Deleted Scene From Jaws

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DELETED SCENE: JAWS (1975) Freshly discovered behind a Welsh dresser in the dining room of the late producer

Richard Zanuck, this scene from Spielbergs classic film was reportedly shot but never made the final cut. It precedes the famous scene in which Quint tells his USS Indianapolis story before he, Hooper and Brody sing Show Me The Way To Go Home*

INT. ORCAS GALLEY (AT SEA) NIGHT CHIEF BRODY pulls the door back and enters the galley. The room is full of steam which clears to reveal MATT HOOPER wearing a lace apron and a white chefs hat. He is sprinkling herbs into a metal tray that contains three ornately prepared Dover sole. He is slicing stoned apricots. BRODY Whats this? You taking a shower in here? HOOPER (Humming an upbeat song) Just getting dinner ready. Could you pass me the rock salt please? There is a repeated dull thud from outside, like the sound of a small axe cutting a log. BRODY I didnt know Julia Child stowed away with us. Wait until Matt Hooper sees this. HOOPER gets the salt himself and sprinkles it over the fish with a flourish. HOOPER Very droll, Martin. Its been a long day. Weve all, most of us worked really hard so I thought Id cook us up an old Hooper family classic. Filet de Sole bonne femme. BRODY Hoopers a French name huh? HOOPER Its a recipe that stretches back generations. I remember helping my mother fillet the sole when I was six years old. BRODY (Sarc)

You really are from The Hamptons arent ya. I remember trying not to get shot at by New York street gangs when I was six years old. HOOPER (Droll) Gosh, how earthy and real. Help me chop these will you, and be careful theyre ceps. I had em flown in from Maine. BRODY You want me to hang a chandelier over the table and press some napkins? What are you doing wasting your time with all this? Youre makin this for Quint? I saw him eating a fish head from the bucket this afternoon. Whats he supposed to do with this? HOOPER I think you underestimate him. Hes an experimenter. He makes apricot brandy in his spare time. Hes obviously no stranger to la vie gastronomique. BRODY I tried that apricot brandy. It tasted like hot toothpaste. HOOPER Actually, after the throat spasms calmed down, some of the background notes were really quite complex. BRODY So thats why youre putting apricots in with the fish? HOOPER No thats part of the recipe. BRODY opens a can of beer. HOOPER testily wipes some of the beer spray off his apron. He sprinkles chopped herbs into the bowl of ceps and starts tossing the mixture gently. BRODY What are you doing? HOOPER Im infusing the ceps with tarragon. BRODY Jesus. I dont know why you dont just open a can of tuna and put a fork in it for him. Did you bring your own Ming China to eat this off of? HOOPER

Actually, Quints set of 1960s Falcon enamelware is a timeless design classic, up there with the Coke bottle. I think hell really appreciate the juxtaposition of cordon bleu cuisine with utilitarian functionality when he sees it. BRODY Who? The guy outside throwing his hunting knife into the door? Another dull thud from outside. HOOPER If my cooking frightens you, Martin BRODY It doesnt frighten me. I think its up its ass! HOOPER Well theres a box of Cheerios next to the first aid box if BRODY You think I cant see what youre doing here? Trying to pall up with the captain just cos you got to tie a rope to a barrel with a sheep-shank HOOPER Like you could do that. Hey, who am I? (Mimes baby crying) I wanna go home! I dont like the sea! Maybe we can radio in and get a bigger boat! Wha! Wha! BRODY (Pushes his nose up at the front and affects a posh WASP voice) Im Matt Hooper! I went to Harvard and I think the word mushroom is beneath me! The door swings open and QUINT steps into the galley. He removes the hunting knife wedged into the door frame. The other two become silent, as though a teacher has walked into their classroom. QUINT I told ya I shouldve come alone. You gentlemen gonna give me another chance to be right about that? Mr Hooper? Chief? BRODY and HOOPER shake their heads, chastened. QUINT looks at the Dover Sole.

QUINT Whatve we got here? HOOPER puts his hand up. HOOPER Dover Sole Bonne Femme, itsits a family recipe. QUINT grunts, nodding. QUINT Well, you wanna pair that up right, theres a bottle of 1973 Puligny-Montrachet in the ice box next to the chum bucket. Should be the right temperature. QUINT steps down and walks over to his berth. HOOPER shoots BRODY an I told you so look before returning to his fish. BRODY You know what? Im not even going to sit with you. Im just going to stand next to the table. You watch me HOOPER You do what you want BRODY Cos you know what? Anybody who uses apricots in a classic bonne femme recipe knows Jack-shit about traditional French cuisine de paysanne! CUT TO: INT. THE ORCA (AT SEA) NIGHT QUINT and HOOPER are sat around the small wooden table. The meal is finished and the dishes are now empty. Bloated and overfed, HOOPER sighs as he sips Puligny-Montrachet from an earthenware teacup. BRODY as promised, stands away from them. He looks away and inspects a bump on his head. QUINT spots him and calls over. QUINT Chief? Dont you worry about it, Chief. It wont be permanent.. From here the film continues as normal. *(with apologies to Carl Gottlieb and Peter Benchley)

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