area and the site character. It provides a framework that fully, and meaningfully, engages with stakeholder views. The document follows the recommendations of circular 01/2006, employing an assessmentinvolvement-evaluation-design process. This process may be repeated many times as the design is formulated, tested and refined. This document will form the basis of an eventual Design and Access statement, which will be part of a comprehensive package of information submitted with an outline application.

 To establish minimum quality thresholds and a framework that promotes good design  To set a basis for integrating detailed development proposals as they come forward over time to help ensure a coordinated and coherent development  To support the development control process by setting out criteria to evaluate and assess reserved matters  To provide a means of briefing designers and others involved on the standards required when bringing forward development proposals  To provide a framework to positively engage the local community, ensuring the design principles, where possible, meet the needs of the existing residents The developing DAS has a logical structure, which follows that of a successful design process. The following sections set out the process in developing the current scheme; Assessment Involvement Evaluation Design Conclusion


In this instance the function and purpose of the DAS is;

 To explain the design process and provide a concise description of the issues and evaluations that arose as part of the area analysis and consultation with land owners  To set out the urban design and architectural strategy for the development

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2.1 Archaeological & Historical Site Context

A desk based search has identified no areas of high archaeological importance (AHAP) in or around the site. Within the Local Plan the area to the North West which borders the site is defined as a Conservation Area with several local buildings being listed. Given the proposed design of the development it is believed that our proposal would not affect the character and appearance of the Area and would not have any impact on these buildings.

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2.2 Landscape Context

The site lies to the South West of Great Bookham on the edge of settlement. The site comprises a mix of grassland, playing fields and agricultural land used primarily as arable land. The Northern and Eastern boundaries are bordered by the medium density residential buildings of Little Bookham and Great Bookham respectively with the Eastern boundary being flanked by a screen of mature trees and hedgerows. To the South of the site is more agricultural arable land. To the West of the site is low density residential use defined by detached properties in large grounds and to the South West medium density residential use covered by Policy RUD1 Infilling in the Green Belt.

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2.3 Transport Links

Public Transport
As the site is close to established residential and employment areas with a range of facilities and services within a short cycle or bus distance, it is considered to be a suitable location for new development. Rail links to work, retail and leisure destinations further afield are already in place in Bookham and Effingham Junction, just a couple of kilometres away. Bookham railway station is situated 2 kilometres to North of the site. The station is managed by South West Trains whose typical service provides trains between London Waterloo and Guildford via Epsom every 30 minutes. Similarly, Effingham Junction which lies just over 3 kilometres away to the North West of the site, is also managed by South West Trains and is situated at the junction of the New Guildford Line, from London Waterloo to Guildford, and the line from Leatherhead, which carries trains from London Waterloo via Epsom. The site is served by the No.478, 479 and 489 buses with a number of bus stops being located adjacent to the site. These provide regular services between Guildford, Leatherhead and Epsom.

Vehicle Links
The site would be integrated within the established highway network. Strategically the site is easily accessible from the A246, the main artery road between Guildford and Leatherhead. The major route of the M25 can be accessed at Junction 9 at Leatherhead within 6 kilometres and Junction 10 at Cobham within 7 Kilometres. The site abuts the A246 and access would be achieved directly from it with secondary access points onto Old Rectory Lane and Lower ROadImprovements to the junctions would be required including traffic calming measures which would provide significant safety improvements for the local community.

Foot & Cycle Links

As part of the proposed development significant improvements, including a cycle path, would be completed to provide a direct link to Effingham Junction Station helping to improve movement from Great Bookham.

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2.4 Local Facilities

Development of the site will provide highly sustainable housing for local people with specific landscape and ecological benefits. The closest primary school to the site is The Dawnay School which is less than 500 metres to the North East of the proposed housing development on the site. The nearest secondary school is Manor House School, which is only 400 metres to the West of the site. The diagram opposite shows the site and the surrounding environs. Strategically the sites location offers numerous benefits including; Less than 5 kilometres away from the centre of Leatherhead, accessible by car, cycle and bus Excellent bus and road links to Guildford on the A246 and the M25 A local primary school and secondary school within 500 metres Close proximity to the existing services of both Bookham High Street and Effingham A range of leisure facilities in the immediate vicinity including golf, rugby and horseriding Direct access to countryside and public open space

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Policy & Sites

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3.1 Policy
The following are a range of the design related policies and design guidance documents which have been relevant to the evolution of the scheme proposals for the site. Planning policies and decisions should aim to ensure that developments: will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the development establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit optimise the potential of the site to accommodate development, create and sustain an appropriate mix of uses (including incorporation of green and other public space as part of developments) and support local facilities and transport networks respond to local character and history, and reflect the identity of local surroundings and materials, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation; create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion;

are visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping

National Planning Policy Framework

The NPPF states at Paragraph 56 that: The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people. At Paragraph 58 the NFFP states that: Local and neighbourhood plans should develop robust and comprehensive policies that set out the quality of development that will be expected for the area. Such policies should be based on stated objectives for the future of the area and an understanding and evaluation of its defining characteristics.

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Councils Core Strategy dated 2009 and adopted Local Plan dated 2000 Policy CS3
States that the Council is seeking to provide a balanced housing market and that it will require housing proposals to take into account and reflect local housing needs in terms of tenure, size and type of dwellings. In this respect the Council will particularly seek the provision of two and three bedroom dwellings suitable for occupation for all sectors of the community including newly forming households, young couples and expanding families. The proposed development directly seeks to address this need, and in particular seeks to provide an element of affordable family housing for local people of Bookham & Leatherhead.

Development must also incorporate appropriate landscaping with particular attention to the use of trees and hedges native to the locality. Design principles have been incorporated into the proposed development so as to ensure that it respects and enhances both the residential and open character of Bookham.

Policy CS19
States that new development will be required to minimise energy use through its design, layout and orientation; maximise on-site recycling facilities and the re-use and recycling of materials used in construction; to meet at least Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes for housing and this must include a 10% reduction in total carbon emissions through the on-site installation and implementation of decentralised and renewable or low-carbon energy sources

Policy CS14
States that all new development must respect and enhance the character of the area in which it is proposed whilst making the best possible use of the land available, and that the Council will resist development of a poor quality of design.

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The following policies of the Mole Valley Local Plan 2000 are relevant to the design of this proposal:

occupiers of the new development.

Policy ENV23
States that development will normally be permitted where it respects its setting taking account of: the scale, character, bulk, proportions and materials of the surrounding built environment. Developments will not be permitted where it is considered they would constitute over development of the site by reason of scale, height or bulk or in relation to the boundaries of the site and/or surrounding developments; public views warranting protection. Opportunities will be sought to create attractive new views or vistas; townscape features such as street patterns, familiar landmark buildings, and the space about buildings; and the requirement that pitched roofs will normally be expected

having regard to the general space around buildings in the locality.

Policy ENV22
This policy sets out the Councils general development control criteria and states a design and layout will be required which: is appropriate to the site in terms of its scale, form and appearance and external building materials does not significantly harm the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties by reason of overlooking or its overshadowing or overpowering effect, noise, traffic or other adverse environmental impact respects the character and appearance of the locality has regard to attractive features of the site such as trees, hedges, walls or buildings that contribute to the character of the locality provides any necessary screening and landscaping suitable to the character of the locality; provides safe access to the site and adequate parking to adopted standards provides a satisfactory environment for

Policy ENV25
States that proposals for development should demonstrate that particular care has been taken in the provision, use and design of spaces between buildings and that the hard and soft landscape design is suitable for the site and form of development. The development proposal is being designed to meet all of these policies. The scheme will evolve thorough local consultation. The scale, placement and orientation of the proposed development will respect patterns of the surrounding residential roads and the open character of the wider countryside beyond the sites boundary to the west, whilst providing for a development that would have its own sense of place and identity. Variety will be introduced into the proposed design through variations in height and the incorporation of traditional architectural character using details and materials prevalent in the locality

Policy ENV24
States that development will not be permitted where it would result in a cramped appearance

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3.2 The Sites

There are two possible development opportunities at the site; firstly the parcel of land on the edge of the settlement boundary between the A246 and Lower Road (Site 1); and secondly on the land at Rolls Farm (Site 2). The emerging development proposal would represent an opportunity to allocate an innovative and carefully considered design response to the context of the sites and respond to national and local guidance and policies of the Mole Valley District Council. The schemes would be designed in accordance with the significant changes that have taken place in local and national planning policy including the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 which at paragraph 56 seeks - a presumption in favour of sustainable development and to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and building as well as taking account of the character of the different area and the scheme would be drawn up to reflect the principles of a design-led approach to development.

The schemes would achieve high standards of design for both the buildings and the soft and hard landscapes. They would be well related in terms of scale and design to the existing buildings adjacent and in the locality. The results would be an enhanced environment with no negative impact on the amenity of the neighbouring properties. They would be high quality developments which incorporate appropriate provision for access and amenity. The qualities of the proposals can be summarised as follows: Adheres positively to National and Local Planning Guidance and Local Planning Policies and Guidance Respond positively and innovatively to the guidance set out in Mole Valley District Planning Policies Responds to the quality and characteristics of its context Brings under-used land into more efficient use The building form responds to the constraints and opportunities of the site Is adequately serviced without harming the amenities of neighbours or creating highways hazards

Does not overshadow or overlook adjoining properties or cause harm to their amenity Provide high quality attractive accommodation, which takes advantage of the site setting

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Site 1
The overall development area of Site 1 is 24ha. It is made up of a consortium of land owners with land within our ownership amounting to 6ha. 2ha of land is existing playing fields and it is proposed to retain this use and incorporate into the developing masterplan. Of the 24ha it is proposed to develop 17ha as residential with the remaining being allocated as public open space. The proposed scheme would comprise of 625 residential dwellings including 240 affordable houses and 7 hectares (17 acres) of open space to meet with policy requirements. The range of dwelling sizes proposed includes 75No. 5-bed houses, 125No. 4-bed houses, 94No. 3-bed houses, and 81No. 2-beds with a proposed density of 35 dwellings per hectare. The indicative site layout provides a comprehensive development, which would present an ideal infill opportunity, rounding off the Great Bookham settlement.

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Site 2
The overall development area of Site 2 is 6.7ha. It is made up of a single land owner and comprises the land and buildings at Rolls Farm. It is proposed to develop a small low density infill with open space potentially comprising a retirement scheme of housing for the over 65s. 2ha of the area would be used as open space. The proposed scheme would comprise of 70 residential dwellings.

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Scale, Massing and Appearance

The scale of the development swould be domestic residential, comprising modest detached and semi detached houses. Most would be 2 storeys with 47 pitch roofs responding generally to the houses in the immediate locality on The Lourne, Hawkwood Rise & Rectory Lane The houses would be designed to reflect the character of the wider locality rather than just the style of the houses immediately adjacent.. The Surrey vernacular is characterised by a variety, particularly of construction materials, often unique to single buildings. This is the product of time, alterations and changes reflecting the changing needs and availability of materials and skills. The architectural treatment of the schemes therefore will need to recognise and use the locally evident materials and apply styles which are practical and feasible for modern construction and living requirements. The scheme would aim to create identifiable attractive places through the use of streetscape, landscape and enclosure.

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Thames House, 77a High Street Esher, Surrey KT10 9QA Tel: 01372 464 819 Fax: 01372 471 163

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