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BIG STEP T@EIC ete ote ae) Lé Huy Lam a NTV NHA XUAT BAN TONG HOP Cong ty TNHH THANH PHO HO CHI MINH Nhan Tri Viet BIG STEP TOEIC 1 Copyiight © 2608 YBM)si-sa Published in Vietnam. 2009 "This" euition ig publisnodt in Vietnam undsr a license Agreement between YBM)sisa, Korea and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Lid. Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korez. Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may bé repreduGed, stored in a retrieval:system, ‘or transmitted. i any form ox'by any means, electonic: mechanical, photocopying. recording,

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